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Re: Dewey

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Dewey's ideas were a hell of a lot more than just about active

learning. Dewey was a self procliamed Humanist. He beleieved

these ideas needed to be taught in the classroom.

What do Humanists believe?

God: Humanists usually do not believe that God even exists. Humanists

believe mankind is the highest entity. ( " Man is the measure of all

things. " )

Gods Name: Uses God's name as a byword. God's name means nothing to

the humanist, because he does not believe God exists.

Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ, if He existed at all, was a mere man. He

may have been an interesting teacher, but when he died, he stayed

dead like any other man.

Creation: Acts and talks as if evolution is a scientific fact and

that anyone who disagrees is ignorant. Evolution is the only way he

knows of to explain the existence of life, since he denies the

existence of God.

The Bible: Considers the Bible of little interest. Believes the Bible

to be the work of men (perhaps with a religious ax to grind).

Certainly does not accept it as the Word of God.

Self Esteem: Sees man as basically good. Thinks that people should

feel good about themselves regardless of their behavior. Tries to

deal with guilt by positive self-talk.

Sanctity Of Life: Since man is a merely highly evolved animal, some

human life is not so special. Supports abortion, euthanasia, and even

infanticide in some cases. (wonder what Dewey would think about

our epideimic of brain damaged children and what their contribution

to his idea of a productive society should be?)

Sin: Rejects the idea of a " sin nature. " Believes that whatever I

want to do is ok, as long as it " doesn't hurt anyone else. " (But is

often shortsighted in deciding what may hurt someone else!) Tendency

to rationalize that all behavior that I wish to do is acceptable.

Since this physical life is all there is, my goal is to get as much

happiness and gain as many things as I can before time runs out and I

cease to exist.

Goals: Since man is only a highly evolved animal, sexual

gratification is not to be denied as long as it " doesn't hurt

anyone. " (Again, the humanist is often shortsighted about what kinds

of behavior " hurt " others.)

Sex: Since man is merely an animal, no sexual acts should be

considered improper as long as " it doesn't hurt anyone. "

Sexual Diviancy: Since man is merely an animal, no sexual acts should

be considered improper as long as " it doesn't hurt anyone. "

Moral Relativism: Humanists believe some things are right for some

people and some situations that may be " wrong " for other people and

other situations. There is no absolute right and wrong. Everything

depends on the situation.

Tolorance: Believes that values, morals, and ethics are determined by

each person for him or herself. Therefore, to tell someone else that

their behavior is " wrong " or " sinful " is considered to be

intolerant. " Intolerance " (defined this way) is not tolerated!

Family: Secular Humanists prefer to think of " family " in larger

groups of perhaps unrelated people. Many secular humanists would

affirm the legitimacy of same-sex marriages or civil unions. Many

would deny the importance of fathers, encouraging " single parenting

by choice. " Many secular humanists trust schools more than parents to

know what is best for children. Some humanists believe that the

child's first responsibility is to be a representative of the state,

not necessarily to the parents. (For example, humanists often support

the right of a child to an abortion without parental consent.)

I would take a good hard look at this list It is exactly what the

public school systems are teaching our children. I especially like

their view of the family, don't you?

Dewey did not want children to learn or to think for themselves,

he didn't want them to think at all. He wanted them trained into his

belief system. Kinda sounds like Offit doesn't it?


In EOHarm , Kangas wrote:


> OK. Say whatever you want about Offitt, but let's not slander

Dewey. I'm writing a memoir/history of Ernest Horn, an educator

at the University of Iowa who studied with Dewey and others at

Teacher's College, Colulmbia University 1912-1914. Dewey was a

brilliant mind, and gave American Education the idea that " children

learn by doing, not by sitting in straight rows and listening " now

called " active learning. " He especially wanted children to learn to

think for themselves, and advocated that even children could follow

the scientific method as they worked on problems.

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