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Health by Injections

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Health by Injections Human beings have evolved ever so slowly and gradually for millions of years and despite a few notable exceptions without too much problem. We are told of present day lurking hunger, plague and genetic weakness and the all powerfulness of USA science and USA government intervention to improve our lot in life and do the best for our children to make them healthy and unfortunately arrive by any measure at the standard of health for the young that would by any casual observer be called a plague and a catastrophe and a genetic weakness, the like of which has never befallen mankind before and has yet to arrive today in any other country except USA. The only response of USA science and USA government is: What health crisis. We are just better at diagnosing ill health in modern USA. Nature can indeed be cruel and we have seen previous animals become extinct but when you look at why for example dinosaurs for the large part disappeared it appears not to be due to failings of the genetic make up so much as their inability to resist catastrophe unrelated directly to their biologic or genetic make up. The cruelty we see in the autism afflicitng USA children may well be due to external forces and insults and not the genetic weakness that allows an illness to be suddenly greater than every other genetic fault added together on thousands of genes in our DNA. So too today we can protect against malaria by avoiding living amongst mosquitos. We can avoid cholera and typhoid by keeping to basic hygiene. Vaccination is one insignificant link in the chain of public health and may actually be the biggest link to unhealth in current USA children. We can’t always chose that we live or don’t live in malaria regions and the water supply is a problem in some areas of the world. But often the problems or opportunities are such that a reasonable person could expect a good, long and disease free life without having to become a pin cushion or swapa minor infection and lifelong immunity to run the gauntlet of many insults at one time including the worlds most toxic substances. But even living in an advanced civilisation there are today increasing not decreasing health problems for everyone. The gradual build up of nuclear capacity has brought with it exposure to nuclear pollution and leukemia and damaged children with Down’s Syndrome often just “Exterminated”. The industrial revolution has brought more and more exposure again to chemical toxins and consequential cancer of every part of us. The advent of GMO now brings new life forms and variants often of illnesses once benign or becoming benign or non existant now becoming severe and often fatal and new illnesses like AIDS have no other explanation than that of yet again man-made catastrophe maybe even deliberate. Anecdotal family history show my great grandfather and his generation living to 90 with the next generation to 80 and the current generation to 60. I am not an advocate of longer life being true for all people. If we do live longer today then getting clean water, good wholesome food and living in an air conditioned environment beats living on the streets through cold winters, perhaps drinking too much alcohol or even taking mind bending drugs as well. Life is a bit of a lottery and the human is an individual not a statistic who may have a greater or less chance of dying from a man made pollutant or hazard or a natural pollutant or hazard. The big flaw with giving every USA child 69 vaccines to fit them out for a world where they may succumb to germs is ludicrous and counter productive for all except the cash tills of the vaccine makers and their entourage. The real threat maybe comes from less than half a dozen illnesses with many either being too exotic to worry about or alternatively killer illnesses where vaccines are still urgently needed but sadly lacking. Even worse we have illness like TB where vaccines have long existed but have proven to be not good enough or not targetted properly to halt the increasing cases not seen in iron lungs but hidden in society with expensive medication that provides huge profits and keeps the bug in circulation rather than the isolation which in today’s economy does not provide cost effectiveness for big pharma. Yesterday, keeping people in mountainous places and often in hotel conditions is not possible if the state or health service picks up the bill for 30 years at the TB Hilton. The worst example of this is for hepatitis where the child is normally not at risk of hepatitis and who probably will never get this illness. The need for such an early vaccine is at 0 percent for the first ten years of the childs life and probably a lifetime risk of less that 0.01 percent. The mass inocculation is lowering resistance to illnesses generally and making the likelihood of anaphylaxis from vaccination more likely and at times a certainty. There is no rhyme nor reason for exposing a one day baby to fragments of hepatitis and maybe risk inflammation of the brain and other organs often going unnoticed as the child’s bad behaviour or quiet behaviour is taken as the norm in a previously healthy nation now all drugged as soon as they come out of the womb like some food factory where the baby is the empty bottle or flask to be filled up with 69 varieties of bugs in production line process to perfect health for all. The reality is that instead of 69 illnesses they don’t have to worry about they have 69 chances to become ill, anaphylactically shocked or maybe dead at an age where more people die than at any other age for the next half century. USA health care for the 0 to 1 year old 2008 style. When European countries with more reserved and spaced out vaccinations get much less childhood illnesses and at least one Asian country that went from most deaths and illnesses to the least deaths and illnesses from suspending vaccines, we don’t so much need to ask whether 69 vaccines are too many but bring in a more realistic vaccine