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Re: Bodies in Rebellion

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Dr. Stoller,

You have a strong voice that speaks for all mankind and our planet. I have visited you web site and signed. I have also forwarded you Bodies in Rebellion on to people I know to help spread the word.

I think that this is what our EOH list is all about. Advocacy, changes, and help for our kids and all kids. I hope that this wake up call will happen under Obama's watch.

Thank you for your letter,


Albuquerque, NMOne site has it all. Your email accounts, your social networks, and the things you love. Try the new AOL.com today!

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The Bodies in Rebellion website just went live tonight.

It is an open letter to the President elect that one can sign onto.

Please sign and help spread the word www.BodiesinRebellion.com

KP Stoller, MD

President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc

Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico



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Dear Dr. Stoller,

WONDERFUL letter! But, is something wrong at the " sign " page? There seems to

be only a

way to " post comment. " There are 3 comments there - and I'm supposing those


meant to sign the letter, but it is showing as only your signature on the


comments. I tried, but could not sign the letter.



> The Bodies in Rebellion website just went live tonight.


> It is an open letter to the President elect that one can sign onto.


> Please sign and help spread the word www.BodiesinRebellion.com



> KP Stoller, MD

> President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc

> Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico

> www.hbotnm.com






> ____________________________________________________________

> Click to become an artist and quit your boring job.





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I thought I was signing the letter.


Subject: Re: Bodies in RebellionTo: EOHarm Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 9:25 AM

Dear Dr. Stoller,WONDERFUL letter! But, is something wrong at the "sign" page? There seems to be only a way to "post comment." There are 3 comments there - and I'm supposing those people meant to sign the letter, but it is showing as only your signature on the letter/3 comments. I tried, but could not sign the letter. ??>> The Bodies in Rebellion website just went live tonight.> > It is an open letter to the President elect that one can sign onto.> > Please sign and help spread the word www.BodiesinRebelli on.com> > > KP Stoller, MD> President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc> Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico> www.hbotnm.com> >

> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> Click to become an artist and quit your boring job.> http://thirdpartyof fers.netzero. net/TGL2241/ fc/PnY6rx9Hhh1gG S6bg3igZtQRx3imc TzV3mYwAE2k8kS2lX731507 i/>

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  • 3 weeks later...

BiR is losing ground and the Rebellion may be over if no one else votes for it..

.....a shameKP Stoller, MD, FACHMPresident, International Hyperbaric Medical AssocMedical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexicowww.hbotnm.com-- " G. King" wrote:

