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NZ Vaccine Brochure Fails to Provide Information on Dangers of Vaccination

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(http://uncensoredmagazine.co.nz/news/2008/06/26/nz-vaccine-brochure-fails-to-provide-information-on-dangers/)NZ Vaccine Brochure Fails to Provide Information on Dangers of VaccinationPosted by: Clare Swinney â‹… June 26, 2008 â‹… Post a commentThis week a brochure entitled: “Is your child safe? Information on vaccination†arrived inside one of the free newspapers in my region, in Northland.The 16-page booklet contained a number of graphic photos of children with disfiguring diseases and statements in coloured boxes, including: “Having the vaccine is several thousand times safer than having the disease the vaccine protects against, †as well as information on “What is a Pandemic? †Unfortunately, this brochure provided only one side of the story, the scaremongering one that suits the drug companies, while failing to address the many very serious issues related to vaccine safety.Under the heading “Influenza†it stated: “Outbreaks of the “Flu†occur in New Zealand every year from May to October and kill at least 400 annually.†But is this correct? The figure of 400 seems oddly high for a country with a population of only around 4.2 million. I phoned up to ask the office that released the booklet where this figure had come from, but am still waiting for an answer two days later.An article posted on Dr Mercola’s website mentioned that the flu deaths in the US have been grossly exaggerated to increase vaccines sales. Specifically, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) had claimed that there were 36,000 deaths from the flu for 2002, while a more comprehensive report showed that in reality there were only 736 for that year, [1, 2]. How did the CDC get from 753 flu deaths to its statement that 36,000 flu deaths occurred annually? By combining flu deaths with pneumonia deaths.Also, while the brochure stated that flu shots are free to those over 65 years of age, it did not mention that there is significant evidence to indicate that there is no corresponding decrease in death rates in this group. According to a 2007 review in the Lancet medical journal, no studies have conclusively proven that flu shots prevent flu-related deaths among the elderly and some of the support for this practice is based on flawed data, [3,4,5].Furthermore, there was no mention that there is evidence which links flu shots to Alzheimer’s Disease, [6] . Dr Hugh Fudenberg, the world’s leading immunogeneticist, [7] who has close to 850 papers in peer review journals, has stated that if an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 - the years studied - their chances of getting Alzheimer’s, is 10 times higher than if he/she had one, 2 or no shots and said he believed that this was due to the mercury and aluminium that is in every flu shot.Whilst there is clear evidence to show a vaccine-autism link, this was not canvassed in the booklet, instead the matter was swept under the carpet. It offered: “One study claimed the MMR vaccine could cause Autism. All but one of the researchers have now withdrawn their claims against the vaccine.†Even, Republican presidential candidate Sen. McCain has weighed in on this debate and said on the campaign trail in late-February that “there’s strong evidence†that a preservative in vaccines is fuelling the dramatic rise in autism, [8]. Dr. Boyd Haley, who testified before Congress as one of the leading experts in the US on the effects of the mercury in vaccines, has reported that his research had led him to conclude that some children are genetically predisposed to storing mercury in their brains and that the cumulative effect of this leads to neurological disorders, including autism, [9].To listen to Dr Boyd Haley talk about mercury toxicity and autism, go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQYISvsgq6sMore alarmingly still, the brochure has a section on “The Wart Virus and Cancer†which stated that: “Two vaccines are now available: Glaxo Kline vaccines protects against HPV 16 and 18 and Merck vaccine protects against HPV 6, 11, 16 & 18.†For those who didn’t know, Merck’s HPV vaccine has been associated with thousands of adverse reactions and been linked to a number of deaths, [11]. Worse still is that this suffering may all have been for nothing, as FDA documents have revealed that the FDA has been aware that the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) has no direct link to cervical cancer, [12].One of Merck’s top scientist, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, who developed the Mumps, Rubella and Measles vaccines, himself has stated: “Vaccines are the bargain basement technology of the 20th century†and during the same interview, which is online in the documentary by Dr Len Horowitz - ‘In Lies We Trust,’ he admits that Merck has been injecting cancer viruses (SV40 and others) into millions of vaccine recipients, [13]. Yes, that’s right - go and hear Dr Hilleman for yourself here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edikv0zbAlUTo conclude, while the booklet may help garner revenue for vaccine makers, it has not acknowledged the potential cost to the recipients of their products and if anything leaves one to question what the intended purposes of being vaccinated really are.