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G-6-PD deficiency

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Is Theresa Bintsock a member here? I can check this out with her on another group as I have many questions. I apologize if this was already sent here before. Jenn L


Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

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Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiencyClassification and external resources

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase















Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency is an X-linked recessive hereditary disease characterised by abnormally low levels of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (abbreviated G6PD or G6PDH), a metabolic enzyme involved in the pentose phosphate pathway, especially important in red blood cell metabolism. Individuals with the disease may exhibit nonimmune hemolytic anemia in response to a number of causes, most commonly infection or exposure to certain medications or chemicals. G6PD deficiency is closely linked to favism, a disorder characterized by a hemolytic reaction to consumption of broad beans, with a name derived from the Italian name of the broad bean (fava). The name favism is sometimes used to refer to the enzyme deficiency as a whole, although this is misleading as not all people with G6PD deficiency will react to consumption of broad beans.

G6PD deficiency is the most common human enzyme defect.[1]


1 Signs and symptoms 2 Potentially harmful substances 3 Mutations 4 Diagnosis 5 Classification 6 Pathophysiology 7 Epidemiology 8 Treatment 9 History 10 References 11 External links

[edit] Signs and symptoms

Most individuals with G6PD deficiency are asymptomatic.

Symptomatic patients are almost exclusively male, due to the X-linked pattern of inheritance, but female carriers can be clinically affected due to lyonization, where random inactivation of an X-chromosome in certain cells creates a population of G6PD-deficient red blood cells coexisting with normal red cells. Abnormal red blood cell breakdown (hemolysis) in G6PD deficiency can manifest in a number of ways:

Prolonged neonatal jaundice, possibly leading to kernicterus (arguably the most serious complication of G6PD deficiency) Hemolytic crises in response to:

Illness (especially severe infections) Certain drugs (see below) Certain foods, most notably broad beans Certain chemicals Diabetic ketoacidosis

Very severe crises can cause acute renal failure

Favism may be formally defined as a haemolytic response to the consumption of broad beans. All individuals with favism show G6PD deficiency. However, not all individuals with G6PD deficiency show favism. For example, in a small study of 757 Saudi men, more than 42% showed G6PD deficiency, but none reported symptoms of favism, despite fava in the diet.[2] Favism is known to be more prevalent in infants and children, and G6PD genetic variant can influence chemical sensitivity. Other than this, the specifics of the chemical relationship between favism and G6PD are not well understood.

[edit] Potentially harmful substances

Many substances are potentially harmful to people with G6PD deficiency, although many will not produce symptoms unless taken in high doses. Antimalarial drugs that can cause acute haemolysis in people with G6PD deficiency include primaquine, pamaquine and chloroquine. There is evidence that other antimalarials may also exacerbate G6PD deficiency, but only at higher doses. Sulfonamides (such as sulfanilamide, sulfamethoxazole and mafenide), thiazolesulfone, methylene blue and naphthalene should also be avoided by people with G6PD deficiency, as should certain analgesics (such as aspirin, phenazopyridine and acetanilide) and a few non-sulfa antibiotics (nalidixic acid, nitrofurantoin, and furazolidone).[3][1][4] Henna has been known to cause haemolytic crisis in G6PD-deficient infants.[5]

[edit] Mutations

All mutations that cause G6PD deficiency are found on the long arm of the X chromosome, on band Xq26. The G6PD gene spans some 18.5 kilobases.[3] The following variants and mutations are well-known and described:

Table 1. Descriptive mutations and variants

Variants or mutations




Short name







Structure change

Function change





Polymorphism nucleotide


376(Exon 5)


Asparagine→Aspartic acid (ASN126ASP)

No enzyme defect (variant)





Substitution nucleotide


376(Exon 5)and202


Valine→Methionine (VAL68MET)Asparagine→Aspartic acid (ASN126ASP)





Substitution nucleotide


563(Exon 6)


Serine→Phenylalanine (SER188PHE)

Class II





Substitution nucleotide




Arginine→Leucine (ARG459LEU)

Class II





Substitution nucleotide




Alanine→Threonine (ALA335THR)

Class II





Substitution nucleotide




Arginine→Proline (ARG459PRO)

G6PD-activity <10%, thus high portion of patients.