ALL,RE: REVISED PRESS RELEASEAttached is a REVISED CoMeD, Inc. PRESS RELEASE for a new study that establishes that mercury poisoning causes autism.Please discard the original one and use thenew one that was corrected to make it CLEARERthat the press release was intended to announcea new study, "Autism spectrum disorder-associated biomarkers for case evaluation and management by clinical geneticists" published in Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, and NOT some other study.For those needing a "doc" file, please sendan email with "LSF_ARAMTR1" in the subject lineand the reason for needing it in the bodyof the e-mail and all valid requests willbe honored.RE: THOSE NOT ACCEPTING E-MAIL ATTACHMENTSFor those who do not get SUCH, the follow-ing is the rough-text of the Revised Press Release's content (with the minor revisionsCAPITALIZED):>LANDMARK STUDY: AUTISM RECOGNIZED AS MEDICALLY TREATABLE>>REV.PRESS RELEASE CONTACTS: >For Immediate CoMeD President [Rev. K. >Release Sykes (Richmond, VA) ]>December 12, 2008 CoMeD Sci. Advisor [Dr. King (Lake > Hiawatha, NJ) ] >>WASHINGTON, DC - In April of 2008, the American College >of Medical Genetics (ACMG), an AMA-recognized board, >issued clinical practice guidelines that clinical >geneticists should follow in determining the etiology >for those with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) >diagnosis and in treating patients with this diagnosis. >A NEW study, "Autism spectrum disorder-associated >biomarkers for case evaluation and management by >clinical geneticists" in Expert Review of Molecular >Diagnostics,[1] confirms that there are now well-estab->lished, routine, clinically available, identified >biomarkers to help clinical geneticists medically >evaluate and treat individuals diagnosed with an ASD >and briefly outlines some recognized biomarkers. >Depending on the cause of the ASD, these researchers >have found that "associated medical risks may be >identified, which may lead to screening and poten->tial morbidity prevention in patients and other >family members." The non-profit CoMeD, Inc., and, >through a grant from the Brenen Hornstein Autism >Research & Education (BHARE) Foundation, the non->profit Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc. funded >this NEW study.>>The important clinical tools identified for medical >evaluation and treatment response monitoring included:> >q Pophyrin biomarkers - to help determine if mercury> toxicity is present, and, when it is found, to > monitor changes in mercury-burden during detoxifi-> cation therapies. >>q Trans-Sulfuration biomarkers - to help determine > if mercury biochemical susceptibility is present > and, when it is found, to monitor patient response > during supplementation with nutritional therapies > such as methylcobalamin (the methyl form of vita-> min B12), folinic acid, and pyroxidine (vitamin B6). >>q Oxidative Stress/Inflammation biomarkers - to help> determine if there are excessive by-products of > metabolic pathways, and, when they are found, to > monitor patient progress during supplementation > with anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aldactone® > (spironolactone).>>q Hormonal biomarkers - to help determine if hormonal > abnormalities are present and, when they are found, > to monitor patient progress during the indicated > treatment with hormonal regulation drugs such as > Lupron® (leuprolide acetate) and Yaz® (drospirenone/> ethynyl estradiol).>q Mitochondrial Dysfunction biomarkers - to help de-> termine if there are disruptions in the energy pro-> duction pathways, and, when they are found, to > monitor patient progress during supplementation > with drugs such as Carnitor® (L-carnitine).> >q Genetic biomarkers - to help determine if there > are genetic causal or susceptibility factors > present, and, when they are found, to provide > insights into behavior modification to help re-> duce the impact of such genetic factors.>>Today, any parent, physician, or healthcare provi->der can easily engage the services of a clinical >geneticist who is following the ACMG practice >guidelines to help evaluate and treat those diag->nosed with an ASD by contacting ASD Clinics, LLC, >a national outreach clinic helping to provide >clinical genetic services through the Genetic >Centers of America. For information about sched->uling a consultation, please call .>>Current Consultation Center Locations:>West Coast - Genetic Consultants of Washington > State (Seattle, WA)>Central - Genetic Consultants of Indianapolis > (Indianapolis, IN)>East Coast - Genetic Consultants of land > (Washington, DC)>>Your generous tax-free donations will help us to>fund additional research, similar to the present >study, to examine the biomedical basis and >treatments for patients diagnosed with an ASD.> >=================================================> >To support the ongoing efforts of CoMeD, Inc. >with your tax-deductible contributions, please use>the PayPal link on CoMeD's Internet website, > http://www.Mercury-freeDrugs.org. >CoMeD, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501©(3) corpora->tion that is actively engaged in legal, educational>and scientific efforts to stop all use of mercury >in medicine, and to ban the use of all mercury->containing medicines.>>ENDNOTE>[1] Geier Da, Geier MR. Expert. Rev. Mol. Diagn. 2008; > 8(6): 671-674.>Hopefully, most will find this Press Release to be informative.********************************************The information provided in this email **and any attachment thereto is just that ** -- information. ** **It is not medical advice and it does not **require any specific action or actions. * * * *While the information is thought to be **accurate, no representation is made as **to the accuracy of the information posted**other than it is my best understanding of**the facts on the date that this email and**any attachments thereto are posted. * * **Everyone should verify the accuracy of **the information provided for themselves **before acting on it. ********************************************Respectfully,Dr. Kinghttp://www.dr-king.com+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


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Dr. Stoller,

If you can put together a 300-500 word announcement urging people to

" vote " it, I will run it as a letter from you in the Schafer Autism

Report. You may recall that I ran your original open letter to Obama

from your website.



> BiR is losing ground and the Rebellion may be over if no one else

votes for it..

> ....a shame



> KP Stoller, MD, FACHM

> President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc

> Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico

> www.hbotnm.com


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It is a shame, but I do think this website is partially to blame

– I have spent the past 2 hours walking the people that I forwarded this to

through placing their vote. It’s just not intuitive and not everyone is savvy

enough to figure out how to actually place their vote.

Has this been featured on Age of Autism? Maybe that would be a

good idea……..


EOHarm [mailto:EOHarm ] On Behalf Of KP

Stoller, MD

Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 12:07 PM

To: EOHarm

Subject: Re: Bodies in Rebellion

BiR is losing ground and the Rebellion may be over if no one else votes for


.....a shame

KP Stoller, MD, FACHM

President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc

Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico


-- " G. King " wrote:




for a new study that establishes that mercury

poisoning causes autism.

Please discard the original one and use the

new one that was corrected to make it CLEARER

that the press release was intended to announce

a new study, " Autism spectrum disorder-associated

biomarkers for case evaluation and management by

clinical geneticists " published in Expert Review

of Molecular Diagnostics, and NOT some other study.

For those needing a " doc " file, please send

an email with " LSF_ARAMTR1 " in the subject line

and the reason for needing it in the body

of the e-mail and all valid requests will

be honored.


