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The Religious Chemical Industry

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The Religious Chemical Industry When it comes to injecting one day babies with organomercury to interfere with the chemical and biochemical pathways at the levels present in just one vaccine we must not forget that this Religion does not rest there in showing how its new converts can face up to the Russian Roulette of the world’s most toxic non-radioactive element but there is a Joker in the pack that is still there in vaccines especially for the one day baby you love so much. Religion is about life and the Religious Chemical Industry does not shrink from even forming new life. Evolution goes back for millions of years and somehow man has climbed to the top and is still here. Today we see more and more genetically engineered life forms entering into our biosphere and entering our bodies in ever larger amounts. In 35 short years man has superceded 35 thousand million years of evolution and is making new forms of life where animals and plants can happily interchange their genetic material. In normal life the gene lines are passed down along a single species. Todays Chemical Religious Industry runs right through this natural barrier with plants and animals intermixed. But it doesnt just stop there in the Religious mania we can have pesticides produced, we can have viruses produced we can have bacteria produced and even drugs produced. The Religious Chemical Industry has no barriers to what it can achieve in new life forms. Lets have a look at some of the Genetic Firsts: 1 In 1973 an expert in monkey virus tried to get GM manipulation stopped dead in its tracks. Look this monkey virus when introduced will if it gets to the brains of humans destroy them. He was talking of the disease we now know is called AIDS. In 1973 after stopping the work on GM for more than 1 year no such AIDS type illness could be found. The world continued for the Religious Chemical Industry. AIDS brought to you by courtesy of the New Religious Industry maybe? No retroviral illness affected man before 1973. Today retroviral illnesses are man’s biggest killer with to date NO KNOWN REMEDY except DEATH. Retroviruses are used to gentically manipulate organisms. The link is undeniable. 2 In the 1990’s the genetic manipulation of viruses enabled vaccines to be produced for many illnesses. Today GM viruses are shot into our one day old babies. The safety of GM organisms is not known. In a Religious Chemical Industry the believers must have FAITH. 250 000 adverse reports from vaccines do not get accepted as giving one single cause for concern. Not one single safety check on vaccines has been done and this gives overwelming proof of safety. This is a Religious Chemical Industry for sure. FAITH, FAITH and more FAITH enables us to vaccinate, vaccinate and vaccinate. 3 A new and as yet not well understood illness is that of plant fibres objects growing out of humans. In the Religious Chemical Industry that happily merges plants with animals, with viruses, with bacteria, with pesticides, with antibiotics, what is more natural than a few people that digest this stuff or get it injected into them to start behaving like a pesticide or a wild animal or even a plant and begin to produce plant fibres through their skin. At the moment the jury is out on if this exists and if it has a basis from our Religious Chemical Industry but where else would you expect to get humans getting plant like properties? As for this illness it is the goal of the Religious Chemical Industry to tell us that these illness have been around for generations. I don’t know anyone with AIDS or this growing of fibres from our skin when I was small but today it is increasingly obvious that these illness are around and we haven’t a clue where they came from. (Autism - did people know of this years ago and do we know the cause today?) These and many other catastrophes occurring which may have a GM cause are kept out of the public gaze and of course refuted with Religious Fervour. Toxic GM drugs, death of young fit sports stars from GM drugs and so on. Here is the latest GM organism to be not quite as good as its made out to be. GM corn may be marvellous at what? But it does seem rather good at interfering with the life forms that eat it. Ironically this is to be predicted. Most GM forms of organisms are produced to shrug off pests looking for a cheap meal. In the natural follow on to this our domestic animals and us humans that eat this new life form are not so very different from the pests that succumb to this new life form. We need to remember our nervous system is 95 per cent the same as an insect that wants to devour this food before it reaches our table. And remember these new life forms are not yours and if they blow onto your land you will have to pay for them to grow there and pay heavily. I suppose this must be the equivalent of tithing where you give 10 per cent of your wealth to the Chemical Religious Industry? Here below, careful European research is discussed and we should note that Monsanto the company that brought GM organisms to our shopping baskets has already been sold on at least once so the chain of responsibility if it is ever placed on their doorstep will be an impossibility. The tracks to place credit or blame have been ripped up already. To date the name has not changed its still MONSANTO. STUDY CONFIRMS GENETICALLY ENGINEERED CROPS THREATEN HUMAN FERTILITY By November 14, 2008 NewsWithViews.com Los Angeles, CA. - A long-term feeding study commissioned by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, managed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Family and Youth, and carried out by Veterinary University Vienna, confirms genetically engineered (GM) corn seriously affects reproductive health in mice. Non-GMO advocates, who have warned about this infertility link along with other health risks, now seek an immediate ban of all GM foods and GM crops to protect the health of humankind and the fertility of women around the world. Feeding mice with genetically engineered corn developed by the US-based Monsanto Corporation led to lower fertility and body weight, according to the study conducted by the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna. Lead author of the study Professor Zentek said, there was a direct link between the decrease in fertility and the GM diet, and that mice fed with non-GE corn reproduced more efficiently. In the study, Austrian scientists performed several long-term feeding trials over 20 weeks with laboratory mice fed a diet containing 33% of a GM variety (NK 603 x MON 810), or a closely related non-GE variety used in many countries. Statistically significant litter size and pup weight decreases were found in the third and fourth litters in the GM-fed mice, compared to the control group. The corn is genetically engineered with genes that produce a pesticidal toxin, as well as genes that allow it to survive applications of Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup. A book by author M. , Genetic Roulette, distributed to members of congress last year, documents 65 serious health risks of GM products, including similar fertility problems with GM soy and GM corn: Offspring of rats fed GM soy showed a five-fold increase in mortality, lower birth weights, and the inability to reproduce. Male mice fed GM soy had damaged young sperm cells. The embryo offspring of GM soy-fed mice had altered DNA functioning. Several US farmers reported sterility or fertility problems among pigs and cows fed on GM corn varieties. Additionally, over the last two months, investigators in India have documented fertility problems, abortions, premature births, and other serious health issues, including deaths, among buffaloes fed GM cottonseed products. The principle GM crops are soy, corn, cottonseed and canola. GM sugar from sugar beets will also be introduced before year’s end. Mr. , who is also the Executive Director of the Institute for Responsible Technology says, “GM foods are likely responsible for several negative health trends in the US. The government must impose an immediate ban on these dangerous crops.” He says, “Consumers don’t need to wait for governmental action. They can download a free Non-GMO Shopping Guide. Monsanto press offices in the UK and USA were unable to provide a comment on the findings for journalists yesterday. The Institute for Responsible Technology’s Campaign for Healthier Eating in America mobilizes citizens, organizations, businesses, and the media, to achieve the tipping point of consumer rejection of genetically modified foods. The Institute educates people about the documented health risks of GMOs and provides them with healthier non-GMO product choices. The Institute also informs policy makers and the public around the world about the impacts of GMOs on health, environment, the economy, and agriculture, and the problems associated with current research, regulation, corporate practices, and reporting. Important

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