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Queensland's first CLASS ACTION for The Peole v. The Queensland Government in the matter of Fluoride and recycled sewerage Chance to be part of it .

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Hi folks, This communication from me, brings an opportunity to

participate in Queensland's first CLASS ACTION for The People vs. The

Queensland Government in the matter of water fluoridation and recycled

sewerage. If you wish to be a part of this important action, please

follow the instructions in the letter from the People's Class Action

Trust - fill out the attached letter of Request for a Statement of

Reasons and forward as per instructions. Please forward on to your

lists, friends, family, colleagues, workmates, that you feel may be

interested, as the Evidence of Harm and Suppression of Evidence is very

extensive. Our Groups have been flat out sending Submissions to

Government and media. So please if you are concerned for your own

health, and I know you are with the addition of this toxic chemical

waste " fluoride " added to the water supplies, please take this

opportunity to become part of history.

I will copy and paste the attachment as some groups do not accept

attachments, so please copy and paste it into word, print it out for as

many people as you need and return by postal service as per

instructions. Please do this as soon as possible Please don't get back

to me about it everyone as I just wont be able to do anymore, as I have

been working day and night for over month with research work regarding

these matters and will be doing more intensive time consuming research,

so please just send it off following the instructions if you wish to

participate in this historic action.


ps I am sending this out of State and overseas for the reason that you

will possibly have contacts in Queensland, Australia so that you can

notify them of this historic action also please; send it to all you know

will be interested.

Also, for those not fully up to date on the Evidence of Harm and

Suppression of Evidence on water fluoridation,

I will include at the end herof, my recent emails with some of the

extracts from my full Submission to the Government.


Thank you so much, Di Buckland www.mcs-global.org


For and as part of: Queenslanders for Safe Water

*FORM FOR COMPLETION to participate in CLASS ACTION hereunder:-*

Dear Members

Attached is a letter of Request for a Statement of Reasons, which we ask

you to print, sign*/,/* fill in your name and address at the top, and

return to:

The Trustee

People's Class Action Trust

P.O. Box 115

Corinda 4075


We will attach to them a list of documented, referenced, published

scientific papers, compiled by our legal team, and then they will be

sent to the Queensland Minister for Water.

There is a strategy behind this, which I won't go in to here, but please

do this as soon as possible. There is no charge for you to do this;

however, obviously, all donations will be gratefully accepted.

Please attend to this important task ASAP. We already have several

hundred signed.

Also, study our website (below) and don't miss the public meeting at

Nerang this Sunday*/ /* 7^TH December, from 1.00pm till 4.00pm*/ /*–

Bicentennial Community Centre – Old Council Chambers:

http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?hl=en & ie=UTF8 & msa=2

<http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?hl=en & ie=UTF8 & msa=2>




People's Class Action Trust

www.peoplesclassaction.org <http://www.peoplesclassaction.org>

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*December 7^th 2008 *

The Honourable Craig Wallace

Minister for Natural Resources and Water

Parliament House

Brisbane Queensland

Dear Sir,

As the Minister responsible for water, this is to request that you do

one of two things :

****ONE**. You investigate, or cause to be diligently investigated, the

scientific and other facts referred to in the research material attached

to this letter and form a concluded view as to whether or not, upon all

of the relevant facts (including the validity or otherwise of any

contrary data), you have a duty to recommend to Cabinet that the

legislation enabling :

a) waste water sourced in any part from sewerage water and

B) fluoride compounds

to be added to allegedly potable town or city water supplies should be

repealed without delay.


*TWO *If you do not determine that your public duty and administrative

law propriety demands that you comply with the above request, then

please consider this letter to be


made pursuant to Section 32 of the Judicial Review Act 1991 and dated 28

days after you receive this letter of request. In that event, please

explain in a form of words suitable to persuade a Court of Law as to why

it is that you have decided to not comply with my first request, above,

and why, with particular reference to Section 20 (2) (h) of the above

mentioned Act, it is justifiable in Law for you to take such a position

and to make that decision.

Yours faithfully,


Extract from my Submission to State and Federal Governments re: Evidence

of Harm and Suppression of Evidence

and why water fluoridation should end immediately

Dear Chairman Mr. Bob Bentley and Deputy Chairman Mr. Tony Hanmer of

Queensland Racing

I am sending you this information on the absolute dangers of water

fluoridation as it affects all of us including horses - I hate to think

of the potential to harm horses especially race horses, not only their

general health, and multiple organ damage but the potential for

Fluoride-Induced Stress Fractures (perhaps this has already been

happening in areas of chemical water fluoridation but no connection has

been made) this could potentially be an absolute disaster in itself

besides the one to all of us. Please read through this and then you will

come to approximately page 7 where you will see mention of osteosarcoma

etc., fluoride poisoned horses and cattle et al.. kidney damage, spleen,

neurological ...............

Please have all your experts look at this whole situation, if you like I

will send you my complete submission to the Government as to why water

fluoridation should be ended permanently and irrevocably - there is

extensive evidence from world experts. Then please, call on the

Government and Ombudsen; whatever you can do please, to cease water

fluoridation immediately in Australia.

As you will see in my correspondence below, I am one of numerous

volunteers who do this for nothing some of us have been doing it for

decades, - because we care about our population. I was furious to learn

that the fluoridation proponents got a nice nest egg from the Government

to promote fluoridation with slick advertising campaigns, but we

couldn't get the real truth to the population because we don't have any

funds at all for such advertising. It would be appreciated very much if

you could contact Merilyn Haines of Queenslanders for Safe Water

www.qawf.org <http://www.qawf.org>

phone 0418 777112 or 07 313 70510 info@...

If you have any media contacts, it would be wonderful if you could get

us some help to get the truth to the population. If you want to see my

complete submission, get back to me and I'll send it to you, a lot of

Evidence of Harm and

Suppression of Evidence of the terrible consequences of water

fluoridation. Merilyn Haines' Group also has extensive evidence of harm

and suppression of evidence. Please distribute this information to all

your contacts in the Racing Industry; but if you would rather have my

full Evidence of Harm Submission, get immediately back to me and I'll

send to you for onposting.

