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Re: Harold Buttram, MD's full paper -MMR/Immune System

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Dr. Buttram's paper references a rather interesting Peruvian study (29):

http://www.scielo.org.pe/scielo.php?pid=S1025-55832007000300003 & script=sci_arttext

Neurotoxic effects of thimerosal at vaccines doses on the encephalon and development in 7 day-old hamsters

Jonny te 1, Fany Remuzgo 1, Betthina Ãvalos 1, nie Chiquinta 1, Bladimir Ponce 1, Avendaño 1, Maya 2,3

1 Estudiantes de Medicina, Facultad de Medicina - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú. 2 Profesor del Departamento de Medicina, Facultad de Medicina - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú. 3 Médico Internista, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. Lima, Perú.


Objectives: To determine if thimerosal administration in amounts equivalent to vaccines content produces neurotoxic effects on the encephalon in postnatal hamsters and on experimentation animals' development. Design: Experimental, prospective, bietapic study. Setting: San Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Biologic material: Seven-day old hamsters. Material: We divided 45 postnatal hamsters in three groups: group A (n = 15), group B (n = 15) and group C (n = 15). We administered three intramuscular equivalent doses of sucrose and thimerosal in 20 µL of physiological serum respectively to groups B and C on birth-days 7 (0,227 µg), 9 (0,216 µg) and 11 (0,220 µg). Group A received only 20 µL of saline solution. Main outcome measures: Body weight, encephalon weight, hamster's stature and encephalon histopathological alterations. Results:

Anova and student t tests showed statistical significance in favor of low body weight, low encephalon weight and smaller stature in group C with respect to groups A and B hamsters (p<0,000). χ2 statistical significance in relation to the presence of histopathological alterations in group C was also obtained (p<0,000). We observed greater relative risk of encephalic alterations in group C. Conclusions: The administration of thimerosal in doses equivalent to vaccines content was associated with low corporal weight, low encephalon weight and smaller stature in postnatal hamsters. Neurotoxic effects were also produced at encephalic level, at hippocampus (regions CA1, CA3, DG), cerebral cortex and cerebellum (Purkinje cells and granuloses cells) with decrease in neuronal density, neuronal necrosis, axonal dismyelinization and gliosis. In addition, risk increase in developing any of these alterations was high in the animal group receiving


Key words: Vaccines; thimerosal; mesocricetuss; ethylmercury compounds; mercury poisoning, nervous system.

Subject: Harold Buttram, MD's full paper -MMR/Immune SystemTo: EoHarm Received: Monday, December 29, 2008, 2:06 PM

Dr Fudenberg, who is on this list, is mentioned. "Any overview on vaccines would be incomplete without mention of the work of the highly published immunologist, H. H. Fudenberg, and his work in developing clinical applications of transfer factor, which is a low molecular weight extract of lymphocytes, capable of enhancing or inducing cell-mediated immunity de novo (without immunizations) in an antigen spe-cific fashion [63-64]. "*********We've added Dr. Buttram's full paper to the http://www.vacinfo. org/Buttram. pdf website, so please forward to everyone you know! We thank Medical Veritas for helping to spread truth and Ray Gallup for emailing it to us. Happy Holidays to everyone and God bless, AprilH.E. Buttram/Medical Veritas

5 (2008) 1820-1827 doi: 10.1588/medver/ 2008.05.00190 Current childhood vaccine programs: An overview with emphasis on the Measles-Mumps- Rubella (MMR) vaccine and of its compromising of the mucosal immune system Harold E. Buttram, MD Email: hbuttram1304@ comcast.net Abstract Abstract Both common observation and official statistics confirm that there have been dramatic increases in chronic physical and mental illnesses in Amer-ican children, such as autism, asthma, and allergies since the introduction of the MMR vaccine in 1978. Government health officials have denied a relationship with vaccines, but U.S. Congressional hearings on vaccine safety

