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Powdered noni juice is also available but watch the added sugar

content. http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/29201

Due to the high sugar content and the lack of any tendency on the

part of noni juice to ferment the concentrate is subsequently

reconstituted with water and pasteurized before bottling.


Some producers choose to dilute their juice with water and sweeten

the product with the addition of sugar


Nutritional analysis http://www.nonijuice.uk.com/noni-nutritional-


Although Noni juice is high in sugar content,


Info and research/liver toxity Noni supplement summary by Ray

Sahelian, M.D.

At this point, there are few scientific data to support the use of a

noni extract or noni juice as a substitute for any standard medical

treatment. Patients who are looking for additional help in treating

mild infections, cancer or chronic pain could try noni, realizing

that the benefits are likely to be minimal. Perhaps future research

will give us additional clues to the potential therapeutic benefits

of using noni juice or noni powder for cancer, diabetes, immune

deficiency or other conditions. In the meantime, due to its content

of various nutrients, noni juice and noni supplement are healthy to

consume as part of an overall balanced diet. However, we discourage

high dose noni use for prolonged periods until more long term human

research is available.

Does noni cause harm to the liver, does noni cause hepatitis?

There have been some reports that noni has caused liver harm, but

this matter has been disputed.

Hepatotoxicity of noni juice: report of two cases.

World J Gastroenterol. 2005 Aug 14;11(30):4758-60.

Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University Graz, Austria.

Noni juice (Morinda citrifolia) is an increasingly popular wellness

drink claimed to be beneficial for many illnesses. No overt toxicity

has been reported to date. We present two cases of novel

hepatotoxicity of noni juice. Causality of liver injury by noni juice

was asses-sed. Routine laboratory tests and transjugular or

percutaneous liver biopsy were performed. The first patient underwent

successful liver transplantation while the second patient recovered

spontaneously after cessation of noni juice. A 29-year-old man with

previous toxic hepatitis associated with small doses of paracetamol

developed sub-acute hepatic failure following consumption of 1.5 L

noni juice over 3 wk necessitating urgent liver transplantation. A 62-

year-old woman without evidence of previous liver disease developed

an episode of self-limited acute hepatitis following consumption of 2

L noni juice for over 3 mo. The most likely hepatotoxic components of

Morinda citrifolia were anthraquinones. Physicians should be aware of

potential hepatotoxicity of noni juice.

Noni juice is not hepatotoxic.

World J Gastroenterol. 2006 Jun 14. West BJ, Jensen CJ, Westendorf J.

Research and Development Department, Tahitian Noni International,

American Fork, UT 84003, USA.

Noni juice has been approved for use as a safe food within the

European Union, following a review of safety. Since approval, three

cases of acute hepatitis in Austrian noni juice consumers have been

published, where a causal link is suggested between the liver

dysfunction and ingestion of anthraquinones from the plant.

Measurements of liver function in a human clinical safety study of

Tahitian Noni Juice, as well as subacute and subchronic animal

toxicity tests revealed no evidence of adverse liver effects at doses

many times higher than those reported in the case studies.

Additionally, noni anthraquinones occur in the fruit in quantities

too small to be of any toxicological significance. The available data

reveals no evidence of liver toxicity.

Septempter 2006 - The European Union's food safety agency EFSA has

found no " convincing evidence " of a link between noni juice and four

reported cases of hepatitis in Austria and Germany. Noni juice, made

from the fruit of the Morinda Citrifolia plant, sometimes known as

the Indian Mulberry, hit shelves across Europe after it was

authorized by the European Commission in 2003 for the market.

Austria's health and food safety body sounded a warning in 2005 after

three acute hepatitis cases were reported. EFSA said its expert panel

on dietetic products, nutrition and allergies examined the Austrian

and Germany cases in which the people who consumed noni juice later

came down with hepatitis. " The NDA Panel came to the conclusion that

there is no convincing evidence for a causal relationship between the

acute hepatitis observed in the case reports and the consumption of

noni juice, " EFSA said in a statement. " On the basis of the available

information, it is unlikely that consumption of noni juice at the

observed levels of intake induces adverse human liver effects, " it


Noni Research Update

Inhibition of angiogenic initiation and disruption of newly

established human vascular networks by juice from Morinda citrifolia

( noni ).

Angiogenesis. 2003;6(2):143-9.

