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Re: For Three Years, Every Bite Organic

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Organic doesn't mean organic anymore. They've loosed the regulation

and have added 7 toxic chemicals that can be used, but the food can

still be deemed " organic. " 7 toxic chemicals that have been banned in

other countries i might add.



> NY Times

> December 2, 2008


> For Three Years, Every Bite Organic


> http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/02/health/02well.html?em


> Fruits, vegetables and animals can be 100 percent organic. What


> people?


> In a fascinating experiment — on himself — Dr. Alan Greene, a

> pediatrician and author in Danville, Calif., decided to find out.


> the last three years, Dr. Greene has eaten nothing but organic


> whether he's cooking at home, dining out or snacking on the road.


> He chose three years as a goal because that was the amount of time


> took to have a breeding animal certified organic by the Department


> Agriculture. While food growers comply with organic regulations


> day, Dr. Greene wondered whether a person could meet the same

> standards.


> It hasn't been easy.


> " This isn't a way of eating I could recommend to anybody else


> it's so far off the beaten food grid, " said Dr. Greene, 49, the

> founder of a popular Web site about children's health,

> drgreene.com. " It was much more challenging than I thought it would

> be, and I thought it would be tough. There were definitely days


> there was nothing I could find that was organic. "


> Other writers have ventured off the traditional food grid, notably

> Barbara Kingsolver in " Animal, Vegetable, Mineral " and


> in " The Omnivore's Dilemma. " But what makes Dr. Greene's experiment

> remarkable is the length of time he devoted to it, and his effort


> incorporate organic eating into the routines of everyday living.


> findings offer new insight into the challenges facing the organic

> food industry and those of us who want to patronize it.


> Organic farmers don't use conventional methods to fertilize the


> control weeds and pests, or prevent disease in livestock.


> Organic methods often lead to higher costs, and consumers can pay

> twice as much for organic foods as for conventional products. Last

> week, the financial advice Web site SmartMoney.com reported that to

> feed eight people an organic meal of traditional Thanksgiving


> a shopper would pay $295.36 — a premium of $126.35, or 75 percent,

> over a nonorganic holiday spread.


> To cut back on the cost of an organic diet, Dr. Greene said he had


> cut back on meat. " Whenever you go up the food chain, the costs


> up, " he said. " If you don't eat meat at every meal, if meat becomes

> more of a side dish than a centerpiece, you can fill the plate with

> healthy organic food for about the same price. "


> Questions remain about whether organic foods are really better for

> you. The data are mixed. This fall, researchers from the University

> of Copenhagen reported on a two-year experiment in which they grew

> carrots, kale, peas, potatoes and apples using both organic and

> conventional growing methods. The researchers found that the


> methods made no difference in the nutrients in the crops or the

> levels of nutrients retained by rats that ate them, according to


> study, published in The Journal of the Science of Food and

> Agriculture.


> But other research suggests that organic foods do contain more of

> certain nutrients — almost twice as many, in the case of organic

> tomatoes studied for a 2007 report in The Journal of Agricultural


> Food Chemistry.


> Dr. Greene said he was inspired to go all-organic after talking to


> dairy farmer who noted that livestock got sick less after a switch


> organic practices. He wondered if becoming 100 percent organic


> improve his own health.


> Three years later, he says he has more energy and wakes up earlier.

> As a pediatrician regularly exposed to sick children, he was

> accustomed to several illnesses a year. Now, he says, he is rarely

> ill. His urine is a brighter yellow, a sign that he is ingesting


> vitamins and nutrients.


> At home, he said, the organic routine was relatively easy. Organic

> food is widely available, not just at stores like Whole Foods but


> traditional supermarkets. He also shopped at farmer's markets and

> joined a local community-supported agriculture group, or C.S.A.

> Because he bought less meat, the costs tended to balance out. And


> family (two of his four children still live at home) largely went

> along with the experiment.


> On the road, though, life was more challenging. In corporate

> cafeterias and convenience stores, he looked for stickers that


> with the number 9 to signify organic; stickers on conventionally

> grown produce begin with 4.


> When dining out, he called ahead; high-end restaurants were willing

> to accommodate his all-organic request. He also found a few lines


> organic backpacking food that he could carry with him.


> Dr. Greene reached the three-year milestone in October, but his


> is still organic. He hasn't decided whether to keep going full tilt

> or to ease up in the interest of cost and convenience. In his


> book, " Raising Baby Green: The Earth-Friendly Guide to Pregnancy,

> Childbirth and Baby Care " (Jossey-Bass), he advocates a " strategic "

> approach, urging parents to insist on organic versions of a few


> foods, like milk, potatoes, apples and baby food.


> The biggest surprise of the whole experience, he says, was that


> people still don't know what " organic " means.


> " It's surprising to me how few people know that organic means


> pesticides, antibiotics or hormones, " he said. " In stores or

> restaurants around the country, I would ask, `Do you have anything

> organic?' Half the time they would say, `Do you mean vegetarian?' "


> well@...


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At 10:11 PM 12/2/2008, you wrote:

>Organic doesn't mean organic anymore. They've loosed the regulation

>and have added 7 toxic chemicals that can be used, but the food can

>still be deemed " organic. " 7 toxic chemicals that have been banned in

>other countries i might add.



Can you clarify what you have said? What are the 7 toxic chemicals?

Don't appear in this info




Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Vaccine Dangers &

Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start in December 2008

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It's been a while since i looked at the offical web site concerning

these 7 ingredients. It could actually be more than 7 as i can't

really remember exactly. I watched a video on codex one time and on

this video there was a link that directed you to the official web

site with chemicals that are used on " organic " foods. I'm sorry, but

i can't remember exactly how to get to this area, but i've copied and

pasted info from http://www.ams.usda.gov that list **all**

ingredients deemed usable on " organic " foods. Sorry, but they don't

make it easy to copy and paste links to go to this area below, BUT

you can go to ams.usda.gov and do a search for " National List of

Allowed and Prohibited Substances " (if that doesn't get you there try

using the word organic in their somewhere,)which will take you to a

link with the below info. Sorry, this is the best that i can do. As

usual, all the info is there it just takes time to educate ourselves

and then you know what happens. Are you not aware of what Codex is?

This is all supposed to be enforced by Dec. 2009 and all on this list

using supplements and all those who eat, yes i said eat food should

be well informed on how this WILL affect their lives. :(

Again sorry, this is the best i can do for now. I wish i had the time

to do the research on some of these below listed ingredients as i'm

sure some are very toxic and even deadly. Just like vaccines, when

you know the truth you get really sick. I'm sorry, maybe someone else

on here can make this so we can all see the truth about so

called " organic " foods.

Kindest regards,


Common Name TAP Review Vote Date Vote Synth. Vote

95% Vote 70% Status Synthetic 7CFR 205

Annotation in 7CFR 205 Notes

acetic acid bacteria No Not

reviewed appears on 1994 petition

agar-agar Yes 04/26/95 0-12-2 12-0-2

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic Although

approved by NOSB, this was omitted from National List. In 6/00

comments on proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as agricultural,

needing to be organic when available.

alginates Yes 04/26/95 14-0 10-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(1) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

alginic acid Yes 04/26/95 1-12-1 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(1)(i) No

annotation. NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

amino acids Yes Tabled

10/26/99 see L-cysteine

ammonium bicarbonate Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(2) for use only

as a leavening agent NOSB: Limited to use as a leavening agent.

ammonium carbonate Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(3) for use only

as a leavening agent NOSB: Limited to use as a leavening agent.

ammonium hydroxide Yes

Deferred 3/06/01

ammonium phosphates Yes 11/01/95 13-0-0 0-13-0 3-6-5

Not allowed Synthetic NOSB: Also

failed when voted to allow only for use as a yeast food in

winemaking, 4-7-3. Includes monoammonium phosphate, diammonium

phosphate; ammonium phosphate dibasic or monobasic

ammonium soaps Yes 10/26/99 11-0 0-10-1 0-11-0 Not

allowed Synthetic NOSB: Reviewed with


ascorbic acid Yes 04/26/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(4) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

baking powder, aluminum free No

Tabled 11/01/95 Minutes say " This

material's component parts were all reviewed and approved for use in

organic foods. "

beeswax Yes 10/26/99 0-11 1-10 Not prohibited

Non-synthetic Considered an agricultural

product, not added to the National List. Board noted in 99 it should

be organic when available (however it is not listed under 205.606,

could be considered for listing there).

bentonite Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(2) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

boiler chemicals, general Yes 04/25/95

Deferred 3/06/01 From

Addendum 7, Organic Good Manufacturing Practices: " Residues of boiler

water additives must be prevented from contacting organically

produced food by the use of steam without entrained water, steam

filtering, or other means. " Recommendation passed 14-0. See listings

for ammonium hydroxide, cyclohexylamine, diethylaminoethanol,

morpholine, and octadecylamine.

calcium carbonate Yes 11/01/95 0-13-1 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(3) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

calcium chloride Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(4) No annotation.