(1999 to Dec. 2004) revealed a total absence of vaccine safety tests that would meet current scientific standards, so that it can be assumed that many vaccine reactions are taking place unrecognized. Prior to the introduction of vaccines, the Th1 cellular immune system of the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems served as the primary defense systems with the Th2 hu-moral immune system in the bone marrow, serving a secondary role. There is a school of thought that the “minor childhood diseases†of earlier times, including measles, mumps, chicken pox, and rubella, which involved the epithelial tissues of skin, respiratory, and/or gastrointestinal tracts, served a necessary purpose in challenging, strengthening, and establishing the dominance of Th1 cellular immune system during early childhood. Current vaccines against these diseases, in contrast, being directed at stimulating antibody production in the bone marrow, are

bypassing the cellular immune system and thereby tending to reverse the roles of the cellular and humoral systems, with the former suffering from a lack of challenge. In addition, the cellular immune system is being further compromised by the powerfully immunosuppressive effects of the MMR vaccine. The time is overdue to totally rethink and redirect our current childhood vaccine program. © Copyright 2008, Medical Veritas International, Inc. All rights reserved. See full paper online or in Medical VeritasVIC (Vaccine Injury Coalition)Autism is 1 in 67 children today and it's impossible to have a genetic epidemic! Please learn from our mistake and educate BEFORE you vaccinate!For more information visit www.vacinfo. org or call

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UKVaccines - http://www.wellwith in1.com/vaccine. htm Vaccine Dangers & Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start in January 2009

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Harold Buttram, MD is an outstanding physician and a remarkable individual.


From: Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@ tesco.net>Subject: Harold Buttram, MD's full paper -MMR/Immune SystemTo: EoHarmyahoogroups (DOT) comReceived: Monday, December 29, 2008, 2:06 PM

Dr Fudenberg, who is on this list, is mentioned. "Any overview on vaccines would be incomplete without mention of the work of the highly published immunologist, H. H. Fudenberg, and his work in developing clinical applications of transfer factor, which is a low molecular weight extract of lymphocytes, capable of enhancing or inducing cell-mediated immunity de novo (without immunizations) in an antigen spe-cific fashion [63-64]. "*********We've added Dr. Buttram's full paper to the http://www.vacinfo. org/Buttram. pdf website, so please forward to everyone you know! We thank Medical Veritas for helping to spread truth and Ray Gallup for emailing it to us. Happy Holidays to everyone and God bless, AprilH.E. Buttram/Medical Veritas

5 (2008) 1820-1827 doi: 10.1588/medver/ 2008.05.00190 Current childhood vaccine programs: An overview with emphasis on the Measles-Mumps- Rubella (MMR) vaccine and of its compromising of the mucosal immune system Harold E. Buttram, MD Email: hbuttram1304@ comcast.net Abstract Abstract Both common observation and official statistics confirm that there have been dramatic increases in chronic physical and mental illnesses in Amer-ican children, such as autism, asthma, and allergies since the introduction of the MMR vaccine in 1978. Government health officials have denied a relationship with vaccines, but U.S. Congressional hearings on vaccine safety

(1999 to Dec. 2004) revealed a total absence of vaccine safety tests that would meet current scientific standards, so that it can be assumed that many vaccine reactions are taking place unrecognized. Prior to the introduction of vaccines, the Th1 cellular immune system of the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems served as the primary defense systems with the Th2 hu-moral immune system in the bone marrow, serving a secondary role. There is a school of thought that the “minor childhood diseases†of earlier times, including measles, mumps, chicken pox, and rubella, which involved the epithelial tissues of skin, respiratory, and/or gastrointestinal tracts, served a necessary purpose in challenging, strengthening, and establishing the dominance of Th1 cellular immune system during early childhood. Current vaccines against these diseases, in contrast, being directed at stimulating antibody production in the bone marrow, are

bypassing the cellular immune system and thereby tending to reverse the roles of the cellular and humoral systems, with the former suffering from a lack of challenge. In addition, the cellular immune system is being further compromised by the powerfully immunosuppressive effects of the MMR vaccine. The time is overdue to totally rethink and redirect our current childhood vaccine program. © Copyright 2008, Medical Veritas International, Inc. All rights reserved. See full paper online or in Medical VeritasVIC (Vaccine Injury Coalition)Autism is 1 in 67 children today and it's impossible to have a genetic epidemic! Please learn from our mistake and educate BEFORE you vaccinate!For more information visit www.vacinfo. org or call