Substitution nucleotide


487(Exon 6)


Glycine→Serine (GLY163SER)

Class II





Substitution nucleotide


Alanine→Glycine (ALA44GLY)

NADP-binding place affected. Higher stability than other variants.





Substitution nucleotide (several)


376(Exon 5)202


Asparagine→Aspartic acid (ASN126ASP)Valine→Methionine (VAL68MET)

Class III.

[edit] Diagnosis

The diagnosis is generally suspected when patients from certain ethnic groups (see below) develop anemia, jaundice and symptoms of hemolysis after challenge to any of the above causes, especially when there is a positive family history.

Generally, tests will include:

Complete blood count and reticulocyte count; in active G6PD, Heinz bodies can be seen in red blood cells on a blood film; Liver enzymes (to exclude other causes of jaundice); Lactate dehydrogenase (elevated in hemolysis and a marker of hemolytic severity) Haptoglobin (decreased in hemolysis); A "direct antiglobulin test" (Coombs' test) - this should be negative, as hemolysis in G6PD is not immune-mediated;

When there are sufficient grounds to suspect G6PD, a direct test for G6PD is the "Beutler fluorescent spot test", which has largely replaced an older test (the Motulsky dye-decolouration test). Other possibilities are direct DNA testing and/or sequencing of the G6PD gene.

The Beutler fluorescent spot test is a rapid and inexpensive test that visually identifies NADPH produced by G6PD under ultraviolet light. When the blood spot does not fluoresce, the test is positive; it can be falsely negative in patients who are actively hemolysing. It can therefore only be done 2-3 weeks after a hemolytic episode.

When a macrophage in the spleen identifies an RBC with a Heinz body, it removes the precipitate and a small piece of the membrane, leading to characteristic "bite cells". However, if a large number of Heinz bodies are produced, as in the case of G6PD deficiency, some Heinz bodies will nonetheless be visible when viewing RBCs that have been stained with crystal violet. This easy and inexpensive test can lead to an initial presumption of G6PD deficiency, which can be confirmed with the other tests.

[edit] Classification

The World Health Organisation classifies G6PD genetic variants into five classes, three of which are deficiency states.[6]

Severe deficiency (<10% activity) with chronic (nonspherocytic) hemolytic anemia Severe deficiency (<10% activity), with intermittent hemolysis Mild deficiency (10-60% activity), hemolysis with stressors only Non-deficient variant, no clinical sequelae Increased enzyme activity, no clinical sequelae

[edit] Pathophysiology

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is an enzyme in the pentose phosphate pathway (see image). G6PD converts glucose-6-phosphate into 6-phosphoglucono-δ-lactone and is the rate-limiting enzyme of this metabolic pathway that supplies reducing energy to cells by maintaining the level of the co-enzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). The NADPH in turn maintains the supply of reduced glutathione in the cells that is used to mop up free radicals that cause oxidative damage.

The G6PD / NADPH pathway is the only source of reduced glutathione in red blood cells (erythrocytes). The role of red cells as oxygen carriers puts them at substantial risk of damage from oxidizing free radicals except for the protective effect of G6PD/NAPDH/glutathione.

People with G6PD deficiency are therefore at risk of hemolytic anemia in states of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can result from severe infection and from chemical exposure to medication and certain foods. Broad beans contain high levels of vicine, divicine, convicine and isouramil, all of which are oxidants.

When all remaining reduced glutathione is consumed, enzymes and other proteins (including hemoglobin) are subsequently damaged by the oxidants, leading to electrolyte imbalance, cross-bonding and protein deposition in the red cell membranes. Damaged red cells are phagocytosed and sequestered (taken out of circulation) in the spleen. The hemoglobin is metabolized to bilirubin (causing jaundice at high concentrations). The red cells rarely disintegrate in the circulation, so hemoglobin is rarely excreted directly by the kidney, but this can occur in severe cases, causing acute renal failure .

