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Obama Drafts Federal Autism Insurance Mandate Bill

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Funny -- the only place I can find this is the Schafer Report or

Autism Speaks (gag). It's nowhere in the news. Are we using AS as a

source now??

President-Elect Barack Obama Drafts

Federal Autism Insurance Mandate Bill

From Autism Speaks. bit.ly/5cC2

President-Elect Obama has drafted comprehensive autism

legislation, including a section addressing a broad based federal

autism insurance mandate.

In his Presidential campaign statement on Autism Spectrum

Disorders, President-Elect Obama committed to bringing autism

insurance reform to the entire nation. The statement stated that Obama

and Biden " will mandate insurance coverage of autism treatment and

will also continue to work with parents, physicians, providers,

researchers, and schools to create opportunities and effective

solutions for people with ASD. " For the complete campaign statement,

and to read the draft legislation, go to www.autismvotes.org.

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> Funny -- the only place I can find this is the Schafer Report or

> Autism Speaks (gag). It's nowhere in the news. Are we using AS as a

> source now??

When I have to, and/or when they deserve it. It is important to

encourage people when they move in the right direction, even if it may

only be token gestures.


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