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UKVaccines - http://www.wellwith in1.com/vaccine. htm Vaccine Dangers & Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start in January 2009

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Here here - he was our DAN for a number of years - the man is ageless

(he graduated med school 50+ years ago) - but he's amazing - glad to

see that he's still involved in autism - his research could be far

more important than as a practioner.


> From: Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@ tesco.net>

> Subject: Harold Buttram, MD's full paper -MMR/Immune System

> To: EoHarmyahoogroups (DOT) com

> Received: Monday, December 29, 2008, 2:06 PM





> Dr Fudenberg, who is on this list, is mentioned. 


> " Any overview on vaccines would be incomplete without mention of

the work of the highly published immunologist, H. H. Fudenberg, and

his work in developing clinical applications of transfer factor,

which is a low molecular weight extract of lymphocytes, capable of

enhancing or inducing cell-mediated immunity de novo (without

immunizations) in an antigen spe-cific fashion [63-64]. "

> *********

> We've added Dr. Buttram's full paper to the http://www.vacinfo.

org/Buttram.. pdf website, so please forward to everyone you know! 

We thank Medical Veritas  for helping to spread truth and Ray Gallup

for emailing it to us.  Happy Holidays to everyone and God bless,






> H.E. Buttram/Medical Veritas 5 (2008) 1820-1827 doi:

10.1588/medver/ 2008.05.00190

>  Current childhood vaccine programs: An overview

> with emphasis on the Measles-Mumps- Rubella (MMR) vaccine

> and of its compromising of the mucosal immune system

> Harold E. Buttram, MD

> Email: hbuttram1304@ comcast.net

> Abstract


>  Abstract

> Both common observation and official statistics confirm that there

have been dramatic increases in chronic physical and mental illnesses

in Amer-ican children, such as autism, asthma, and allergies since

the introduction of the MMR vaccine in 1978. Government health

officials have denied a relationship with vaccines, but U.S.

Congressional hearings on vaccine safety (1999 to Dec. 2004) revealed

a total absence of vaccine safety tests that would meet current

scientific standards, so that it can be assumed that many vaccine

reactions are taking place unrecognized. Prior to the introduction of

vaccines, the Th1 cellular immune system of the gastrointestinal and

respiratory systems served as the primary defense systems with the

Th2 hu-moral immune system in the bone marrow, serving a secondary



> There is a school of thought that the “minor childhood

diseases†of earlier times, including measles, mumps, chicken pox,

and rubella, which involved the epithelial tissues of skin,

respiratory, and/or gastrointestinal tracts, served a necessary

purpose in challenging, strengthening, and establishing the dominance

of Th1 cellular immune system during early childhood. Current

vaccines against these diseases, in contrast, being directed at

stimulating antibody production in the bone marrow, are bypassing the

cellular immune system and thereby tending to reverse the roles of

the cellular and humoral systems, with the former suffering from a

lack of challenge. In addition, the cellular immune system is being

further compromised by the powerfully immunosuppressive effects of

the MMR vaccine. The time is overdue to totally rethink and redirect

our current childhood vaccine program.


> © Copyright 2008, Medical Veritas International, Inc. All rights



> See full paper online or in Medical Veritas


> VIC (Vaccine Injury Coalition)

> Autism is 1 in 67 children today and it's impossible to have a

genetic epidemic!

> Please learn from our mistake and educate BEFORE you vaccinate!

> For more information visit www.vacinfo. org or call



> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------

> Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath   

> Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

> Vaccines - http://www.wellwith in1.com/vaccine. htm Vaccine Dangers

& Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start in January 2009


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