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Wrongplanet.net: Autism Speaks Intimidates yet another Autistic Blogger -...

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*Autism Speaks Intimidates yet another Autistic Blogger - ChillingEffects*http://www.wrongplanet.net/article371.htmlPosted on Saturday, June 21 @ 09:30:14 EDT by<http://www.wrongplanet.net/top.htmlics> After the negative publicity Autism Speaks received for threateningto sue a 14 year old autistic girl<http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt55202.html> for her perfectly legalparody website, you would think that the organization learned theirlesson. Unfortunately, they're at it again, this time threatening anautistic blogger's t-shirt company with legal action for a shirt thatread "'Autism Speaks' can go away. I have Autism. I can speak formyself." The organization claimed the t-shirt was a violation ofcopyright, despite the fact that such a t-shirt is protected as freespeech. Autism Speaks, which claims to speak for autism, has no autisticemployees or board members with autism and is viewed as a bully bymany autistic individuals who feel that the organization engages intactics that marginalize their voices and contribute to anenvironment that hurts the lives of those with Autism. Their mostrecent move certainly supports such an argument.*Read on for the details and links.*AspieWeb <http://www.aspieweb.net/> is run by an autistic individualnamed Zach, who posted about the incident on his site. Zach hasdesigned a variety of humorous and more serious t-shirts for peoplewith autism. He is one of the countless autistic individuals who feelthat Autism Speaks does more harm than good so his t-shirts voicesentiments shared by a large community. Zach received the following notice from his t-shirt company:Dear Zach,Thank you for your email.Thank you for your interest in Zazzle.com, and thank you forpublishing products on Zazzle. Unfortunately, we have been contactedby Autism Speaks Inc. and it was requested that these products beremoved from Zazzle.com. At the risk of legal action taken againstZazzle and yourself as a contributor of these products, it wasdecided that it was in the best interest of both parties to have theproducts removed from the Zazzle Marketplace.Thanks for using Zazzle!Best Regards,MarcosContent Management TeamZazzle.com, Inc.Hopefully Zach will find another company to print his t-shirts;preferably one that understands copyright law.

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Wrongplanet are NueroDiversers (NDs). They and AS can have at each

other -- although it is stupid for AS to pick a fight with this bunch,

the NDs exist to provoke organized autism parent groups seeking

treatments and cure.




> *Autism Speaks Intimidates yet another Autistic Blogger - Chilling

> Effects*

> http://www.wrongplanet.net/article371.html


> Posted on Saturday, June 21 @ 09:30:14 EDT by

> <http://www.wrongplanet.net/top.htmlics>


> After the negative publicity Autism Speaks received for threatening

> to sue a 14 year old autistic girl

> <http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt55202.html> for her perfectly legal

> parody website, you would think that the organization learned their

> lesson. Unfortunately, they're at it again, this time threatening an

> autistic blogger's t-shirt company with legal action for a shirt that

> read " 'Autism Speaks' can go away. I have Autism. I can speak for

> myself. " The organization claimed the t-shirt was a violation of

> copyright, despite the fact that such a t-shirt is protected as free

> speech.


> Autism Speaks, which claims to speak for autism, has no autistic

> employees or board members with autism and is viewed as a bully by

> many autistic individuals who feel that the organization engages in

> tactics that marginalize their voices and contribute to an

> environment that hurts the lives of those with Autism. Their most

> recent move certainly supports such an argument.


> *Read on for the details and links.*


> AspieWeb <http://www.aspieweb.net/> is run by an autistic individual

> named Zach, who posted about the incident on his site. Zach has

> designed a variety of humorous and more serious t-shirts for people

> with autism. He is one of the countless autistic individuals who feel

> that Autism Speaks does more harm than good so his t-shirts voice

> sentiments shared by a large community.


> Zach received the following notice from his t-shirt company:


> Dear Zach,


> Thank you for your email.


> Thank you for your interest in Zazzle.com, and thank you for

> publishing products on Zazzle. Unfortunately, we have been contacted

> by Autism Speaks Inc. and it was requested that these products be

> removed from Zazzle.com. At the risk of legal action taken against

> Zazzle and yourself as a contributor of these products, it was

> decided that it was in the best interest of both parties to have the

> products removed from the Zazzle Marketplace.


> Thanks for using Zazzle!


> Best Regards,


> Marcos

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