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Thimerosal Thimerosal – Is a fine and useful brain destroying product for direct injection into everyones elses buttocks A distinguished 2004 Health Report tells us At the stroke of a pen, the fact that the world’s most toxic non-radioactive element in our vaccines in 2004 at a level which when evenly diluted is known to catalytically destroy brain cells and therefore by its action produce some sort of impairment of the brain is rejected as causing autism and rejected as any cause for concern by 11 learned personnages whose names are given below: MARIE C. McCORMICK RONALD BAYER ALFRED BERG ROSEMARY CASEY BETSY FOXMAN CONSTANTINE GATSONIS STEVEN GOODMAN ELLEN HORAK MICHAEL KABACK REBECCA PARKIN BENNETT SHAYWITZ Today most governments of the world state this report as the reason why it is acceptable to continue to use an organomercury neurotoxin to be injected into foetuses and infant children in their country and refuse to discuss why this is acceptable or otherwise and is not the reason they coincidentally have some sort of health crises of which they have no clue as to the real cause. Below are just some of the data that the USA committee could not afford to publish or consider, to come up with the astonishing conclusion that almost the the world's most toxic substance is perfectly OK for injection into human bodies and not causing the instant death that follows to many thousands. Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism (2004) This eighth and final report of the Immunization Safety Review Committee The committee of 11 recommends that cost-benefit assessments regarding the use of thimerosal-containing versus thimerosal-free vaccines and other biological or pharmaceutical products, whether in the United States or other countries, should not include autism as a potential risk. Appendix E Summary of Public Submissions Since the announcement of the topic of this report, the committee has received many submissions from the public via mail, email, and fax, all of which were reviewed by the committee to help inform their conclusions and recommendations of this report. A list of all literature and submissions reviewed by the committee can be found on the projects website at www.iom.edu/imsafety. The unpublished data reviewed by the committee and cited in this report are available—in the form in which they were reviewed—through the public access files of the National Academies. Information about the public access files can be obtained at or www.national-academies.org/publicaccess. The committee is thankful to all those who submitted information. Below is a partial list (as of May 1, 2004) of documents received from the public, broken down into six categories. 1) SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES The committee received recommendations of published articles to review and often hard copies as well. These were too numerous to list here, but a complete list can be viewed at the Public Access Office (contact information listed above). The committee and IOM staff also did an extensive literature review to find all relevant materials. The following people submitted articles, abstracts, and article recommendations to the committee: · Sallie Bernard (SafeMinds) · Jeff Bradstreet (International Child Development Resource Center) · Amy Carson, Medlin, Karey (Moms Against Mercury) · Deborah Darnley · C. Deth (professor of pharmacology) · Gallup (The Autism Autoimmunity Project) · A. Geier (President, MedCon, Inc.) · Mark R. Geier (President, The Genetic Centers of America) · ph R. Herr · Julio Licinio (Nature Publishing Group) · Becky · Lyn Redwood (SafeMinds) · J. ch (Orrick) · Underwood (Developmental Delay Consultant, Inc.) · American Autism Association 2) PERSONAL STATEMENTS The committee received many accounts from parents that described their situation and their child or family member with autism, sometimes with medical histories and/or medical documents enclosed. The committee also received personal statements on the topic of autism and vaccines in general from the following people: · American Autism Association; Sponsored by parents of children with autism. We want you to know the truth (folder containing articles, papers, scientific journal articles, and letters). · A. (Immunization Action Coalition), 2004. Vaccines and Autism. · Trish Berger, 2004. Relationship of MMR Vaccine to Autistic Spectrum. · and , 2004. Children Left Behind. · , 2004. Autism Increase · , 2004. Read at your meeting today, urgent! · Chen, 2004. IOM—Vaccines and Autism meeting on 2/9/04 · Alan , 2004. · Deborah Darnley, 2004. Medical records and personal statement · Anne Ferreira, 2004. Immunization Safety Review Committee Meeting 9: Vaccines and Autism · Maurice , 2004. Media freedom implications of autism vaccine dangers · Gallup, 2004. IOM—Vaccines and Autism · Gibson, 2004. Autism nine feedback · Audrey Hamilton, 2004. Autism-vaccines · Diane Litt, 2004. MMR Vaccine and autism · Meserlian, 2004. VOSI Input for Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism…Meeting nine · Marjorie H. Monteleon (Maine DEP Dental Mercury Workgroup), 2004. Reference to the Immunization Safety review Committee Meeting 2/9/04. · National Autism Association: Folder with stories from the families of children with autism (sponsored by individual parents). We want you to know the truth… · Sylvia Nichols, 2004. Autism and Vaccinations. · Clarence W. Tiske, 2004. Autism meeting nine, sedation thimerosal. · Underwood, 2004. Immunization Safety Review. · Weinmaster, 2004. IOM vaccines and autism public comment. · American Autism Assocation; Sponsored by parents of autistic children. The committee also received several submissions from the public stating potential theories of how vaccines/thimerosal injure children/adults together with unpublished background information and critiques of data. · Boyle, 2004. Immunization Safety Review—vaccines and autism: what about mitochondrial disease underlying autism? · Amy Carson, Medlin, Karey (Moms Against Mercury), 2004. Removal of all Mercury Products in Vaccines. · Enayati, A. New Autism Data: Slight Decrease May Reflect Mercury Removal from Vaccines (Schafer Autism Report). · M.R. Geier, D.A. Geier. 