For those who do not get SUCH, the follow-

ing is the rough-text of the Revised Press

Release's content (with the minor revisions




>For Immediate CoMeD President [Rev. K.

>Release Sykes (Richmond, VA) ]

>December 12, 2008 CoMeD Sci. Advisor [Dr. King (Lake

> Hiawatha, NJ) ]


>WASHINGTON, DC - In April of 2008, the American College

>of Medical Genetics (ACMG), an AMA-recognized board,

>issued clinical practice guidelines that clinical

>geneticists should follow in determining the etiology

>for those with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)

>diagnosis and in treating patients with this diagnosis.

>A NEW study, " Autism spectrum disorder-associated

>biomarkers for case evaluation and management by

>clinical geneticists " in Expert Review of Molecular

>Diagnostics,[1] confirms that there are now well-estab-

>lished, routine, clinically available, identified

>biomarkers to help clinical geneticists medically

>evaluate and treat individuals diagnosed with an ASD

>and briefly outlines some recognized biomarkers.

>Depending on the cause of the ASD, these researchers

>have found that " associated medical risks may be

>identified, which may lead to screening and poten-

>tial morbidity prevention in patients and other

>family members. " The non-profit CoMeD, Inc., and,

>through a grant from the Brenen Hornstein Autism

>Research & Education (BHARE) Foundation, the non-

>profit Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc. funded

>this NEW study.


>The important clinical tools identified for medical

>evaluation and treatment response monitoring included:


>q Pophyrin biomarkers - to help determine if mercury

> toxicity is present, and, when it is found, to

> monitor changes in mercury-burden during detoxifi-

> cation therapies.


>q Trans-Sulfuration biomarkers - to help determine

> if mercury biochemical susceptibility is present

> and, when it is found, to monitor patient response

> during supplementation with nutritional therapies

> such as methylcobalamin (the methyl form of vita-

> min B12), folinic acid, and pyroxidine (vitamin B6).


>q Oxidative Stress/Inflammation biomarkers - to help

> determine if there are excessive by-products of

> metabolic pathways, and, when they are found, to

> monitor patient progress during supplementation

> with anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aldactone®

> (spironolactone).


>q Hormonal biomarkers - to help determine if hormonal

> abnormalities are present and, when they are found,

> to monitor patient progress during the indicated

> treatment with hormonal regulation drugs such as

> Lupron® (leuprolide acetate) and Yaz® (drospirenone/

> ethynyl estradiol).

>q Mitochondrial Dysfunction biomarkers - to help de-

> termine if there are disruptions in the energy pro-

> duction pathways, and, when they are found, to

> monitor patient progress during supplementation

> with drugs such as Carnitor® (L-carnitine).


>q Genetic biomarkers - to help determine if there

> are genetic causal or susceptibility factors

> present, and, when they are found, to provide

> insights into behavior modification to help re-

> duce the impact of such genetic factors.


>Today, any parent, physician, or healthcare provi-

>der can easily engage the services of a clinical

>geneticist who is following the ACMG practice

>guidelines to help evaluate and treat those diag-

>nosed with an ASD by contacting ASD Clinics, LLC,

>a national outreach clinic helping to provide

>clinical genetic services through the Genetic

>Centers of America. For information about sched-

>uling a consultation, please call .


>Current Consultation Center Locations:

>West Coast - Genetic Consultants of Washington

> State (Seattle, WA)

>Central - Genetic Consultants of Indianapolis

> (Indianapolis, IN)

>East Coast - Genetic Consultants of land

> (Washington, DC)


>Your generous tax-free donations will help us to

>fund additional research, similar to the present

>study, to examine the biomedical basis and

>treatments for patients diagnosed with an ASD.




>To support the ongoing efforts of CoMeD, Inc.

>with your tax-deductible contributions, please use

>the PayPal link on CoMeD's Internet website,

> http://www.Mercury-freeDrugs.org.

>CoMeD, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501©(3) corpora-

>tion that is actively engaged in legal, educational

>and scientific efforts to stop all use of mercury

>in medicine, and to ban the use of all mercury-

>containing medicines.



>[1] Geier Da, Geier MR. Expert. Rev. Mol. Diagn. 2008;

> 8(6): 671-674.


Hopefully, most will find this

Press Release to be informative.


