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Re: autism and vaccines

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Thanks for sending this good letter.

maurineFrom: Avril, Tom <tavrilphillynews (DOT) com>Subject: RE: Vaccines/autism/ offitTo: maurine...Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 9:23 AMThank you for your note.It's my understanding that with the exception of some flu vaccines, there is no thimerosal in vaccines given to very young children, which is when autism tends to be diagnosed,

as you know.In the study by the CDC's Bill , the government has studied people who got thimerosal-free vaccines vs people who got vaccines with thimerosal. They found no connection with autism and thimerosal.If someone ever finds otherwise, believe me, we will report it.-Tom Avril

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for tavri@phillu grouos.

But symptoms often started 12-24 houts adfter injectio of MMR containing thi,merosal at age 14=17 monthsH. H.Fudenberg, M.D.,DDG.IOMInman, SC 29349Website nitrf.org

To: tavril@...CC: eoharm From: dad_4_kids@...Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 14:47:02 -0700Subject: autism and vaccines

To start withm autism is NOT diagnosed around the time vaccines are given. This is commonly repeated by people in media as well as many "experts" in various positions in the medical world. The average age of diagnosis in the US remains about 42-45 months, while the lionsshare of vaccines are given before 18 mos. What IS temporal is the use of pediatric vaccines and parental notice of regression, which is an entirely different matter, and considering how often parents' observations are dismissed as useless anecdotal reports, it hardly seems fitting to utilize their reports in this dismissive manner. In truth, I am not aware of any study which has absolutely quantified the average or median age of diagnosis in the US, and there is conflicting evidence. The (pr)Offits of the world would like us to believe that autism is diagnosed around the time that vaccines are administered, and meanwhile the Laidlers of the world point out that the data tabulated by TAAP using US Dept of Ed records are untrustworthy because children are STILL being identified as autistic in middle school. You can't have it both ways.And yes I realize that there is a broad gap between medical diagnosies and educational diagnosies, but with all the media blitz and internet push parents are far more likely to hammer for the truth than they were just a decade ago, and the gap between the two cannot be so very great that both suppositions listed above can hold true.I for one am groing completely fed up with the bullshit double talk coming from the mouths of people getting paid 6 figures+ by the govt., hospitals and universities while they skim another 6 figures behind the back from the industry they should be skeptical of and bird-dogging in the public interest.On the matter of thimerosal content of vaccines, accor\ding to the FDA, MUCH of the thimerosal has indeed been removed from the pediatric schedule, although not all. Gone is MOST of the thimerosal used as a preservative, but remaining is the thimerosal used in the process of manufacturing. Supposedly this is filtered out, but there is no independant testing to verify this is actually being done. There are ste still several vaccines containing thimerosal in pre-1999 levels, one of the DPT's one of the Hep B's, one of the Hep A's, and of course they have added in 4 flu shots with full dose, thereby undoing several of te removals in the net total.And they have added into the reformulated shots salts of aluminum to replace the thimerosal (still need a biocide preservative, after all). I am no chemist or toxicologist to know whether 1400 mu of aluminum is more, less or equally as toxic as 25 mu of mercury, but aluminum is a known neurologically toxic element, and is suspected as contributing to alzheimers among other conditions.Bottom line is, none of the studies conducted by the experts actually answers the question "do vaccines cause autism". They have all been, without exception, statistical manipulations conducted by people with everything to lose if the answer is "yes". To date the CDC and NIH have refused to compare unvaccinated children to vaccinated children, which is the only population study which conceivably COULD answer the question. They also embargo all datasets to prevent anyone from recollating the data in any manner other than they way they have done, just to "check the math".What truly amazes me to no end, is the "circling of the wagons" that has occured concerning vaccines. The CDC has been caught grossly exxagerting the benfit of several vaccines and grossly underreporting the adverse events that can occur, and the media eats it up right off their spoon. We have seen the same behavior from the FDA in several other classes of drugs, and the media picks right up on this, but for some strange reason the newshounds drop their role in life as skeptical watchdogs when it comes to vaccines.And the population spike of autistic children which began sometime in the mid/late 80's is just coming to age to require full-time residential care, which will strain the Medicaire budget beyond means just at the time the Boomers begin to at the other end of the population, and we as a nation are nowhere near ready to foot the bill. Gonna make the current financial market crisis look like nothing when reality sets in.From: Avril, Tom <tavrilphillynews (DOT) com>Subject: RE: Vaccines/autism/ offitTo: maurine...Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 9:23 AMThank you for your note.It's my understanding that with the exception of some flu vaccines, there is no thimerosal in vaccines given to very young children, which is when autism tends to be diagnosed, as you know.In the study by the CDC's Bill , the government has studied people who got thimerosal-free vaccines vs people who got vaccines with thimerosal. They found no connection with autism and thimerosal.If someone ever finds otherwise, believe me, we will report it.-Tom Avril See how Windows connects the people, information, and fun that are part of your life. See Now

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Well put. I would add that symptoms of mercury poisoning do not

immediately appear and symptoms of heavy metal toxicity vary to such

an extent that poisoning is difficult to diagnose.