Thank you gentlemen. Di Buckland, 4 Mia St. Kallangur, 4503 3285 3573


Here is my letter to Ombudsmen & many others.

Dear all,

This is an email sent my me to the State and Commonwealth Ombudsmen,

Councillors, MP's, Media & others regarding the very serious health

consequences of water fluoridation. The evidence is from world experts -

this is nothing like the information that is given to the population by

the fluoride proponents and it makes this an absolute health disgrace

and disaster.

Time is of the essence here - so I am now including this email to both

State and Commonwealth Ombudsmen in the hope that they can fully

investigate this matter and in the interests of the health of the

population seek to put an end to the proven dangerous practice of water

fluoridation as a matter of extreme urgency for the protection of the

entire population.

Dear Ombudsmen I will forward my Submission to the Government to end

water fluoridation due to toxicity data along with our Group's Complaint

against the Queensland Government to you as soon as possible.

In the meantime a group of doctors has sent out a warning to all the

Shires that they have a duty of care to warn parents of babies that they

should have NO FLUORIDE under 6 months of age and very little under 12

months of age, so their parents will have to be vigilent but I say that

with the water supplies fluoridated that this is an impossible task.

Hopefully damage can be minimised in the meantime before Ombudsmen can

take action to end this practice of water fluoridation (ie slow

poisoning of the population).


Ms Bligh says in this article you published, " Almost a year ago to the

day, I said we could no longer ignore the extensive scientific evidence

that shows fluoridation is the missing link in Queensland's oral health

system " This is totally non-credible data that she is quoting on behalf

of the fluoride proponents, this is a health disgrace and impending

disaster - see the extracted data below, but I have extensive data in my

submission (sent to Gov't) which leaves no doubt to anyone at all, that

this is absolutely dangerous to the health of all the population.

(Queenslanders for Safe Water have extensive data also - see below for

contact). Read on.

Dear Journalists, I want to start with this. I've spent a lot of time

again on this email to you, breaking up data from my Submission to the

Government (I've been working day and night for the last month putting

my submission to the Government together and doing more research as to

why water fluoridation should end) I am extremely fatigued so apologise

if presentation is a bit unprofessional, but I am only a layperson who

has no Assistants etc., so the least you can do is give me the respect

of reading it - don't delete without being read like all your other

journalist colleagues. I can't understand why they would do such a thing

when it is a health matter for the entire population and it's not as if

our Health Authorities are Mother Theresa's ! The truth has to be told

about water fluoridation schemes and I am compiling extensive extremely

valid data from around the world. Believe me if you read this and if you

know the true dangers of water fluoridation the first thing to come to

your mind will be - gee what if it's true ? what if my wife and kids get

fluoride - induced illnesses and diseases? well ladies & gentlemen,

perhaps they will, so you'd better read on.

I have found a mindset where a lot of people only worry about their own

loved ones, not the entire population, well I am one of those who care

about us all - . I also point out that I have been doing this for 20

years, it's all voluntary and I get no donations grants or the like, I

do it because I care about the health of us all, not just my own family,

why do you think I would spend so much of my life doing this? I have no

conflicts of interests, and I try to show the population that there is a

serious problem with loss of integrity in science - and the fluoride

spin doctors are misrepresenting this whole fluoride " scam " ; I am just

simply a person who cares and wants the population to be informed of the

scurrilous situation in regard to water fluoridation proponents - the

same with all my friends/colleagues who are doing all this work in their

own time for no pay, to protect the population. Now please give me a

decent hearing.

I will also take the liberty of forwarding to both of you Journalists

Darrell Giles & cm online my Submission to the Government (I continue to

make additions of more research data coming to light) for your own

sakes. I have sent it to many other media, some just delete without

being read as stated previously.

So read on please. I can't condense it anymore as I wanted to give you

enough information on each topic to make you want

to read it.


This 40 minute video below, presents a press conference held in Toronto,

Canada on August 7, 2008. It features Dr. Connett, Director of the

Fluoride Action Network, Dr. Vyvyan , an infant and fetal

pathologist, Buck, Director of Citizens for a Safe Environment

(CSE) and Mayor, spokesperson for People for Safe Drinking Water.

All four speakers present the arguments for ending fluoridation


****WHY FLUORIDATION SHOULD BE HALTED** - these are world experts!

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2702431699206958386 & hl=en

<http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2702431699206958386 & hl=en>





" Prior to hearing this case, I gave the matter of fluoridation little,

if any, thought, but I received quite an education, and noted that the

proponents of fluoridation do nothing more than try to impune (sic) the

objectivity of those who oppose fluoridation. " In the Illinois decision,

Judge Niemann concludes: " This record is barren of any credible

and reputable scientific epidemiological studies and or analysis of

statistical data which would support the Illinois Legislature's

determination that fluoridation of the water supplies is both a safe and

effective means of promoting public health. "

Judge Farris in Texas found: " [That] the artificial fluoridation

of public water supplies, such as contemplated by {Houston} City

ordinance No. 80-2530 may cause or contribute to the cause of cancer,

genetic damage, intolerant reactions, and chronic toxicity, including

dental mottling, in man; that the said artificial fluoridation may

aggravate malnutrition and existing illness in man; and that the value

of said artificial fluoridation is in some doubt as to reduction of

tooth decay in man. "





Click link for full article:-




Sin of omission’ endorsements and spin dished out over the years has

created an ‘illusion,’ that fluoride chemicals added to our water supply

are beneficial and safe. Here is reality of fluoridation,_ Tasmania_

_(Australia) has been fluoridated for about 50 years_ and has one of the

most intensive fluoridation schemes.