Noni, the juice of the fruit from the Morinda citrifolia plant, has

been used for centuries as a medicinal agent. We tested the effects

of noni juice in a three-dimensional fibrin clot matrix model using

human placental vein and human breast tumor explants as sources for

angiogenic vessel development. Noni in concentrations of 5% (vol/vol)

or greater was highly effective in inhibiting the initiation of new

vessel sprouts from placental vein explants, compared with initiation

in control explants in media supplemented with an equivalent amount

of saline. These concentrations of noni were also effective in

reducing the growth rate and proliferation of newly developing

capillary sprouts. When used at a concentration of 10% in growth

media, noni was able to induce vessel degeneration and apoptosis in

wells with established capillary networks within a few days of its

application. We also found that 10% noni juice in media was an

effective inhibitor of capillary initiation in explants from human

breast tumors. In tumor explants which did show capillary sprouting,

the vessels rapidly degenerated (2-3 days) in those exposed to media

supplemented with 10% noni.

Antitumour potential of a polysaccharide-rich substance from the

fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia ( Noni plant ) on sarcoma 180

ascites tumour in mice.

Phytother Res. 2003 Dec;17(10):1158-64.

An immunomodulatory polysaccharide-rich substance ( Noni -ppt) from

the fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia has been found to possess both

prophylactic and therapeutic potentials against the immunomodulator

sensitive Sarcoma 180 tumour system. The antitumour activity of Noni -

ppt produced a cure rate of 25%-45% in allogeneic mice and its

activity was completely abolished by the concomitant administration

of specific inhibitors of macrophages (2-chloroadenosine), T cells

(cyclosporine) or natural killer (NK) cells (anti-asialo GM1

antibody). Noni -ppt showed synergistic or additive beneficial

effects when combined with a broad spectrum of chemotherapeutic

drugs, including cisplatin, adriamycin, mitomycin-C, bleomycin,

etoposide, 5- fl uorouracil, vincristine or camptothecin. It was not

beneficial when combined with paclitaxel, cytosine arabinoside, or

immunosuppressive anticancer drugs such as cyclophosphamide,

methotrexate or 6-thioguanine. Noni -ppt also demonstrated beneficial

effects when combined with the Th1 cytokine, interferon gamma, but

its activity was abolished when combined with Th2 cytokines,

interleukin-4 or interleukin-10, thereby suggesting that Noni -ppt

induces a Th1 dominant immune status in vivo.

From Polynesian healers to health food stores: changing perspectives

of Morinda citrifolia (noni).

Integr Cancer Ther. 2002 Jun;1(2):110-20; discussion 120.

Morinda citrifolia L (noni) is one of the most important traditional

Polynesian medicinal plants. Remedies from isolated Polynesian

cultures, such as that of Rotuma, illustrate traditional indications

that focus upon leaves, roots, bark, and green fruit, primarily for

topical ailments. Anecdotally collected Hawaiian remedies that employ

noni fruit illustrate changing usage patterns with shifts in recent

times to preparation of juice made of ripe or decaying fruit. Ralph

M. Heinicke promoted a wide range of claims about noni, and these

seem to have fueled much of the current commercial interest in the

plant. Recent studies of the proliferation of commercial products

have shown that noni product manufacturers are promoting a range of

therapeutic claims. These claims are based upon traditional

Polynesian uses, Heinicke's ideas, and fragments of recent scientific

studies including the activity of noni in the treatment of cancer. A

review is provided of recent studies of potential anticancer activity

of noni fruit. While noni's anticancer potential is still being

explored, it continues to be widely used by Polynesians and non-

Polynesians alike for both traditional and newly hypothesized


From Polynesian healers to health food stores: changing perspectives

of noni plant - Morinda citrifolia (Rubiaceae).

Integr Cancer Ther. 2002 Jun;1(2):110-20; discussion 120.

Noni is one of the most important traditional Polynesian medicinal

plants. Remedies from isolated Polynesian cultures, such as that of

Rotuma, illustrate traditional indications that focus upon leaves,

roots, bark, and green fruit, primarily for topical ailments.

Anecdotally collected Hawaiian remedies that employ noni fruit

illustrate changing usage patterns with shifts in recent times to

preparation of juice made of ripe or decaying fruit. Ralph M.

Heinicke promoted a wide range of claims about noni, and these seem

to have fueled much of the current commercial interest in the plant.

