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Now take this flu shot or your FIRED!

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Now take this flu shot or your FIRED! Doctors at Providence Hospital Alaska under the able chairmanship of Dr Clancy unaminously decided that all nurses (but not doctors) must get vaccinated with the flu vaccine or be fired. Doctors are immune from the obligation because they are doctors and not nurses. And their unaminous forced cleansing of flu bugs from people is directed at the lower working class and subjugated section of the community and not the highly paid directors of policy (Trust me I’m a doctor types) who will know best what to do without (Trust me to do the right thing regarding injections) coercion. Good leaders should lead from the front but as in all modern warfare it’s the peasants that do the fighting while the Emperors stay behind in the their bomb proof shelters. One doctor at Providence was said to be considering “seriously” whether or not to get vaccinated. Nice to have the choice, some might say. Big Brother has definitely arrived in Alaska but it turns out to be Big Sister or Big Bertha firing the shots. Doctors strangely don’t have to get this flu vaccine. Visitors to the hospital can bring in pots of flu germs if they wish. Patients more than likely will already have this flu germ if the statistics or fear tactics are half true as it seems half the world is dying of this killer illness and no one knows what to do about it. Nurses are not allowed to wear masks and wash their hands because it would stop the flu bug being introduced by nurses and might obviate any need for this draconian and dictatorial policy of mass injection of the world’s most toxic element into nurses in the fear of getting the flu. Beware of a flu bug near you. It may kill you. We are reliably informed. The world’s most toxic element will not have any effect Dr Clancy tells us. The rate of vaccination at this hospital for nurses is approximately twice the national average this year in any event. A commendable statistic for any hospital to be proud of but not good enough for Dr Clancy and her Draconian committee that believes it can force people to be injected with toxic matter against their wills because of a belief in the infallibility of modern medical procedures (Trust me I’m a doctor). The person at the heart of this heartless wish to inject dead bugs, mercury toxic chemicals capable of destroying brain cells and other obnoxious ingredients is indeed Dr Clancy a young infectious officer at the hospital who was a short while ago the infectious officer at Colorado discussing the problems of MRSA which not only is a serious illness but one that puts most hospitals to shame. It is in fact a hospital germ to worry about. A germ that kills. And a germ that puts every hospital to great shame. The flu bug? Well that flew out of the window as being of farcical interest only. She claims dead bugs can’t come back to life, so I would challenge her science as I seem to remember that gene swapping was a mechanism used by viruses to change and alter their makeup. Perhaps she has another theory of they change? Spontaneous generation perhaps? I may be wrong on this and it may also be the lowered resistance that allows infectious germs to gain hold. And in a hosptial that might just have that nasty MRSA bug. In any event the database in Denmark shows a 10 per cent problem with infections after the vaccine. Yes, hope there’s no MRSA there after the nurses get their immune sytems lowered. I just hope and pray that there won’t be lots of people ill after this mass forced vaccination programme. But I do hope someone takes note of rates of infection before and after this Draconian measure is implemented. The last vaccination I had was for or rather to stop me getting tetanus and I was not aware of the mercury risk at the time or I would not have subjected myself to this insult. In the event luck, apathy but I hope survival instincts stopped me from getting the second and third repeat vaccinations with this product and risk possible anaphylaxis as well as toxifying every organ in my body. Most people needn’t worry as the injection is quick, simple and there will be no immediate reaction. When you drop dead one week, one month or one year later, who will draw the not so obvious connection? Nobody will. 250 000 vaccine adverse events go unanswered and unrecognised and I do like the explanations when someone gets injected and drops dead immediately. The event and causation gets lost really quite remarkably. As do the connections when the injectee gets as far as the car park or even to his house where he dies. In the rare event someone takes notice and puts it on the database you can rest content on your cloud with your lyre that you followed orders and got that fateful shot for the benefit of others you left behind including the good Doctor Clancy. I am not actually against vaccines for other people and like these doctors I would rather go to a hospital where everyone had there full set of 69 injections and preferably given just before I go into the hospital each Wednesday and check the VAERS records of vaccine adverse events. I may even get to know personally some of the new additions to the dataset. I would be able to see if my friend who has had 5 of these vaccines and has MS and skin falling off him is represented in this group of forced injectees over the next ten years. Personally if history repeats itself this may never happen as I think we may see a ban for example on mercury being added to vaccines. If not there will be a predicted over representation of MS, excema and sudden death in Alaska. But by then Dr Clancy might have moved on faster than the chaos she causes behind her? I haven’t forced injections onto 3 000 people but I did my bit while a teacher and all but forced my tutor group to be injected. All but one had the shot. Sadly one died nearly a year later from encepahalitis of the brain. But no one made the connection. Even I just thought how sad that such a healthy person should die for no reason aged 14 and apparently completely healthy. I hope Dr Clancy does take more note of her dead bodies than I did at the time when I would have challenged anyone to show me that any vaccine could be harmful to anyone. VAERS records shows hundreds of deaths like this one: No 92804 Symptoms: APNEA FEVER FLU SYND GUILLAIN BARRE SYND HEART ARREST HYPOKINESIA MYALGIA NEUROPATHY pt started having flu-like sx day p/vax including fever, malaise, gen aching;seen in ER several days later exp peripheral neuropathy of arms & legs;unable to stand;hosp;dx GBS;severe autonomic collapse unable to resuscitate;pt died 31OCT96; This 37 year old fit patient was vaccinated on 16th Oct 1996. Or one like this where the time lapse is more than 100 days and like the boy in my tutor group in this case the father was still alive and intelligent enough to point the finger: No 124694 Symptoms: FEVER HYPOXIA INFECT LUNG DIS NO DRUG EFFECT PNEUMONIA RESPIRAT DIS SHOCK fever & mild upper airway sx, then lower resp problems w/dec 02;dx influenza, r/o pneumonia;deteriorated;required intubation, ventilation support;dx pneumococcal pneumonia;devel shock, father req no aggressive tx-pt died; father ref autopsy This 31 year old patient died in Feb 1999 after a Nov 1998 flu vaccination event. Both of above were extremely fit and well and young but if you have health problems then why get the vaccine if this happens to you: Sudden Death for Adults I think they call it No 129827 Symptoms: REACT UNEVAL p/vax pt was found dead by family member;exact time of death has not been established;autopsy to determine COD is being conducted 10/21/99; Patients time of death unknown but it was the same day as his flu vaccination for this 33 year old. Note that he has been alive for 33 years get his flu shot and drops down dead but they aren’t sure of why he died except it wasn’t the vaccine. Just bad luck that he got his flu shot on this day but like 250 000 other records the medical world is always sure of one thing: Vaccines are 100 per cent safe and the flu vaccine? Well that’s even safer. Trust me I’m your doctor (that is not getting his flu shot): Anyway you are brave and take your shot. Well it’s so “effective” you need to go through the same process the following year. And the following year. Ad nauseum, until one day you really are dead. If you start of at 20 you can have another 69 of these shots spaced out of course and showing Richet and his proven anaphylaxis as a normal unwanted reaction after a repeat injection is all really Junk Science that got him his Nobel Prize all those years ago. Now that’s when science was science. Today the words, money, fraud and non recording of all data sets comes to mind. And there was me thinking an injection meant you didn’t ever get the illness. Silly me! Now take this flu shot or your FIRED!

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