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THE CONTENT IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE The trailer for The Disappearing Male is still on the CBC site : But of the actual programme it simply says at the end of a short clip: THE CONTENT IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE However if you look at the references, you will find there more than is included in the film and these will give you a better insight than even in the film as to the size and extent of the chemical poisoning of our environment in the name of progress. The problems have been known of for decades but the exponential rise of ill health means that whenever you look at even the last 5 years or so the problems are doubling. Rather like the Titanic, we can see the Icebergs but no one can Turn the Wheel. It may be a bit dramatic to say that human life is on the way out or that the quality of our life will be poorer than our parents and grand parents. But it was not something dramatic to say to Harry injected with mercury vaccines at 4.30pm and who died in agony after screaming for hours and being sedated with the usual drugs after vaccines with the comment: “Give this to calm ‘im down.” By their doctor. Harry died at 10.30pm the same night and his parents Screamed for something to be done. It was done. The same medical religious community that injected mercury into Harry, used their Religious Medico-Legal system to quieten the parents and charged them both with murder. We are in a society where Religion counts for more than FACT. We are in a society where Religion counts for more than those DEAD or INJURED. We are in a society where Religion counts for EVERYTHING. Some people in this community are fighting for the FACTS. Some people in this community do grieve and want compensation for the injured. Some people in this community KNOW EVERYTHING about dangerous toxic chemicals. WE know it’s HIGH time to stop this madness. WE know ZEALOTS throwing up smoke screens are just proving the facts of harm caused by their DANGEROUS CHEMICALS. WE know that something will be done when they themselves suffer from their Religious Beliefs. The Disappearing Male Premiering On: Thursday November 6, 2008 at 9 pm on CBC-TV Repeating On: Saturday November 8, 2008 at 10 pm ET/PT on CBC Newsworld " We are conducting a vast toxicological experiment in which our children and our children's children are the experimental subjects. " Dr. Herbert Needleman The Disappearing Male is about one of the most important, and least publicized, issues facing the human species: the toxic threat to the male reproductive system. The last few decades have seen steady and dramatic increases in the incidence of boys and young men suffering from genital deformities, low sperm count, sperm abnormalities and testicular cancer. At the same time, boys are now far more at risk of suffering from ADHD, autism, Tourette's syndrome, cerebral palsy, and dyslexia. The Disappearing Male takes a close and disturbing look at what many doctors and researchers now suspect are responsible for many of these problems: a class of common chemicals that are ubiquitous in our world. Found in everything from shampoo, sunglasses, meat and dairy products, carpet, cosmetics and baby bottles, they are called " hormone mimicking " or " endocrine disrupting " chemicals and they may be starting to damage the most basic building blocks of human development. Episode Features The Disappearing Male: MainFact Sheet: Male Infertility Backgrounder: Endocrine 101 Backgrounder: The Chemicals Profiles: Scientists Discussion Talk about this film online with other viewers. Visit our discussion board. Facts about Male Infertility Sperm counts have been cut in half in the last fifty years - and 85% of that is abnormal. In the last few decades there has been a 200% increase in male genital birth defects.Male birth rates have declined. Since 1970 there have been nearly 3 million fewer baby boys. Read more facts about male infertility. Related Visit The Toxic House, to find our more about chemicals in our home environment and how to avoid them. Studies & Reports Human Impacts of Man-Made ChemicalsDeclining Sex Ratio in a First Nations CommunityIn Harm's Way: Toxic threats to Child DevelopmentBirth Defects and the EnvironmentChallenged Perceptions: Environmental Chemicals and FertilityAre EDC's Burning Issues of GenderMen, Boys and Environmental Health ThreatsBad Chemistry External Links Environmental Toxins and FertilityThe Toxic Chemistry of Everyday ProductsWhat Cautionary Tales Can Lake Apopka Tell?Our Stolen FutureDefending Science.orgThe Politics of Everyday Bisphenol A (BPA) Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals Environmental Toxins and Fertility Note: CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external sites -- link will open in new window. THE CONTENT IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE

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