Currently Tasmania has 41 fluoridation plants for nearly half a million

people, is 83% fluoridated at 1.1ppm with Fluorosilicic Acid and Sodium

Fluoride, And yet: The president of the Australian Dental Association

quoted in the Tasmanian Advocate -

2001:“Tasmania is in a Dental crisis.” A recent report released 17th Dec

2007 from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare stated:

“_The highest levels of permanent decay experience were found in

Tasmania_,”(Water Fluoridation & children’s dental health Survey

Australia 2002 Armfield JM, Slade GD & Spencer AJ. The following

Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Medicare by ANGLICARE

TASMANIA in July 2003, stated:

“_Tasmanian adults have the worst dental health in the nation_ with the

highest percentage of edentulous (complete loss of natural teeth) adults

per capita with 15.3% of the adult population, compared to the national

average of 9.7%.The State also has the highest percentage of persons

wearing a denture in the nation, with 11.2% in the 25 –

44 year category, which is almost double the national average.” Stated

also in this report “Tasmania has had some of the worst health

indicators in the nation,” It appears we have been suckers and lab rats

for a long time, time for it to stop. Be active against fluoridation.




Anglicare recently held a photographic exhibition of dental photographs

to reveal the extent of Tasmania's oral decay.

http://www.anglicare-tas.org.au/index.php?option=com_docman & task=doc_view & gid=27\

& Itemid=84

<http://www.anglicare-tas.org.au/index.php?option=com_docman & task=doc_view & gid=2\

7 & Itemid=84>

Access to Dental Care for Low Income Tasmanians A Discussion Paper Prue

Cameron Social Action and Research Centre February 2002

REPORT STATES:- Adult Tasmanians also have the worst dental health

status in the nation.

I'll say it again everyone - Tasmania has been fluoridated for 50+ years

– something is radically wrong.

and also:- HEALTH COMPLAINTS - I wonder how many never bothered to




but wait there's more:-



July 1, 2007 Advertisement This Extracted by me - it is by the Water

Fluoridation Proponents:

THOUSANDS of n preschoolers and toddlers — some as young as two

— are undergoing radical dental surgery under general anaesthetic to

remove several, and sometimes all, of their baby teeth.The oral health

of 's preschoolers is so poor that Dental Health Services

says the average six-year-old starts school with three to four

teeth decayed, missing or needing filling.While health authorities have

poured money into campaigns targeting childhood obesity, what the dental

service calls the " twin epidemic " of the alarming state of juvenile oral

health has been largely overlooked.

The dental service has joined calls for tighter government regulation of

food labelling, after a survey of oral health literacy in n

primary schools — released early to ////The Sunday Age// — found many

parents were confused about which foods and drinks posed the greatest

threat to their children's teeth.Hidden sugar in food and drink is the

main culprit, oral health experts say, but confusing nutritional

messages on packaging, misleading marketing and the use of bottled water

over fluoridated tap water are adding to the crisis. Continuing on :-

http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/hah/7.2/akers.html In this

extract you will see a map prepared by:- /Map 1: Fluoridation status in

Queensland as compared with the rest of Australia/ (Source: Ingrid Tall,

Kos Sclavos, and Don Anning, Healthy Teeth or Decay? Water Fluoridation:

The Facts, (Brisbane: Australian Medical Association (Queensland

Branch), Pharmacy Guild of Australia (Queensland Branch), and Australian

Dental Association (Queensland Branch), 2003 -

Extensive water fluoridation (77+%) throughout and yet we see

the story above on thousands of toddlers and pre-schoolers with their

teeth rotting - and the same situation on Tasmania’s teeth (91%)

fluoridated and they have the worst teeth in the Nation and yet Tasmania

has been fluoridated for 50 + years.

Doesn’t justice and common sense ring a bell that something is very

wrong with this whole water fluoridation proponents and the extensive

worldwide evidence against water fluoridation must be recognised for the

protection and safety of the entire population.

I have sent much data in to you and other media about the true and

absolute dangers of water fluoridation and none of you print or show any

interest whatsoever in any of it - there is worldwide credible Evidence

of Harm and Suppression of Evidence - I have sent my submission (as a

Layperson) to the State and Federal Governments ( & many more around the

world )as to why the practice of water fluoridation should end

immediately and with enough evidence to resink the Titantic, but the

media wont put it to print, and the Gov't aren't listening - are people

aware that the American Dental Association have finally decided to come

clean that baby formula must not have fluoridated water ?(see below)

also people with impaired kidney function are at grave risk (see below).

I have data about fluoride and kidney damage, spleen damage, fluoride

poisoned horses, et al it's all in my submission. Another thing, I also

ask you, if fluoride as they claim is so effective (only topically )

(now some dispute by JADA about this themselves- see below) against

dental cavities, why hasn't it been successful as most of the population

use fluoridated toothpastes! Ask yourselves. - I think Tasmania's

shocking statistics alone should spell the death roll for all water

fluoridation schemes.

I am saying that I have amassed extensive Evidence of Harm from Experts

from around the world but it is being ignored by all Governments and you

the media. I am grateful I am now seeing media giving time to Merilyn

Haines of Queenslanders for Safe Water - and so you should, because it

is my contention that this is (I'd probably better say the word

" alleged " here) criminal negligence and likewise for those who are in

positions of power in the media and don't get the credible data about

the toxicity and health dangers of fluoride to the population so they

can be informed and take action to stop being " poisoned " with water

fluoridation schemes. They wont do that because they know the country

would be in an uproar and never allow water fluoridation schemes if that

were the case. What's wrong with Journalists today on this fluoride

scandalous affair? And so have Queenslanders for Safe Water Group and

other Groups been trying valiantly to protect the public from the

dangers of toxic water fluoridation being forced on them. This is an

absolute health disgrace and disaster - and what about bone cancer, and

the neurological damage from fluoride and much more I have found

credible evidence of and placed in my submission. I also question

another point, even though I am only a Layperson; with the blood

fluoride levels what kind of impact does this have on our Blood Bank

Supplies, people who are gravely ill needing blood transfusions getting

blood with higher fluoride levels - this is potentially another

disastrous situation, and what about fluoride damaging other vital

organs of which I have evidence of harm in my report/submission:- see



There are two areas of concern regarding the nephrotoxic potential of *

**fluoride *. A small and inclusive amount of research suggests that

****fluoridation of community water actually causes kidney disease**.

Kidney * **damage * to tubular function and structure, and reduction in

glomerular filtration rate occurred in residents of endemic * **fluoride

* areas [2

http://ndt.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/gfm663v1#GFM663C2] and

anecdotal cases of * **fluoride *intoxication [3


suggested a causal relationship between * **/fluoride /**/ intake and

renal failure/*

© The Author [2007]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of

ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:





Cross-sensitization between fluorinated inhaled anesthetics has also

been documented among halothane, isoflurane, desflurane and enflurane.

