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A Very Happy Christmas to all the Vaccine Survivors and and a SHOT free New Year

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A Very Happy Christmas to all the Vaccine Survivors and and a SHOT free New Year Happy Christmas to everyone in the group and in memory of those that can’t be here this Christmas because they have been “shot”. Let’s spare a thought for some of them. They are all young USA girls with their 50 years of active sexual free life no longer ahead of them, as they were SHOT to death. Some died from their injuries in 2 days and some hung on for 17 days. Three times worse than 911 but the SHOOTING continues as at 22nd December 2008. In the aftermath of 911 there was a letter campaign with anthrax as the surprise “gift”. An infection so deadly that the USA has it as a weapon for biological warfare or at least as a defensive capability in case they need to make vaccines in a hurry. In this vaccine preventable incident there were just 5 deaths. No one had any vaccine until there was a risk of exposure. A new vaccine came out last year not for anthrax but for fit and sexually active girls and in the USA alone this year it has claimed 15 reported deaths in the VAERS system with people their claming the hidden figures may be as high as 4 400. You would imagine that a vaccine like this would be immediately taken off the market after the first death or second death but no. After 5 deaths it is a catastrophe as big as the Homeland Terrorism Act and would count as a major alert? Well no; after 5 deaths most people weren’t even warned there was a risk. After twice as many deaths as the anthrax scare it would be stopped surely. Well no, still many people don’t know its a killer. After three times the scale of the 911 crisis we still have business as usual and looking for an expanded market and the reason is clear. And this is an ONGOING event. We can be sure more deaths will occur than this next year and the year after AD NAUSEUM. Without the vaccine companies we would be badly prepared for a catastrophe such as the anthrax letter campaign. We need vaccines, in case we need them made in a hurry. Just hope they are safer than ones not made in a hurry then. But hang on; that was five deaths in the entire history of USA from Homeland Terrorism to do with vaccines and vaccine preventable illness. Gardasil has had 15 deaths this year in one year (2008) of a 200 years history of vaccines and the children here will have received up ‘til now about 69 vaccines many of which are compulsory with imprisonment for not taking them. 250 000 adverse reports have been scaled to date by these young ladies who took their jabs and no problem thank you. And that may include leaving out millions of other trivial ones that VAERS or doctors laugh about. Certainly you can’t avail yourself of normal schooling if you buck out. Just who and where is this very real threat of death from bugs coming from? Is it coming from Terrorists or from respected Big Pharma companies like Merck in New Jersey? And looking at the anthrax letter campaign who exactly was responsible? It seems it was the vaccine companies own anthrax that was used by the letter writer and USA goverment officials responsible. The terrorists turned out to be vaccine workers propping up a flagging vaccine industry and not Merck company but a lesser company. But Merks gardasil vaccine has caused at least three times worse a catastrophe than 911 and its anthrax letter writer campaign after. VAERS 305606 VAERS 310262 VAERS 316983 VAERS 317757 VAERS 318491 VAERS 319533 VAERS 319810 VAERS 320559 VAERS 320909 VAERS 320910 VAERS 321405 VAERS 321696 VAERS 322250 VAERS 324002 VAERS 325063 They died believing in the protection of the USA Government, the USA Regulatory system and the safety of the products USA Big Pharma Merck. They die from ignorance and we are for the most part ignorant of who laid down their life to show that vaccines can be safe for others if not them. Eg VAERS 320559 Sex Not Known Age Not Known State Not Known Clinical Tests Not Known Symptom DEATH So from 5 important pieces of data needed we have one useful 2008 type scientific result known: Patient is DEAD! This is USA 2008? IN case you think this was entered by some incompetent, ignorant prejudiced parent blaming Merck, the USA government, the USA Regulatory system, it wasnt. It was entered here by a qualified physician and qualified doctor of 2008 USA and given to the publically funded USA government scheme for recording and providing prompt, efficient and useful early warnings of any potential problems from the rapidly expanding vaccine programme. We don’t need to be found “sleeping on the job” they said 10 years ago. Is this another version of some Grimm Fairy Story? Not the “Emperors New Clothes” but “Sleeping Beauty”? Perhaps in this real life story the vaccine makers will wake these ladies up in 2020 when they see the light? But we may be wrong in assuming that people have a vaccine and die, as the temporal relation we are told is no proof of cause. A lot of people die at this age anyway from all sorts of things and being SHOT is a real high school problem at times. This fact that perhaps there is another cause is reflected of course in the care taken in compiling the data to show the vaccine may not be at fault: Sex: Not known Age: Not known Time of Vaccine: Not Known Time from vaccine to death: Not known Such is the care of the regulatory system and the lengths they go to protect and inform us. They are more illuminating on the cause of death: Died from a complication Died from natural causes Cause of death unknown Additional information required Attempts are being made to .... Bearing in mind that the people compiling this information will be earning 500 000 dollars each year and support a trillion dollar chemical industry and supported by a million trillion dollar political system we see the expertise and money is well earned here? We must always bear in mind that there may be absolutely no connection between the natural death of a healthy teenager who was given a vaccine and died immediately after. We can only imagine it is some remote, unlikely possibility? And Merck’s vaccine may be 200 per cent safe. But just in case, I will be leaving out my vaccines next year and putting my money on Richet who says so long long ago: A REPEAT vaccine may result in a normal unwanted reaction which I will call anaphylaxis and can lead to illness up to and including death. Anyway there are only 12 million recorded children in the USA with long term illness and a total of 54 million disabled people in the USA and like the vaccine above we cannot be certain if 69 vaccines given often 10 at a time has caused ONE single problem EVER. Richet may be wrong. His NOBEL PRIZE may be a confidence trick. But somehow I would choose some of the more modern Nobel Prize winners as confidence tricksters especially those that say vaccines are 200 per cent safe. I would also like to remember one special person a male at present in a USA prison for life: He had a daughter whose head blew up after a Merck vaccine. Blew up after the second Merck vaccine. Killed the little girl after the third vaccine. But we know the vaccines by Merck are not to blame: Case history: Unknown Cause of death: SBS Evidence: Doctor said so But what did these doctors say after the first Merck shot when both parents complained? They LAUGHED What did they say after the second Merck shot when BOTH parents complained? They LAUGHED And we know what they said after the third Merck shot. Lock him up and throw away the key The same level of proof shows no stone is left unturned to prove our vaccines are 200 per cent SAFE. Happy Christmas! And don’t go SHOOTING yourself up too much over the holiday or next year. A Very Happy Christmas to all the Vaccine Survivors and and a SHOT free New Year

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