NOSB: Minutes say " Only the natural form of this material is

allowed. "

calcium citrate Yes 11/01/95 13-0 11-1-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(5) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

calcium hydroxide Yes 04/26/95 12-1 10-3

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(6) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

calcium phosphates (di-, tri-, and mono-) Yes 11/01/95

14-0-0 13-1 Allowed 95%+ Synthetic

205.605(B)(7) No annotation. NOSB: Uses discussed included

baking powder, fortification, for yeast growth, and as a firming

agent for yogurt.

calcium sulfate Yes 03/07/01 0-15 15-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic not yet added NOSB

annotation: nonsynthetic sources only.

calcium sulfate, synthetic Yes 09/19/96 12-0 1-11

0-12 Not allowed Synthetic NOSB:

The original review considered only synthetic sources.

carbon dioxide, non-synthetic Yes 11/01/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic Final

rule does not list as a non-synthetic in 205.605(a).

carbon dioxide, synthetic Yes 11/01/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(8) No

annotation. NOSB noted that " The non-synthetic form is preferable

to the synthetic. "

carrageenan Yes 04/26/95 5-9 13-0-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic Not included

in Final Rule, 12/21/2000. In 6/00 comments on proposed rule, NOSB

asked it be listed as agricultural, needing to be organic when


chlorine Yes 11/02/95 11-0 9-2

Allowed Synthetic " 205.605(B)(9)

chlorine materials

(i)Calcium hypochlorite

(ii)Chlorine dioxide

(iii) Sodium hypochlorite " disinfecting and sanitizing food

contact surfaces, Except, That, residual chlorine levels in the water

shall not exceed the maximum residual disinfectant limit under the

Safe Drinking water Act. NOSB annotation: Allowed for

disinfecting and sanitizing food contact surfaces. Residual chlorine

levels for washwater in direct crop or food contact and in flush

water from cleaning irrigation systems that is applied to crops or

fields cannot exceed the maximum residual disinfectant limit under

the Safe Drinking Water Act (currently 4 mg/l expressed as Cl2). This

substance is to be reviewed again in two years.

chymosin, bioengineered form Yes 09/19/96 12-0 1-11

0-12 Not allowed Synthetic

citric acid Yes 04/26/95 5-8 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(1)(ii)

produced by microbial fermentation of carbohydrate substances

NOSB: Must be produced by microbial fermentation of

carbohydrate substrates.

clay: Fuller's earth, attapulgite Yes

Tabled 09/19/96 NOSB: Board

sent back to committee for clarification of current uses.

colors, natural

205.605(a)(5) nonsynthetic sources only. Not reviewed


cornstarch (native) Yes 11/01/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.606(a) No annotation.

NOSB approved only " native and unmodified starches " in 1995.

In 6/00 comments on proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as

agricultural, needing to be organic when available.

cultures, dairy Yes 11/01/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(6) No annotation.

NOSB annotation: Bacteria may not be a product of rDNA


cyclohexylamine Yes Deferred


diatomaceous earth Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(7) food

filtering aid only. NOSB: For food filtering only.

diethylaminoethanol Yes

Deferred 3/06/01

enzymes, animal derived Yes 11/16/00 0-12 10-2-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic not yet added

" NOSB: These specific types were approved only: rennet

(animal derived); catalase--bovine liver; animal lipase; pancreatin;

pepsin; trypsin. The TAP review used rennet as the " " model " " enzyme.


enzymes, bacterial Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(8) must be

derived from edible, nontoxic plants, nonpathogenic fungi, or

nonpathogenic bacteria. NOSB: Original vote in 1995 for bacterial

enzymes recommended this annotation: Enzymes that are produced by

microorganisms that are products of recombinant DNA technology are

synthetic and are prohibited unless specifically allowed. Synthetic

bacterial enzymes must be petitioned by a manufacturer or processor.

enzymes, fungal Yes 10/26/99 0-11 9-0-2

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(8) must be

derived from edible, nontoxic plants, nonpathogenic fungi, or

nonpathogenic bacteria. NOSB: from plant and fungal sources. Voted

on plant and fungal enzymes together.

enzymes, plant-derived Yes 10/26/99 0-11 9-0-2

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(8) must be

derived from edible, nontoxic plants, nonpathogenic fungi, or

nonpathogenic bacteria. " NOSB: from plant and fungal sources.

Voted on plant and fungal enzymes together. "

ethylene (1995 vote) Yes 11/01/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(10) allowed for

postharvest ripening of tropical fruit NOSB: Originally approved for

use as a ripening agent for bananas only. Motion for a five year

phase out failed 3-9-1.

ethylene (1999 vote) Yes 10/26/99 11-0 8-3

Allowed Synthetic 205.605(B)(10) allowed for

postharvest ripening of tropical fruit NOSB recommended annotation:

for post harvest ripening of tropical fruit and degreening of citrus.

flavors, natural No 10/31/95

Allowed 205.605(a)(9) nonsynthetic sources only and

must not be produced using synthetic solvents and carrier systems or

any artificial preservative. NOSB adopted Addendum 14, The Use of

Natural Flavors in Organic Food, on Oct 31, 95 (13-0). No specific

vote to consider as non-synthetic. This addendum contains different

provisions for organic or made-with-organic foods, and allows

synthetic solvents other than hexane and synthetic carriers (except

for propylene glycol) in the Made With Organic category.

glycerin Yes 11/01/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(13) produced by

hydrolysis of fats and oil. NOSB: Must be produced by hydrolysis

of fats and oils.

gums (arabic, guar, locust bean, carob bean) Yes 11/01/95

0-14 14-0 Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic

205.606(B) water extracted only NOSB: In 6/00

comments on proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as agricultural,

needing to be organic when available.

hydrogen peroxide Yes 11/02/95 13-0 13-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(14) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

ionizing radiation 04/25/95

Prohibited 205.105(f) Ionizing radiation,

as described in Food and Drug Administration regulation, 21 CFR 179.26

NOSB: voted unamiously in favor of Good Manufacturing

Practices, Addendum 7.

iron (ferrous sulfate) Yes 04/26/95 12-0 10-2

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(11) for iron

enrichment or fortification of foods when required by regulation or

recommended (independent organization) NOSB annotation: for iron

fortification of foods that is required by regulation or for iron

enrichment by professional recommendation.

kaolin Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0 Allowed 95%+

Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(10) No annotation. NOSB:

Allowed, with no annotation.

kelp Yes 04/26/95 0-14 13-1 Allowed 95%+

Non-synthetic 205.606© for use only as a thickener

and dietary supplement NOSB: Allowed for use as a thickener and

dietary supplement (as defined in the CFR). In 6/00 comments on

proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as agricultural, needing to be

organic when available.

lactic acid Yes 04/26/95 0-13 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(1)(iii) No

annotation. NOSB annotation: prohibited if derived from

microorganism that are products of recombinant DNA technology.

L-cysteine Yes 03/06/01 15-0 0-15 0-15

Prohibited Synthetic TAP review

originally prepared for 10/99 used l-cysteine as the model for amino

acids in processing.

lecithin, bleached Yes 04/26/95 13-0 9-4-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(15) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

lecithin, unbleached Yes 04/26/95 1-12 11-2

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.606(d) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation. In 6/00 comments on

proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as agricultural, needing to be

organic when available.

magnesium carbonate Yes 09/19/96 13-0 4-9 9-4

Allowed 50%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(16) for use only

in agricultural products labeled " made with organic (specified

ingredients or food group(s)), " prohibited in agricultural products

labeled " organic " . NOSB: Unacceptable for use in organic foods,

but acceptable for use in the food category " made with organic

ingredients. "

magnesium carbonate, non-synthetic Yes 09/19/96 0-13

Tabled Non-synthetic NOSB:

sent this material back to TAP for more information on impurities and


magnesium chloride (1995 vote) Yes 11/01/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(17)

derived from sea water NOSB annotation: Allowable only in

the synthetic form if extracted from sea water. Magnesium chloride

produced by synthetic processes (e.g., hydrochloric acid reaction) is

not allowable. Unrefined non-synthetic magnesium chloride (nigari) is

not recognized by FDA as an allowed food ingredient.

magnesium chloride (1999 vote) Yes 10/26/99

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(17)

derived from sea water NOSB voted 11-0 to change the

recommended annotation to " allowed only if derived from sea water "

but did not re-vote the synthetic status. All food grade magnesium

chloride (including nigari) that is seawater extracted is permitted.

magnesium silicate Yes 04/26/95 12-0-2 0-14 0-14

Prohibited Synthetic NOSB: noted

concerns about asbestos.

magnesium stearate Yes 11/01/95 14-0 4-9-1 12-2

Allowed 50%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(18) for use only

in agricultural products labeled " made with organic (specified

ingredients or food group(s)), " prohibited in agricultural products

labeled " organic " . NOSB: Unacceptable for use in organic foods,

but acceptable for use in the food category " made with organic

ingredients. "

magnesium sulfate Yes 04/26/95 0-14 12-1-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(11) non-synthetic

sources only NOSB: The synthetic form of this substance is to be

reviewed at a later date by the Processing Committee.

malted barley (non-organic) Yes 09/19/96 0-13 5-8

Prohibited Non-synthetic NOSB:

Permitted from an organic source only.

mono- & di-glycerides Yes 04/26/95 13-0 9-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(12) for use only

in drum drying of food NOSB: For use in drum drying of food only.

morpholine Yes Deferred


nisin Yes 11/01/95 10-3 0-13 0-13 Not allowed


nitrogen Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(12) oil-free

grades NOSB annotation: Oil-free grades, from non-oil sources.

nutrient minerals Yes 10/31/95 14-0 10-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(19) in accordance

with 21CFR 104.20, Nutritional Quality Guidelines for Foods.

