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ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN BEFORE TALKING I have just wrote a very brief summary of the J Zeller in the initial fight to get some money to help him fight his battle against Vaccine Injury and lead a life that he should have expected to have led without being toxified, taken apart and destroyed by some ancient vaccine theory in an effort to stop him getting an illness that most people recover from and get the present of lifelong immunity afterwards. Please remember this court ruling which has cost the family a FORTUNE (in fact two rulings) gives not one DOLLAR, not one CENT to the family of J Zeller but it may give tens of thousands of CENTS or rather TENS of THOUSANDS of DOLLARS to the BANK ACCOUNT of AUTISM EXPERT Dr Max Wiznitzer immediately without effort and maybe even with perjury. Based on reading the USA Court of Federal Claims records and the ability of Dr Max Wiznitzer to apply EISEGESIS to science papers. That is his special ability to read science and turn it into science fiction. He has a neat way of making possibly two lots of moneys at the same time from different paymasters? Perhaps the public opening of the bank accounts and payouts to these people by Big Pharma is long overdue? I note that he was a professor of the year back in 1991 for AUTISM. That means he is 100 per cent behind children with AUTISM and wants what is best for them. I may be completely wrong in my 5 minute summing up of a man as a CHUMP, when he was an expert on autism before I had even heard of the word, let alone knew what it may be caused by. I was at this time just an Advanced Analytical Chemist with a long list of degrees and practical experience with some “bizarre” idea that neurologically toxic chemicals were being exposed to our children causing their brains to disintegrate. If only I had listened to Dr NIT; sorry my mind is beginning to disintegrate now. I mean Dr Wiznitzer then I might have realised that putting mercury at the level at which it destroys brain cells is an acceptable practice to such learned experts on AUTISM. I came across this reference to him: Paging Dr. Max Wiznitzer! High court: Atlanta Couple Can Sue Over Vaccination Managing Editor's Note: That headline is a " joke. " Dr. Wiznitzer is an autism " expert " and an expert witness for pharma in vaccine cases. My girls were diagnosed in his office at University Hospitals in Cleveland. So just who should: ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN BEFORE TALKING A few clues: LOL at 'Wizzpisser'. I used to call him 'Nitwitzer', but I have to say I think I like Wizzpisser better Now now, don't call Dr. Max names. He was the " go to " doc when we moved to Cleveland. The diagnosis process at UH was archaic - I'm writing about it elsewhere. The follow up was non-existent. When Mia developed seizures, no one there gave two Shitsflickers (oops!) about her. I wanted to reach into my television and slap the smile off of Wizzpisser's face when he was interviewed by Larry King after the Savage comments. What the f*ck was he smiling about? Did anyone else see his " odd " behavior that evening? He was one of the first " experts " I heard speak after my son was diagnosed. It's " experts " like him that prevent/delay parents from searching for real tangible help for their kids. DR MAX WIZNITZER if you can READ: ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN BEFORE TALKING

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