Recent studies of the proliferation of commercial products have shown

that noni product manufacturers are promoting a range of therapeutic

claims. These claims are based upon traditional Polynesian uses,

Heinicke's ideas, and fragments of recent scientific studies

including the activity of noni in the treatment of cancer. A review

is provided of recent studies of potential anticancer activity of

noni fruit. While noni's anticancer potential is still being

explored, it continues to be widely used by Polynesians and non-

Polynesians alike for both traditional and newly hypothesized


Noni juice (Morinda citrifolia): hidden potential for hyperkalemia?

Am J Kidney Dis. 2000 Feb;35(2):310-2.

We report the case of a man with chronic renal insufficiency who self-

medicated with an alternative medicine product known as noni juice

(Morinda citrifolia). The patient presented to the clinic with

hyperkalemia despite claiming adherence to a low-potassium diet. The

potassium concentration in noni juice samples was determined and

found to be 56 mEq/L, similar to that in orange juice and tomato

juice. Herbal remedies and alternative medicine products may be

surreptitious sources of potassium in patients with renal disease.

Noni plant and noni supplement emails

Q. I came across a web site that claimed noni juice, derived from the

noni fruit, can treat or cure cancer, hypertension, sinusitis,

ulcers, depression, lupus, herpes, hepatitis and heart disease. Is

this true?

A. There is no noni research in humans that we could find that

supports the various claims made about noni juice or noni powder


Q. Is the benefit of Tahitian noni more than other types of noni from

other islands such as Hawaiian noni?

A. More important than which island noni is from is how it is

grown and prepared and how clean the manufacturing process and the

reliability of the company selling the noni product. Most likely,

whether it is noni from Tahiti or noni from Hawaii probably makes

little difference in practical terms.

Q. Is cancer prevention a benefit of morinda noni juice or noni


A. This is impossible to say. No long term human trials are

available to tell us whether a benefit of morinda or noni is cancer

prevention or treatment.

Q. Is the noni juice health benefit similar to noni supplement ?

A. Probably not since noni juice is sometimes mixed with other

juices, but if it is pure noni juice, then the health benefit would

be similar to the noni powder sold as a noni capsule supplement.

Q. Is morinda noni drink different that noni juice ?

A. There are dozens of companies, national and international, that

make various noni products. Each company's noni product, whether noni

juice or noni drink, is likely to be slightly or moderately different

in terms of composition. Whether for practical purposes this makes

any differences as far as the health benefit of noni product, this is

difficult to say.

Q. Is noni a scam ? I hear so much about everything that noni is

supposed to heal. I don't know whether I should buy noni juice or

whether it is a scam.

A. Yes and no. Noni probably has some health benefit, but it is

too early to say what the benefits are. However, it is a scam to make

all kinds of healing claims about noni when little human research is


Q. Does noni juice lead to weight loss?

A. I doubt if noni juice or noni drink have weight loss potential.

Q. I am contacting you in an attempt to get information on the noni

juice which I have been made aware will provide relief from this

malicious disease. My brother in law in Switzerland recently has been

diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. They have gone in and relieved the

fluids from his pancreas. They are considering chemo depending on the

test results and his present health condition. Do you think noni

juice will help? If so how may we obtain the noni juice? What is the

recommended noni juice dosage? and of course what is the cost

associated with noni juice?

A. There are no studies with noni juice and pancreatic cancer,

therefore not much can be said on this topic.

Q. Do you have any noni testimonials?

A. We have had some people email us noni testimonials but we

suspected they were noni suppliers or sellers and the noni

testimonials did not seem to be believable. We are still waiting for

a reliable testimonial to be emailed to us.

Q. Have you tried herbal noni tea?

A. Not yet but I suspect herbal noni tea would not be pleasant

tasting unless it is mixed with other herbs.

Q. I understand that you are somehow involved in the distribution /

purchasing / marketing or writing about noni products. Have you heard

about the recent bad publicity noni products are receiving? According

to a website, the American Cancer Society has published information

about the Noni Plant and concludes that " there is no scientific

evidence that noni juice is effective in preventing or treating

cancer or any other disease " . The information also mentions

that " proponents claim that the noni fruit and its juice can be used

to treat cancer, diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol, high blood

pressure, HIV, rheumatism, psoriasis, allergies, infection, and

inflammation " . The final conclusion and advice is that " the safety

and long-term effects of noni juice and other noni products are not

known. However, relying on this type of treatment alone, and avoiding

conventional medical care, may have serious health consequences " .

A. Everybody has their own opinion about noni, and we stand by our

noni information on this web page.

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