" NOSB:voted to list nutrient vitamins and minerals (one vote)

with following annotation: Accepted for use in organic foods for

enrichment or fortification when required by regulation or

recommended by an independent professional organization.

NOSB also voted 12-1 to support Addendum 13. Minutes state " " (the

processing committee is) not recommending that vitamins and minerals

for human consumption be exempted from the National List process. " " "

nutrient vitamins Yes 10/31/95 14-0 10-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(19) in accordance

with 21CFR 104.20, Nutritional Quality Guidelines for Foods.

" NOSB:voted to list nutrient vitamins and minerals (one vote)

with following annotation: Accepted for use in organic foods for

enrichment or fortification when required by regulation or

recommended by an independent professional organization.

NOSB also voted 12-1 to support Addendum 13. Minutes state " " (the

processing committee is) not recommending that vitamins and minerals

for human consumption be exempted from the National List process. " " "

octadecylamine Yes Deferred


oxygen Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0 Allowed 95%+

Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(13) oil free grades NOSB

annotation: Oil-free grades, from non-oil sources.

ozone Yes 11/01/95 14-0 14-0 Allowed 95%+

Synthetic 205.605(B)(20) No annotation. NOSB:

Allowed, with no annotation.

pectin, high-methoxy (HM) Yes 04/26/95 2-10-2 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.606(e) No

annotation. NOSB: recommended to allow in 1995, and in 6/00

comments on proposed rule, asked it be listed as agricultural,

needing to be organic when available.

pectin, low-methoxy (LM) Yes 04/26/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(21) No

annotation. NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

peracetic acid Yes 11/16/00 14-0 13-0-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic not yet added NOSB

annotation: Allowed for direct food contact only in wash and/or rinse

water. Allowed as a sanitizer on surfaces in contact with organic


perlite Yes 09/19/96 2-9-1 12-1 Allowed 95%+

Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(14) for use only as a filter aid

in food processing NOSB: Allowed as a filter aid in food


phosphoric acid Yes 10/26/99 10-0 10-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(22) cleaning of

food-contact surfaces and equipment only NOSB: For cleaning

food contact surfaces and equipment.

potassium acid tartrate Yes 11/01/95 13-0 12-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic " 205.605(B)(23)

205.605(B)(24) " No annotation. NOP also lists 205.605(B)

(24) " Potassium Tartrate made from tartaric acid. " Potassium acid

tartrate was also called " Potassium Tartrate made from tartaric

acid " in the 11/95 minutes. An NOSB proposed annotation " Shall be

derived from tartaric acid derived from grapes " failed, and there is

no annotation for this material.

potassium carbonate Yes 04/26/95 12-0 11-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(25) No annotation.

NOSB annotation: Potassium carbonate is allowed only for FDA-

approved applications where natural sodium carbonate is not an

acceptable substitute. Voted and approved 12-0-2.

potassium chloride Yes 04/26/95 0-14 11-3

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(15) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

potassium citrate Yes 04/26/95 13-0 10-3

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(26) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

potassium hydroxide Yes 11/01/95 10-0 9-2-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(27) prohibited

for use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables NOSB annotation:

prohibited for use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables and where

non-synthetic sodium carbonate is an acceptable substitute.

potassium iodide Yes 04/26/95 0-14 13-0-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(16) No annotation.

NOSB: Non-synthetic sources from brine. (Recorded in 1997

summary of votes, missing from minutes.)

potassium iodide Yes 04/26/95 14-0 7-7 10-3-1

Allowed 50%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(28) for use only

in agricultural products labeled " made with organic (specified

ingredients or food group(s)), " prohibited in agricultural products

labeled " organic " . Synthetic sources are derived from a reaction

between hydrogen iodide and potassium bicarbonate.(Recorded in 97

summary of votes, missing from minutes)

potassium phosphate Yes 04/26/95 14-0 7-7 10-3

Allowed 50%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(29) for use only

in agricultural products labeled " made with organic (specified

ingredients or food group(s)), " prohibited in agricultural products

labeled " organic " . NOSB: Unacceptable for use in organic foods

but acceptable for use in the food category " made with organic

ingredients. "

shellac Yes 10/26/99 11-0 0-11 0-11 Not allowed

Synthetic NOSB: Included in TAP review

for waxes.

silica, colloidal Yes 11/01/95 12-0 1-11 3-9

Not allowed Synthetic There may be

some confusion about the actual identity of this substance. Silicon

dioxide was approved and is also known as Synthetic Amorphous Silica

(Food Chemicals Codex 3rd Ed.), INS #551. Colloidal (also called

fumed) silica is considered an anhydrous form of silicon dioxide

produced by a vapor phase hydrolysis process. Wet process forms of

silicon dioxide include precipitated silica, silica gel, and hydrous


silicon dioxide Yes 09/19/96 13-0 10-3

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(30) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

sodium bicarbonate Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(17) No annotation.

NOSB: included sodium carbonates and bicarbonates in one


sodium carbonate Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(18) No annotation.

NOSB: included sodium carbonates and bicarbonates in one


sodium citrate Yes 04/26/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(31) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

sodium hydroxide Yes 04/26/95 12-2 10-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(32) prohibited

for use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables NOSB: Prohibited for

use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables and where natural sodium

bicarbonate is an acceptable substitute.

sodium phosphates Yes 11/01/95 14-0 12-2

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(33) for use only

in dairy foods NOSB: An annotation limiting its use to boiler water

additives failed, then a second motion passed for annotation " Use

restricted to dairy foods. "

sodium tartrate Yes 11/01/95 13-0 8-2-3 0-13

Prohibited Synthetic Discussion:

noted that citric acid is a suitable non-synthetic alternative for

this material. It was also pointed out that this material is used

extensively in wine production.

sorbic acid Yes 11/01/95 14-0 0-14 0-14

Prohibited Synthetic

starch, non-modified No

Tabled 11/01/95 NOSB: Motion to

request a TAP review supported 12-0.

sulfur dioxide Yes " 4/26/95

" 8-6 11-3 Allowed in 70%+ Synthetic

205.605(B)(34) for use only in wine labeled " made with

organic grapes. " Provided, That, total sulfite concentration does not

exceed 100ppm. NOSB original annotation 1995: Sulfur dioxide may not

be added to wine at levels greater than 100 ppm; the level of free

sulfites may not exceed 35 ppm in the final product. This was amended

in March 1998, " Sulfur dioxide is allowed only for use in production

of wine that is labeled 'made with organically grown grapes.' "

Stated in the processing committe report, and included in adopted

recommendations to the Sec. on first proposed rule.

sulfuric acid Yes 09/19/96 13-0 0-13 0-13

Prohibited Synthetic

tartaric acid (made from grape wine) Yes 11/01/95 0-13

13-0 Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic

NOT on 12-21-2000 National List.

Yes 11/01/95 13-0 10-4 Allowed 95%+

Synthetic NOT on 12-21-2000 National


tocopherols Yes 11/01/95 13-1 12-2

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(35) derived from

vegetable oil when rosemary extracts are not a suitable alternative.