Deficiency of G6PD in the alternative pathway causes the build up of glucose and thus there is an increase of advanced glycation endproducts (AGE). The deficiency also causes a reduction of NADPH which is necessary for the formation of Nitric Oxide (NO). The high prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 and hypertension in Afro-Caribbeans in the West could be directly related to G6PD deficiency.[7]

Although female carriers can have a mild form of G6PD deficiency (dependent on the degree of inactivation of the unaffected X chromosome—see lyonization), homozygous females have been described; in these females there is co-incidence of a rare immune disorder termed chronic granulomatous disease (CGD).

[edit] Epidemiology

G6PDH is the most common human enzyme defect, being present in more than 400 million people worldwide.[8] African, Middle Eastern and South Asian people are affected the most along with those who are mixed with any of the above.[9] A side effect of this disease is that it confers protection against malaria,[10] in particular the form of malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum, the most deadly form of malaria. A similar relationship exists between malaria and sickle-cell disease. An explanation is that cells infected with the Plasmodium parasite are cleared more rapidly by the spleen. This phenomenon might give G6PDH deficiency carriers an evolutionary advantage.

[edit] Treatment

The most important measure is prevention - avoidance of the drugs and foods that cause hemolysis. Vaccination against some common pathogens (e.g. hepatitis A and hepatitis B) may prevent infection-induced attacks.[11]

In the acute phase of hemolysis, blood transfusions might be necessary, or even dialysis in acute renal failure. Blood transfusion is an important symptomatic measure, as the transfused red cells are generally not G6PD deficient.

Some patients benefit from removal of the spleen (splenectomy),[12] as this is an important site of red cell destruction. Folic acid should be used in any disorder featuring a high red cell turnover. Although vitamin E and selenium have antioxidant properties, their use does not decrease the severity of G6PD.

[edit] History

Favism is a disorder characterized by hemolytic anemia in response to ingestion of fava beans. Favism as a diagnosis has been known since antiquity. One theory for the Pythagoreans' avoidance of beans is avoidance of favism, but more likely, this was a philosophical matter, such as the belief that beans and humans were created from the same material.[13][14]

The modern understanding of the condition began with the analysis of patients who exhibited sensitivity to primaquine.[15] The discovery of G6PD deficiency relied heavily upon the testing of prisoner volunteers at Illinois State Penitentiary, although today such studies cannot be performed. When some prisoners were given the drug primaquine, some developed hemolytic anemia but others did not. After studying the mechanism through Cr51 testing, it was conclusively shown that the hemolytic effect of primaquine was due to an internal defect of erythrocytes.[16]