2004. Important additional considerations for the IOM committee on thimerosal. · M.R. Geier, D.A. Geier. 2004. New Important Additional Considerations for the IOM committee on Thimerosal II and III. · M.R. Geier, D.A. Geier. 2004. VAERS Database Raw Data for Independent Methodology Verification. · M.R. Geier, D.A. Geier. 2004. VSD Raw Data: Thimerosal and Autism. · Mumper (Advocates for Children, Ltd.), 2004. Letter. · J.D. Nordin, M. Goodman, D.M. Smeltzer, E.P. Ehlinger, K. Kephart. 2004. Commentary on data presented by the Geiers at the thimerosal meeting. · Lyn Redwood (SafeMinds), 2004. IOM 2-04 RhoD comments. · Lyn Redwood (SafeMinds), 2004. IOM 5-04 Primate Study comments. · Lyn Redwood (SafeMinds). VSD Comments to IOM 02-16-04. · Glen F. Rall (Fox Chase Cancer Center), 2004. Letter. 3) UNPUBLISHED PAPERS The committee received many unpublished papers to supplement published articles. These include: · S. Bernard (SafeMinds), 2004. Analysis of the Autism Registry Data Base in Response to the Hviid et al. Paper on Thimerosal in JAMA (October, 2003). · S. Bernard (SafeMinds), 2003. Analysis and Critique of the CDC’s Handling of the Thimerosal Exposure Assessment Based on Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) information. · S. Bernard (SafeMinds), 2004. “VSD Thimerosal Analysis of June 2000” Background Information on this Document by SafeMinds. · Binstock (researcher), 2004. Increased susceptibility to adverse effects from vaccinations. · M. Blaxill, L. Redwood, S. Bernard (submitted by: SafeMinds). Thimerosal and Autism? A plausible hypothesis that should not be dismissed. A response to: K.B. and M.L. Bauman. (2003) Thimerosal and Autism? Pediatrics 111(3):674-9. · J. Bradstreet, 2004. Biological Evidence of Significant Vaccine Related Side-effects Resulting in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. · J. Bradstreet. 2004. Is There a Nexus for MMR and Mercury Issues in Autism Spectrum Disorders. · R. Deth, 2004. Molecular Basis of the Link Between Thimerosal and Autism. · M. Geier and D. Geier, 2004. From Epidemiology, Clinical Medicine, Molecular Biology, and Atoms, to Politics: A Review of the Relationship between Thimerosal and Autism. · E.H. Granai, 2004. Are Some Cases of Autism the Result of a Persistent, Attenuated Rubella Infection in the Mother? · E.H. Granai, 2004. The Phenomenon of a Concentration of Autistic Children’s Births in the Months of March and August. · B. Haley, 2004. Biomedical Aspects of Thimerosal Exposure. · S.J. , 2004. Impaired transsulfuration and oxidative stress in autistic children: Improvement with targeted nutritional intervention (submitted by J. Bradstreet). · V. Singh, 2004. Autism, Vaccines, and Immune Reactions. 4) TRANSCRIPTS AND CONGRESSIONAL RECORDS · Congressional Record—Extension of Remarks. May 20, 3003. Mercury in Medicine Report. Hon. Dan Burton of Indiana, In the House of Representatives (submitted by Mark and Geier). · Dan Burton. May 2003. Mercury in Medicine; Taking Unnecessary Risks. (A report Prepared by the Staff of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness, Committee on Government Reform, United States House of Representatives) (submitted by Mark and Geier). · Dan Burton (Chairman): Opening statement; “FACA: Conflicts of Interest and Vaccine Development: Preserving the Integrity of the Process. June 15, 2000. Washington, DC. (submitted by R. Gallup, The Autism Autoimmunity Project). · Simpsonwood Transcript. Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information, June 7-8, 2000. Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Norcross, GA (submitted by M. and D. Geier). · Transcript from the High Court of Justice hearing in the matter of MMR/ MR vaccine litigation, Case Management Conference (submitted by D. Salisbury). · Transcript—U.S. House of Representatives, Government Reform Committee holds a hearing on the status of the research into vaccine safety and autism. 6/19/02 (submitted by J. Bradstreet). 5) QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER Several people emailed questions for the committee to consider while reviewing the research regarding autism, thimerosal, MMR, and mercury. They included: · Gallup, 2004. Question???-February 9, 2004 meeting-autism and vaccines. · Tonya Harbison, 2004. Autism. · , 2004. Topics for discussion in vaccine/autism meetings. 6) NEWS ARTICLES The committee also received news articles, including those listed below. · Assessing the Role of Mercury in Autism. 2002. By: Boyd E. Haley. Mothering Magazine (submitted by Moms Against Mercury). · Autism in a Needle? The toxic tale of vaccinations and mercury poisoning (11/11/03) By: Annette Fuentes (submitted by M. and D. Geier). · Methylmercury Toxicology Probed. By: Louisa Wray Dalton (submitted by J. Bradstreet). · New Research Suggests Link Between Vaccine Ingredients and Autism, ADHD (submitted by Becky ). · The Irresponsible Media Coverage of the Institute of Medicine Meeting on Autism and Vaccines. By: Sandy Mintz, RFD Columnist (submitted by Philip Rudnick, West Chester University of Pennsylvania). · Vaccine and Autism (12/29/03) and Autism and Vaccines (2/9/04) (submitted by Deborah Wexler, Immunization Action Coalition). · Water in D.C. Exceeds the EPA Lead Limit; Random Tests Last Summer Found Levels in 4,000 Homes Throughout City. 1/31/04. By: D. Nakamura (submitted by J. Bradstreet). A distinguished 2004 Health Report tells us Thimerosal – Is a fine and useful brain destroying product for direct injection into everyones elses buttocks

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