That is, patients may be sensitized to a volatile anesthetic on one

occasion and suffer hepatic injury upon subsequent re-exposure^ to a

different agent.

Now I ask you, how criminally negligent (allegedly) is a Government that

goes ahead and fluoridates the water supplies when all this data on the

massive and disastrous health ramifications to the population is available?

Our world already is in acute and chronic crisis from people needing

organ transplants, what about the ramifications as a result of even more

people being damaged because of the cumulative effects of water

fluoridation on vital organs, et al which contamination will be

inescapable as water is the source of all life (not to mention the harm

already being done by widespread pesticide/herbicide contamination) -

there is no escape from fluoride it will be in everything; fluoridated

water, we drink it, we shower in it, it is in foods, drinks,

medications, anaesthetics, et al and in the environment from the

polluting chemical and aluminium plants, this is an absolute health

disaster and the media has rarely or never printed any of the warnings

by the opponents of water fluoridation only articles by the fluoridation

proponents which itself is I feel immoral, unjust - I feel that you have

a duty of care to the population to protect the population from any harm

to reveal all credible information. If the media got a warning that

Terrorists were going to put a toxic poison in the water supplies full

scale Anti-Terrorism forces would be called in - but in this case it is

a devious, under the radar slow poisoning purely under the ADA guise of

protecting the populations' teeth, am I making you realise how serious

this is? Also See below:-


*This information is important because this substance may harm you. The

effects of exposure to any hazardous substance depend on the dose, the

duration, how you are exposed, personal traits and habits, and whether

other chemicals are present.*

If you are exposed to fluorides, hydrogen fluoride, and fluorine, many

factors determine whether you'll be harmed. These factors include the

dose (how much), the duration (how long), and how you come in contact

with it/them. You must also consider the other chemicals you're exposed

to and your age, sex, diet, family traits, lifestyle, and state of



I wish the Government in fairness of balance, had have given our group

of fluoride opponents some $ to pay for advertising campaigns too

because it is hard to compete with the slick advertising campaings of

the fluoride proponents - because we do all this voluntarily with no

income - that is why the people are not being told the truth about the

terrible health dangers of water fluoridation. Why do you think experts

from around the world are calling for the world to unite and demand an

end to water fluoridation world wide. It is really serious and I just

wish you journalists were like old time journalists who did a fair and

just story. Not one sided. A lot of people are told by fluoride

promoters that it is a natural chemical that goes into the water - this

is outrageous LIES - it is not.

http://www.redox.com/msds/data/sosili.html - Consider this - you will be

drinking this long term, it will be contaminating all foods and drink,

you will be showering in it, giving it to your babies and children too.

Chemical Material Safety Data Sheet: Uses for:-

Fluoridation, laundry sours, opalescent glass, metallurgy (aluminium and

beryllium), vitreous enamel frits, insecticides and rodenticides,

chemical intermediate, glue, leather and wood preservative, moth

repellent, manufacture of pure silicon.

Emergency Procedures: Personnel involved in the clean up should wear

full protective clothing. Eliminate all sources of ignition. Increase

ventilation. Avoid generating dust. Do not get water inside containers.

/Do not allow product to reach drains, sewers or waterways. If the

product does enter a waterway, advise the Environmental Protection

Authority or your local Waste Management. Use clean, non-sparking tools

and equipment/.

See info on water fluoridation from Disabled World below:-


I have extracted sections :-


By ////Disabled World// - 2007-10-31


*98% Of Western Europe has Rejected Water Fluoridation. This includes

Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg,

Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. But not the UK! *

The fluoride added to drinking water is man-made. It is called

fluorosilicic acid which is a compound of fluorine that is a chemical

by-product of aluminium, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons

manufacturing. It is one of the most caustics of industrial chemicals.

Fluoride is the active poison in rat poisons and cockroach powder.

Fluorosilicic acid is used to refine high octane gasoline, to make

fluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons for freezers and air conditioners,

and to manufacture computer screens, fluorescent light bulbs,

semiconductors, plastics, herbicides and ... toothpaste.

The most thorough explanation of the origin, action, diseases, and

politics of fluoride were presented after 25 years research in a book

called Fluoride the Ageing Factor by Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D. (Science

director of the National Health Federation and eventually head the Safe

Water Foundation).*

In his book, he uncovers the facts about fluoride:*

Study, University of Austin: fluoride concentration of 1 PPM

(parts per million) increases tumour growth rate by 25% (this is the

concentration used in the USA).

Fluoride is more poisonous than lead

<http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/lead.shtml>, and just less

poisonous than arsenic - Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products 1984

" A seven ounce tube of toothpaste, theoretically at least, contains

enough fluoride to kill a small child. " - Procter & Gamble, quoted in

Fluoride the Ageing Factor.

*Fluoride supplements should not be given to children under three years

old - 1992 Canadian Dental Association Proposed Fluoride Guidelines, Dr.


*Fluoride accelerates your ageing process

*Fluoride mineralises the tendons, muscles and ligaments, making them

crackly and painful and inflexible. At the same time fluoride interferes

with mineralisation of bones and teeth, causing osteoporosis and

mottling or dental fluorosis.

The process whereby teeth are discoloured and crumble from fluoridation

is known as dental fluorosis. The US Public Health service has known

since the research of its own Dr. HT Dean in 1937 that as fluoride

levels rose, so did the percentage of children with dental fluorosis, in

a study of 15 major American cities.

