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Re: Fw: AAEM News:TEP: EPA News Release (HQ): Statement of P. Administrator, U.S. Environmental

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Dr Thrasher,

Thank you, and others, for posting this information about the

intent of EPA on chemical exposure. I want to make two points:

1. This is not the only action by EPA and other govt agencies

such as HUD and CDC. For example, CDC has the National

Conversation on Public Health and Chemical Exposure program

http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/nationalconversation/ Active committee

members include a number of the movers and shakers involved

in chemical exposure and intolerance issues. HUD has a healthy

housing program.

All three fund the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH)

www.nchh.org and have re-affirmed the Healthy Home Practioner

training. An increasing number of non-profit, academic, extension

service, medical, and public health entities are working with

NCHH, including training others to recognize health and safety

hazards in homes, including rentals and those controlled by

property managers.

2. These efforts, while new and important, are not yet the

majority. HUD, for example, has an organizational chart so

complex that an large arrow must be added just to locate the

department of Healthy Housing. As Administrator clearly

states in her address, the current legislation governing EPA's

authority is woefully inadequate and needs a major update before

they can truly fulfill their mission. And it needs to be funded.

Neither of which has occurred yet. And we don't know if they will

be able to endure.

What I want to emphasize is that the movement against what we

need is no longer the only movement. There is now a multi-

agency and multi-disciplinary movement in existence at high

levels of govt and the public. And it is growing, addressing some

(not all) of our needs. Baby steps. But they are steps.

For those of you in crisis I realize this doesn't help you right now,

and you need help right now. The help will be in the future. But

you can still participate, as you are able, at your own time and

pace, with your own talents, by being aware so you can inform

others and lend your support when the slim door of opportunity

opens a little wider.

Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC

" If the people lead, eventually the leaders will follow. "

Amory Lovins

AAEM News:TEP: EPA News Release (HQ): Statement of

P. Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Legislative Hearing on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Senate

Committee on Environment and Public Works December 2, 2009


EPA Press Office




December 2, 2009

Statement of P.

Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Legislative Hearing on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)

Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works

December 2, 2009

WASHINGTON - Chairman Lautenberg, Chairman Boxer, Ranking

Member Inhofe and other members of the committee, thank you for the

opportunity to speak about how we can improve our framework for

assessing and managing chemical risks.

Understandably, the public is turning to government for assurance that

chemicals that are ubiquitous in our economy, our environment and our

bodies have been assessed using the best available science, and that

unacceptable risks have been eliminated.

But, under existing law, we cannot give that assurance. Restoring

confidence in our chemical management system is a top priority for me,

and a top environmental priority for the Obama Administration.


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