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Autism Speaks - at least 2 years of troubles and no end to the wrangling?

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Autism Speaks - at least 2 years of troubles and no end to the wrangling? Isn’t the fight meant to be to end autism in the USA? Or is it about who gets the biggest stick of candy? The video link below shows the “lightweight” but no doubt highly overpaid Dr Andy Shih in complete and total loss of his brain power despite people in the commentary and below claiming he has great insight, coolness and knowledge. He appears to be a man in a job that is too difficult for his intellectual capacity to cope. He shows total ignorance of basic science when he admits that methyl mercury could cause autism but the more powerful brain destroyer thimerosal he takes to be harmless. What a goof! But he is perfectly happy to inject the worlds most powerful poison into his child too! I feel for his children as he should know better. I believe it is completely safe to inject organomercury into my child he says with total conviction; the same no doubt as Sally when she took Harry for his mercury shot at 4pm and dead by 10pm. They wouldn’t give it to him if it was unsafe, she said afterwards. Like Andy she never believed it was bad either. You can lead a camel to water but you can’t make it drink. But give Sally her due she didn’t have the world’s top chemists and scientists shouting at her: “It’s the four X mercury, you know!” And she wasn’t an investigator of health issues; she just assumed like most of us that the State will “look” after you. The State did; board and lodging for life in the countries finest prison. And fame if not fortune as most of the world knows of her or can find out about her. Double life in prison if she could fulfill the full requirements of a government equally knowledgable on life as on death or most other matters. And Montel in the video is for me worth every dollar of his salary and more (take it from Andy’s pay packet Montel!) http://bartholomewcubbins.blogspot.com/2007/01/bc-on-autism-28-bipolar-autism-speaks.html This second video below shows the vaccine problems today and the fact that the next Government and President Obama will be locked into continuing the vaccination at full speed as: “We don’t want polio to return.” Evidently the non return of polio if it is caused by organochlorine is to be feared more than 12 million already sick, asthmatic and autistic children. Hope you get other things right though Obama! Obama might be a great politician and the next President but he knows four X about mercury. These mums have the first hand or anecdotal knowledge that scientists and government abhor to the nth degree. You know Harry, mercury vaxed at 4pm dead at 10pm. It takes real brains to get out of that one. Thanks! Professor Sir (spelt with a C) Roy Meadow, you did a good stitch up job on this mum of Harry. Don’t you think you should hand back your expert witness fees? You still havent apologised for destroying this family have you? http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y260/hellokittiemama/?action=view & current=c2e88c95.pbr Sad to relate that the players here in Autism Speaks and others are raking off huge sums of money 100 000 dollars at a time possibly when just a few hundred would help families get justice and compensation to aid their bills and for the havoc caused by the world’s deadliest poison in their child’s compulsory vaccines in the “free” country of USA. Dr Andy, talk about taking money under false pretences. I think the lady in the second video with the biroed placard got it right. More Vaccines Equals More Autism. This isn’t quite right on the ball. It’s absolutely spot on the ball. And how much does she get paid for this knowledge that can stop autism dead in its tracks? Zero, Zilch, Nothing? No! She get millions, I guess about two million dollars, One huge sum of money. Thats the bill I mean for looking after one botched up child, thanks to the worlds most toxic chemical in its most toxic form organomercury, merthiolate or plain old fashioned thimerosal injected into her child. Proving yet again, brain destroying chemicals really are brain destroying chemicals. Isn’t science so simple and so boring? Evidently not, if you like playing Russian Roulette to try to beat the odds in some reverse “Game” of Lottery. A little less research and more direct action please! Help those to get better, help those prove its the vaccines and help stop another generation from the same ignorance. Coming to your hospital and your butt in Providence, Alaska one mercury flu shot, unless Dr Clancy gets it up her backside first. Autism Speaks - at least 2 years of troubles and no end to the wrangling?

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