[1]. Flu Deaths Outrageously Exaggerated to Increase Vaccine Saleshttp://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2004/10/30/flu-deaths.aspx[ 2]. ‘Dire’ CDC warnings hiked flu shot demand http://feeds.bignewsnetwork.com/index.php?sid=47678[3]. Controversial Findings About Flu Vaccines for the Elderly http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2007/10/09/controversial-findings-about-flu-vaccines-for-the-elderly.aspx[4]. Does the Flu Vaccine Really Protect the Elderly? http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2005/03/05/flu-vaccine-part-thirteen.aspx[5]. Mortality benefits of influenza vaccination in elderly people: an ongoing controversy http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6W8X-4PRJTNM-S & _user=10 & _coverDate=10%2F31%2F2007 & _rdoc=22 & _fmt=summary & _orig=browse & _srch=doc-info%28%23toc%236666%232007%23999929989%23669378%23FLA%23display%23Volume%29 & _cdi=6666 & _sort=d & _docanchor= & view=c & _ct=26 & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=2d5b408b7d441b442bcc0da8f9b9d8bf[6]. http://www.royalrife.com/flu_shots.html[7]. Dr Hugh Fudenberg http://www.nitrf.org/fudenberg.html[8]. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/02/john-mccain-ent.html[9]. Mercury in Childhood Vaccines: What Did the Government Know? http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/october2004/201004mercuryinchildhood.htm[10]. Feds Approve Unnecessary Cervical Cancer Vaccine That Will Make Drug Company Billions http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2006/07/15/feds-approve-unnecessary-cervical-cancer-vaccine-that-will-make-drug-company-billions.aspx[11]. 8 More Deaths Connected to HPV Vaccine. Adverse Reactions from Gardasil number in thousands (2007) http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=58004[12]. The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed http://www.naturalnews.com/report_HPV_Vaccine_0.html[13]. ‘In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism,’ (2008) by Leonard G Horowitz can be downloaded from torrent sites and is at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8df9-oADP_cComments (11):2008-06-27 12:31:25†The figure of 400 seems oddly high for a country with a population of only around 4.2 million. I phoned up to ask the office that released the booklet where this figure had come from, but am still waiting for an answer two days later.â€They probably base it on NZHIS Mortality Data, some of which can be seen here…http://www.nzhis.govt.nz/moh.nsf/pagesns/530Viral pneumonia is often caused by the influenza virus, hence the lumping in of the two together. Comment by jas2008-06-27 13:57:03james i wonder if you could tell us a bit about yourself ie who you work for,your mission in life and have you repented yet Comment by james 2008-06-27 14:18:55repented?tell you what, jas, tell me who you work for, your mission in life, and I’ll respond in kind. Comment by Clare Swinney2008-06-27 14:40:43The nzhis table you provide does not lump the “viral pneumonia and influenza†together though does it, it lumps “pneumonia and influenza†together.“The American Lung Association (ALA) describes pneumonia as having over 30 different causes (one being the influenza virus). Neither the CDC nor ALA know the specific causes of the pneumonias that resulted in death. However, we do know that influenza is not the major cause.Keep in mind that the influenza vaccine provides no protection from bacterial infections. The National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease as well as other health agencies estimate that the single bacteria - streptococcus pneumoniae - is responsible for 15% to 50% of all cases of pneumonia in the US, including up to 40,000 deaths annually (http://www.niaid.nih.gov/factsheets/pneumonia.htm)Pneumonia is also caused by other bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus (staph), Pertussis (whooping cough), Streptococci, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae (a common cause of walking pneumonia). There are also many non-infectious causes of pneumonia such as asthma, aspiration of fluids, immunodeficiency, etc.So, it stretches credibility to assert that the flu causes pneumonia when, in fact, the data shows that it only causes a small minority of cases.†Reference: http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2004/11/06/cdc_media_hype_the_flu_facts_show_different_picture.htm Comment by jas2008-06-27 14:42:12well i am a self employed plasterer,i am a goy and very proud of it, my mission in life is not to be ruled by those that wish harm to me or others,hope thats enough it is the truth Comment by james 2008-06-27 15:04:41Hey Jas, I’m a web developer - I work for a company called Breathe in Wellington. I suppose, technically, I’m a goy as well, although I’d probably use the word ‘gentile’. And as far as my ‘mission’, I follow my family motto: “I stand for truthâ€.Clare: The nzhis table you provide does not lump the “viral pneumonia and influenza†together though does it, it lumps “pneumonia and influenza†together.Well, err, fair enough. But viral pneumonia is type of pneumonia, is it not?But, okay, let’s just say that one cause of one type of pneumonia can be caused by one type of influenza, then.Not that I wanted to get into argument about this, but the way, I was just trying to provide an answer to your question regarding the source of the ‘400 deaths from flu’ statistic. Does the NZHIS link I supplied answer that query? Comment by Clare Swinney2008-06-27 15:26:32james wrote: I follow my family motto: “I stand for truthâ€. That is what I would expect a propagandist to say - it’s a bit like Fox News claiming to be “Fair and Balanced.