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Re: EOHarm List Year End Summary

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I say NO to #4. not bloody likely, arghSubject: EOHarm List Year End SummaryTo: EOHarm Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 8:50 PM

Just a little census note for the EOHarm list for the year 2008.

Our total membership stands at 2300.

We have generated an exhausting near 23,000 messages to one another

since the start of the year. Whew!

Conclusion: while there has been a slow down of organized political

activity in the autism "environmental" political community (the Green

Vaccine Rally notwithstanding) , the interest by individuals in these

matters still remains strong.

What will 2009 bring?

Potential hope:

Very much hinges on what rulings come out of the vaccine court. The

economy and state budgets for the treatment and care for the growing

number of disabled may also bring matters about autism to a head. The

Wakefield trial results in the UK may affect matters some, too.

Real potential disappointments:

(not in order of importance)


2. Combating Autism Act

3. change.org/Obama/ Autism Speaks

4. ASA (merging with Autism Speaks?).


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What are the grounds for #4? I have heard nothing of this from national ASA? Where did this come from?


EOHarm List Year End SummaryTo: EOHarm Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 8:50 PM

Just a little census note for the EOHarm list for the year 2008.Our total membership stands at 2300.We have generated an exhausting near 23,000 messages to one anothersince the start of the year. Whew! Conclusion: while there has been a slow down of organized politicalactivity in the autism "environmental" political community (the GreenVaccine Rally notwithstanding) , the interest by individuals in thesematters still remains strong. What will 2009 bring?Potential hope:Very much hinges on what rulings come out of the vaccine court. Theeconomy and state budgets for the treatment and care for the growingnumber of disabled may also bring matters about autism to a head. TheWakefield trial results in the UK may affect matters some, too. Real potential disappointments:(not in order of importance)1. IACC2. Combating Autism Act3. change.org/Obama/ Autism Speaks4. ASA (merging with Autism Speaks?).-Lenny

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I see them functionally, if not actually merging. Autism Speaks has

been morphing more and more into what the ASA does: provide

information services, early intervention, autism awareness, setting up

local " chapters " . Both express new found and mild interest in

exploring a vaccine-autism connection. I find less and less to

distinguish between the two organizations. This is meant more as an

observation, than as a criticism.




> Subject: EOHarm List Year End Summary

> To: EOHarm

> Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 8:50 PM




> Just a little census note for the EOHarm list for the year



> Our total membership stands at 2300.


> We have generated an exhausting near 23,000 messages to

one another

> since the start of the year. Whew!


> Conclusion: while there has been a slow down of organized


> activity in the autism " environmental " political community

(the Green

> Vaccine Rally notwithstanding) , the interest by

individuals in these

> matters still remains strong.


> What will 2009 bring?


> Potential hope:

> Very much hinges on what rulings come out of the vaccine

court. The

> economy and state budgets for the treatment and care for

the growing

> number of disabled may also bring matters about autism to

a head. The

> Wakefield trial results in the UK may affect matters some,



> Real potential disappointments:

> (not in order of importance)


> 1. IACC

> 2. Combating Autism Act

> 3. change.org/Obama/ Autism Speaks

> 4. ASA (merging with Autism Speaks?).


> -Lenny


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I would LOVE to post something here about this.... alas, there are moles from one side just waiting to take the info back to the homebase (wink).Subject: Re: EOHarm List Year End SummaryTo: EOHarm Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 7:17 PM

I see them functionally, if not actually merging. Autism Speaks has

been morphing more and more into what the ASA does: provide

information services, early intervention, autism awareness, setting up

local "chapters". Both express new found and mild interest in

exploring a vaccine-autism connection. I find less and less to

distinguish between the two organizations. This is meant more as an

observation, than as a criticism.



> From: schaferatsprynet <schafer@... >

> Subject: EOHarm List Year End Summary

> To: EOHarmyahoogroups (DOT) com

> Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 8:50 PM




> Just a little census note for the EOHarm list for the year



> Our total membership stands at 2300.


> We have generated an exhausting near 23,000 messages to

one another

> since the start of the year. Whew!


> Conclusion: while there has been a slow down of organized


> activity in the autism "environmental" political community

(the Green

> Vaccine Rally notwithstanding) , the interest by

individuals in these

> matters still remains strong.


> What will 2009 bring?


> Potential hope:

> Very much hinges on what rulings come out of the vaccine

court. The

> economy and state budgets for the treatment and care for

the growing

> number of disabled may also bring matters about autism to

a head. The

> Wakefield trial results in the UK may affect matters some,



> Real potential disappointments:

> (not in order of importance)


> 1. IACC

> 2. Combating Autism Act

> 3. change.org/Obama/ Autism Speaks

> 4. ASA (merging with Autism Speaks?).


> -Lenny


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I don't believe emerging is the right word. I think coming together is better. Autism United Coalition is brining together everyone to help bring to the forefront the issues at hand with Autism. I would never say they are emerging, but what I would say is they have joined us in certain fights!

