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Guess Who Said This

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Guess who said this: Autism is in the genes The fact that mercury is in our 2008 USA vaccines is a scandal and some people are scared having children on the spectrum and giving the younger infants flu shots to protect them and in a Russian roulette scenario maybe the thimerosal ones. If you have children on the autism spectrum and you sincerely believe mercury in vaccines might harm your child then the simple thing is to not give them mercury injections or risk even that they may get the mercury ones. The problem is that can you trust a government and a vaccine industry that tells you there is no mercury in vaccines but coldy sells the mercury vaccines abroad for the first time to many countries when they realise it is bad for children and then recommend pregnant mothers to have possibly mercury vaccines and allow the mercury to reach the yet unborn child? Further they recommend infants under 2 to get these mercury vaccines and then tell all and sundry that mercury can’t be a cause of autism as its still raging out of control in our 2008 society. What vaccines do we need and at what age? In France they are very wary of when to give vaccines and how many to give. The amounts of autism do seem to follow those nations that vaccinate early, that vaccinate too much and vaccinate with mercury. The very fact that mercury is in our vaccines must make all the so called research and peer reviewed research over the past 5 years that proves mercury can’t be a cause nul and void. But further the research, the authors and the sources of finance, the secret reviewers need an independent investigation. We are not simply dealing with a callous inclusion of mercury in todays vaccines but a prolonged, determined and fraudulent cover up of the harm of thimerosal in our vaccines. The extent of this fraud has yet to be uncovered. How long has mercury been in our vaccines and at what ages has it been injected into people? We already know that despite all assurances to the contrary that mercury has been included in MMR vaccines. Maybe not many but it has been in some. There are rumours that if mercury is used and then removed that this is fine. It would be fine in all the mercury was removed but it cannot all be removed and no statements yet appear on any vaccines to give a PPB or PPM level of mercury in the products. With the hopeless tangle of not knowing who gets mercury vaccines today any research will be impossible to do and it would take a very careful history to unravel who had the mercury vaccines. The findings reported that mercury is protective show that in this melee it is possible to come up with blatantly absurd results and still get them published. The cost of research is huge and emotive. The money spent on trying and proving fraudulently that mercury vaccines are good for us must be in the hundreds of millions and possibly billions of pounds much of it from the pockets of those who have autistic children and misguidedly believed their money would help to find the cause and the cure for this illness. Money which would be better spent on ensuring our vaccines are mercury free and helping those that have been heavy metal poisoned. How does this relate to genes? A toxic poison will respond differently to different people and this is directly to do with your genes. A simple example is the supposedly 2000 worldwide ban on diazinon linked by me and others to the cause of Mad Cow Disease but denied to the limit and extent that no mention of diazinon is to be found in the 16 million UK multi-million pound study into the illness of cattle. inon was used for sheep dips from Jan 2005, the time when the first Mad Cows were noticed, and for many years afterwards. Its effects on sheep are practically zero. However this chemical is incredibly harmful to cattle. When the sheep dip was spread on cattle feeding pasture the rest as they was history. Secret history but history. The genes of a sheep are not the same as the genes of the cattle and therein lies the difference. It is impossible for a staid and blinded scientific establishment to see the connection between chemical exposure and illness. A 100 per cent epidemiological link showing that insectides like the organophosphates could be harmful was knocked on the head as soon as the chemical industry was informed of the link. The value of the chemical industry was too great in comparison with other industries. But genes and gene differences will allow one set of genes to resist chemical toxins better than other genes. The problem with mercury is that it targets the male genes and hence more boys than girls die or become maimed and it is the most masculine of boys that suffer the most. A study of the genes should be linked to the biochemical pathways they enhance or inhibit. For my money they should be linked to for example the metallo-enzymes and the ability to eliminate heavy metal poisoning. No genetic link to autism has been discovered that is useful. And in fact researchers have homed in on nearly 50 per cent of the chromosomes and found imaginary links to suscepibility to autism. The attack of mercury on genes and on brain cells and other parts of the human body is not imaginary, not illusory but may change according to the same gene differences that are found in the so called: Its in the genes argument. But how do you explain that the finest genes and the most masculine boys are those that are most susceptible to autism? Easy you blame the real culprit – mercury and you instigate a proper and complete ban on its sale or its use by vaccine manufacturers. After more than a decade of obfuscation and arguments that mercury is essential to the vaccine industry its time they they learned to make a vaccine that was safe and mercury free. Guess who said this: Autism is in the genes

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