†If you were only trying to answer the question about where the figure of 400 came from, you would have done just that, but instead you also added your propaganda. Whether viral pneumonia is a type of pneumonia is not what matters. What matters is that the figures for people who die from influenza are being grossly exaggerated to scaremonger people into getting flu shots that studies show may have serious side effects and are ineffective in the old folks anyway. Comment by jas2008-06-27 15:39:36hey i hope you dont think we dont want your support,we do,i get a little paranoied sometimes,not been able to take people on face value on the net can be a problem for me,just trying to work people out can be time wasted we dont have so please forgive me for being so blunt,all i ever want is the truth and im glad thats at the top of your list Comment by james 2008-06-27 15:56:56If you were only trying to answer the question about where the figure of 400 came from, you would have done just that, but instead you also added your propaganda.Sigh, look, I stated the source, then all I said was…“Viral pneumonia is often caused by the influenza virus, hence the lumping in of the two together.â€I apologies for using the word “often†instead of “sometimesâ€. I still think you come to the conclusion, in the NZHIS figures, at least, that (whatever type of) pneumonia is lumped in with (whatever type of) flu.This is, after all, one of the points you were trying to make in your own post, wasn’t it?How did the CDC get from 753 flu deaths to its statement that 36,000 flu deaths occurred annually? By combining flu deaths with pneumonia deaths.Surely my observation supports, rather then opposes your own argument? Comment by james 2008-06-27 15:59:34gah, missed a closing i tag there somewhere. This’ll be easier to read…If you were only trying to answer the question about where the figure of 400 came from, you would have done just that, but instead you also added your propaganda.Sigh, look, I stated the source, then all I said was…“Viral pneumonia is often caused by the influenza virus, hence the lumping in of the two together.â€I apologies for using the word “often†instead of “sometimesâ€. I still think you come to the conclusion, in the NZHIS figures, at least, that (whatever type of) pneumonia is lumped in with (whatever type of) flu.This is, after all, one of the points you were trying to make in your own post, wasn’t it?How did the CDC get from 753 flu deaths to its statement that 36,000 flu deaths occurred annually? By combining flu deaths with pneumonia deaths.Surely my observation supports, rather then opposes your own argument? Comment by anythya 2008-08-11 03:00:07hey i kno this magazine is a NZ mag but my dad gets it wen he goes over there im thinking of subscribing actually lol …im aussie and we have that dam “cervical cancer†needle …i refused to get it like i do with most vaccines most think im crazy but i dont see how infecting us with the disease is helping to stop it …i personally think its a money making scheme by the government and meds companies not to mention a way to control people and there actions i mean do we ever truely know what it is the vaccine truely contain? no we are just told “we need it†but why ? why do we need this??? most never ask that question …and now i find out that the cervical cancer “vaccine†has not only been not needed but has already killed …im quite glad that i perfer natural herbal medicines to this western chemical crap.here is something interesting for u people ….there was a reasearch done on the human mind and the role it plays with our health….basically they took 2 men 1 of the men was dying from cancer and the other was a normal healthy man. they told the man whom was healthy that he was dying of cancer and only had a couple of months to live…..where as they told the person with cancer that he was fine and normal. the interesting thing about this was that the man whom had just been TOLD that he had cancer but really didnt, ended up dying from cancer a few months later due to the fact that he was so worried about having cancer that his body actually created the disease and killed him. The man whom had cancer but was told he didnt … lived and ended up cancer free… ive personally been into this alot but i am quite sure that our mind controls our health a lil more then we think …..not to mention my own fact that i have survived and am healthy yet have the verry type of heart disease that kills 1 in 3 woman everyyr in america….my thing was that i never see me as “dying†…tis all mind over matter people.

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