The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) requires all toothpaste

manufacturers to print a warning on the label that if more than a

pea-sized amount of toothpaste is swallowed, the local Poison Control

Centre should be notified.

The American Dental Association and other defenders of fluoride have

testified and continue to insist that dental fluorosis is a " cosmetic

condition " and is not a health issue!

DR. Yiamouyiannis cites the 1990 study of 541,000 cases of osteoporosis

that found a definite connection between hip fractures in women over 65

and fluoride levels. The study was written up in JAMA (Journal of

American Medicine Association). Several other major studies are cited,

massive amounts of research, again all reaching the same conclusion -

Fluoride also causes osteoporosis


by creating a calcium deficiency situation. Fluoride precipitates

calcium out of solution, causing low blood calcium, as well as the

build-up of calcium stones and crystals in the joints and organs.

Dozens of other studies, like the Riggs study in the 1990 New England

Journal of Medicine, showed that fluoride treatment of osteoporosis in

the elderly actually increases skeletal fragility, i.e., more fractures.

It's the same mechanism at work: incorrect mineralisation, as we saw

above. Thin old bones lose calcium; young bones age too rapidly by


Austrian and Japanese researchers both found that a concentration of 1

PPM fluoride causes disruption of the body's ability to repair its own

DNA. Without this most basic cell function, cancer is promoted, and

tumour growth is accelerated.

The unmistakable fact is that for the years 1940-1950, when none of 20

cities studied fluoridated, the average cancer deaths were virtually

identical. But after 1950, there is a major increase in cancer deaths in

every single one of the fluoridated cities, while the non-fluoridated

cities remain clustered together at a much lower level of death.

*A number was actually put on it:*

" ...30,000 to 50,000 deaths each year from various causes may now be

attributable to fluoridation. This total includes 10,000 to 20,000

deaths attributable to fluoride-induced cancer every year. "

The dental community concedes that fluoride is ineffective at preventing

the most common type of dental decay - pit & fissures. Pit & fissure

decay - which is the decay found in the crevices of the chewing surfaces

- accounts for upwards of 85% of dental decay now experienced in the US.

New evidence suggests that fluoridation is either unnecessary or doesn't

work. Cavities have declined at similarly impressive rates throughout

the entire western, industrialised world over the past half-century.

This decline has occurred irrespective of a country's fluoridation

status. Western Europe, which is less fluoridated than the US, has

experienced the SAME decline in cavities as the heavily fluoridated US,

and today enjoys the SAME low level of tooth decay.

Five peer-reviewed studies published in the last 2 years have found that

dental decay DOES NOT increase when communities stop fluoridation.

High levels of naturally occurring fluoride causes a crippling bone

disease known as skeletal fluorosis.

According to UNICEF, skeletal fluorosis is endemic " in at least 25

countries across the globe " with the problem particularly acute in

India, China and other developing countries.

Skeletal fluorosis comes in varying degrees of severity depending on the

level of exposure. The earliest symptoms are characterised by joint pain

that is difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish from arthritis.

Fluoride stimulates abnormal bone development. Clinical trials published

in the New England Journal of Medicine and Journal of Bone and Mineral

Research report that high dose fluoride treatment increases bone mass

but that the newly formed bone is " structurally unsound " . Thus, instead

of reducing hip fracture, the studies found that high doses of fluoride

increase hip fracture.

End of extract from Disabled World. end extract.

I saw in an article in your paper of a poor woman with little kids said

I know its poison but I dont think its harmful - the MSDS for the toxic

chemical waste that fluoride is (see above) you are being lied to

people, it is not natural fluoride that is added to our watersupplies,

it is dangerous toxic chemical poisonous waste; *and a little bit of

poison in your water for the rest of your life IS NOT OK!!! especially

when one considers the fluoride exposures from many other sources and

also other toxic chemical exposures from other sources.

eg *





The NAS prescribes the purity requirements for fluosilicic acid (toxic

waste) and other fluoridation chemicals? A so called civilized

intelligent society that has continued for decades to poison the

populations' water supplies! I ask you, who’s crazy? This is completely

and utterley incomprehensible.

Extract: Dear Dr

Thank you for your letter of March 9,1983, in regard to the fluoride of

drinking water.

Water treatment chemicals, including fluosilicic acid, have been

evaluated for their potential for contributing to the contamination of

drinking water. The Water Treatment Chemicals Codex, published by the

National Academy of Sciences, prescribes the purity requirements for

fluosilicic acid and other fluoridation chemicals.

In regard to the use of fluosilicic acid as a source of fluoride for

fluoridation, this Agency regards such use as an ideal environmental

solution long standing problem. By recovering by-product fluosilicic

acid from fertiliser manufacturing, water and air pollution are

minimized, and water utilities have a low-cost source of fluoride

available to them. I hope information adequately responds to your

concern. Sincerely yours, R H Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water

It is my contention that our journalists of today have lost some real

credibility, because they mainly only print one side; that is of the

fluoride proponents and we the fluoride opponents with extensive

research under our belts, don't get given any funds for slick

advertising campaigns, so our voices are never heard. I would like to

think that journalism encompasses the responsibility as media to convey

all credible information to the people for the people especially

regarding a serious national health matter, which has the potential to

be a national health disaster.

At least they came clean on this one:-



Fluoridated water not to be used in infant formula, says American Dental

Association (ADA)



This from ////Duke University Health// about fluoridated toothpaste!

There are literally hundreds of incidents nationally each year /where

children have been poisoned after eating fluoridated toothpaste/, "

Stopford says. " The results range from an upset stomach to a situation

that's hazardous to the child's life. It's not appropriate to let young

children use fluoridated toothpaste by themselves. " Like other

medications, the toothpaste should be stored in a place that's

inaccessible to kids, he says



Fluoridation of drinking water is NOT about protecting children’s

teeth. It is about the fertilizer industry disposing of hazardous waste

for profit.


