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Re: Staute of limitations in vaccine court

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we have and they're not listening---yet.

Subject: Staute of limitations in vaccine courtTo: EOHarm Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 3:39 PM

We should be asking for an extension of the staute of limitations which I think is 3 yrs. to be able to take the case to vaccine injury court. Maybe it should be 7 yrs. Some of our kids had mulitple attacks on their immune systems while NOT becoming autistic but still they are extremely ill. I ould really like someone closer to g'vt to ask for this. Jenn L

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hi...maybe it should have NO LIMITS AT ALL.. if you have an AXIS 1 dx of autism... then it should be a given.. we get compensation. my son is 17 and back then.. I KNEW IT WAS ONE OF THE VACCINES... but he went very quietly into autism... he had the diahrrea.. the mystery rashes.. the self elimination of foods...only babbled until age 4.4... didn't point... limited eye contact... he was allergic to gluten and casein.... he had tons of ear infections.. and the vicious cycle of antibiotics... who was I going to complain to? it wasn't dramatic... his symptoms.. there should be no look back period... at all.. Lia

Staute of limitations in vaccine court

We should be asking for an extension of the staute of limitations which I think is 3 yrs. to be able to take the case to vaccine injury court. Maybe it should be 7 yrs. Some of our kids had mulitple attacks on their immune systems while NOT becoming autistic but still they are extremely ill. I ould really like someone closer to g'vt to ask for this. Jenn L

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I absolutely agree. I tried to convince my doctor for almost two years after he was injected with autism that he even had issues. I being an OT knew. I took measures in my own hands becasue I got sick of hearing "he's a boy, boys develop slower" over and over again. My favorite comment by doctor was in response to my concerns at his 18 month visit as the doctor wanted me to give him his MMR shot as I was apprehensive. I mentioned his already delayed development in social milestones and He stated there was no correlation to MMR and autism BUT he thought my son was(gulp) MANIPULATIVE!!!!! makes you just want to scream "HE'S AUTISTIC YOU A**HOLE!!!" but still without a diagnosis as the doctor still hadn't recommended a neurological evaluation.

Subject: Re: Staute of limitations in vaccine courtTo: EOHarm Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 8:50 PM

hi...maybe it should have NO LIMITS AT ALL.. if you have an AXIS 1 dx of autism... then it should be a given.. we get compensation. my son is 17 and back then.. I KNEW IT WAS ONE OF THE VACCINES... but he went very quietly into autism... he had the diahrrea.. the mystery rashes.. the self elimination of foods...only babbled until age 4.4... didn't point... limited eye contact... he was allergic to gluten and casein.... he had tons of ear infections.. and the vicious cycle of antibiotics. .. who was I going to complain to? it wasn't dramatic... his symptoms.. there should be no look back period... at all.. Lia Staute of limitations in vaccine court

We should be asking for an extension of the staute of limitations which I think is 3 yrs. to be able to take the case to vaccine injury court. Maybe it should be 7 yrs. Some of our kids had mulitple attacks on their immune systems while NOT becoming autistic but still they are extremely ill. I ould really like someone closer to g'vt to ask for this. Jenn L

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Congressman Dan Burton wanted very much to expand the statute of limiations but was unsuccessful in getting this - he wanted it to be seven years. Laws can always be made to overrule others. I think everyone should continue to press this point with their Senators and Congress people. Just as how everyone reacts to things, is just as relevant as the way an individual react. **************Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now. (http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolcom00000010)

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hi... seven years does not help my son.. he is 17... so.. I guess he will NEVER BE COMPENSATED at all?????? right????? NOT FAIR... Lia

Re: Staute of limitations in vaccine court

Congressman Dan Burton wanted very much to expand the statute of limiations but was unsuccessful in getting this - he wanted it to be seven years. Laws can always be made to overrule others. I think everyone should continue to press this point with their Senators and Congress people. Just as how everyone reacts to things, is just as relevant as the way an individual react.