NOSB: Must be derived from vegetable oils when rosemary

extracts are not a suitable alternative.

volcanic clay No Tabled

09/19/96 See Clay, Various

waxes, fruit (1999 vote) Yes 10/26/99

See ammonium soap,

beeswax, and shellac.

waxes, fruit (animal waxes) Yes

Tabled 09/19/96 NOSB: Sent back to

the materials committee because of a lack of specific information.See


waxes, fruit (plant derived) Yes 09/19/96 2-10

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic " 205.605(a)(19)

(i)carnauba wax

(ii) wood resin " NOSB: Restricted to carnauba and wood-

resin. Originally voted as a crops material, with a decision not to

list as a prohibited natural, 7 aye / 4 opposed / 1 abstention / 1


whey protein (non-organic) Yes 09/19/96 0-12 5-8

8-5 Prohibited Non-synthetic NOSB:

Permitted from an organic source only.

xanthan gum Yes 04/26/95 14-0 12-2

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(36) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

yeast autolysate Yes 11/01/95 0-13-1 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (i)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited NOSB: Yeast (used for source) that is

a product of rDNA technology is prohibited.

yeast, bakers Yes 11/01/95 0-13-1 12-1-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (ii)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited NOSB: Yeast (used for source) that is

a product of rDNA technology is prohibited.

yeast, brewers Yes 11/01/95 0-12-2 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (iii)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited NOSB: Yeast (used for source) that is

a product of rDNA technology is prohibited.

yeast, nutritional Yes 11/01/95 0-14 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (iv)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited NOSB: Yeast (used for source) that is

a product of rDNA technology is prohibited. Growth on petrochemical

substrates and sulfite waste liquor is also prohibited.

yeast, smoked Yes 11/01/95 0-13-1 11-3

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (v)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited. Nonsynthetic smoke flavoring process must

be documented. NOSB Annotation: Yeast (used for source) that is a

product of rDNA technology is prohibited. Growth on petrochemical

substrates and sulfite waste liquor is also prohibited. The handler

must document in the Organic Handling Plan that the smoke flavoring

used is produced using a non-synthetic process that does not use

synthetic processing aids or additives.

Common Name TAP Review Vote Date Vote Synth. Vote

95% Vote 70% Status Synthetic 7CFR 205

Annotation in 7CFR 205 Notes

acetic acid bacteria No Not

reviewed appears on 1994 petition

agar-agar Yes 04/26/95 0-12-2 12-0-2

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic Although

approved by NOSB, this was omitted from National List. In 6/00

comments on proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as agricultural,

needing to be organic when available.

alginates Yes 04/26/95 14-0 10-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(1) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

alginic acid Yes 04/26/95 1-12-1 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(1)(i) No

annotation. NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

amino acids Yes Tabled

10/26/99 see L-cysteine

ammonium bicarbonate Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(2) for use only

as a leavening agent NOSB: Limited to use as a leavening agent.

ammonium carbonate Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(3) for use only

as a leavening agent NOSB: Limited to use as a leavening agent.

ammonium hydroxide Yes

Deferred 3/06/01

ammonium phosphates Yes 11/01/95 13-0-0 0-13-0 3-6-5

Not allowed Synthetic NOSB: Also

failed when voted to allow only for use as a yeast food in

winemaking, 4-7-3. Includes monoammonium phosphate, diammonium

phosphate; ammonium phosphate dibasic or monobasic

ammonium soaps Yes 10/26/99 11-0 0-10-1 0-11-0 Not

allowed Synthetic NOSB: Reviewed with


ascorbic acid Yes 04/26/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(4) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

baking powder, aluminum free No

Tabled 11/01/95 Minutes say " This

material's component parts were all reviewed and approved for use in

organic foods. "

beeswax Yes 10/26/99 0-11 1-10 Not prohibited

Non-synthetic Considered an agricultural

product, not added to the National List. Board noted in 99 it should

be organic when available (however it is not listed under 205.606,

could be considered for listing there).

bentonite Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(2) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

boiler chemicals, general Yes 04/25/95

Deferred 3/06/01 From

Addendum 7, Organic Good Manufacturing Practices: " Residues of boiler

water additives must be prevented from contacting organically

produced food by the use of steam without entrained water, steam

filtering, or other means. " Recommendation passed 14-0. See listings

for ammonium hydroxide, cyclohexylamine, diethylaminoethanol,

morpholine, and octadecylamine.

calcium carbonate Yes 11/01/95 0-13-1 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(3) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

calcium chloride Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(4) No annotation.

NOSB: Minutes say " Only the natural form of this material is

allowed. "

calcium citrate Yes 11/01/95 13-0 11-1-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(5) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

calcium hydroxide Yes 04/26/95 12-1 10-3

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(6) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

calcium phosphates (di-, tri-, and mono-) Yes 11/01/95

14-0-0 13-1 Allowed 95%+ Synthetic

205.605(B)(7) No annotation. NOSB: Uses discussed included

baking powder, fortification, for yeast growth, and as a firming

agent for yogurt.

calcium sulfate Yes 03/07/01 0-15 15-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic not yet added NOSB

annotation: nonsynthetic sources only.

calcium sulfate, synthetic Yes 09/19/96 12-0 1-11

0-12 Not allowed Synthetic NOSB:

The original review considered only synthetic sources.

carbon dioxide, non-synthetic Yes 11/01/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic Final

rule does not list as a non-synthetic in 205.605(a).

carbon dioxide, synthetic Yes 11/01/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(8) No

annotation. NOSB noted that " The non-synthetic form is preferable

to the synthetic. "

carrageenan Yes 04/26/95 5-9 13-0-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic Not included

in Final Rule, 12/21/2000. In 6/00 comments on proposed rule, NOSB

asked it be listed as agricultural, needing to be organic when


chlorine Yes 11/02/95 11-0 9-2

Allowed Synthetic " 205.605(B)(9)

chlorine materials

(i)Calcium hypochlorite

(ii)Chlorine dioxide

(iii) Sodium hypochlorite " disinfecting and sanitizing food

contact surfaces, Except, That, residual chlorine levels in the water

shall not exceed the maximum residual disinfectant limit under the

Safe Drinking water Act. NOSB annotation: Allowed for

disinfecting and sanitizing food contact surfaces. Residual chlorine

levels for washwater in direct crop or food contact and in flush

water from cleaning irrigation systems that is applied to crops or

fields cannot exceed the maximum residual disinfectant limit under

the Safe Drinking Water Act (currently 4 mg/l expressed as Cl2). This

substance is to be reviewed again in two years.

chymosin, bioengineered form Yes 09/19/96 12-0 1-11

0-12 Not allowed Synthetic

citric acid Yes 04/26/95 5-8 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(1)(ii)

produced by microbial fermentation of carbohydrate substances

NOSB: Must be produced by microbial fermentation of

carbohydrate substrates.

clay: Fuller's earth, attapulgite Yes

Tabled 09/19/96 NOSB: Board

sent back to committee for clarification of current uses.

colors, natural

205.605(a)(5) nonsynthetic sources only. Not reviewed


cornstarch (native) Yes 11/01/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.606(a) No annotation.

NOSB approved only " native and unmodified starches " in 1995.

In 6/00 comments on proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as

agricultural, needing to be organic when available.

cultures, dairy Yes 11/01/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(6) No annotation.

NOSB annotation: Bacteria may not be a product of rDNA


cyclohexylamine Yes Deferred


diatomaceous earth Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(7) food

filtering aid only. NOSB: For food filtering only.

diethylaminoethanol Yes

Deferred 3/06/01

enzymes, animal derived Yes 11/16/00 0-12 10-2-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic not yet added

" NOSB: These specific types were approved only: rennet

(animal derived); catalase--bovine liver; animal lipase; pancreatin;

pepsin; trypsin. The TAP review used rennet as the " " model " " enzyme.


enzymes, bacterial Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(8) must be

derived from edible, nontoxic plants, nonpathogenic fungi, or

nonpathogenic bacteria. NOSB: Original vote in 1995 for bacterial

enzymes recommended this annotation: Enzymes that are produced by

microorganisms that are products of recombinant DNA technology are

synthetic and are prohibited unless specifically allowed. Synthetic

bacterial enzymes must be petitioned by a manufacturer or processor.

enzymes, fungal Yes 10/26/99 0-11 9-0-2

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(8) must be

derived from edible, nontoxic plants, nonpathogenic fungi, or

nonpathogenic bacteria. NOSB: from plant and fungal sources. Voted

on plant and fungal enzymes together.

enzymes, plant-derived Yes 10/26/99 0-11 9-0-2

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(8) must be

derived from edible, nontoxic plants, nonpathogenic fungi, or

nonpathogenic bacteria. " NOSB: from plant and fungal sources.

