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The Four X society

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The Four X society? Around the world countries like USA, Great Britain and France run huge publicity campaigns to provide us with flu vaccine to stop us dying. All for FREE! I moved from Sheffield and read that they are putting fluoride so that our children can have beautiful teeth. My sister had an organophosphate drug to fight and kill the cancer she had. My mother was given a drug to stop her having pain after an operation. All of these events actually far from putting my mind at rest actually awakened fears that all is not right in the medical world. Mercury is in 80 per cent of our flu vaccines so who gets those without mercury? Fluoride is a deadly poison and an industrial waste almost impossible to dispose of. Organophosphates are used to kill nearly every insect and many fungi. There are good ones in our body but this very fact makes man made ones especially dangerous. The drug my mother was given is banned in most nations of the world and was the chosen way that Dr Harold Shipman used to murder maybe hundreds of his patients. These rather cavalier methods of treatment targetted at old people or perhaps affecting old people differently to younger persons makes me ask questions just how competent the modern medical service is to protect and improve our health. I wonder why everyone suddenly needs spare part surgery when all my bits seem to last reasonably well with care and staying away from the doctors surgery? I do quietly wonder if the whole object is to gain large sums of money for junketting around the world and using invasive expensive equipment just to prove you are doing research that was impossible a few years ago. I would never dare to suggest that putting the world’s most deadly non-radioactive element into our vaccines is an attempt to bump us off but when it is banned and still put in so misguided people say its a thing of the past I do have slight reservations about the intent of the FDA et al. I note Mike goes out on a limb to suggest that your government may not be to overly concerned if you dont make it to your old age. He is probably saying this tongue in cheek or to provoke comment but the more you turn over stones the more you ask what the four X is going on with our modern medical society. Living Too Long Now Considered a Problem: Beware of " Longevity Risk " by Mike , the Health Ranger, November 24, 2008 Key concepts: Longevity, Social security and Senior citizens Don't live too long, or you might run out of money. That's the message from a Reuters article that documents the financial challenges of an 84-year-old woman who has lost half her life savings in the recent financial implosion. What the story doesn't report, however, is that the party most concerned with Americans living too long is, in fact, the United States government, which must pay billions of dollars in benefits to people if they live long enough to collect social security and Medicare benefits. How convenient, then, that deadly chemicals like synthetic fluoride are dripped into the water supply, huh? What a coincidence that the entire system of conventional medicine endorsed by the federal government is based on chemicals that kill people instead of nutritional therapies that extend life. I'm not saying the government is trying to kill you. Then again, it can't exactly afford to keep you alive for too long. You're only useful to Washington as long as you work as a tax-paying wage slave. Once you stop earning an income from which taxes can be confiscated, you're no longer a useful member of society to the top bureaucrats, and you instead become a financial liability. Ever wonder why they give out free vaccine shots to all the senior citizens every Winter? Because vaccines increase the death rate! (I dare you to try to refute this. Look at the studies and you'll see that vaccines are actually associated with a HIGHER death rate than placebo.) Living a long time, you see, is now considered a problem. And for every such problem, the government has an answer: Die younger! Click to read: Living Too Long Now Considered a Problem: Beware of " Longevity Risk " Claims are made by serious medical authorities that the deaths 1 day after a flu vaccine to a fit man are just coincidence and that people who get ill after the flu vaccine would have got the illness in any case. OK, so let’s accept that these illnesses and deaths are coincidence but what about putting the world’s most toxic non-radioactive element in these same vaccines in albeit tiny amounts but at the amount that if diluted evenly throughout the body will catalytically kill our brain cells. Presumably this person that insists we have the flu vaccine will have had a dozen or more flu vaccines himself if we assume he is not a hypocrit? My chemical expertise tells me that in this case his brain cells will have been catalytically being killed for more than a decade. I would ask in all humility that perhaps his head should be examined for mercury brain cell death? But there again perhaps he insisted on the 20 per cent variety? The Four X society?

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