[edit] References

^ a b JE (October 2005). "Diagnosis and management of G6PD deficiency". Am Fam Physician 72 (7): 1277–82. PMID 16225031, http://www.aafp.org/afp/20051001/1277.html. ^ "Common G6PD variant from Saudi population". Retrieved on 2007-10-28. ^ a b Warrell, A.; M. , D. Firth, J. Benz (2005). Oxford Textbook of Medicine, Volume Three, Oxford University Press. pp. 720-725. ISBN 0-19-857013-9. ^ A comprehensive list of drugs and chemicals that are potentially harmful in G6PD deficiency can be found in Beutler E (December 1994). "G6PD deficiency". Blood 84 (11): 3613–36. PMID 7949118, http://www.bloodjournal.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long & pmid=7949118. . ^ Raupp P, Hassan JA, Varughese M, Kristiansson B (2001). "Henna causes life threatening haemolysis in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency". Arch. Dis. Child. 85 (5): 411–2. doi:10.1136/adc.85.5.411. PMID 11668106. ^ Mazza, ph (2001). Manual of Clinical Hematology, Lippincott & Wilkins. pp. 101-2. ISBN 0781729807. ^ Gaskin RS, Estwick D, Peddi R (2001). "G6PD deficiency: its role in the high prevalence of hypertension and diabetes mellitus". Ethnicity & disease 11 (4): 749–54. PMID 11763298. ^ Cappellini MD, Fiorelli G (January 2008). "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency". Lancet 371 (9606): 64–74. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60073-2. PMID 18177777. ^ G-6-PD FAQ section ^ Mehta A, Mason PJ, Vulliamy TJ (2000). "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency". Baillieres Best Pract. Res. Clin. Haematol. 13 (1): 21–38. PMID 10916676. ^ Monga A, Makkar RP, Arora A, Mukhopadhyay S, Gupta AK (July 2003). "Case report: Acute hepatitis E infection with coexistent glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency". Can J Infect Dis 14 (4): 230–1. PMID 18159462. ^ Hamilton JW, FG, McMullin MF (August 2004). "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Guadalajara--a case of chronic non-spherocytic haemolytic anaemia responding to splenectomy and the role of splenectomy in this disorder". Hematology 9 (4): 307–9. doi:10.1080/10245330410001714211. PMID 15621740, http://www.informaworld.com/openurl?genre=article & doi=10.1080/10245330410001714211 & magic=pubmed. ^ le Hatfield, review of Frederick J. Simoons, Plants of Life, Plants of Death, University of Wisconsin Press, 1999. ISBN 0-299-15904-3. In Folklore 111:317-318 (2000). at JSTOR ^ Rendall, ; Riedweg, Christoph (2005). Pythagoras: his life, teaching, and influence. Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-4240-0. ^ Alving AS, Carson PE, Flanagan CL, Ickes CE (September 1956). "Enzymatic deficiency in primaquine-sensitive erythrocytes" (PDF). Science (journal) 124 (3220): 484–5. PMID 13360274, http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/reprint/124/3220/484-a. ^ Beutler E (January 2008). "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency: a historical perspective". Blood 111 (1): 16–24. doi:10.1182/blood-2007-04-077412. PMID 18156501, http://bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org/cgi/content/full/111/1/16.

[edit] External links

The G6PD homepage The G6PDdb - genetic and structural information database about glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency G6PD Deficiency Association A FAQ page on G6PD Deficiency by R & D Diagnostics Family Practice Notebook/G6PD Deficiency (Favism)


v • d • ePathology: hematology · myeloid hematologic disease (primarily D50-D77 · 280-289)



Polycythemia · Macrocytosis




Iron deficiency anemia (Plummer-Vinson syndrome) · Megaloblastic anemia (Pernicious anemia)



enzyme: G6PD Deficiency · Pyruvate kinase deficiency · Triosephosphate isomerase deficiency hemoglobin: Thalassemia · Sickle-cell disease/traitmembrane: Hereditary spherocytosis · Hereditary elliptocytosis · Hereditary stomatocytosis


Autoimmune (Warm, Cold) · MAHA · Myelophthisiccombinations: HUS · hemoglobinuria (PNH, PCH)


Acquired PRCA · Diamond-Blackfan anemia · Fanconi anemia · Sideroblastic anemia

Blood tests

MCV (Normocytic, Microcytic, Macrocytic) · MCHC (Normochromic, Hypochromic)



Coagulation/platelets/coagulopathy/bleeding diathesis



primary: Antithrombin III deficiency · Protein C deficiency/Activated protein C resistance/Protein S deficiency/Factor V Leiden · Hyperprothrombinemiaacquired: DIC (Congenital afibrinogenemia, Purpura fulminans) · autoimmune (Antiphospholipid)


Essential thrombocytosis


clotting factor: Hemophilia (A/VIII, B/IX, C/XI) • Von Willebrand disease • Hypoprothrombinemia/II · XIII platelet function: Bernard-Soulier syndrome · Glanzmann's thrombasthenia · Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome · Gray platelet syndrome · May Hegglin anomaly · Pelger-Huet anomaly