Voted on plant and fungal enzymes together. "

ethylene (1995 vote) Yes 11/01/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(10) allowed for

postharvest ripening of tropical fruit NOSB: Originally approved for

use as a ripening agent for bananas only. Motion for a five year

phase out failed 3-9-1.

ethylene (1999 vote) Yes 10/26/99 11-0 8-3

Allowed Synthetic 205.605(B)(10) allowed for

postharvest ripening of tropical fruit NOSB recommended annotation:

for post harvest ripening of tropical fruit and degreening of citrus.

flavors, natural No 10/31/95

Allowed 205.605(a)(9) nonsynthetic sources only and

must not be produced using synthetic solvents and carrier systems or

any artificial preservative. NOSB adopted Addendum 14, The Use of

Natural Flavors in Organic Food, on Oct 31, 95 (13-0). No specific

vote to consider as non-synthetic. This addendum contains different

provisions for organic or made-with-organic foods, and allows

synthetic solvents other than hexane and synthetic carriers (except

for propylene glycol) in the Made With Organic category.

glycerin Yes 11/01/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(13) produced by

hydrolysis of fats and oil. NOSB: Must be produced by hydrolysis

of fats and oils.

gums (arabic, guar, locust bean, carob bean) Yes 11/01/95

0-14 14-0 Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic

205.606(B) water extracted only NOSB: In 6/00

comments on proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as agricultural,

needing to be organic when available.

hydrogen peroxide Yes 11/02/95 13-0 13-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(14) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

ionizing radiation 04/25/95

Prohibited 205.105(f) Ionizing radiation,

as described in Food and Drug Administration regulation, 21 CFR 179.26

NOSB: voted unamiously in favor of Good Manufacturing

Practices, Addendum 7.

iron (ferrous sulfate) Yes 04/26/95 12-0 10-2

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(11) for iron

enrichment or fortification of foods when required by regulation or

recommended (independent organization) NOSB annotation: for iron

fortification of foods that is required by regulation or for iron

enrichment by professional recommendation.

kaolin Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0 Allowed 95%+

Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(10) No annotation. NOSB:

Allowed, with no annotation.

kelp Yes 04/26/95 0-14 13-1 Allowed 95%+

Non-synthetic 205.606© for use only as a thickener

and dietary supplement NOSB: Allowed for use as a thickener and

dietary supplement (as defined in the CFR). In 6/00 comments on

proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as agricultural, needing to be

organic when available.

lactic acid Yes 04/26/95 0-13 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(1)(iii) No

annotation. NOSB annotation: prohibited if derived from

microorganism that are products of recombinant DNA technology.

L-cysteine Yes 03/06/01 15-0 0-15 0-15

Prohibited Synthetic TAP review

originally prepared for 10/99 used l-cysteine as the model for amino

acids in processing.

lecithin, bleached Yes 04/26/95 13-0 9-4-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(15) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

lecithin, unbleached Yes 04/26/95 1-12 11-2

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.606(d) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation. In 6/00 comments on

proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as agricultural, needing to be

organic when available.

magnesium carbonate Yes 09/19/96 13-0 4-9 9-4

Allowed 50%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(16) for use only

in agricultural products labeled " made with organic (specified

ingredients or food group(s)), " prohibited in agricultural products

labeled " organic " . NOSB: Unacceptable for use in organic foods,

but acceptable for use in the food category " made with organic

ingredients. "

magnesium carbonate, non-synthetic Yes 09/19/96 0-13

Tabled Non-synthetic NOSB:

sent this material back to TAP for more information on impurities and


magnesium chloride (1995 vote) Yes 11/01/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(17)

derived from sea water NOSB annotation: Allowable only in

the synthetic form if extracted from sea water. Magnesium chloride

produced by synthetic processes (e.g., hydrochloric acid reaction) is

not allowable. Unrefined non-synthetic magnesium chloride (nigari) is

not recognized by FDA as an allowed food ingredient.

magnesium chloride (1999 vote) Yes 10/26/99

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(17)

derived from sea water NOSB voted 11-0 to change the

recommended annotation to " allowed only if derived from sea water "

but did not re-vote the synthetic status. All food grade magnesium

chloride (including nigari) that is seawater extracted is permitted.

magnesium silicate Yes 04/26/95 12-0-2 0-14 0-14

Prohibited Synthetic NOSB: noted

concerns about asbestos.

magnesium stearate Yes 11/01/95 14-0 4-9-1 12-2

Allowed 50%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(18) for use only

in agricultural products labeled " made with organic (specified

ingredients or food group(s)), " prohibited in agricultural products

labeled " organic " . NOSB: Unacceptable for use in organic foods,

but acceptable for use in the food category " made with organic

ingredients. "

magnesium sulfate Yes 04/26/95 0-14 12-1-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(11) non-synthetic

sources only NOSB: The synthetic form of this substance is to be

reviewed at a later date by the Processing Committee.

malted barley (non-organic) Yes 09/19/96 0-13 5-8

Prohibited Non-synthetic NOSB:

Permitted from an organic source only.

mono- & di-glycerides Yes 04/26/95 13-0 9-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(12) for use only

in drum drying of food NOSB: For use in drum drying of food only.

morpholine Yes Deferred


nisin Yes 11/01/95 10-3 0-13 0-13 Not allowed


nitrogen Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(12) oil-free

grades NOSB annotation: Oil-free grades, from non-oil sources.

nutrient minerals Yes 10/31/95 14-0 10-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(19) in accordance

with 21CFR 104.20, Nutritional Quality Guidelines for Foods.

" NOSB:voted to list nutrient vitamins and minerals (one vote)

with following annotation: Accepted for use in organic foods for

enrichment or fortification when required by regulation or

recommended by an independent professional organization.

NOSB also voted 12-1 to support Addendum 13. Minutes state " " (the

processing committee is) not recommending that vitamins and minerals

for human consumption be exempted from the National List process. " " "

nutrient vitamins Yes 10/31/95 14-0 10-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(19) in accordance

with 21CFR 104.20, Nutritional Quality Guidelines for Foods.

" NOSB:voted to list nutrient vitamins and minerals (one vote)

with following annotation: Accepted for use in organic foods for

enrichment or fortification when required by regulation or

recommended by an independent professional organization.

NOSB also voted 12-1 to support Addendum 13. Minutes state " " (the

processing committee is) not recommending that vitamins and minerals

for human consumption be exempted from the National List process. " " "

octadecylamine Yes Deferred


oxygen Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0 Allowed 95%+

Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(13) oil free grades NOSB

annotation: Oil-free grades, from non-oil sources.

ozone Yes 11/01/95 14-0 14-0 Allowed 95%+

Synthetic 205.605(B)(20) No annotation. NOSB:

Allowed, with no annotation.

pectin, high-methoxy (HM) Yes 04/26/95 2-10-2 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.606(e) No

annotation. NOSB: recommended to allow in 1995, and in 6/00

comments on proposed rule, asked it be listed as agricultural,

needing to be organic when available.

pectin, low-methoxy (LM) Yes 04/26/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(21) No

annotation. NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

peracetic acid Yes 11/16/00 14-0 13-0-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic not yet added NOSB

annotation: Allowed for direct food contact only in wash and/or rinse

water. Allowed as a sanitizer on surfaces in contact with organic


perlite Yes 09/19/96 2-9-1 12-1 Allowed 95%+

Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(14) for use only as a filter aid

in food processing NOSB: Allowed as a filter aid in food


phosphoric acid Yes 10/26/99 10-0 10-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(22) cleaning of

food-contact surfaces and equipment only NOSB: For cleaning

food contact surfaces and equipment.

potassium acid tartrate Yes 11/01/95 13-0 12-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic " 205.605(B)(23)

205.605(B)(24) " No annotation. NOP also lists 205.605(B)

(24) " Potassium Tartrate made from tartaric acid. " Potassium acid

tartrate was also called " Potassium Tartrate made from tartaric

acid " in the 11/95 minutes. An NOSB proposed annotation " Shall be

derived from tartaric acid derived from grapes " failed, and there is

no annotation for this material.

potassium carbonate Yes 04/26/95 12-0 11-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(25) No annotation.

NOSB annotation: Potassium carbonate is allowed only for FDA-

approved applications where natural sodium carbonate is not an

acceptable substitute. Voted and approved 12-0-2.

potassium chloride Yes 04/26/95 0-14 11-3

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(15) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

potassium citrate Yes 04/26/95 13-0 10-3

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(26) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

potassium hydroxide Yes 11/01/95 10-0 9-2-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(27) prohibited

for use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables NOSB annotation:

prohibited for use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables and where

non-synthetic sodium carbonate is an acceptable substitute.

potassium iodide Yes 04/26/95 0-14 13-0-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(16) No annotation.

NOSB: Non-synthetic sources from brine. (Recorded in 1997

summary of votes, missing from minutes.)

potassium iodide Yes 04/26/95 14-0 7-7 10-3-1

Allowed 50%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(28) for use only

in agricultural products labeled " made with organic (specified

ingredients or food group(s)), " prohibited in agricultural products

labeled " organic " . Synthetic sources are derived from a reaction

between hydrogen iodide and potassium bicarbonate.(Recorded in 97

summary of votes, missing from minutes)

potassium phosphate Yes 04/26/95 14-0 7-7 10-3

Allowed 50%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(29) for use only

in agricultural products labeled " made with organic (specified

ingredients or food group(s)), " prohibited in agricultural products

labeled " organic " . NOSB: Unacceptable for use in organic foods

but acceptable for use in the food category " made with organic

ingredients. "

shellac Yes 10/26/99 11-0 0-11 0-11 Not allowed

Synthetic NOSB: Included in TAP review

for waxes.

silica, colloidal Yes 11/01/95 12-0 1-11 3-9

Not allowed Synthetic There may be

some confusion about the actual identity of this substance. Silicon

dioxide was approved and is also known as Synthetic Amorphous Silica

(Food Chemicals Codex 3rd Ed.), INS #551. Colloidal (also called

fumed) silica is considered an anhydrous form of silicon dioxide

produced by a vapor phase hydrolysis process. Wet process forms of

silicon dioxide include precipitated silica, silica gel, and hydrous


silicon dioxide Yes 09/19/96 13-0 10-3

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(30) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

sodium bicarbonate Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(17) No annotation.

