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I’ll Ask you one time only

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I’ll Ask you one time only ”Alaska hospital issues ultimatum: Get a flu shot or get out. An Alaskan hospital has told all of its employees to get an influenza vaccination by December 31 or to find a new job.” Can we have more information please? This report is bogus! A hospital can ask you nothing at all. Why? Because it is made of brick and has the intelligence of a person who has had “The Operation”. You know; the one that vaccine seantologists love: The “vasectomy of the brain” where all the grey matter is removed and replaced with with a single brick. Seriously; this has ultimatum, ultimately has to be the result or wishes of just one sick person or one sick committee and we have a right to make sure we know who our enemy or enemies are and make sure we see them get injected with preferably mercury injections for this deadly killer illness and at least 5 times over the next five years. It is heartfelt to me that there are sufficient brain cells left in some doctors and nurses at this hospital to prove that not all of them have yet been vasectomized and at some point someone has to put up a fight against tologists and all it brings on our children and their children. Mass injections or medical interventions by force are something out of Orwellian fiction or the Enslavement of Free Will for the individual. With Harry dead after a mercury vaccine and the accepted tology that shows the vaccine was given sadly to late to save him and the more recent case of Fisher who suffered seizures and claimed death as a result of his MMR vaccine and the 3 years of research and proof by top scientists overturned in a Court of tology at the nod of a person with the best politico-legal interests at heart, we can be sure anyone who suffers from this enforced vaccination will be treated as becoming ill or even dying from Hysteria and if its more than one from Mass Hysteria. Counsel: If you have to have this vaccine then make sure it is from a mercury free formulation. Make sure you get at least 6 medical signed statements of your health with relevant blood tests and metal tests and enzyme levels. Get a similar set of tests afterwards to see the changes in your normal values after one day one week one month. Get a note of the maker and lot number. The changes in some parameters are well known with crises occurring days, weeks and months afterwards. Remember if you have had the same vaccine before then the science of Richet and the risk of Anaphylaxis are real and have not been disproved. Finally the regulations at least in France are that GMO altered food is illegal to sell or to eat. This vaccine is the container of not one but several GMO altered ingredients illegal to sell or consume in many countries and the process of injection is more hazardous than by eating. Also the ingestion by smell is likely to be more injurious than by eating. I personally have known people get this vaccine without harm. I have unfortunately know directly or indirectly people who have gone down with GBS syndrome or become extremely ill afterwards but in the best form of tology we are told it is just a coincidence. Remember if all else fails even Professor Fudenberg only claims that after 5 such injurious injections your risk of Alzheimer’s is only raised ten fold, so some people and even most people will only suffer the disenfranchisement of their Free Will to refuse medical treatments which they know at best is ineffective and at worst may just spoil your old age for you. How about offering them in return the Doubleday vaccine challenge if they love vaccines so much. Counter action: If all those that don’t want vaccines were to catch the flu before the 31st December of this year then they will have been exposed to and got over the very virus in a more real and more protective and safer way. The use of the vaccine will be too late. In this way they can enjoy the fruits of a few days rest and recovery from the Madhouse or Mad Factory of Insane Ideas. But in a Sick world I would imagine getting the real illness would not exempt these people from the lethal mercury injections. This isn’t about protection, this is about control and domination. A return to Slavery no less. But even Slave Masters are human they are certainly not a super race and are actually so inferior they need to rule by terror or people would just laugh at them and I suspect already have by turning their noses up at such silliness. I used to think there weren’t many sadistic people around but I have my doubts when a society can watch 1 child in 3 be permanently ill or dead and still demand of their parents: Its your turn now for the same. Line up and get what we gave to your autistic child or like them you are on the scrapheap of life and society. Jobless, homeless and starving in the worship and sacrifice at the High Altar of 21st century Vaccine tology. I’ll Ask you one time only

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