To: EOHarm Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 1:37:15 PMSubject: Re: EOHarm List Year End Summary


What are the grounds for #4? I have heard nothing of this from national ASA? Where did this come from?


EOHarm List Year End SummaryTo: EOHarmyahoogroups (DOT) comDate: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 8:50 PM

Just a little census note for the EOHarm list for the year 2008.Our total membership stands at 2300.We have generated an exhausting near 23,000 messages to one anothersince the start of the year. Whew! Conclusion: while there has been a slow down of organized politicalactivity in the autism "environmental" political community (the GreenVaccine Rally notwithstanding) , the interest by individuals in thesematters still remains strong. What will 2009 bring?Potential hope:Very much hinges on what rulings come out of the vaccine court. Theeconomy and state budgets for the treatment and care for the growingnumber of disabled may also bring matters about autism to a head. TheWakefield trial results in the UK may affect matters some, too. Real potential disappointments:(not in order of importance)1. IACC2. Combating Autism Act3. change.org/Obama/ Autism Speaks4. ASA (merging with Autism Speaks?).-Lenny

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Dear Rksd y,

I am not a mole. I have been true to ASA, because they were the only ones that stepped up to help me get my son help that we both desperately needed. They have helped me with advocacy and really have done everything I could expect and more. They and this list have helped me to understand my son's ASD. They are my friends, and I would do anything for them. I am not a mole. I feel that ASA has been a diplomat in the war. So,(wink), what am I missing?


EOHarm List Year End Summary> To: EOHarmyahoogroups (DOT) com> Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 8:50 PM> > > > Just a little census note for the EOHarm list for the year2008.> > Our total membership stands at 2300.> > We have generated an exhausting near 23,000 messages toone another> since the start of the year. Whew! > > Conclusion: while there has been a slow down of organizedpolitical> activity in the autism "environmental" political community(the Green> Vaccine Rally notwithstanding) , the interest byindividuals in these> matters still remains strong. > > What will 2009 bring?> > Potential hope:> Very much hinges on what rulings come out of the vaccinecourt. The> economy and state budgets for the treatment and care forthe growing> number of disabled may also bring matters about autism toa head. The> Wakefield trial results in the UK may affect matters some,too. > > Real potential disappointments:> (not in order of importance)> > 1. IACC> 2. Combating Autism Act> 3. change.org/Obama/ Autism Speaks> 4. ASA (merging with Autism Speaks?).> > -Lenny>

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In my neck of the woods, the local ASA chapter, has neglected to point out that the website has been updated or that there are environmental toxins that can be part of autism. It is very sad really because I believe in choice & if people only know half of the story, how can they help or protect themselves? I had brought up the fact that environment has been implicated in autism in a meeting a couple of months ago & have been shunned beyond belief for mentioning it. I have also tried to get in with the group planning these monthly meetings & there is always a reason why I am not allowed. One day I will be president of this chapter & will not be afraid to address ALL the issues. I have seen lots of people suffer needlessly because of lifestyle. The president here now has a 32 yr. old son with severe autism & is was a teacher. She has the attitude of "Who do you think you are to come here & tell any of us that have sufferred most of their lives that you have hope that we can recover or feel better & function better?" If she just could get over herself & stop spreading bad stuff about the presentations I hold, her son would be able to feel at least a little better too. It breaks my heart. I have thougfht about moving but feel the need to push through. This is my community and it is sick. This is where I belong. To help others heals me & my little girl more & more too. We have to find a way past this animosity towards the message & the messenger. I hope it happens very soon. I noticed Autism Speaks had not posted the info. about vaccines until recently. The ASA is using Autism Speaks info. & vice-versa. If you were ever really in tune with what Autism Speaks had on their site up until maybe 2 months ago, you would see how the ASA & Autism Speaks are growing together, sharing info. etc. I have been keeping close tabs on them both. Jenn L

EOHarm List Year End Summary> To: EOHarmyahoogroups (DOT) com> Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 8:50 PM> > > > Just a little census note for the EOHarm list for the year2008.> > Our total membership stands at 2300.> > We have generated an exhausting near 23,000 messages toone another> since the start of the year. Whew! > > Conclusion: while there has been a slow down of organizedpolitical> activity in the autism "environmental" political community(the Green> Vaccine Rally notwithstanding) , the interest byindividuals in these> matters still remains strong. > > What will 2009 bring?> > Potential hope:> Very much hinges on what rulings come out of the vaccinecourt. The> economy and state budgets for the treatment and care forthe growing> number of disabled may also bring matters about autism toa head. The> Wakefield trial results in the UK may affect matters some,too. > > Real potential disappointments:> (not in order of importance)> > 1. IACC> 2. Combating Autism Act> 3. change.org/Obama/ Autism Speaks> 4. ASA (merging with Autism Speaks?).> > -Lenny>

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