Osteosarcoma Legal Help


264 Fluoride 2004;37(4):264–277 Research Report

Fluoride 2004;37(4) *Dr Blaylock is a Board-certified neurosurgeon


Compelling evidence indicates that fluoride produces injury to the

central nervous system (CNS) by several mechanisms. Of particular

interest is the ability of fluoride to induce free radical generation

and lipid peroxidation in the brain, especially in the hippocampus. In

addition, fluoride enhances aluminum absorption from the

gastrointestinal mucosa and across the blood-brain barrier. Of

particular concern is the recent demonstration that fluoride readily

forms a chemical complex with aluminum, similar to the phosphate ion,

which is toxic to neurons at low concentrations and can act as an

activator of G-proteins, a membrane link to second messenger activation.


A 1996 article Fluoride's Neurological Effects: studies show there may

be grave implications for Alzheimers, Dementia, Attention Deficit

Disorder, reduced IQ in children

http://www.fluoride-journal.com/02-35-4/354-231.pdf MORPHOLOGICAL


Fluoride Vol. 35 No. 4 231-238 2002 Research Report

However, hematopoietic cells appear to be sensitive to higher

concentrations of NaF (at least 50 mg NaF/L). According to our previous

findings, fluoride significantly decreases

their proliferative potential. 14 In conclusion, we see that fluoride is

able to disturb hematopoiesis to varying degrees over a wide spectrum.

Relatively high concentrations of sodium

fluoride, apart from its direct influence on hematopoietic cells, /_can

induce significant morphologic changes in the spleen._/

This work was presented at the XXIIIrd Conference of the International

Society for Fluoride Research in Szczecin, Poland, June 11-14, 2000

(Program Abstract 19)




*Extract: American Dentists Association Admits: Fluoride of Concern to

Kidney Patients*

**/By //Sally Stride//, Opednews, 06/29/08/

On June 19, 2008 the American Dental Association updated its website

reporting that fluoride is a concern to all kidney patients, not just

those on dialysis.

After the 2006 National Research Council's (NRC) fluoride toxicology

report was brought to their attention, the NKF withdrew its fluoridation


The NRC fluoride report was created by a 12-member panel of scientists

to review current fluoride toxicology data at the request of the

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to determine whether the maximum

contaminant level goal (4 mg/L) of fluoride

in public water supplies is safe. The NRC says that level must be

lowered. But neither the NRC nor the EPA has defined a safe level.

*/_At least three NRC panel members conclude that water fluoride levels

should be close to zero, not only to protect kidney patients, but also

thyroid patients, infants and high water drinkers. This would

effectively shut down fluoridation in the U.S_/*_._


Dogs, Cats, Osteosarcoma, Dysplasia and Pet Food Fluoride

by Glasser, NPWA Bulletin

Fluoride poisoned horses


****Fluoride poisoned horses**






Sodium Fluoride/Copper Naphthenate Toxicosis in Cattle -- DeBey et al.

19 (3): 305 -- Journal of Veterinary Diagnosis

I ask you as a Layperson, what are the implications here for our cattle

industry and horse and horse racing industries

when the water supplies are all contaminated with fluoride? Is it

possible that I can foresee such massive and widespread litigation in

the future. And who do you think would be held responsible for forcibly

poisoning our water supplies against the will of the people. And this is

the will of the people who haven't even been given the full facts of the

disastrous health consequences of water fluoridation schemes. They must

have at least done some research themselves and a considerable % of the

population realise it is dangerous to health.


Consumer Health Organisation of Canada FLUORIDE THE SILENT KILLER

* Hirzy, Ph.D *Chemist in Residence and Adjunct Professor


Statement from Dr. Phyllis Mullenix on the ****Neurotoxicity of

Fluoride** http://www.fluoridealert.org/pmullenix.htm


Extract:- In 1990, Dr. Marcus, senior toxicologist in the Office

of Drinking Water at EPA, was fired for publicly questioning the honesty

of a long-awaited government animal study designed to determine if

fluoride causes cancer. Upon examining the raw data of the experiment,

Dr. Marcus found clear evidence that fluoride causes cancer, and

suggested that a review panel set up by the government to review the

data had deliberately downgraded the results. He was vindicated in

December of 1992 when Administrative Law Judge A. , Jr.

ordered EPA to give him back his job, with back pay, legal expenses and

$50,000 in damages. EPA appealed, but the appeal was turned down in 1994

by Secretary of Labor, B. Reich who accused EPA of firing Dr.

Marcus in retaliation for speaking his mind in public. Reich found among

other things that EPA had shredded important evidence that would have

supported Dr. Marcus in court. The original trial proceedings also show

that EPA employees who wanted to testify on behalf of Dr. Marcus were

threatened by their own management. EPA officials also forged some of

his time cards, and then accused him of misusing his official time.


Professor D. Masters

Research Professor of Government & A. Rockefeller Professor Emeritus

President, Foundation for Neuroscience & Society

310 Gerry Hall - HB 6222

Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.

Office telephone:

Office FAX: June 17, 2001

****Silicofluorides and Higher Blood Lead**


At present, U.S. public water systems serving over 140 million people

are fluoridated with 200,000 tons of commercial grade hydrofluosilicic

acid (H2SiF6) and sodium silicofluoride (Na2SiF6), together called

" silicofluorides " (or " SiFs " ). Data from numerous studies show that,

taking economic, social and racial factors into account, where

silicofluorides are used, children absorb more lead

http://www.dartmouth.edu/%7Enews/releases/2001/mar01/fluoride.html from

the environment, and there are higher rates of diseases and behavioral

problems associated with lead poisoning (including hyperactivity,

substance abuse, and violent crime).

*MY COMMENT: We already have serious social problems with behaviour

problems, mental illnesses of various forms, criminal behaviour, this

can only rise dramatically....when this toxin is added to the water



More on health dangers of fluorinated drugs


" Poison Control: Fluorides, the deadly toxin within By Professor

Dzulkifli Abdul Razak National Poison Centre at Universiti Sains

Malaysia September 2, 2001

Extract: Of the many fluorinated drugs that remain in the market (see

LINK <http://www.fluoridealert.org/f-pharm.htm>) some carry warnings of

****serious cardiac toxicity**, for instance halofantrine, a

schizonticidal drug. More specifically, other fluorinated drugs, though

they have not been withdrawn, are known to cause muscle wasting or

rhabdomyolysis, like cerivastatin.