*The information provided in this email *

*and any attachment thereto is just that *

* -- information. *

* *

*It is not medical advice and it does not *

*require any specific action or actions. *

* *

*While the information is thought to be *

*accurate, no representation is made as *

*to the accuracy of the information posted*

*other than it is my best understanding of*

*the facts on the date that this email and*

*any attachments thereto are posted. *

* *

*Everyone should verify the accuracy of *

*the information provided for themselves *

*before acting on it. *



Dr. King





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Shop now at www.ftd.com/17007

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Doctor Stoller,

I'm so glad your idea has made it this far...we have endorsed it as

well and again I thank you for endorsing the Autism Reform Act of

2009. We scraped the first 'Draft' of the Hard Copy we will deliver,

as we added a sub line to it that states " RELIEF for those that are

or ever have been in Special Education " it will be delivered

regardless of the outcome on the change.org (we jumped to 5th now in

just 4 days), to President Elect Obama on Jan. 20. We have gained

support from Congressman Byrd and others and will be there for approx.

10 days after to help 'push' our idea's and proposed legislation

through. Are you going ? If you don't have invites let me know

because I'm getting alot of inquiries to help and your Idea is Awesome

- you should be there ! Take Care,

E. , Sr. The Office of Advocacy for Autistic Children


> The Bodies in Rebellion website just went live tonight.


> It is an open letter to the President elect that one can sign onto.


> Please sign and help spread the word www.BodiesinRebellion.com



> KP Stoller, MD

> President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc

> Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico

> www.hbotnm.com






> ____________________________________________________________

> Click to become an artist and quit your boring job.





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Well...now...nobody has invited me to any parties so to say. I don't get a lot of invites these days. My slides were banned from Autism One last years cause they couldn't take the truth of what is going on. I did speak at USAAA but that was a low attendance event.

I was invited a couple of years ago to speak, by the Methodist Women group, at the Simpsonwood protest, but I really had to say.."Are you paying my way?"

One can go to the poor house attending all these different protests and meetings.

At my last meeting in Washington DC...2006... I went to see one of Dan Burton's top aides about legislation that would provide treatment for autism. I was told I would never see a Bill that had treatment and autism in it together.

I am in my Sacramento clinic this afternoon. The MIND Institute at UC has been doing an open label study of HBOT for the treatment of autism. They are very excited about the results and will announce them publicly at a meeting in May.

We will need legislation to translate that into treatment for these children. Force CMMS to require Medicaid programs to cover the cost., etc.KP Stoller, MD, FACHMPresident, International Hyperbaric Medical AssocMedical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexicowww.hbotnm.com-- " E. , Sr." wrote:

Doctor Stoller,I'm so glad your idea has made it this far...we have endorsed it aswell and again I thank you for endorsing the Autism Reform Act of2009. We scraped the first 'Draft' of the Hard Copy we will deliver,as we added a sub line to it that states " RELIEF for those that areor ever have been in Special Education " it will be deliveredregardless of the outcome on the change.org (we jumped to 5th now injust 4 days), to President Elect Obama on Jan. 20. We have gainedsupport from Congressman Byrd and others and will be there for approx.10 days after to help 'push' our idea's and proposed legislationthrough. Are you going ? If you don't have invites let me knowbecause I'm getting alot of inquiries to help and your Idea is Awesome- you should be there ! Take Care, E. , Sr. The Office of Advocacy for Autistic Children>> The Bodies in Rebellion website just went live tonight.> > It is an open letter to the President elect that one can sign onto.> > Please sign and help spread the word www.BodiesinRebellion.com> > > KP Stoller, MD> President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc> Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico> www.hbotnm.com> > > > > > __________________________________________________________> Click to become an artist and quit your boring job.>http://thirdpartyoffers.netzero.net/TGL2241/fc/PnY6rx9Hhh1gGS6bg3igZtQRx3imcTzV3mYwAE2k8kS2lX731507i/>


Save $15 on Flowers and Gifts from FTD!Shop now at www.ftd.com/17007

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Thank you for all that you've done and continue to do, Dr. Stoller.

It's an honor to have regular access to your insights and thoughts on

this list. I wonder if Dan Burton's aide might change his tune this

year. Hoping for the best.


> Well...now...nobody has invited me to any parties so to say. I

don't get a lot of invites these days. My slides were banned from

Autism One last years cause they couldn't take the truth of what is

going on. I did speak at USAAA but that was a low attendance event.

> I was invited a couple of years ago to speak, by the Methodist

Women group, at the Simpsonwood protest, but I really had to

say.. " Are you paying my way? "

> One can go to the poor house attending all these different protests

and meetings.

> At my last meeting in Washington DC...2006... I went to see one of

Dan Burton's top aides about legislation that would provide treatment

for autism. I was told I would never see a Bill that had treatment

and autism in it together.

> I am in my Sacramento clinic this afternoon. The MIND Institute at

UC has been doing an open label study of HBOT for the treatment

of autism. They are very excited about the results and will announce

them publicly at a meeting in May.

> We will need legislation to translate that into treatment for these

children. Force CMMS to require Medicaid programs to cover the cost.,



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