NOSB: included sodium carbonates and bicarbonates in one


sodium carbonate Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(18) No annotation.

NOSB: included sodium carbonates and bicarbonates in one


sodium citrate Yes 04/26/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(31) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

sodium hydroxide Yes 04/26/95 12-2 10-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(32) prohibited

for use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables NOSB: Prohibited for

use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables and where natural sodium

bicarbonate is an acceptable substitute.

sodium phosphates Yes 11/01/95 14-0 12-2

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(33) for use only

in dairy foods NOSB: An annotation limiting its use to boiler water

additives failed, then a second motion passed for annotation " Use

restricted to dairy foods. "

sodium tartrate Yes 11/01/95 13-0 8-2-3 0-13

Prohibited Synthetic Discussion:

noted that citric acid is a suitable non-synthetic alternative for

this material. It was also pointed out that this material is used

extensively in wine production.

sorbic acid Yes 11/01/95 14-0 0-14 0-14

Prohibited Synthetic

starch, non-modified No

Tabled 11/01/95 NOSB: Motion to

request a TAP review supported 12-0.

sulfur dioxide Yes " 4/26/95

" 8-6 11-3 Allowed in 70%+ Synthetic

205.605(B)(34) for use only in wine labeled " made with

organic grapes. " Provided, That, total sulfite concentration does not

exceed 100ppm. NOSB original annotation 1995: Sulfur dioxide may not

be added to wine at levels greater than 100 ppm; the level of free

sulfites may not exceed 35 ppm in the final product. This was amended

in March 1998, " Sulfur dioxide is allowed only for use in production

of wine that is labeled 'made with organically grown grapes.' "

Stated in the processing committe report, and included in adopted

recommendations to the Sec. on first proposed rule.

sulfuric acid Yes 09/19/96 13-0 0-13 0-13

Prohibited Synthetic

tartaric acid (made from grape wine) Yes 11/01/95 0-13

13-0 Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic

NOT on 12-21-2000 National List.

Yes 11/01/95 13-0 10-4 Allowed 95%+

Synthetic NOT on 12-21-2000 National


tocopherols Yes 11/01/95 13-1 12-2

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(35) derived from

vegetable oil when rosemary extracts are not a suitable alternative.

NOSB: Must be derived from vegetable oils when rosemary

extracts are not a suitable alternative.

volcanic clay No Tabled

09/19/96 See Clay, Various

waxes, fruit (1999 vote) Yes 10/26/99

See ammonium soap,

beeswax, and shellac.

waxes, fruit (animal waxes) Yes

Tabled 09/19/96 NOSB: Sent back to

the materials committee because of a lack of specific information.See


waxes, fruit (plant derived) Yes 09/19/96 2-10

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic " 205.605(a)(19)

(i)carnauba wax

(ii) wood resin " NOSB: Restricted to carnauba and wood-

resin. Originally voted as a crops material, with a decision not to

list as a prohibited natural, 7 aye / 4 opposed / 1 abstention / 1


whey protein (non-organic) Yes 09/19/96 0-12 5-8

8-5 Prohibited Non-synthetic NOSB:

Permitted from an organic source only.

xanthan gum Yes 04/26/95 14-0 12-2

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(36) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

yeast autolysate Yes 11/01/95 0-13-1 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (i)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited NOSB: Yeast (used for source) that is

a product of rDNA technology is prohibited.

yeast, bakers Yes 11/01/95 0-13-1 12-1-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (ii)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited NOSB: Yeast (used for source) that is

a product of rDNA technology is prohibited.

yeast, brewers Yes 11/01/95 0-12-2 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (iii)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited NOSB: Yeast (used for source) that is

a product of rDNA technology is prohibited.

yeast, nutritional Yes 11/01/95 0-14 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (iv)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited NOSB: Yeast (used for source) that is

a product of rDNA technology is prohibited. Growth on petrochemical

substrates and sulfite waste liquor is also prohibited.

yeast, smoked Yes 11/01/95 0-13-1 11-3

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (v)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited. Nonsynthetic smoke flavoring process must

be documented. NOSB Annotation: Yeast (used for source) that is a

product of rDNA technology is prohibited. Growth on petrochemical

substrates and sulfite waste liquor is also prohibited. The handler

must document in the Organic Handling Plan that the smoke flavoring

used is produced using a non-synthetic process that does not use

synthetic processing aids or additives.

Common Name TAP Review Vote Date Vote Synth. Vote

95% Vote 70% Status Synthetic 7CFR 205

Annotation in 7CFR 205 Notes

acetic acid bacteria No Not

reviewed appears on 1994 petition

agar-agar Yes 04/26/95 0-12-2 12-0-2

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic Although

approved by NOSB, this was omitted from National List. In 6/00

comments on proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as agricultural,

needing to be organic when available.

alginates Yes 04/26/95 14-0 10-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(1) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

alginic acid Yes 04/26/95 1-12-1 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(1)(i) No

annotation. NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

amino acids Yes Tabled

10/26/99 see L-cysteine

ammonium bicarbonate Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(2) for use only

as a leavening agent NOSB: Limited to use as a leavening agent.

ammonium carbonate Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(3) for use only

as a leavening agent NOSB: Limited to use as a leavening agent.

ammonium hydroxide Yes

Deferred 3/06/01

ammonium phosphates Yes 11/01/95 13-0-0 0-13-0 3-6-5

Not allowed Synthetic NOSB: Also

failed when voted to allow only for use as a yeast food in

winemaking, 4-7-3. Includes monoammonium phosphate, diammonium

phosphate; ammonium phosphate dibasic or monobasic

ammonium soaps Yes 10/26/99 11-0 0-10-1 0-11-0 Not

allowed Synthetic NOSB: Reviewed with


ascorbic acid Yes 04/26/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(4) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

baking powder, aluminum free No

Tabled 11/01/95 Minutes say " This

material's component parts were all reviewed and approved for use in

organic foods. "

beeswax Yes 10/26/99 0-11 1-10 Not prohibited

Non-synthetic Considered an agricultural

product, not added to the National List. Board noted in 99 it should

be organic when available (however it is not listed under 205.606,

could be considered for listing there).

bentonite Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(2) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

boiler chemicals, general Yes 04/25/95

Deferred 3/06/01 From

Addendum 7, Organic Good Manufacturing Practices: " Residues of boiler

water additives must be prevented from contacting organically

produced food by the use of steam without entrained water, steam

filtering, or other means. " Recommendation passed 14-0. See listings

for ammonium hydroxide, cyclohexylamine, diethylaminoethanol,

morpholine, and octadecylamine.

calcium carbonate Yes 11/01/95 0-13-1 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(3) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

calcium chloride Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(4) No annotation.

NOSB: Minutes say " Only the natural form of this material is

allowed. "

calcium citrate Yes 11/01/95 13-0 11-1-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(5) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

calcium hydroxide Yes 04/26/95 12-1 10-3

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(6) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

calcium phosphates (di-, tri-, and mono-) Yes 11/01/95

14-0-0 13-1 Allowed 95%+ Synthetic

205.605(B)(7) No annotation. NOSB: Uses discussed included

baking powder, fortification, for yeast growth, and as a firming

agent for yogurt.

calcium sulfate Yes 03/07/01 0-15 15-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic not yet added NOSB

annotation: nonsynthetic sources only.

calcium sulfate, synthetic Yes 09/19/96 12-0 1-11

0-12 Not allowed Synthetic NOSB:

The original review considered only synthetic sources.

carbon dioxide, non-synthetic Yes 11/01/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic Final

rule does not list as a non-synthetic in 205.605(a).

carbon dioxide, synthetic Yes 11/01/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(8) No

annotation. NOSB noted that " The non-synthetic form is preferable

to the synthetic. "

carrageenan Yes 04/26/95 5-9 13-0-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic Not included

in Final Rule, 12/21/2000. In 6/00 comments on proposed rule, NOSB

asked it be listed as agricultural, needing to be organic when


chlorine Yes 11/02/95 11-0 9-2

Allowed Synthetic " 205.605(B)(9)

chlorine materials

(i)Calcium hypochlorite

(ii)Chlorine dioxide

(iii) Sodium hypochlorite " disinfecting and sanitizing food

contact surfaces, Except, That, residual chlorine levels in the water

shall not exceed the maximum residual disinfectant limit under the

Safe Drinking water Act. NOSB annotation: Allowed for

disinfecting and sanitizing food contact surfaces. Residual chlorine

levels for washwater in direct crop or food contact and in flush

water from cleaning irrigation systems that is applied to crops or

fields cannot exceed the maximum residual disinfectant limit under

the Safe Drinking Water Act (currently 4 mg/l expressed as Cl2). This

substance is to be reviewed again in two years.

chymosin, bioengineered form Yes 09/19/96 12-0 1-11

0-12 Not allowed Synthetic

citric acid Yes 04/26/95 5-8 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(1)(ii)

produced by microbial fermentation of carbohydrate substances

NOSB: Must be produced by microbial fermentation of

carbohydrate substrates.

clay: Fuller's earth, attapulgite Yes

Tabled 09/19/96 NOSB: Board

sent back to committee for clarification of current uses.

colors, natural

205.605(a)(5) nonsynthetic sources only. Not reviewed


cornstarch (native) Yes 11/01/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.606(a) No annotation.

