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CONFLICTS OF INTEREST - Dr Pichichero Future Nobel Prize Winners ? I haven’t looked too hard at this pediatricians history of published papers but it seems to be a conflict of interest that he professes to be a pediatrician but he seems impervious to adding brain destroying mercury compounds to their diets or by ingestion and has a notorious paper where he describes ingesting mercury to babies and not discovering any sign of harm after. It may well be that he follows these cases up long term to check if they do in fact later become autistic? Perhaps he is correct that while methyl mercury is harmful that ethyl mercury ALONE in the thousands of different organochemicals of mercury has the single, lone, bizarre property of being benign perhaps even while being filmed catalytically and continually destroying brain neuron cells? Perhaps he has part 2 of Professor Lorscheider’s mercury video being shown to destroy brain neurons at the level of one vaccine when evenly diluted in a childs body? Part 2 no doubt showing the good side of mercury when they stand before the cameras, apologise for destroying our brains and then put back the destroyed cells making them whole again. I think its called the ‘mirror’ effect, often a habit of ‘good’ mercury enabling us two see the two images good and bad of an element with ethyl mercury being the goodie and all those chemistry professors who make their life the study of mercury being mistaken? A brief run through of his peer reviewed published papers shows a prodigious turn out of papers running at more than one a month for the last few years with some in the most prestigious of journals. Admitted he is part of a team but who is on this TEAM. Who are the TEAMSTERS? One paper for example looks at 72 infants and another 72 infants and yet another 72 infants and measures mercury levels. Fantastic and good for advancing our knowledge. But how do you do this at a rate of one paper a fortnight with your normal job etc? Other papers show him working alone. A truly prodigious turn out and worthy almost of a Nobel Prize Winner of the future. I just feel a bit nervous that perhaps all may not be quite right, nothing definite mind. Dr Geier wanted to inform one journal that his work on vaccine safety might be influenced by pay checks to him or his group or university from a vaccine company. This letter was evidently held up in the works for half a year before being published as a letter to redress an imbalance seen by Dr Geier. So how does a man get papers turned out at more than one a month when a simple explanatory letter gets held up for so long until it can be published? How can all this work be done and run a pediatric practice as well? Dr Pichichero has the capacity of a great scientist indeed worthy of a future Nobel Prize if all this is his honest work carefully thought through on so many widely varied and mottly topics involving so many hours of work that 24 hours in a day seems hardly enough. Just to complete his working day he fits in the discovery and exploitation of several vaccines notably, the flu vaccine, the DTP vaccine, the polio vaccine, the rotavirus vaccine, the HPV vaccine and OTHERS too. I am just a chemist with the odd half a dozen or so degrees in chemistry who has only been looking at ethyl mercury for the past ten years off and on as a full time amateur interest. Looking at his BENIGN view of this brain destroying MOST TOXIC chemical THIMEROSAL, I do hope his input into the flu vaccine, the DTP vaccine, the polio vaccine, the rotavirus vaccine, the HPV vaccine and OTHERS too has enabled them to be 100 per cent and completely safe to inject into ONE DAY babies and then 5 or 6 at a time into the same babies over and over again often repeating the same vaccine 3 or 4 times so that the full vaccine " effect " is obtained. I may be wrong in my BAD view of ETHYL MERCURY and perhaps the idea that you inject not just the amount that is in one vaccine but give out a massive OVERDOSE that the response is different and can be averaged out over a sufficient time span to make it safe? Dr Pichichero has some interesting original ideas on this. Maybe the actual Nobel Prize Winners like Professor Richet with his solid research on repeat vaccines leading to the known NORMAL reaction of ANAPHYLAXIS and DEATH got it all wrong. I wonder? Future Nobel Prize Winners ? CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Dr Pichichero

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I can tell you how he does it. The millions of dollars Pharma sends his way directly or indirectly through the Univ of Rochester allows him to have his own research staff - literally his own institute (ala Tobacco Institute).

It is a machine for turning out pro mercury research papers.KP Stoller, MD, FACHMPresident, International Hyperbaric Medical AssocMedical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexicowww.hbotnm.com-- johnfryer@... wrote:


Future Nobel Prize Winners ?

I haven’t looked too hard at this pediatricians history of published papers but it seems to be a conflict of interest that he professes to be a pediatrician but he seems impervious to adding brain destroying mercury compounds to their diets or by ingestion and has a notorious paper where he describes ingesting mercury to babies and not discovering any sign of harm after.

