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Naked DNA - Vaccines affecting Genes

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- Vaccinations & Genetic Mutations


First Images of Key Viral Protein Could Lead to

New Strategies for Human Gene Therapy





and here's a child who developed leukemia after this treatment


" The retrovirus - from the same virus family as

HIV - inserts the therapeutic DNA randomly into the cells' chromosomes. "


They actually gave these children these vaccines

after administering the gene.........jeeshhhhhh

The patients, Fischer reports, have responded

with antibodies to challenges from tetanus, diptheria and polio vaccinations.




Maewan Ho, , T. Traavic and I prepared

a report " Unregulated Hazards 'Naked' and 'Free'

Nucleic Acids " for the Institute Of Science in Society, Jan. 2000.

That report reviewed the evidence showing that

exposure to naked DNA may pose unique hazards.

Naked DNA is DNA that has been stripped of

protein in the laboratory or exposed to natural

detergents or phenols in the environment. For

example, viruses stripped of protein may be taken

up by cells and infect animals or people that are

not a part of the normal host range of the virus.

Such findings are important considerations for

laboratory researchers and even more to people

exposed to transgenic crops (particularly the

pharmcrops that contain human genes). This brief

message includes references that focus on the

routes of exposure to naked DNA that may effect

by-standers in proximity to the transgenic

constructions. The experiments here are from

development of DNA vaccines which have proven to

be effective improvements over conventional vaccines.

Naked DNA may be produced during exposure to GM

crops during ingestion of the crop as food,

breathing pollen , exposure to cut or wounded

plant parts or to exposure to decaying plant

material in the field or waste. Once plant DNA or

plant virus DNA is taken up by human cells the

protein coding sequences may be spliced to the

chromosomal DNA downstream of a promoter or the

LTR sequence of a retrotransposon and be

expressed under control of the human regulatory sequences.

DNA from the birch pollen allergen elicited a

strong allergic response when injected into the

muscle tissue of a mouse (Hartl et al 1999). In

nature injection may correspond to exposure of an

open wound or prick. Oral uptake of peanut DNA

generates immunologic protection against peanut

allergy (Roy et al 1999). DNA associated with

inert micro particles proved effective in

producing an antibody response when plasmid DNA

was ingested ( et al 1997) or when virus was

ingested (Chen et al 1998,Herrmann et al 1999 and

Roy et al 1999). The inert micro particles are

similar to a number of natural materials such as

soil or plant roughage. Nasal ingestion of DNA ,

resembling breathing pollen or debris from

plants, elicits immune responses (Klavinskis et

al 1997, Kuklin et al 1997,Sasaki et al 1998 and

Sasaki, Sumino et al 1998). Vaginal insertion of

naked DNA elicits immune response (Sasaki et al

1997 and Livingston et al 1998), such findings

should be required knowledge for genetics

laboratory workers and for those working with transgenic organisms.

Naked DNA is fairly readily taken up through

human skin (Hengge et al 1996 and Birchall et al

2000). Studies with naked DNA applied to mouse

skin show that the uptake and immune response is

comparable to injection of the DNA (Fan et al

1999,Udvardi et al 1999 and Yu et al 1999). In

the past it has been assumed that naked DNA is

rapidly destroyed on exposure to the animal

digestive systems or microbes in water or soil.

As experimentalists became daring it was found

that DNA may be taken up by cells and express its

genes . Transgenic DNA provides novel hazards,

particularly the crop plants bearing human genes

for pharmaceutically important proteins that are

being tested in the field. Such field tests have

suffered from the tunnel vision of those doing

the experiments and hoping to rapidly enjoy huge

profits from their constructions. The impact of

the proteins and their genes in pollen and

pollution of surface and ground water has been

dangerously underestimated. Genes such as human

cytochrome p450 have been introduced into trees

as well as crops to provide herbicide tolerance.

The impact of such releases on human health and

on the environment bears much further study and

field test should be curtailed until the constructions are proven safe.



Hadgraft,J and Gumbleton,M. Gene expression in an

intact ex-vivo skin tieeue model following

percutaneous delivery of cationic

liposome-plasmid DNA complexes, IntJ Pharm 2000,197,233-8


and Hermann,J Protective Immunity induced by oral

immunization with a rotavirus DNA vaccine

encapsulated in micro particles, J Virol 1998, 72,5757-61

Fan,H,Lin,Q,sey,G, and Khavari,P.,

Immunization via hair follicles by topical

application of naked DNA to normal skin, Nat Biotechnol 1999,17,870-2


Mostbock,S,Scheiblhofer,S,Ebner,C,Ferreira,F and

Thalamer,J., Immune responsws after immunization

with plasmid DNA encoding Bet v1, the major

allergen of birch pollen, J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1999,103,107-13

Hengge,U,,Pand Vogel,J., Expression of

naked DNA in human pig and mouse skin J Clin Invest 1996,97,2911-6


and Greenberg,H., immune response and protection

obtained by oral immunization with rotavirus DNA, Virology 1999,259,148-53

,D,Corris,S,Mc,S,Clegg,J and

Farrar,G., Encapsulated plasmid DNA elicits

systemic and mucosal antibody response to encoded

protein after oral administration, Vaccine 1997 ,15,814-17

Klavinskis,L,Gao.L.Barnfield,C,Lehner,T and

,S., Mucosal Immunization with DNA liposome

complexes, Vaccine 1997,15,818-20

Kuklin,N,Daheshia,M,Karem,K,Manickan,E and

Rous,B., Induction of mucosal immunity against

herpes simplex virus by plasmid DNA immunization, J Virol 71,3138-45

Livingston,J,Lu,S,,H and ,D.,

Immunization of the female genital tract with a

DNA basedvaccine, Infect. Immun. 1998,66,322-29

Roy,K,Mao,H,Huang,S and Leong,K., Oral gene gene

delivery with DNA generates immunologic

protection in a murine model of peanut allergy, Natur Med 1999,5,387-91.


,F, Ugen,K,Boyer,J,Merva,M,,W and

Weiner,D., Mucosal immunization with a DNA

vaccine induces immune responses against HIV-1 at

a mucosal site, Vaccine 1997,15,821-25


,H. and Okuda,K., Comparison of intranasal and

intramuscular immunization against human HIV-1

with a DNA lipid ajuvant vaccine, Infect. Immun 1998,66,823-26



and Mohri,H, Induction of systemic and mucosal

immune responses to human HIV-1 by a DNA vaccine

formulated with saponin adjuvant via

intramuscular and intranasal routes, J Virol. 1998, 72,4931-39

Udvardi,A,Kufferath,I,Grutsch,H,Zatloukal,K and

Volc-Platzer,B., ìUptake of exogenous DNA via the

skin, J Mol. Med 1999,77,744-50


and Debs,R., Topical gene delivery to murine

skin, J Invest Dermatol 1999,112,370-5


more on google search on NAKED DNA


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