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you know.. when you add up his mild symptoms.. I listed... the physical part.. looks like he just had a "touch" of either... stomach flu... the pickiness that kids get... when it came to foods... hey.. he just ate french fries... the chronic ear infections.."common with kids"... when he got to three.. I realized.. he just was different.. because he fooled me.. being very social.. sleeping through the night... had typical play... then... I realized it was something more... by then.. he had his shots.. I refused all boosters... my mom suspected the vaccines... but.. who do I complain to? without my son having a dramatic issue with gut.. his was mild to moderate... not like Hannah poling and some other kids... so... how was I to to know back in 1994? next thing you know.. he got a pdd/nos dx from CHOP.. Seashore house... on dec 21... "MERRY CHRISTMAS"... Lia

Staute of limitations in vaccine court

We should be asking for an extension of the staute of limitations which I think is 3 yrs. to be able to take the case to vaccine injury court. Maybe it should be 7 yrs. Some of our kids had mulitple attacks on their immune systems while NOT becoming autistic but still they are extremely ill. I ould really like someone closer to g'vt to=2

0ask for this. Jenn L

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Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations including songs for the holidays FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

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Lia,As an attorney representing claimants in the program, and as a parent-advocate who has worked extensively on this issue, I would like to to contribute to this discussion about vaccine injury claims and vaccine courts.The proposals that have been made in legislation introduced by Burton, and also in a bill that died in the Senate HELP committee in 2003 would include a "look back."The actual bill introduced in the House and the Senate called for a six year statute of limitations but with a two year "look back" provision.A "look back" provision means that for a designated period, in the case of the proposed legislation, two years, any person injured by vaccines since the effective date of the program - 9/30/88 - could file a timely claim for a two year period beginning on the date the legislation was enacted.Under this provision, if enacted, any child 21 years of age (approximately) and younger could file a claim.We (I personally have done this, along with Bobbie Manning and others) have met repeatedly over the years with staff in Congress to get a similar bill moving again. There may be a chance to get this type of thing moving again in 2009 with a new Congress and an new President but it will take time, energy and money - 3 things in very short supply.There are proposals out there to reform all drug injury claims using the vaccine court as a model. Why politicians would look to a failed program as a model is almost funny, but if the drug proposals for "health courts" are introduced there may be an opening to try to reform vaccine court.Seehttp://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:H.R.6391:The current version of the legislation, HR 6391, was introduced in the House June 2008. I am hopeful that Rep. Burton will introduce the legislation again in the new Congress.Bob Krakow J. KrakowLaw Office of J. Krakow, P.C.1205 lin Avenue, Suite 110Garden City, New York 11530 (NYC) (fax) (Mobile)rkrakow@... hi... seven years does not help my son.. he is 17... so.. I guess he will NEVER BE COMPENSATED at all?????? right????? NOT FAIR... Lia Re: Staute of limitations in vaccine courtCongressman Dan Burton wanted very much to expand the statute of limiations but was unsuccessful in getting this - he wanted it to be seven years. Laws can always be made to overrule others. I think everyone should continue to press this point with their Senators and Congress people. Just as how everyone reacts to things, is just as relevant as the way an individual react. **************Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now. (http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolcom00000010)Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

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hi.. BOB and thanks... I guess ... I am worried.. that someone might say.. well.. he is not injured enough or his symptoms were not dramatic enough.. I could not tell you when I thought he "changed".. it was subtle... I am figuring... it was around age 2... 5 months prior. he got his 3 shots of HEP B with his older sister. The tantrums started after 2.. the darkness of the eyes.. BUT... his diahrrea and skin rashes began at 5 months .. after exposure to chicken pox... he was a very happy baby... ear infection after another... antibiotics galore... I can't pin it down.. but.. he has an axis one of pdd/nos... he just turned 17.. what if no bill is passed for 5 years? where will that leave him then??? What can I do? to help push this in congress? thanks. Lia

Re: Staute of limitations in vaccine court

Congressman Dan Burton wanted very much to expand the statute of limiations but was unsuccessful in getting this - he wanted it to be seven years. Laws can always be made to overrule others. I think everyone should continue to press this point with their Senators and Congress people. Just as how everyone reacts to things, is just as relevant as the way an individual react. **************Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now. (http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid3Demlcntaolcom00000010)

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Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations including songs for the holidays FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