NOSB approved only " native and unmodified starches " in 1995.

In 6/00 comments on proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as

agricultural, needing to be organic when available.

cultures, dairy Yes 11/01/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(6) No annotation.

NOSB annotation: Bacteria may not be a product of rDNA


cyclohexylamine Yes Deferred


diatomaceous earth Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(7) food

filtering aid only. NOSB: For food filtering only.

diethylaminoethanol Yes

Deferred 3/06/01

enzymes, animal derived Yes 11/16/00 0-12 10-2-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic not yet added

" NOSB: These specific types were approved only: rennet

(animal derived); catalase--bovine liver; animal lipase; pancreatin;

pepsin; trypsin. The TAP review used rennet as the " " model " " enzyme.


enzymes, bacterial Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(8) must be

derived from edible, nontoxic plants, nonpathogenic fungi, or

nonpathogenic bacteria. NOSB: Original vote in 1995 for bacterial

enzymes recommended this annotation: Enzymes that are produced by

microorganisms that are products of recombinant DNA technology are

synthetic and are prohibited unless specifically allowed. Synthetic

bacterial enzymes must be petitioned by a manufacturer or processor.

enzymes, fungal Yes 10/26/99 0-11 9-0-2

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(8) must be

derived from edible, nontoxic plants, nonpathogenic fungi, or

nonpathogenic bacteria. NOSB: from plant and fungal sources. Voted

on plant and fungal enzymes together.

enzymes, plant-derived Yes 10/26/99 0-11 9-0-2

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(8) must be

derived from edible, nontoxic plants, nonpathogenic fungi, or

nonpathogenic bacteria. " NOSB: from plant and fungal sources.

Voted on plant and fungal enzymes together. "

ethylene (1995 vote) Yes 11/01/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(10) allowed for

postharvest ripening of tropical fruit NOSB: Originally approved for

use as a ripening agent for bananas only. Motion for a five year

phase out failed 3-9-1.

ethylene (1999 vote) Yes 10/26/99 11-0 8-3

Allowed Synthetic 205.605(B)(10) allowed for

postharvest ripening of tropical fruit NOSB recommended annotation:

for post harvest ripening of tropical fruit and degreening of citrus.

flavors, natural No 10/31/95

Allowed 205.605(a)(9) nonsynthetic sources only and

must not be produced using synthetic solvents and carrier systems or

any artificial preservative. NOSB adopted Addendum 14, The Use of

Natural Flavors in Organic Food, on Oct 31, 95 (13-0). No specific

vote to consider as non-synthetic. This addendum contains different

provisions for organic or made-with-organic foods, and allows

synthetic solvents other than hexane and synthetic carriers (except

for propylene glycol) in the Made With Organic category.

glycerin Yes 11/01/95 14-0 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(13) produced by

hydrolysis of fats and oil. NOSB: Must be produced by hydrolysis

of fats and oils.

gums (arabic, guar, locust bean, carob bean) Yes 11/01/95

0-14 14-0 Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic

205.606(B) water extracted only NOSB: In 6/00

comments on proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as agricultural,

needing to be organic when available.

hydrogen peroxide Yes 11/02/95 13-0 13-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(14) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

ionizing radiation 04/25/95

Prohibited 205.105(f) Ionizing radiation,

as described in Food and Drug Administration regulation, 21 CFR 179.26

NOSB: voted unamiously in favor of Good Manufacturing

Practices, Addendum 7.

iron (ferrous sulfate) Yes 04/26/95 12-0 10-2

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(11) for iron

enrichment or fortification of foods when required by regulation or

recommended (independent organization) NOSB annotation: for iron

fortification of foods that is required by regulation or for iron

enrichment by professional recommendation.

kaolin Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0 Allowed 95%+

Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(10) No annotation. NOSB:

Allowed, with no annotation.

kelp Yes 04/26/95 0-14 13-1 Allowed 95%+

Non-synthetic 205.606© for use only as a thickener

and dietary supplement NOSB: Allowed for use as a thickener and

dietary supplement (as defined in the CFR). In 6/00 comments on

proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as agricultural, needing to be

organic when available.

lactic acid Yes 04/26/95 0-13 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(1)(iii) No

annotation. NOSB annotation: prohibited if derived from

microorganism that are products of recombinant DNA technology.

L-cysteine Yes 03/06/01 15-0 0-15 0-15

Prohibited Synthetic TAP review

originally prepared for 10/99 used l-cysteine as the model for amino

acids in processing.

lecithin, bleached Yes 04/26/95 13-0 9-4-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(15) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

lecithin, unbleached Yes 04/26/95 1-12 11-2

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.606(d) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation. In 6/00 comments on

proposed rule, NOSB asked it be listed as agricultural, needing to be

organic when available.

magnesium carbonate Yes 09/19/96 13-0 4-9 9-4

Allowed 50%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(16) for use only

in agricultural products labeled " made with organic (specified

ingredients or food group(s)), " prohibited in agricultural products

labeled " organic " . NOSB: Unacceptable for use in organic foods,

but acceptable for use in the food category " made with organic

ingredients. "

magnesium carbonate, non-synthetic Yes 09/19/96 0-13

Tabled Non-synthetic NOSB:

sent this material back to TAP for more information on impurities and


magnesium chloride (1995 vote) Yes 11/01/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(17)

derived from sea water NOSB annotation: Allowable only in

the synthetic form if extracted from sea water. Magnesium chloride

produced by synthetic processes (e.g., hydrochloric acid reaction) is

not allowable. Unrefined non-synthetic magnesium chloride (nigari) is

not recognized by FDA as an allowed food ingredient.

magnesium chloride (1999 vote) Yes 10/26/99

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(17)

derived from sea water NOSB voted 11-0 to change the

recommended annotation to " allowed only if derived from sea water "

but did not re-vote the synthetic status. All food grade magnesium

chloride (including nigari) that is seawater extracted is permitted.

magnesium silicate Yes 04/26/95 12-0-2 0-14 0-14

Prohibited Synthetic NOSB: noted

concerns about asbestos.

magnesium stearate Yes 11/01/95 14-0 4-9-1 12-2

Allowed 50%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(18) for use only

in agricultural products labeled " made with organic (specified

ingredients or food group(s)), " prohibited in agricultural products

labeled " organic " . NOSB: Unacceptable for use in organic foods,

but acceptable for use in the food category " made with organic

ingredients. "

magnesium sulfate Yes 04/26/95 0-14 12-1-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(11) non-synthetic

sources only NOSB: The synthetic form of this substance is to be

reviewed at a later date by the Processing Committee.

malted barley (non-organic) Yes 09/19/96 0-13 5-8

Prohibited Non-synthetic NOSB:

Permitted from an organic source only.

mono- & di-glycerides Yes 04/26/95 13-0 9-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(12) for use only

in drum drying of food NOSB: For use in drum drying of food only.

morpholine Yes Deferred


nisin Yes 11/01/95 10-3 0-13 0-13 Not allowed


nitrogen Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(12) oil-free

grades NOSB annotation: Oil-free grades, from non-oil sources.

nutrient minerals Yes 10/31/95 14-0 10-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(19) in accordance

with 21CFR 104.20, Nutritional Quality Guidelines for Foods.

" NOSB:voted to list nutrient vitamins and minerals (one vote)

with following annotation: Accepted for use in organic foods for

enrichment or fortification when required by regulation or

recommended by an independent professional organization.

NOSB also voted 12-1 to support Addendum 13. Minutes state " " (the

processing committee is) not recommending that vitamins and minerals

for human consumption be exempted from the National List process. " " "

nutrient vitamins Yes 10/31/95 14-0 10-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(19) in accordance

with 21CFR 104.20, Nutritional Quality Guidelines for Foods.

" NOSB:voted to list nutrient vitamins and minerals (one vote)

with following annotation: Accepted for use in organic foods for

enrichment or fortification when required by regulation or

recommended by an independent professional organization.