Purpura: Henoch-Schönlein · TP · ITP ( syndrome) · TTPThrombocytopenia (Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia)




WHO-I (Langerhans cell histiocytosis) WHO-II/non-Langerhans-cell (Juvenile xanthogranuloma, Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis)WHO-III/malignant (Acute monocytic leukemia, Malignant histiocytosis, Erdheim-Chester disease)


Chronic granulomatous disease-cytosis: Monocytosis


-penia: Monocytopenia



-cytosis: granulocytosis (Neutrophilia, Eosinophilia, Basophilia)


-penia: Granulocytopenia/agranulocytosis (Neutropenia/Kostmann syndrome · Eosinopenia · Basopenia)

See also hematological malignancy and immune disorders


v • d • eInborn error of carbohydrate metabolism (including glycogen storage diseases) (E73-74, 271)

Disaccharide catabolism

Lactose intolerance - Sucrose intolerance

Monosaccharide catabolism

fructose: Essential fructosuria - Fructose intolerancegalactose/galactosemia : Galactokinase deficiency - Galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase galactosemia - Galactose epimerase deficiency

Monosaccharide transport

Glucose-galactose malabsorption - Inborn errors of renal tubular transport (Renal glycosuria)


GSD type VII, Tarui's, phosphofructokinase - Triosephosphate isomerase deficiency - Pyruvate kinase deficiency

Pyruvate catabolism

PDHA - Fumarase deficiency


PCD - Fructose bisphosphatase deficiency - GSD type I, von Gierke, glucose 6-phosphatase


GSD type 0, glycogen synthase - GSD type IV, Andersen's, branching


GSD type II, Pompe's, glucosidase - GSD type III, Cori's, debranching - GSD type V, McArdle, glycogen phosphorylase/GSD type VI, Hers', glycogen phosphorylase - GSD type I, von Gierke, glucose 6-phosphatase

Pentose phosphate pathway

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency - Pentosuria


Hyperoxaluria (Primary hyperoxaluria)

see also glycolysis enzymes, pentose phosphate pathway enzymes, fructose and galactose metabolism enzymes


v • d • eSex linkage: X-linked recessive disorders


Chronic granulomatous disease (CYBB) · Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome · X-linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency · X-linked agammaglobulinemia · Hyper-IgM syndrome type 1 · IPEX


Haemophilia A · Haemophilia B · X-linked sideroblastic anemia · X-linked lymphoproliferative disease


Androgen insensitivity syndrome/Kennedy disease · Diabetes insipidus


amino acid: Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency · Oculocerebrorenal syndrome dyslipidemia: Adrenoleukodystrophy

carbohydrate metabolism: Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency · Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency · Danon disease/glycogen storage disease Type IIb

lipid storage disorder: Fabry's disease

mucopolysaccharidosis: Hunter syndrome

purine-pyrimidine metabolism: Lesch-Nyhan syndromemineral: Menkes disease

Nervous system

X-Linked mental retardation: Coffin-Lowry syndrome · Fragile X syndrome · MASA syndrome · Rett syndrome eye disorders: Color blindness (red and green, but not blue) · Ocular albinism (1) · Norrie disease · Choroideremiaother: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMTX2-3) · Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease


Dyskeratosis congenita · Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (EDA) · X-linked ichthyosis


Becker's muscular dystrophy/Duchenne · Centronuclear myopathy · Myotubular myopathy · Conradi-Hünermann syndrome


Alport syndrome · Dent's disease

No primary system

Barth syndrome · McLeod syndrome · Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome

Note: there are very few X-linked dominant disorders. These include X-linked hypophosphatemia, Focal dermal hypoplasia, Aicardi syndrome, Incontinentia pigmenti, and CHILD.

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glucose-6-phosphate_dehydrogenase_deficiency"

Categories: Hematology | Metabolic disorders

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