Our son was 15 months when he received the DTaP by Sanofi that

contains thimerosal. Within a week, rash had began on elbows and

thighs. We saw a dermatologist who told us it could be allergies.

During this time he stopped talking. By 16 months tantrumming

escalated and screaming became constant. He stopped sleeping. It

wasn't until 18 months (almost three full months after receiving the

vaccination) that we lost eye contact and he developed odd behaviors.

We chelated and didn't see mercury until the 6th month. Once the

mercury was pulled, language/eye contact/social interaction

returned. Our son lost his diagnosis. We are living proof that

autism can be the direct result of mercury poisoning.

BTW, once the body has been burdened by mercury, other metals are

also picked up.

Is it possible our son picked up the mercury somewhere other than the

Sanofi DTaP vaccine? Absolutely. But, wouldn't that be an odd

coincidence...symptoms appear shortly after this vaccine which just

happens to contain thimerosal?

Still, I recognize the possibility but find the probability laughable.

The best way to determine heavy metal toxicity is a porphyrin test.

Blood tests only show recent exposure. So, if you have an autistic

child and you'd like to see whether or not heavy metals play a part

in his disease, check into porphyrin levels. I'm so very glad I

did...and ignored the mainstream docs who said " Stick him in therapy

and see how he does. "



> From: Avril, Tom <tavrilphillynews (DOT) com>

> Subject: RE: Vaccines/autism/ offit

> To: maurine...

> Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 9:23 AM


> Thank you for your note.

> It's my understanding that with the exception of some flu vaccines,

there is no thimerosal in vaccines given to very young children,

which is when autism tends to be diagnosed, as you know.

> In the study by the CDC's Bill , the government has studied

people who got thimerosal-free vaccines vs people who got vaccines

with thimerosal. They found no connection with autism and thimerosal.

> If someone ever finds otherwise, believe me, we will report it.


> -Tom Avril


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Write this to that jerk of a reporter.


Subject: Re: autism and vaccinesTo: EOHarm Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 10:07 PM

Well put. I would add that symptoms of mercury poisoning do not immediately appear and symptoms of heavy metal toxicity vary to such an extent that poisoning is difficult to diagnose. Our son was 15 months when he received the DTaP by Sanofi that contains thimerosal. Within a week, rash had began on elbows and thighs. We saw a dermatologist who told us it could be allergies. During this time he stopped talking. By 16 months tantrumming escalated and screaming became constant. He stopped sleeping. It wasn't until 18 months (almost three full months after receiving the vaccination) that we lost eye contact and he developed odd behaviors.We chelated and didn't see mercury until the 6th month. Once the mercury was pulled, language/eye contact/social interaction returned. Our son lost his diagnosis. We are living proof that autism can be the direct result of mercury poisoning. BTW, once

the body has been burdened by mercury, other metals are also picked up.Is it possible our son picked up the mercury somewhere other than the Sanofi DTaP vaccine? Absolutely. But, wouldn't that be an odd coincidence. ..symptoms appear shortly after this vaccine which just happens to contain thimerosal? Still, I recognize the possibility but find the probability laughable.The best way to determine heavy metal toxicity is a porphyrin test. Blood tests only show recent exposure. So, if you have an autistic child and you'd like to see whether or not heavy metals play a part in his disease, check into porphyrin levels. I'm so very glad I did...and ignored the mainstream docs who said "Stick him in therapy and see how he does."Rhonda> > From: Avril, Tom <tavrilphillynews (DOT) com>> Subject: RE: Vaccines/autism/ offit> To: maurine...> Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 9:23 AM> > Thank you for your note.> It's my understanding that with the exception of some flu vaccines, there is no thimerosal in vaccines given to very young children, which is when autism tends to be diagnosed, as you know.> In the study by the CDC's Bill , the government has studied people who got thimerosal-free vaccines vs people who got vaccines with thimerosal. They found no connection with autism and thimerosal.> If someone ever finds otherwise, believe me, we will report it.> > -Tom Avril>

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Yes, thank you! All excellent points!! Well done!

I apologize for coming in late.


> > From: Avril, Tom tavrilphillynews (DOT) com>> Subject: RE: Vaccines/autism/ offit> To: maurine...> Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 9:23 AM> > Thank you for your note.> It's my understanding that with the exception of some flu vaccines, there is no thimerosal in vaccines given to very young children, which is when autism tends to be diagnosed, as you know.> In the study by the CDC's Bill , the government has studied people who got thimerosal-free vaccines vs people who got vaccines with thimerosal. They found no connection with autism and thimerosal.> If someone ever finds otherwise, believe me, we will report it.> > -Tom Avril>

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