It may well be that he follows these cases up long term to check if they do in fact later become autistic?

Perhaps he is correct that while methyl mercury is harmful that ethyl mercury ALONE in the thousands of different organochemicals of mercury has the single, lone, bizarre property of being benign perhaps even while being filmed catalytically and continually destroying brain neuron cells?

Perhaps he has part 2 of Professor Lorscheider’s mercury video being shown to destroy brain neurons at the level of one vaccine when evenly diluted in a childs body? Part 2 no doubt showing the good side of mercury when they stand before the cameras, apologise for destroying our brains and then put back the destroyed cells making them whole again. I think its called the ‘mirror’ effect, often a habit of ‘good’ mercury enabling us two see the two images good and bad of an element with ethyl mercury being the goodie and all those chemistry professors who make their life the study of mercury being mistaken?

A brief run through of his peer reviewed published papers shows a prodigious turn out of papers running at more than one a month for the last few years with some in the most prestigious of journals.

Admitted he is part of a team but who is on this TEAM. Who are the TEAMSTERS? One paper for example looks at 72 infants and another 72 infants and yet another 72 infants and measures mercury levels. Fantastic and good for advancing our knowledge. But how do you do this at a rate of one paper a fortnight with your normal job etc?

Other papers show him working alone.

A truly prodigious turn out and worthy almost of a Nobel Prize Winner of the future.

I just feel a bit nervous that perhaps all may not be quite right, nothing definite mind.

Dr Geier wanted to inform one journal that his work on vaccine safety might be influenced by pay checks to him or his group or university from a vaccine company.

This letter was evidently held up in the works for half a year before being published as a letter to redress an imbalance seen by Dr Geier.

So how does a man get papers turned out at more than one a month when a simple explanatory letter gets held up for so long until it can be published?

How can all this work be done and run a pediatric practice as well?

Dr Pichichero has the capacity of a great scientist indeed worthy of a future Nobel Prize if all this is his honest work carefully thought through on so many widely varied and mottly topics involving so many hours of work that 24 hours in a day seems hardly enough.

Just to complete his working day he fits in the discovery and exploitation of several vaccines notably, the flu vaccine, the DTP vaccine, the polio vaccine, the rotavirus vaccine, the HPV vaccine and OTHERS too.

I am just a chemist with the odd half a dozen or so degrees in chemistry who has only been looking at ethyl mercury for the past ten years off and on as a full time amateur interest.

Looking at his BENIGN view of this brain destroying MOST TOXIC chemical THIMEROSAL, I do hope his input into the flu vaccine, the DTP vaccine, the polio vaccine, the rotavirus vaccine, the HPV vaccine and OTHERS too has enabled them to be 100 per cent and completely safe to inject into ONE DAY babies and then 5 or 6 at a time into the same babies over and over again often repeating the same vaccine 3 or 4 times so that the full vaccine "effect" is obtained.

I may be wrong in my BAD view of ETHYL MERCURY and perhaps the idea that you inject not just the amount that is in one vaccine but give out a massive OVERDOSE that the response is different and can be averaged out over a sufficient time span to make it safe?

Dr Pichichero has some interesting original ideas on this.

Maybe the actual Nobel Prize Winners like Professor Richet with his solid research on repeat vaccines leading to the known NORMAL reaction of ANAPHYLAXIS and DEATH got it all wrong.

I wonder?

Future Nobel Prize Winners ?



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Dr. Pichichero certainly has his finger(s) in the vaccine "pie(s)":

Dr. Pichichero was a member of the discovery team at the University of Rochester that invented, tested and licensed a Haemophilus influenzae b (Hib) conjugate vaccine (HibTITER®) now universally given to children in the U.S. This “conjugate” vaccine technology was used in the subsequent development of another universally-given vaccine- the pnuemococcal conjugate vaccine (Prevnar®). Dr. Pichichero has played a role in the clinical and/or translational research leading to licensure of many vaccines including acellular pertussis vaccines (DTaP), combination vaccines (DTaP-Hib-polio and DTaP-Hepatitis B-polio), meningococcal conjugate vaccine, Rotavirus vaccine, Human papillomavirus vaccine, adolescent Tdap vaccines and others.