NOSB also voted 12-1 to support Addendum 13. Minutes state " " (the

processing committee is) not recommending that vitamins and minerals

for human consumption be exempted from the National List process. " " "

octadecylamine Yes Deferred


oxygen Yes 04/26/95 14-0 14-0 Allowed 95%+

Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(13) oil free grades NOSB

annotation: Oil-free grades, from non-oil sources.

ozone Yes 11/01/95 14-0 14-0 Allowed 95%+

Synthetic 205.605(B)(20) No annotation. NOSB:

Allowed, with no annotation.

pectin, high-methoxy (HM) Yes 04/26/95 2-10-2 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.606(e) No

annotation. NOSB: recommended to allow in 1995, and in 6/00

comments on proposed rule, asked it be listed as agricultural,

needing to be organic when available.

pectin, low-methoxy (LM) Yes 04/26/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(21) No

annotation. NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

peracetic acid Yes 11/16/00 14-0 13-0-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic not yet added NOSB

annotation: Allowed for direct food contact only in wash and/or rinse

water. Allowed as a sanitizer on surfaces in contact with organic


perlite Yes 09/19/96 2-9-1 12-1 Allowed 95%+

Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(14) for use only as a filter aid

in food processing NOSB: Allowed as a filter aid in food


phosphoric acid Yes 10/26/99 10-0 10-0

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(22) cleaning of

food-contact surfaces and equipment only NOSB: For cleaning

food contact surfaces and equipment.

potassium acid tartrate Yes 11/01/95 13-0 12-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic " 205.605(B)(23)

205.605(B)(24) " No annotation. NOP also lists 205.605(B)

(24) " Potassium Tartrate made from tartaric acid. " Potassium acid

tartrate was also called " Potassium Tartrate made from tartaric

acid " in the 11/95 minutes. An NOSB proposed annotation " Shall be

derived from tartaric acid derived from grapes " failed, and there is

no annotation for this material.

potassium carbonate Yes 04/26/95 12-0 11-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(25) No annotation.

NOSB annotation: Potassium carbonate is allowed only for FDA-

approved applications where natural sodium carbonate is not an

acceptable substitute. Voted and approved 12-0-2.

potassium chloride Yes 04/26/95 0-14 11-3

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(15) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

potassium citrate Yes 04/26/95 13-0 10-3

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(26) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

potassium hydroxide Yes 11/01/95 10-0 9-2-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(27) prohibited

for use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables NOSB annotation:

prohibited for use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables and where

non-synthetic sodium carbonate is an acceptable substitute.

potassium iodide Yes 04/26/95 0-14 13-0-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(16) No annotation.

NOSB: Non-synthetic sources from brine. (Recorded in 1997

summary of votes, missing from minutes.)

potassium iodide Yes 04/26/95 14-0 7-7 10-3-1

Allowed 50%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(28) for use only

in agricultural products labeled " made with organic (specified

ingredients or food group(s)), " prohibited in agricultural products

labeled " organic " . Synthetic sources are derived from a reaction

between hydrogen iodide and potassium bicarbonate.(Recorded in 97

summary of votes, missing from minutes)

potassium phosphate Yes 04/26/95 14-0 7-7 10-3

Allowed 50%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(29) for use only

in agricultural products labeled " made with organic (specified

ingredients or food group(s)), " prohibited in agricultural products

labeled " organic " . NOSB: Unacceptable for use in organic foods

but acceptable for use in the food category " made with organic

ingredients. "

shellac Yes 10/26/99 11-0 0-11 0-11 Not allowed

Synthetic NOSB: Included in TAP review

for waxes.

silica, colloidal Yes 11/01/95 12-0 1-11 3-9

Not allowed Synthetic There may be

some confusion about the actual identity of this substance. Silicon

dioxide was approved and is also known as Synthetic Amorphous Silica

(Food Chemicals Codex 3rd Ed.), INS #551. Colloidal (also called

fumed) silica is considered an anhydrous form of silicon dioxide

produced by a vapor phase hydrolysis process. Wet process forms of

silicon dioxide include precipitated silica, silica gel, and hydrous


silicon dioxide Yes 09/19/96 13-0 10-3

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(30) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

sodium bicarbonate Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(17) No annotation.

NOSB: included sodium carbonates and bicarbonates in one


sodium carbonate Yes 04/26/95 0-14 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(18) No annotation.

NOSB: included sodium carbonates and bicarbonates in one


sodium citrate Yes 04/26/95 14-0 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(31) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

sodium hydroxide Yes 04/26/95 12-2 10-4

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(32) prohibited

for use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables NOSB: Prohibited for

use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables and where natural sodium

bicarbonate is an acceptable substitute.

sodium phosphates Yes 11/01/95 14-0 12-2

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(33) for use only

in dairy foods NOSB: An annotation limiting its use to boiler water

additives failed, then a second motion passed for annotation " Use

restricted to dairy foods. "

sodium tartrate Yes 11/01/95 13-0 8-2-3 0-13

Prohibited Synthetic Discussion:

noted that citric acid is a suitable non-synthetic alternative for

this material. It was also pointed out that this material is used

extensively in wine production.

sorbic acid Yes 11/01/95 14-0 0-14 0-14

Prohibited Synthetic

starch, non-modified No

Tabled 11/01/95 NOSB: Motion to

request a TAP review supported 12-0.

sulfur dioxide Yes " 4/26/95

" 8-6 11-3 Allowed in 70%+ Synthetic

205.605(B)(34) for use only in wine labeled " made with

organic grapes. " Provided, That, total sulfite concentration does not

exceed 100ppm. NOSB original annotation 1995: Sulfur dioxide may not

be added to wine at levels greater than 100 ppm; the level of free

sulfites may not exceed 35 ppm in the final product. This was amended

in March 1998, " Sulfur dioxide is allowed only for use in production

of wine that is labeled 'made with organically grown grapes.' "

Stated in the processing committe report, and included in adopted

recommendations to the Sec. on first proposed rule.

sulfuric acid Yes 09/19/96 13-0 0-13 0-13

Prohibited Synthetic

tartaric acid (made from grape wine) Yes 11/01/95 0-13

13-0 Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic

NOT on 12-21-2000 National List.

Yes 11/01/95 13-0 10-4 Allowed 95%+

Synthetic NOT on 12-21-2000 National


tocopherols Yes 11/01/95 13-1 12-2

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(35) derived from

vegetable oil when rosemary extracts are not a suitable alternative.

NOSB: Must be derived from vegetable oils when rosemary

extracts are not a suitable alternative.

volcanic clay No Tabled

09/19/96 See Clay, Various

waxes, fruit (1999 vote) Yes 10/26/99

See ammonium soap,

beeswax, and shellac.

waxes, fruit (animal waxes) Yes

Tabled 09/19/96 NOSB: Sent back to

the materials committee because of a lack of specific information.See


waxes, fruit (plant derived) Yes 09/19/96 2-10

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic " 205.605(a)(19)

(i)carnauba wax

(ii) wood resin " NOSB: Restricted to carnauba and wood-

resin. Originally voted as a crops material, with a decision not to

list as a prohibited natural, 7 aye / 4 opposed / 1 abstention / 1


whey protein (non-organic) Yes 09/19/96 0-12 5-8

8-5 Prohibited Non-synthetic NOSB:

Permitted from an organic source only.

xanthan gum Yes 04/26/95 14-0 12-2

Allowed 95%+ Synthetic 205.605(B)(36) No annotation.

NOSB: Allowed, with no annotation.

yeast autolysate Yes 11/01/95 0-13-1 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (i)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited NOSB: Yeast (used for source) that is

a product of rDNA technology is prohibited.

yeast, bakers Yes 11/01/95 0-13-1 12-1-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (ii)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited NOSB: Yeast (used for source) that is

a product of rDNA technology is prohibited.

yeast, brewers Yes 11/01/95 0-12-2 14-0

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (iii)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited NOSB: Yeast (used for source) that is

a product of rDNA technology is prohibited.

yeast, nutritional Yes 11/01/95 0-14 13-1

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (iv)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited NOSB: Yeast (used for source) that is

a product of rDNA technology is prohibited. Growth on petrochemical

substrates and sulfite waste liquor is also prohibited.

yeast, smoked Yes 11/01/95 0-13-1 11-3

Allowed 95%+ Non-synthetic 205.605(a)(20) (v)

nonsynthetic, growth on petrochemical substrate and sulfite

waste liquor is prohibited. Nonsynthetic smoke flavoring process must

be documented. NOSB Annotation: Yeast (used for source) that is a

product of rDNA technology is prohibited. Growth on petrochemical

substrates and sulfite waste liquor is also prohibited. The handler

must document in the Organic Handling Plan that the smoke flavoring

used is produced using a non-synthetic process that does not use

synthetic processing aids or additives.

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