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More AIDS obsfucation by establishment

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More AIDS obsfucation by establishment I worked privately on this topic more than a decade ago and had exchanges with many scientists and the conclusion was almost universal that AIDS was the first catastrophe of what we today know as GMO technology. The original GMO work was in 1973 by Berg later to get the Nobel Prize and now or was head of Genentech and a multimillionaire. He used two antibiotic markers, a virus and a bacteria to change or HYBRIDISE the DNA chains and effectively was able to mix and match animal parts, plant parts, in fact anything in any way you can imagine. He chose his virus and bacteria with care. SV40 because there was no illness potential for man. In fact no retro viral illness of any kind. E Coli for a similar reason. A harmless bacteria in our gut and animals like the cow. However a fellow worker Dr Pollack from memory telephoned him and said if you do that work you will get a bug that can go through the gut wall and destroy the brain. He essentially describes what we now know as AIDS. The work of Berg was halted for 18 months and all the medical records of the world scoured for any such deadly illness. None was found and at a conference, I believe in Cambridge USA they decided that Pollack’s worries “were woolly” and they moved forward with care on GMO and had various categories (about 5) of danger in the GMO work. However the first victims or victim I have managed to trace was in 1976 just three years in and was to a woman and not a man. I have lost the reference but it was mentioned in some research article or book. I was never able to find the work of this lady who lived in the same area of San Francisco or Los Angeles that Berg had his laboratory. Was she a biology worker? In 1981 or so came the famous bath house cases of AIDS and the disease has multiplied at a huge rate killing hundreds of millions of people. If this origin is true then the illness per se cannot be before the GMO work started in 1973. Despite many attempts to predate the epidemic and clear the involvement of GMO, no one has succeeded and today it is clear there are many fraudulent attempts to do so. Many have been exposed as fraud. Further there is almost or was almost a cartel of top scientists who just did not want the origin to be known. The death mentioned of the English Professor Hamilton was bizarre as he was a top scientist that had different views and he suddenly and inexplicably died. Although I frequently put this theory forward it has as yet to be taken up seriously by anyone; but the players Pollack and Berg are still around and the conference and hold up for 18 months are well known events. The gorund work and the worry and the search for “AIDS” type illness in 1973-1974 are clear fact. Why should anyone want to continue with a technology that kills millions of people? Well there is just such a failing in the human make up and sometimes I wonder if Homo Sapiens shouldn’t be abbreviated to Hom Sap. And why do people want to lie and cover up the truth? Again the same failing of man. But many companies have made fortunes and like any new technology that gets fundings and powerful backing so the work goes ahead with many people thinking they will become wealthy from the technology and often the opposite is true. It does not seem right that many countries that ban the consumption or growing of GMO stuff actually are happy to inject several GMO products into their children by way of the latest GMO vaccination. In the same way a drug may have one good effect and we ignore all the other effects so with GMO vaccines we change a virus so we get immune responses without any concern that we are likely to be just introducing new strains of an old illness. I havent done my homework on this but avian flu? Seems to me the perfect new killer illness from the latest GMO vaccine from a research laboratory near you. But who will ever tell you if its true? Yes, dont forget that while in the 1960’s E Coli was harmless and you could eat a cup of it without harm; today just 10 copies of E Coli of the wrong type and you are left crippled or dead. A famous case in Scotland left 27 dead and instead of blaming new technology they nearly put the butcher in jail for life but here sense prevailed after I wrote to the solicitor concenred for this case. Don’t know what happened but the case was stopped after just 3 days. A most remarkable case of justice and fair play I have witnessed. The butcher here was probably not even the man or the bug but the workers that experimented with dangerous technologies without due care. It is a source of concern that GMO experiments are done in nearly every university and often by students who don’t have a single clue of the risks and consequences of the proliferation of new life forms without limit. The catstrophes and harm from GMO continues unabated to the poresent day in random, mindless and unpredictable ways with 99 per cent escaping blame from just simple ignorance by everyone. Who is to say that the current 1 in 3 problems for USA children doesn’t have some GMO connections? If we don’t wake up and regain science then the 2 out of 3 healthy may seem like good health tomorrow. The work of Dr Pollack and the moratorium and the search for an AIDS type illness and the inabilty to find it should be made known to everyone, lest the cover ups again lose any possible blame from what is still for some mysterious reason a profitable activity while leaving more and more mysterious and deadly pandemics like AIDS and who knows what next to look forward to. We might be called Luddites but at least they weren’t exposed to pesticide laced foods, mercury vaccines or radioactive fallout. They were organic farmers demanding a right for organic food and full employment. In short life for three score years and ten of healthy life not seizures at one day or death at 18 months or a life feeding through a tube to feed in turn the wheels of current scientific “good” practice. Sadly it looks as if with increased knowledge the myriads of GMO workers, vaccine makers and drug manufacturers has peaked and like all redundant folk even these are now feeling the cold wind of recession. Lets hope they bring the news of how we have been led a merry dance to our current 1 child sick out of 3 today. More AIDS obsfucation by establishment

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