Moreover, adds Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children, the metabolites

produced by organic fluoride compounds in the liver can be tranferred

****to the foetus through various pathways**, including circulatory via

placental passage, gastrointestinal via foetal swallowing, and

respiratory secondary to foetal lung absorption. This may lead to

congenital abnormalities as in the case of fluconsazole (Diflucan).

In short, going by the above evidence, fluorinated drugs seem to pose a

number of risks associated with the fluorine or fluoride contained in

them. It raises even more concern when fluoride itself is present in

many industries and products, including food and drinks, without any

rigourous evaluation or monitoring.

Of late, we have managed to label all toothpastes containing fluoride in

this country


Research Review


M Diesendorf, J Colquhoun, B J Spittle, D N Everingham and F W Clutterbuck

Sydney and Brisbane, Australia; Auckland and Dunedin, New

ZealandReprinted, with permission, from The Australian and New Zealand

Journal of Public Health Vol. 21 No. 2 199 03.07.2008

Extract: The 1991 report on fluoridation by the National Health and

Medical Research Council was published just as the first papers

reporting the link between fluoridation and hip fractures were being

published.52 It acknowledged in its section 6.4 some of the evidence

that skeletal fluorosis is a potential health hazard, but created the

false impression in its executive summary that there are no health

risks. It is the executive summary which is read by decision-makers and

the media. The report’s profluoridation bias was further demonstrated by

its failure to cite any of the studies presenting the evidence against

fluoridation published in refereed journals.

The 1995 Report to the Minister by the New Zealand Public Health

Commission demonstrated similar bias by failing even to cite any of the

published papers on hip fractures, skeletal fluorosis or

osteosarcomas.53 However, the 1994 New Zealand Public Health Commission

report did include some of these references and did acknowledge that:

It is possible that there is a small increased risk of hip fracture

associated with water fluoridation, though the evidence for this is very

inconclusive. More research is required to clarify this issue. A large

amount of research has failed to provide evidence that exposure to

fluoride causes cancer. However, the possibility of a small increased

risk of osteosarcoma (a rare type of bone cancer) in young men cannot be

ruled out at this stage. Here again, more research is needed. [From the

executive summary; there are similar statements on p. 74 and p 78.]54

But this information, and the references supporting it, were not

forwarded officially to the Minister.

One of the us (DE), while Federal Minister for Health in Australia from

1972 to 1975, could not get frank answers from his own department on the

risks and benefits of fluoridation. Another of us (JC), while convenor

of the New Zealand Fluoridation Promotion Committee, observed at first

hand how his then fellow proponents of fluoridation kept from the public

and decision makers the evidence that fluoridation is less effective

than claimed by proponents and is harmful, and then represented the

evidence in a misleading way when it was eventually released. All of us

have observed attempts by the medical and dental establishment in

profluoridation countries to evade the evidence of concern and to

suppress and misrepresent scientists, medical practitioners and dentists

who attempt to publish evidence against fluoridation.55-57

For these and other reasons, we have no confidence in the impartiality

of those institutions of government and the professions which have

endorsed fluoridation for decades. Those who have built their careers

and professional status on fluoridation cannot credibly assess the

evidence against it. We have submitted this short paper for publication

in the hope that at least some kind of scholarly debate will ensue.


****American Dental Association** Meanwhile, the American Dental

Association reported to the press on June

16, 2000 that they have a new cavity fighting tool - calcium. January

2006, researchers tout Cavistat, a calcium containing nutrient substance

*that reduces cavities better than fluoride and without fluoride.*

Extract from: Journal American Dental Association –

See what they saying now: - see below: JADA Continuing Education

Fluoride supplements, dental caries and fluorosis

A systematic review

Results. Eleven of the reports evaluated dosage schedules similar to

that recommended by the American Dental Association. One *potentially

highly biased study *of primary teeth of children during the first three

years of life reported a /47.2 percent reduction/ in dental caries

experience. Investigators in one trial involving 3- to 6-year-old

children ////found a 43.0 percent difference//, and another trial of

children in this age group *////did not find a significant benefit//*.

Researchers in several studies involving older children detected a

significant reduction in caries increments in permanent teeth with the

use of fluoride supplements. Fifteen of the studies had withdrawal rates

of 30 percent or higher. All of the five included studies that evaluated

the association between use of fluoride supplements and dental fluorosis

found that use of the supplements increased the risk of mild-to-moderate

fluorosis*. Conclusions. There is weak and inconsistent evidence that

the use of fluoride supplements prevents dental caries in primary teeth.

There is evidence that such supplements prevent caries in permanent

teeth. Mild-to-moderate dental fluorosis is a significant side effect.


Fluoride Chronology Zero Waste America

How we got fluoridated


“The Louisiana Dental Association misinformed legislators about

fluoride's safety,” says attorney Beeber, President, New York State

Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.

LA LEGAL - speaks out about ****danger of fluoridation**

http://www.la-legal.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=19641 & topic_id=2892

<http://www.la-legal.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=19641 & topic_id=2892\



More on conflicts of Interests More on Fluorinated Drug*s



Newly disclosed court documents portray Dr. ph Biederman, a leading

Harvard child psychiatrist, as courting drug company money by promising

that his work at Massachusetts General Hospital would help promote the

use of antipsychotic drugs for youngsters diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

He is now also emerging as a key witness in a huge, multistate lawsuit

brought on behalf of more than 2,000 patients, including children, who

claim to have been injured by psychiatric drugs known as atypical

antipsychotics, including the & drug Risperdal, also

known as risperidone.


Vancouver Parents of Fluoride Poisoned children



Fluorinated drugs



I am including this as there is reference to fluorinated drugs :-

Dr. Breggin - R. Breggin, M.D., Director, International

Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology link below


and <http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=200>

<http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=200>

<http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=200> Dr.

