Guest guest Posted November 26, 2008 Report Share Posted November 26, 2008 Submission to the Queensland and Federal Governments as to why water fluoridation must be completely and irrevocably banned in Australia due to Evidence of Harm. My Fellow Australians, This will be sent to many more in Government, Environmental & Health Groups, Unions, Lawyers and many others/also recipients under bcc. The health of all Australians and citizens worldwide is in danger and you must not believe the Industry spin and their proponents any longer. For your own sake and your loved ones and all Australians and other citizens of the world, read everything here. YOU MUST FOR THE SAKE OF ALL AUSTRALIANS, CALL FOR AN IMMEDIATE AND IRREVOCABLE BAN ON ALL FLUORIDATION WITHIN AUSTRALIA. For decades many have been bringing forth the dangers of water fluoridation and there is a revolution demanding fluoridation end worldwide -you will see Dr. Connett in the video hereunder; and I am calling on Australians to unite and in no uncertain terms, tell our Queensland and Australian Governments to ban fluoride permanently and irrevocably due to massive and credible Evidence of Harm to human health and environmental health. You will do this when you read the evidence I have compiled so please continue reading. The Queensland Water Commission advises that they only deal with the recycled sewerage; which they and Premier Bligh have received numerous submissions/ complaints as to the safety of recycled sewerage and simply that the people don't want it. They have received complaints about fluoride also, but the person I spoke to at the Queensland Water Commission had no knowledge whatsoever of the toxicity of fluoride or of the worldwide call to action for a total ban on fluoridation because of the serious human health and environmental adverse health effects and advised that only the Health Dept. deals with fluoride issue,(apparently to be placed in SE Queensland's water supplies lst Dec. 08) and I advised QWC spokesperson, that Mr. on , Health Minister will be receiving this from me as will many others in Australia and elsewhere. I have previously corresponded on this issue with Premier Bligh, Mr. Lawrence Springborg and others in Government as to the extremely serious adverse health effects of fluoridation. I call on Premier Bligh and others in Government and our Prime Minister Rudd to comprehend that this is extremely serious and that they must take the only action possible and that is to ban fluoridation permanently and irrevocably. This 40 minute video below, presents a press conference held in Toronto, Canada on August 7, 2008. It features Dr. Connett, Director of the Fluoride Action Network, Dr. Vyvyan , an infant and fetal pathologist, Buck, Director of Citizens for a Safe Environment (CSE) and Mayor, spokesperson for People for Safe Drinking Water. All four speakers present the arguments for ending fluoridation immediately. *WHY FLUORIDATION SHOULD BE HALTED* & hl=en --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ----------------- & feature=PlayList & p=1466E44A8DE0BF45 & in\ dex=0 *Dentist speaks out against Fluoridation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ------------------ No to toxic water fluoridation - videos * ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluoride poisoned horses ------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two areas of concern regarding the nephrotoxic potential^ of *fluoride*. A small and inclusive amount of research suggests^ that *fluoridation of community water actually causes kidney^ disease*. Kidney *damage* to tubular function and structure, and^ reduction in glomerular filtration rate occurred in residents^ of endemic *fluoride* areas [2 <>] and anecdotal cases of *fluoride*^ intoxication [3 <>] suggested a causal relationship between *fluoride*^ intake and renal failure. © The Author [2007]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@... <> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. Please note this first article hereunder was written 8 years ago re: *toxic fluoride from Dr. Hirzy before the United States Senate.* NTEU CHAPTER 280 - U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS BEN FRANKLIN STATION, BOX 7672, WASHINGTON D.C. 20044 - PHONE INTERNET E MAIL *Hirzy.@... mailto:Hirzy.@... STATEMENT OF Dr. J. WILLIAM HIRZY NATIONAL TREASURY EMPLOYEES UNION CHAPTER 280 BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON WILDLIFE, FISHERIES AND DRINKING WATER UNITED STATES SENATE JUNE 29, 2000 Good morning Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee. I appreciate the opportunity to appear before this Subcommittee to present the views of the union, of which I am a Vice-President, on the subject of fluoridation of public water supplies. Our union is comprised of and represents the professional employees at the headquarters location of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Washington D.C. Our members include toxicologists, biologists, chemists, engineers, lawyers and others defined by law as " professionals. " The work we do includes evaluation of toxicity, exposure and economic information for management's use in formulating public health and environmental protection policy. I am not here as a representative of EPA, but rather as a representative of EPA headquarters professional employees, through their duly elected labor union. The union first got involved in this issue in 1985 as a matter of professional ethics. In 1997 we most recently voted to oppose fluoridation. Our opposition has strengthened since then. Summary of Recommendations:- 1) We ask that you order an independent review of a cancer bioassay previously mandated by Congressional committee and subsequently performed by Battelle Memorial Institute with appropriate blinding and instructions that all reviewer's independent determinations be reported to this Committee. 