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Mercury Running

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Mercury Running It is rather sad that with the death circa 1997 of Wetterhahn from an ingestion of a microscopic amount organomercury not by eating but by absorption through a gloved, protected hand to prevent such an ingestion and her death 10 months later with a toxic mercury poisoning event that completely destroyed her brain cells that we are now having a so far unsuccessful 12 year battle to get a similar type of toxic organomercury compound removed from vaccines not dribbling into our bodies through gloved, skin tight avenues but pushed in, in huge amounts with a needle in just about every part of our body. To those that say the illness of autism is totally unlike that of mercury poisoning, they not only show ignorance and prejudice but they are personally and directly responsible for the fact that 1 child in 3 in modern 2008 USA society is ill to some degree on a long term basis with probably some input and causation from mercury vaccines. For a start we have no idea whatsover what type of illness we would get from this type of exposure. The evidence of eating and the illness thereby induced is not in the least to be compared to that of illness from injection. To put this certain harm from mercury vaccines in figures; the USA mercury vaccination scheme has caused permanent harm to around 12 million young persons alone in todays USA society. These people will be around for possibly another 50 years and at present it seems we will have another 1 in 3 children following behind in short order. Potassium chloride is part of sea salt and doctors have been known to force feed 20g of the ordinary salt into little infants in an attempt to show malice caused by other persons. The total of ordinary common salt to kill by eating is known and stands at 9g. However if you inject just a fraction of this into our blood and an amount hundreds of times less you have almost instant death. What is a food stuff in reasonable amounts when eaten becomes a lethal instrument in the hands of a modern state like USA that uses it as a preferred method of disposing of unwanted citizens. Death by injection – not mercury, the most toxic of elements but a common type of edible salt which would hurt no one if drunk or eaten at levels a hundred times higher becomes completely different in its action by injection. Doctors and administration are perfectly aware of safe and dangerous amounts of materials when eaten and the completely different often alarmingly different pathways when injected into us in fractional smaller amounts often hundreds of times less. We have the practical example of the death of a chemistry professor to show us that the organomercury injection route does give an illness very much like autism and other illnesses like schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s Disease and others and it is incredible that we have only 1 child in 3 with some health problems from the diabolic practice of mercury injections. Add to this the work of mercury specialists in countries around the world for generations and we have for example living proof of the death and destruction of brain cells filmed more than a decade ago for those non believers who without knowledge and quite happy to see 12 million maimed and walk away laughing or pocketing huge sums often from the hard earnings of people who do want to know what causes autism. We rest therefore with hard core highly paid minions of the CDC, EPA, FDA and IOM in USA that claim that mercury is a foodstuff. The very fact that anyone can suggest such a method of enhancing our brain power should be put away in any case but it seems it takes all sorts in our world. Some time ago I had a very interesting exchange with Dr Laszlo Magos who was very polite and answered my questions but agreed to differ with my concerns and therefore thousands of others who share not just my views. But the fact that is that mercury really is the most toxic of the ordinary elements and catalytic in its destruction and harm. To put his argument simply he claimed that at the low levels the mercury was just fine, although I was very worried that out of dozens of modern concepts I raised which he had not considered his only reply was to use the work of an astrologer from 500 or more years ago who said the poison is in the amount. We see above for salt or any foodstuff that this is certainly true but only if eaten not injected. But for a catalytic poison it most certainly is not only false even if eaten but dangerously so when injected into 12 million USA youngsters walking around with heavy metal poisoning and 50 years of reduced quality of life with continual medication supplied by the very companies that made them ill with mercury. For virulent highly toxic poisons like mercury we know exactly what a safe level is: Zero mercury and not one single atom more. The reason for this attack yet again on the insane injection of mercury into pregnant mums and infant babies is just to state that for some extremely good reason Dr Laszlo Magos is no longer considered a person for whom the safety of mercury vaccines can be sustained. For reasons not yet clear, either Dr Laszlo Magos has retracted his assertion that it is fine for example to give mercury injections to the foetus via the mother or it is safe to give mercury injections to the six month infant. For him he now believes like those sensible people that it is harmful to put mercury into us or else his paper of a few years ago has been totally discredited. Dr Laszlo Magos was paid huge sums in the aftermath of finding that mercury was in vaccines to show it was not actually a serious problem. Which he did in a most amazing way going against a lifetime of even his own work on toxicology. It is quite clear with the continuing increase in autism that on an observational basis alone that mercury injections not only continue to cause problems but are causing them on an ever increasing scale. Anyone who holds to the theory that mercury injections are fine is party to mass murder and maimings and their position is not only untenable but they will some day have to answer for that in a court of law. Dr Laszlo Magos for his paper of a few years ago needs to be held accountable for all the time he has subscribed to this fictional and dangerous work at the expense of tens of millions of people who sadly were not in a position to say whether his work was correct but some will be recovered or not harmed sufficiently and able to go in the witness box if and when he answers his critics and explains his part in the continuing destruction of USA children today or his change of views yet again. There can be no exemption from punishment for murder and certainly not mass murder. And this extends to doctors that continue to inject mercury and even ignorance is not an excuse for them. They must act to first do no harm. Laws do not excuse crimes especially torture and murder and neither is it an excuse to say you were “just following orders.” We are not injecting people because they have deadly illnesses. We are injecting well people,healthy people, valuable people and making them dead people or sick people or invalides for the rest of their life often. Dr Laszlo Magos is now retired but his paper of a few years ago has held up the finding of the true cause of autism by many years with millions of people ill because of his false findings. Even worse it has directly led regulatory bodies to tell us to abandon the pursuit of mercury as the culprit for brain illnesses and allowed the continued use of mercury not only in the 2008 vacine schedule but to propagate the use of mercury injections on a global scale in the past 8 years when previously those countries did not use such poisons. The very people that paid Dr Laszlo Magos huge sums of money to get the authorities out of trouble were the same ones that paid him and his colleaugues huge sums of money when he was at his prime in toxicology back in the 1970’s. His advice then and that of others was that mercury is an extreme poison and must not be in any medical products. Nobody has ever, or will ever find mercury is good for us, or find that it is not a toxin or that it is OK to inject mercury into us in any amount above the level of zero. Anyone that has found such, is a fraud, a criminal and responsible for the carnage of deaths and illnesses that we witness around us in ever increasing amounts. Mercury Running

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