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What’s in your vaccine

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What’s in your vaccine “I’ve had the vaccine 6 times and still got the illness.” The whooping cough vaccine has been with all of us or most all of us for a very long time but it still seems to hang on in there. No smallpox type eradication for this little critter. Perhaps we should target fewer vaccine preventable illnesses like this one and leave lesser illnesses off the schedule for now? Look at the recommended vaccinations for whooping cough. Get your jab or shot at 2 months Get your jab or shot at 4 months Get your jab or shot at 6 months Get your jab or shot at 12 months Get your jab or shot at 4 years Get your jab or shot at 21 years But it looks like you can get the illness too at any age: 2 months, 4 months, 6 months too; get it? At one school this year, all the pupils that got the whooping cough had had all their shots too. Well one might ask if they don’t put resistance to the illness in the vaccine, what are you paying your 400 dollars for? Good Question! Glad you asked that! Nice one, Cyril! Well, we did put in a very precious metal in there and that’s possibly why it is so dear or was. We don’t put so much in today but organomercury was in it and enough to addle your brains better than a bottle of whisky or those naughty drugs we want to legalise for the bright pupils who are at the moment healthy and want to increase there brain power. But organomercury is in 17 different vaccines as of December 2008. Action Plan by the vaccinators: 1 We are going to get a lot tougher on enforcing this vaccine for everyone. But everyone that got the illness was innoculated. Does the vaccine work even? 2 It's especially dangerous for children and infants, who can develop pneumonia, seizures, suffer brain damage and even die. But vaccines also cause the same things too. And many other illnesses equally dangerous and often fatal. Avoid a dangerous illness that you may never get and have your immune system damaged for 3 million other illnesses. Life is not risk free and making people slaves to vaccines is risky for millions if the VAERS are to be believed. Counter Actions: 1 How about good hygiene, surveillance, vaccinations and treatment? Ie. a multi approach based on sound, safe actions. 2 How about a vaccine that works and doesn’t need repeating ad nauseum? Having to have a vaccine 6 times, rather shows vaccines are possibly the Emperors New Clothes and not the proper goods. 3 Oh yes, and safe. Measles vaccine old and trusted. MMR vaccine newer and known to be dangerous. Killing the messenger of MMR harm doesn’t automatically make the vaccine safe. It changes nothing and makes wise men ask more questions. 4 And why can’t we test to see if we need the vaccine or if we are immune? Many people have immunity and giving these people more vaccine is likely to promote anaphyaxis. It does seem safer to take blood samples than give injections that don’t cause so many temporally connected problems. 5 Too many vaccines along with too many drugs none of which are adequately tested or made to appropriate levels of safety, lower our immune system and may indeed be the reason why normally benign illnesses become life threatening. Being exposed to many bugs at the same time is not a match for reality. 6 Delay the vaccine. A vaccine at a later age would take better and natural resistance is natures way of surviving. The USA practice of vaccines at age 1 day is actually illegal in many countries where the health is much better with lower numbers of deaths. 7 More people die in their first years of life than until any age until their late 50’s - If they survive the 69 vaccines of infanthood. Is there a relation other than time? We are told no, by those who dont know why, in the USA more people die after receiving more vaccines than a healthier country with maybe just 3 infant vaccinations in TOTAL. 8 Figures of huge numbers dying should be based on fact, with the result of all this prophylactic action causing more deaths in this age group than an unvaccinated group elsewhere. But if we kill babies to protect the old amongst us then surely we should be told why they are being sacrificed? 9 Should people be allowed choice over whether they want to risk an illness or risk killing their own flesh and blood by deadly injections? In USA the answer is no? No choice, just take the mercury. 10 Should people be allowed whether or not to inject deadly toxic chemicals known to destroy brain cells into their children? In the USA this is mandatory following Aryan mandatory actions of half a century ago? Historically smallpox was eliminated not by vaccinating everyone in the USA but chasing down contacts world wide and vaccinating only those at risk. It worked. Mass vaccination works if having 1 in 3 permanently ill is the aim? Why can’t we repeat successful campaigns rather than give more and more vaccines, more and more often and wonder why the rates of all illness go up and not down and why a particular illness now gets more serious and not less serious. An already broken policy is becoming an epidemic problem of public health. While worrying about a couple of dozen people we ignore 12 million that are permanently ill but not because of vaccines and increasing use of them we are reliably informed. We don’t know why we have 12 million sick children but we do know its not the vaccine. Is it the same as TV? More channels but lower quality? How can we have several hundred efficient vaccines coming out of two or few factories? I prefer the days of one channel with one decent set of programmes. Vaccine technology seems to going the same way. One vaccine jab or shot yesterday is today spread over a dozen jabs or shots and the quality seems suspect. Whooping cough coming to one fully vaccinated member of your household. And whooping cough is no joke. Its serious, can cause pneumonia, seizures and you can die and if your vaccinated it's no protection in our more vaccines more often but dont ask about quality. Maybe there is something in vaccines we don’t know about? It may not be protection from an illness though! . What’s in your vaccine

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