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Fisher Case - Doctors fail to keep a healthy boy from dying

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Fisher Case - Doctors fail to keep a healthy boy from dying The fact that Fisher died just a few days after his vaccine shot and suffering from a seizure followed by death is a fact. Nothing can alter the fact that this death is vaccine related. Various UK witnesses are well known in court for touting the view they are paid to tout. It is also fact that if the authorities had charged the parents with murder that the same people would be arguing in court that the evidence clearly showed death by strangulation, salt poisoning or shaking. These people are Guns for Hire in the UK court of law and sadly there is no Wyatt Earp in the Marshals office either. The record of all the witnesses and court officials show a sorry saga of injustice to the point of imprisonment for the innocent. When MMR and mercury vaccines are shown up for what they are then it will be apparent to all that some of these people who profess to be looking after childrens health are in fact presiding over their deaths with active participation either directly with the deaths in front of them or those yet to be innoculated to death. The medical service in the UK is in turmoil especially where children are concerned with bad practices, inquiries, and yes, cover ups too. Professor Fleming is from Bristol where from personal statements from at least two people I know who were nurses there told me that they would see children with minor complaints come out of surgery to the morgue or never leading a normal life again and that would go down as a success. Not sure that Professor Fleming was directly involved but in the same way that he looked deeply into this case he looked deeply into the goings on at Bristol and did not raise many alarm bells. We really and desperately need detailed facts and evidence of this case to see the extent of cover up. The 13 page report alone shows the extent of this cover up needed to counter the arguments of justice. If it was simply cot death then why isn’t cot death sufficient? The reason is cot death does not exist to Professor Fleming and it seems strange that when it’s cot death or medical negligence that suddenly cot death becomes a very respectable diagnosis. I sometimes wonder if these doctors ever get time to look after children with all the court cases coming up. So finally there’s not much evidence of death and seizure after MMR? Well if you persecute people like Wakefield who investigated this very vaccine and found it wanting then there might be others coming forward with evidence and not running for cover by the handful. And how can you ever get much evidence by denying time after time any vaccine related deaths? Mrs Fisher says it is wrong to put the death down to natural causes but in fact the diagnosis of cot death means that there is no cause natural or otherwise for the death. Once again the world’s medical practioners are completely stumped as to what caused the death. 250 000 similar reports of vaccine events and deaths have also stumped the medical experts in the USA over the last 20 years. Funny how in every case the parents and carers have screamed vaccine harm but the doctors insist like here they know exactly the cause of the harm or death. We dont know. We dont know. We dont know. At 250 000 times, its time they moved aside and gave others the opportunity to earn big money and show exactly what did cause these events straight after vaccines. Somebody said once that his firm runs at a healthy profit because every one in his organisation makes money for him from their output. It is not apparent how people can make money if they are totally ignorant about the job that they are doing. Imagine paying a pilot to fly only to learn he doesn’t understand how use the controls. A doctor is a person we go to help us when we are ill to make us well again. Today we see 250 000 times doctors are clueless when deciding why healthy people become unhealthy after they are deemed healthy at a Wellness clinic and get vaccinated to keep them healthy. Doctors today cannot keep healthy people healthy let alone try to cure the sick. Its time to move out of the kitchen if you can’t stand the heat. It would be interesting to pose the question as to what constitutes a vaccine related event to these people who deny it so easily. The Danish database is not so reluctant to apportion blame and at times the figure comes out at 10 per cent. Its hard to imagine why in this case harm is so hard to admit as we would see that the fees paid to hide the truth or cover up would amount to more than the derisory compensation on offer for the life of someone claimed by similar spurious data to live until 76 years but hardly making 76 weeks. But we know if you take your finger off the hole in the dyke the whole sea would come rushing in. 1 person in 3 children in USA permanently and long term sick and doctors keep warning, telling and comforting us with: We dont know. We dont know. We dont know. Lets not forget the family here of limited means have spent a fortune in money and given up three years of their life not to get money but to get recognition of vaccine harm and they thought they had the evidence to back up their point of view. Sally and wanted a full investigation as to why Harry should die 6 hours after a mercury vaccine but in their case they had to fight off charges and imprisonment. Times havent got much easier and with just 4 cases out of the hundreds that Meadow has got convictions for. The judicial system is clearly fraudulent with mothers still in prison when they are innocent. Mothers such as Dickinson put in prison on the legal arguments of at least 3 crooked or murdering doctors. But when it comes to proving vaccine harm: You have just two chances. The first is NO chance. And the second? Twice your life in prison for the death of your child in your care. Sally RIP Yes thanks again ! Thats Fleming whose confidential report on cot death wasn’t confidential and gave the notion to Meadow that there was a 73 million to one chance against the fact that the death to Harry was natural. And despite his (Fleming) own protestations that this was not to be used to convict people this one fact alone would have convicted Sally to her long term of imprisonment. Yet again standing on the fence and not coming down with the notion that cot death is an abrogation of your responsiblity to justice. Fisher Case - Doctors fail to keep a healthy boy from dying a

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