Breggin's Testimony

and http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=199

<http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=199>

http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=181

<http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=181>

http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=187

<http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=187>

http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=163

<http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=163>

http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=197

<http://breggin.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=197>

****also including as reference to fluorinated drugs**


Dr Yolande Lucire PhD MBBS DPM FRANZCP is a forensic psychiatrist and

medical anthropologist in private practice.



My further comment: The health of the population is paramount and any

Evidence of Harm must be considered and acted thereon with extreme

urgency. I advise that many in the world feel likewise and are taking

any and all action possible to end water fluoridation schemes worldwide

due to the disastrous long term health consequences. Now that's a

serious health disgrace don't you think? I challenge you to contact

Queenslanders for Safe Water below and give them the page they deserve

in your paper, and I wonder if you'll put this email from me to print?

And : from Queenslanders for Safe Water

Forced fluoridation in Queensland may begin , but it is based on a

foundation of mistruths, misrepresentations, even falsification of tooth

decay data by Queensland Health. ( a complaint has been made to the

Crime and Misconduct Commission ) Anything built on a rotten foundation

will crumble and forced fluoridation is no different. It took 50 years

before the harm that asbestos, smoking and lead in petrol causes was

publicly exposed , the time is near for fluoridation.

Buckland interjects here to state that I was a DES baby, you

remember the health disaster over that and warnings

that were ignored for decades - absolutely disgraceful - and when people

including me went to the doctors to get medical records, miraculously

they had so many fires, floods, and other disasters and all the files

seemed to vanish). Insert Buckland

resume QSW -We intend to keep on exposing the harm associated with

fluoridation, the lack of effectiveness and that it is unethical mass

medication ( as admitted in official Qld Govt documentation )

Message authorised by Merilyn Haines, spokesperson for Queenslanders for

Safe Water, Air and Food Inc www.qawf.org <http://www.qawf.org>

Mob 0418 777 112 or 07 313 70510 info@...




*Sent:* Sunday, 30 November 2008 9:23 PM



*Premier Bligh, Health Minister on, Water Minister Craig

Wallace, Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young, CEO of SEQ Water Jon

Black and any Council that on-sells fluoridated water to customers.*


Premier Bligh, Health Minister on, Water Minister Wallace, Chief

Health Officer Jeanette Young, CEO of SEQ Water Jon Black and any

Council that on-sells fluoridated water to customers, are negligent in

respect, particularly of their duty to act responsibly and not

negligently with regard to infants under 12 months of age, by not

warning parents that it is inadvisable for infants to consume

fluoridated water.

Since Nov 9th 2006, The American Dental Association has given this

warning, followed by the CDC Dec 15th, 2006 (one risk outcome, Dental

Fluorosis was noted, several other risks are possible, but were not

cited). These recommendations resulted from findings of the National

Research Council Report of 2006 stating that babies get 3 to 4 times the

dose that adults do (this is because of their small size and the amount

of liquid they drink).

Queensland Health has dismissed this warning claiming that Australian

formula powder is low in fluoride, implying that American Formula is

high in fluoride; (from CDC information provided below, Queensland

Health's claim is seen to be false). Queensland Health also claim that

recent Australian Research shows no link with Infant formula and Dental

Fluorosis (they do not quote the publication however).

A search shows the publication that Queensland Health must be referring

to is/ " Changing risk factors for fluorosis among South Australian

Children " // Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology 2007/

This publication, shows many scientific idiocies , for example " formula

use " was classified as " Formula ever used rather than regulary used " so

that babies who may have had a few supplemental feeds in Hospital at

birth, would have been in the same grouping as those who had never been

breast feed. There was no independent assessor; the Author also was the

fluorosis assessor.

Analysis of the data in this publication shows that, with all other

factors being the same, almost 15 % of children with dental fluorosis

appear to have developed fluorosis because of the water added to infant

formula NOT BECAUSE OF THE FORMULA ITSELF (29.5% incidence in

fluoridated areas compared to 15.0% in non-fluoridated areas in

2002-2003, the major difference being the type of water added to infant

formula). Almost two of out of every hundred children had marked dental













Message authorised by Merilyn Haines spokesperson Queenslanders For Safe

Water, Air and Food Inc_ www.qawf.org_ <http://www.qawf.org_> mob 0418

777 112


PREVENTION WEBSITE 28 NOV 2008 (first warning placed 15 Dec 2006)*


" It now appears that the amount of the fluoride_ contained in the water

used for mixing infant formula_ may influence a child’s risk for

developing enamel fluorosis, particularly if the child’s sole source of

nutrition is from reconstituted infant formula. "

*Why is there a focus on infant formula as a source of fluoride?*

*_Infant formula manufacturers take steps to assure that infant formula

contains low fluoride levels_**-**_the products themselves are not the

issue._* Although formula itself has low amounts of fluoride, when

infant formula concentrate is mixed with fluoridated water and used as

the primary source of nutrition, it may introduce fluoride at levels

above the amount recommended to minimize the risk for fluorosis. Infants

consume little other than breast milk or formula during the first four

to six months of life, and continue to have a high intake of liquids

during the entire first year. Therefore, proportional to body weight,

fluoride intake from liquids is generally higher for younger or smaller

children than for older children, adolescents, or adults. Mixing

concentrate with fluoridated tap water on an occasional basis is

unlikely to be of much risk. However, when used consistently as the

primary source of nutrition over longer periods of the first year, a

child may receive enough fluoride to increase his/her chances of

developing very mild or mild fluorosis.


Yours faithfully, Buckland Kallangur, 4503 Queensland

dbucklan@... <


MCS-GLOBAL WEBSITE: www.mcs-global.org <http://www.mcs-global.org>

Awareness, Education, Information & Recognition of Chemical Injury,

Chemical Hypersensitivity, Chemical Sensitivity/MCS & other chemically

induced illnesses & diseases affecting civilians & military personnel

Global Chemical Pollution & the disastrous effects on human health &

environmental health

Cancer and the chemical connection

Kallangur, Queensland, Australia

phone 61+7+32853573

Email: dbucklan@...

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