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Lia,If we are able to get this introduced again in 2009 we will see if we can get any traction.It is difficult because our grassroots efforts - and we will need grassroots support - have been undermined.Other organizations devoted to "autism" soak up most of the funding. It is unrealistic to believe we can get anywhere on an effort that is purely volunteer.There is a tremendous injustice here - but the primary injustice - lack of recognition of vaccine injuries in children, is completely unaddressed as well.There probably will be an opportunity in 2009 to support a Burton bill on the vaccine court. Maybe we can get legislation introduced in the Senate by McCain/Leiberman/Stabenow/Kerry - maybe Harkin - and some of our other more sympathetic Senators. Senator Clinton was helpful on this issue in 2003 - we will see who replaces her.Bobhi.. BOB and thanks... I guess ... I am worried.. that someone might say.. well.. he is not injured enough or his symptoms were not dramatic enough.. I could not tell you when I thought he "changed".. it was subtle... I am figuring... it was around age 2... 5 months prior. he got his 3 shots of HEP B with his older sister. The tantrums started after 2.. the darkness of the eyes.. BUT... his diahrrea and skin rashes began at 5 months .. after exposure to chicken pox... he was a very happy baby... ear infection after another... antibiotics galore... I can't pin it down.. but.. he has an axis one of pdd/nos... he just turned 17.. what if no bill is passed for 5 years? where will that leave him then??? What can I do? to help push this in congress? thanks. Lia Re: Staute of limitations in vaccine courtCongressman Dan Burton wanted very much to expand the statute of limiations but was unsuccessful in getting this - he wanted it to be seven years. Laws can always be made to overrule others. I think everyone should continue to press this point with their Senators and Congress people. Just as how everyone reacts to things, is just as relevant as the way an individual react. **************Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now. (http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid3Demlcntaolcom00000010)Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

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Let's hope so... bob... in philly.. we have our speaker.. dennis o'brien.. as he is a respresentative... he has worked wonders for our kids... I know he is not a senator.. but he stands for our kids... Lia

Re: Staute of limitations in vaccine court

Congressman Dan Burton wanted very much to expand the statute of limiations but was unsuccessful in getting this - he wanted it to be seven years. Laws can always be made to overrule others. I think everyone should continue to press this point with their Senators and Congress people. Just as how everyone reacts to things, is just as relevant as the way an individual react. **************Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now. (http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid3Demlcntaolcom00000010)

Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!



Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations including songs for the holidays FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

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I also think there should be no time limit; my son is injured for


Like a lot of people, we got:

" He's a boy "

" That's normal " (he used to talk and then had been silent for 6


And, here's a good one, " Mom is good at anticipating his needs "

Yeah, I take care of it before he asks.



> -----Original Message-----


> Sent: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 9:47 pm


> I absolutely agree.   I tried to convince my doctor for almost

two years after he was injected with autism that he even had

issues.   I being an OT knew.  I took measures in my own hands

becasue I got sick of hearing " he's a  boy, boys develop slower "

over and over again.  My favorite comment by doctor was in response

to my concerns at his 18 month visit as the doctor wanted me to give

him his MMR shot as I was apprehensive.  I mentioned his already

delayed development in social milestones and He stated there was no

correlation to MMR and autism BUT he thought my son was(gulp)

MANIPULATIVE!!!!! makes you just want to scream  " HE'S AUTISTIC YOU

A**HOLE!!! "   but still without a diagnosis as the doctor still

hadn't recommended a neurological evaluation.

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I am wondering - why the child cannot file - since it happened to them

and they have more time to file - than if a parent filed? Doesn't

that extend out the time of filing?

In EOHarm , Krakow wrote:


> Lia,


> If we are able to get this introduced again in 2009 we will see if


> can get any traction.


> It is difficult because our grassroots efforts - and we will need

> grassroots support - have been undermined.


> Other organizations devoted to " autism " soak up most of the


> It is unrealistic to believe we can get anywhere on an effort that


> purely volunteer.


> There is a tremendous injustice here - but the primary injustice -

> lack of recognition of vaccine injuries in children, is completely

> unaddressed as well.


> There probably will be an opportunity in 2009 to support a Burton


> on the vaccine court. Maybe we can get legislation introduced in


> Senate by McCain/Leiberman/Stabenow/Kerry - maybe Harkin - and


> of our other more sympathetic Senators. Senator Clinton was


> on this issue in 2003 - we will see who replaces her.



> Bob





> > hi.. BOB and thanks... I guess ... I am worried.. that someone


> > say.. well.. he is not injured enough or his symptoms were not

> > dramatic enough.. I could not tell you when I thought

he " changed " ..

> > it was subtle... I am figuring... it was around age 2... 5


> > prior. he got his 3 shots of HEP B with his older sister. The

> > tantrums started after 2.. the darkness of the eyes.. BUT... his

> > diahrrea and skin rashes began at 5 months .. after exposure to

> > chicken pox... he was a very happy baby... ear infection after

> > another... antibiotics galore... I can't pin it down.. but.. he


> > an axis one of pdd/nos... he just turned 17.. what if no bill is

> > passed for 5 years? where will that leave him then??? What can I


> > to help push this in congress? thanks. Lia

> >

> >

> > Re: Staute of limitations in vaccine court

> >>

> >> Congressman Dan Burton wanted very much to expand the statute


> >> limiations but was unsuccessful in getting this - he wanted it


> >> be seven years. Laws can always be made to overrule others. I


> >> everyone should continue to press this point with their


> >> and Congress people. Just as how everyone reacts to things, is


> >> as relevant as the way an individual react.