Now Dr. Pichichero is leading a research team of scientists at the UR working toward the development of a multi-component vaccine to prevent ear, sinus and lung infections caused by pneumococci and non-typeable H. influenzae. The approach is multi-focused including:

1. The study of natural infection and asymptomatic colonization with these bacteria in children.

2. Evaluation of serum and mucosal antibody; generation of B memory cell and T cell responses to disease, colonization and vaccine candidates.

3. Molecular epidemiology.

4. Vaccine antigen discovery.

The Pichichero lab also collaborates with vaccine companies, international scientists, federally funded investigators, the NIH, FDA, CDC and WHO to characterize immunogenicity and efficacy of vaccines.




Future Nobel Prize Winners ?

I haven’t looked too hard at this pediatricians history of published papers but it seems to be a conflict of interest that he professes to be a pediatrician but he seems impervious to adding brain destroying mercury compounds to their diets or by ingestion and has a notorious paper where he describes ingesting mercury to babies and not discovering any sign of harm after.

It may well be that he follows these cases up long term to check if they do in fact later become autistic?

Perhaps he is correct that while methyl mercury is harmful that ethyl mercury ALONE in the thousands of different organochemicals of mercury has the single, lone, bizarre property of being benign perhaps even while being filmed catalytically and continually destroying brain neuron cells?

Perhaps he has part 2 of Professor Lorscheider’s mercury video being shown to destroy brain neurons at the level of one vaccine when evenly diluted in a childs body? Part 2 no doubt showing the good side of mercury when they stand before the cameras, apologise for destroying our brains and then put back the destroyed cells making them whole again. I think its called the ‘mirror’ effect, often a habit of ‘good’ mercury enabling us two see the two images good and bad of an element with ethyl mercury being the goodie and all those chemistry professors who make their life the study of mercury being mistaken?

A brief run through of his peer reviewed published papers shows a prodigious turn out of papers running at more than one a month for the last few years with some in the most prestigious of journals.

Admitted he is part of a team but who is on this TEAM. Who are the TEAMSTERS? One paper for example looks at 72 infants and another 72 infants and yet another 72 infants and measures mercury levels. Fantastic and good for advancing our knowledge. But how do you do this at a rate of one paper a fortnight with your normal job etc?

Other papers show him working alone.

A truly prodigious turn out and worthy almost of a Nobel Prize Winner of the future.

I just feel a bit nervous that perhaps all may not be quite right, nothing definite mind.

Dr Geier wanted to inform one journal that his work on vaccine safety might be influenced by pay checks to him or his group or university from a vaccine company.

This letter was evidently held up in the works for half a year before being published as a letter to redress an imbalance seen by Dr Geier.

So how does a man get papers turned out at more than one a month when a simple explanatory letter gets held up for so long until it can be published?

How can all this work be done and run a pediatric practice as well?

Dr Pichichero has the capacity of a great scientist indeed worthy of a future Nobel Prize if all this is his honest work carefully thought through on so many widely varied and mottly topics involving so many hours of work that 24 hours in a day seems hardly enough.

Just to complete his working day he fits in the discovery and exploitation of several vaccines notably, the flu vaccine, the DTP vaccine, the polio vaccine, the rotavirus vaccine, the HPV vaccine and OTHERS too.

I am just a chemist with the odd half a dozen or so degrees in chemistry who has only been looking at ethyl mercury for the past ten years off and on as a full time amateur interest.

Looking at his BENIGN view of this brain destroying MOST TOXIC chemical THIMEROSAL, I do hope his input into the flu vaccine, the DTP vaccine, the polio vaccine, the rotavirus vaccine, the HPV vaccine and OTHERS too has enabled them to be 100 per cent and completely safe to inject into ONE DAY babies and then 5 or 6 at a time into the same babies over and over again often repeating the same vaccine 3 or 4 times so that the full vaccine "effect" is obtained.

I may be wrong in my BAD view of ETHYL MERCURY and perhaps the idea that you inject not just the amount that is in one vaccine but give out a massive OVERDOSE that the response is different and can be averaged out over a sufficient time span to make it safe?

Dr Pichichero has some interesting original ideas on this.

Maybe the actual Nobel Prize Winners like Professor Richet with his solid research on repeat vaccines leading to the known NORMAL reaction of ANAPHYLAXIS and DEATH got it all wrong.

I wonder?

Future Nobel Prize Winners ?


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