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Re: MMR Vaccine Played No Part In Baby's Sudden Death, Coroner Says

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Terrible story. Is using the owrd "fit" an English thing? It seems like such an antique word when referring to seizures.


Subject: MMR Vaccine Played No Part In Baby's Sudden Death, Coroner SaysTo: EOHarm Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 1:26 PM

It appears that "death by natural causes" has an expanded definitionand is now overly diagnosed. -LennyMMR Vaccine Played No Part In Baby's Sudden Death, Coroner Sayshttp://is.gd/ aewg Fisher's parents dismayed by coroner's verdict that the18-month-old died of natural causes Fisher who died aged 17 months, 10 days after having theMMR triple jab. Photograph: Matt Cardy/Getty ImagesThe MMR vaccine played no part in the death of a baby 10 daysafter getting the jab, a coroner ruled today. Fisher, aged 18 months, was discovered dead in his cot inCheltenham, Gloucestershire, by his mother, Fisher, hours afterhe was heard "chatting away on the baby monitor".Fisher, 42, and her husband , 43, believe the vaccineis "implicated" in their son's death in January 2006.They said no one had explained

to them the temperature- raisingeffect of the jab on children who had previously suffered a fit, as had.But the Gloucestershire coroner Alan Crickmore decided that's symptoms had emerged too soon after receiving the MMR(measles, mumps and rubella) jab to be related to it.Although had a 2% chance of suffering a convulsion afterthe jab, those were not known to be fatal and there was no evidence hehad even had a second fit.The coroner recorded a verdict of natural causes, ruling that had died from a rare condition known as Sudden Unexpected Deathin Childhood, due to an unascertained disease.The verdict came after doctors, paediatricians and consultantstold the hearing at Gloucester shire hall there was no evidence of alink between 's death and the jab.Department of Health guidelines say the jab should be given"with caution" but does not ban child sufferers of

febrile convulsions- fever fits - from taking it and recommends monitoring temperatures.After the hearing the family's lawyer, Judith Leach, said's parents were "extremely disappointed" with the verdict andwould always believe MMR was to blame as no other cause had been found.She read a statement saying: "The family are extremelydisappointed in the verdict."In the absence of any medical evidence to explain why theirhealthy little boy died and given the timing of the MMR vaccination inrelation to 's death, his parents firmly believe there is a linkbetween the two events and that the MMR vaccine had a role to play in's death." Fisher, standing outside court with her husband, said: "Ithink it's so wrong to put the death of a healthy little boy down tonatural causes. There's nothing natural about an 18-month-old boydying of nothing, because that's what it was -

nothing."This has devastated our family all over again. Three years ofwork and reports and it's just natural causes? I'll never, everunderstand that word."Ten years ago research led by Dr Wakefield, who is underinvestigation by the General Medical Council, sparked fears that thecombined MMR vaccine was linked to autism.Major studies in Britain, Finland and Japan have since disprovedthe connection but popular anxiety persists.Last week it emerged that cases of measles had topped 1,000 forthe first time in more than a decade, which public health expertsblamed on the "relatively low" uptake of the MMR vaccine.

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This is basically a disgusting display of covering up the truth. We

have known as a society now for over a decade that the MMR is unsafe..

This specifically bothered me too Maurine...

<Although had a 2% chance of suffering a convulsion after

the jab, those were not known to be fatal and there was no evidence he

had even had a second fit.>

Yes.. They do use the word 'fit' for a seizure. A 'febrile seizure' is

what the child had - using the word convulsion is another way to run

around the truth. I am glad that in America they do not call it a FIT

or I would throw a fit !! After 12 years on Epilepsy meds I think that

this is one of the most disgusting things I've read.. it goes into the

top 10. No wonder top line researchers export themselves to America...

hmm.. who could I be talking of ? They didn't listen to him... and

now look.

But this will be brushed under the rug and yet another child will be

next in line. A seizure is LIFE THREATENING....always.

If they already knew there is a 2 percent chance he would seize and the

child had seizures this would be considered nothing other then

Malpractice or worse in this land.

E. , Sr. The Office of Advocacy for Autistic Children


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to access your Yahoo Groups like this one.


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It is ridiculous to include SIDS as "death by natural causes". SIDS is more like "a death we can't or don't want to want to explain". I feel badly for Georgie's parents, as they got no explanation for their son's untimely death from this so-called investigation (more like "charade").


Subject: MMR Vaccine Played No Part In Baby's Sudden Death, Coroner SaysTo: EOHarm Received: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 6:26 PM

It appears that "death by natural causes" has an expanded definitionand is now overly diagnosed. -LennyMMR Vaccine Played No Part In Baby's Sudden Death, Coroner Sayshttp://is.gd/ aewg Fisher's parents dismayed by coroner's verdict that the18-month-old died of natural causes Fisher who died aged 17 months, 10 days after having theMMR triple jab. Photograph: Matt Cardy/Getty ImagesThe MMR vaccine played no part in the death of a baby 10 daysafter getting the jab, a coroner ruled today. Fisher, aged 18 months, was discovered dead in his cot inCheltenham, Gloucestershire, by his mother, Fisher, hours afterhe was heard "chatting away on the baby monitor".Fisher, 42, and her husband , 43, believe the vaccineis "implicated" in their son's death in January 2006.They said no one had explained

to them the temperature- raisingeffect of the jab on children who had previously suffered a fit, as had.But the Gloucestershire coroner Alan Crickmore decided that's symptoms had emerged too soon after receiving the MMR(measles, mumps and rubella) jab to be related to it.Although had a 2% chance of suffering a convulsion afterthe jab, those were not known to be fatal and there was no evidence hehad even had a second fit.The coroner recorded a verdict of natural causes, ruling that had died from a rare condition known as Sudden Unexpected Deathin Childhood, due to an unascertained disease.The verdict came after doctors, paediatricians and consultantstold the hearing at Gloucester shire hall there was no evidence of alink between 's death and the jab.Department of Health guidelines say the jab should be given"with caution" but does not ban child sufferers of

febrile convulsions- fever fits - from taking it and recommends monitoring temperatures.After the hearing the family's lawyer, Judith Leach, said's parents were "extremely disappointed" with the verdict andwould always believe MMR was to blame as no other cause had been found.She read a statement saying: "The family are extremelydisappointed in the verdict."In the absence of any medical evidence to explain why theirhealthy little boy died and given the timing of the MMR vaccination inrelation to 's death, his parents firmly believe there is a linkbetween the two events and that the MMR vaccine had a role to play in's death." Fisher, standing outside court with her husband, said: "Ithink it's so wrong to put the death of a healthy little boy down tonatural causes. There's nothing natural about an 18-month-old boydying of nothing, because that's what it was -

nothing."This has devastated our family all over again. Three years ofwork and reports and it's just natural causes? I'll never, everunderstand that word."Ten years ago research led by Dr Wakefield, who is underinvestigation by the General Medical Council, sparked fears that thecombined MMR vaccine was linked to autism.Major studies in Britain, Finland and Japan have since disprovedthe connection but popular anxiety persists.Last week it emerged that cases of measles had topped 1,000 forthe first time in more than a decade, which public health expertsblamed on the "relatively low" uptake of the MMR vaccine.

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