> >>

> >>

> >> **************

> >> Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and


> >> sites in one place. Try it now. (http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-

dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid3Demlcntaolcom00000010

> >> )

> >>

> >> Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including


> >> for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

> >>

> >

> >

> > Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including


> > for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

> >

> >


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Because most judicial decisions have found that the time to file is limited to 3 years from the onset of symptoms (there is some legal controversy over the meaning of "onset of symptoms"). In most states the time to file for a child is extended ("tolled") until at least 18 years of age because of infancy - that varies in some states but no state limits the time to file in the way it is limited in the vaccine court.This legal issue is not completely settled in all jurisdictions but the prevailing opinion in most courts is that the "three years from onset of symptoms" limitations applies.I am wondering - why the child cannot file - since it happened to themand they have more time to file - than if a parent filed? Doesn'tthat extend out the time of filing?In EOHarm , Krakow wrote:>> Lia,> > If we are able to get this introduced again in 2009 we will see if we > can get any traction.> > It is difficult because our grassroots efforts - and we will need > grassroots support - have been undermined.> > Other organizations devoted to "autism" soak up most of the funding. > It is unrealistic to believe we can get anywhere on an effort that is > purely volunteer.> > There is a tremendous injustice here - but the primary injustice - > lack of recognition of vaccine injuries in children, is completely > unaddressed as well.> > There probably will be an opportunity in 2009 to support a Burton bill > on the vaccine court. Maybe we can get legislation introduced in the > Senate by McCain/Leiberman/Stabenow/Kerry - maybe Harkin - and some > of our other more sympathetic Senators. Senator Clinton was helpful > on this issue in 2003 - we will see who replaces her.> > > Bob> > > > > > hi.. BOB and thanks... I guess ... I am worried.. that someone might > > say.. well.. he is not injured enough or his symptoms were not > > dramatic enough.. I could not tell you when I thought he "changed".. > > it was subtle... I am figuring... it was around age 2... 5 months > > prior. he got his 3 shots of HEP B with his older sister. The > > tantrums started after 2.. the darkness of the eyes.. BUT... his > > diahrrea and skin rashes began at 5 months .. after exposure to > > chicken pox... he was a very happy baby... ear infection after > > another... antibiotics galore... I can't pin it down.. but.. he has > > an axis one of pdd/nos... he just turned 17.. what if no bill is > > passed for 5 years? where will that leave him then??? What can I do? > > to help push this in congress? thanks. Lia> >> >> > Re: Staute of limitations in vaccine court> >>> >> Congressman Dan Burton wanted very much to expand the statute of > >> limiations but was unsuccessful in getting this - he wanted it to > >> be seven years. Laws can always be made to overrule others. I think > >> everyone should continue to press this point with their Senators > >> and Congress people. Just as how everyone reacts to things, is just > >> as relevant as the way an individual react.> >>> >>> >> **************> >> Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite > >> sites in one place. Try it now. (http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid3Demlcntaolcom00000010 > >> )> >>> >> Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs > >> for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!> >>> >> >> > Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs > > for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!> >> >>

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One cannot compare autism to other conditions from damages from drugs.. ect... autism is more individualized yet alike... It depends on the individuals detoxing ability which varies differently in each kid. It also varies from each one as HOW The thimersol affected them. Some are worse than others. How can you set a time that fits all about the times symptoms appear? My son was late onset.. some are earlier... my son's were subtle.. it "slipped UP" on me and before you know it... there was a problem at age 3. What I suspected back then... is a reality now... back then.. who was I going to go to??? Lia

Re: Staute of limitations in vaccine court> >>> >> Congressman Dan Burton wanted very much to expand the statute of > >> limiations but was unsuccessful in getting this - he wanted it to > >> be seven years. Laws can always be made to overrule others. I think > >> everyone should continue to press this point with their Senators > >> and Congress people. Just as how everyone reacts to things, is just > >> as relevant as the way an individual react.> >>> >>> >> **************> >> Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite > >> sites in one place. Try it now. (http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid3Demlcntaolcom00000010 > >> )> >>> >> Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs > >> for the holidays 9

3 FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!> >>> >> >> > Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs > > for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!> >> >>

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