programme. And we do need to get real too. If we are truly in a democracy then surely we have the right to say no to vaccinations known when given more than once to provoke anaphylaxis resulting in death or long term injury and illness. Anaphylaxis is science and a fact. There is no science or fact that can show anaphylaxis is not a normal but unwanted reaction to repeat vaccination. What we do see is policy and politics deny that anaphylaxis is an entity after a fixed and unrealistic time frame. If anaphylaxis occurs then drugs are given to tide the problems past the point at which anaphylaxis is judicially said to be a problem. Death, weeks or months later is not only discounted as a vaccine problem but judicially it now becomes a problem for the last person to be in charge of this infant before he dies, maybe a year later. In this game of Russian Roulette, the doctors or nurses normally have a “Get out of Jail Free” card as a benefit from the monopoly suppliers of death by legal injection. They also have another unrelated opportunity to obtain sick amounts of money to explain that while the USA Health and Wellness clinics kept them alive we now have one family in ten paying hundreds of thousands of pounds to start a family just to torture and slowly kill that child by strangulation, shaking, poisoning or the next MO when the first three are shown to be only part of their dirty imaginations. Millions of infants die after vaccinations and never had a chance to look at the pros and cons of the medical interventions which in every case were to healthy persons. Sadly, the adult examples of this kind of forced and adverse effects do not bear dwelling on for too long and often people are not aware of them even. Whole nations or ethnic groups have been liquidated time after time by “Masters” who thought the world would be a better, healthier place without them. Often single mothers are targetted with a dead or sick child and with the mother in prison the whole family is gone. In Poland, Germans moved into empty homes not knowing what became of families in whose homes they now lived. Adoptive families are often not aware of why they had a new baby only to find that more often than not the keeping of that child well and healthy is like being given a poisoned chalice and that the new child is just a previously poisoned child that the real mums have had taken away. We may may be tempted to say the situation is not comparable but in the ghettos of Poland those not wanted were confined and ruled themselves, so animosity was directed amongst those that ultimately were not wanted. The fight amongst parents with sick children in like fashion is the wrong battle. Is the fight between those that want the children to be let alone or those that want active perhaps hazardous investigations and treatments or at those that silently and behind close doors pass legislation to inject more mercury toxin into us and tell the world we dont inject this stuff anymore? Often like in USA by the time you know the 69 vaccinations are not all good, it is too late. Children are now grown up and the problems of tomorrow may not easily go away when the genetic makeup has been corrupted by their vaccinations 20 years before, that fortunately didn’t quite kill them. Health investigations can and do show up complex causes when it never is one simple exposure but with autism it is often amateurs and non scientists that find not subtle links but links so strong only lies and propaganda can prevent them going into accepted fact. Paper after paper is published by less honest scientists that show no suggestion as to why 1 child in 3 is unwell. Papers that might show why 1 in 3 are ill are held up until the figures can be looked at again and again and again or failing that we see the ten year long battle to prove a good, honest, serious researcher like Wakefield who has photographic evidence of twisted guts is like some modern Galileo seeing things that aren’t really there to an Extreme Religious Group disguised or cloaked as a scientific health industry that does not want facts but just wants to follow orders from above and beside in some plan that was hatched behind closed doors and of which those injured have no access to. VAERS 250 000 adverse health events but only 1 celebrated event substantiated and being rereviewed right now. Who cares for our health? Obviously not the USA government or USA medical fraternity who are putting a very deaf ear to the vaccine problem. They say a lie has to be a big lie to be accepted. 250 000 adverse events being denied with cries of complete safety from vaccines is undoubtably the biggest lie in Human history to date. Health by Injections

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Today's vaccine are marketed as shields to the body's immune system when in fact

they punch holes in the immune system.

My concern is that future vaccines will be genetically intrusive and change the

genome in those receiving the vaccine.

We will have to be vigilant to the rise of the vaccines marketed for greed alone

to treat, perhaps, behavioral problems. This will be the red flag and they must

not be allowed

KP Stoller, MD, FACHM

President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc

Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico



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At 12:12 PM 12/9/2008, you wrote:

>Today's vaccine are marketed as shields to the body's immune system

>when in fact they punch holes in the immune system.


>My concern is that future vaccines will be genetically intrusive and

>change the genome in those receiving the vaccine.

Hi Ken - I think we are already there............................


>We will have to be vigilant to the rise of the vaccines marketed for

>greed alone to treat, perhaps, behavioral problems. This will be the

>red flag and they must not be allowed


>KP Stoller, MD, FACHM

>President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc

>Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico


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