2) We ask that you order that the two waste products of the fertilizer industry that are now used in 90% of fluoridation programs, for which EPA states they are not able to identify any chronic studies, be used in any future toxicity studies, rather than a substitute chemical. Further, since federal agencies are actively advocating that each man woman and child drink, eat and bathe in these chemicals, silicofluorides should be placed at the head of the list for establishing a MCL that complies with the Safe Drinking Water Act. This means that the MCL be protective of the most sensitive of our population, including infants, with an appropriate margin of safety for ingestion over an entire lifetime. 3) We ask that you order an epidemiology study comparing children with dental fluorosis to those not displaying overdose during growth and development years for behavioral and other disorders. 4) We ask that you convene a joint Congressional Committee to give the only substance that is being mandated for ingestion throughout this country the full hearing that it deserves. National Review of Fluoridation The Subcommittee's hearing today can only begin to get at the issues surrounding the policy of water fluoridation in the United States, a massive experiment that has been run on the American public, without informed consent, for over fifty years. The last Congressional hearings on this subject were held in 1977. Much knowledge has been gained in the intervening years. It is high time for a national review of this policy by a Joint Select Committee of Congress. New hearings should explore, at minimum, these points: 1) excessive and un-controlled fluoride exposures; 2) altered findings of a cancer bioassay; 3) the results and implications of recent brain effects research; 4) the " protected pollutant " status of fluoride within EPA; 5) the altered recommendations to EPA of a 1983 Surgeon General's Panel on fluoride; 6) the results of a fifty-year experiment on fluoridation in two New York communities; 7) the findings of fact in three landmark lawsuits since 1978; 8) the findings and implications of recent research linking the predominant fluoridation chemical with elevated blood-lead levels in children and anti-social behavior; and 9) changing views among dental researchers on the efficacy of water fluoridation Fluoride Exposures Are Excessive and Un-controlled According to a study by the National Institute of Dental Research, 66 percent of America's children in fluoridated communities show the visible sign of over-exposure and fluoride toxicity, dental fluorosis (1). That result is from a survey done in the mid-1980's and the figure today is undoubtedly much higher. Centers for Disease Control and EPA claim that dental fluorosis is only a " cosmetic " effect. God did not create humans with fluorosed teeth. That effect occurs when children ingest more fluoride than their bodies can handle with the metabolic processes we were born with, and their teeth are damaged as a result. And not only their teeth. Children's bones and other tissues, as well as their developing teeth are accumulating too much fluoride. We can /see/ the effect on teeth. Few researchers, if any, are looking for the effects of excessive fluoride exposure on bone and other tissues in American children. What has been reported so far in this connection is disturbing. One example is epidemiological evidence (2a, 2b) showing elevated bone cancer in young men related to consumption of fluoridated drinking water. Without trying to ascribe a cause and effect relationship beforehand, we do know that American children in large numbers are afflicted with hyperactivity-attention deficit disorder, that autism seems to be on the rise, that bone fractures in young athletes and military personnel are on the rise, that earlier onset of puberty in young women is occurring. There are biologically plausible mechanisms described in peer-reviewed research on fluoride that can link some of these effects to fluoride exposures (e.g. 3,4,5,6). Considering the economic and human costs of these conditions, we believe that Congress should order epidemiology studies that use dental fluorosis as an index of exposure to determine if there are links between such effects and fluoride over-exposure. In the interim, while this epidemiology is conducted, we believe that a national moratorium on water fluoridation should be instituted. There will be a hue and cry from some quarters, predicting increased dental caries, but Europe has about the same rate of dental caries as the U.S. (7) and most European countries do not fluoridate (8). I am submitting letters from European and Asian authorities on this point. There are studies in the U.S. of localities that have interrupted fluoridation with no discernable increase in dental caries rates (e.g., 9).* And people who want the freedom of choice to continue to ingest fluoride can do so by other means. Cancer Bioassay Findings *In 1990, the results of the National Toxicology Program cancer bioassay on sodium fluoride were published * (10),* the initial findings of which would have ended fluoridation*. But a special commission was hastily convened to review the findings, resulting in the salvation of fluoridation through systematic down-grading of the evidence of carcinogenicity. The final, published version of the NTP report says that there is, " equivocal evidence of carcinogenicity in male rats, " changed from " clear evidence of carcinogenicity in male rats. " The change prompted *Dr. Marcus, who was then Senior Science Adviser and Toxicologist in the Office of Drinking Water, to blow the whistle *about the issue (22), which led to his firing by EPA. Dr. Marcus sued EPA, won his case and was reinstated with back pay, benefits and compensatory damages.* I am* *submitting material from Dr. Marcus to the Subcommittee dealing with the cancer and neurotoxicity risks posed by fluoridation.* We believe the Subcommittee should call for an independent review of the tumor slides from the bioassay, as was called for by Dr. Marcus (22), with the results to be presented in a hearing before a Select Committee of the Congress. The scientists who conducted the original study, the original reviewers of the study, and the " review commission " members should be called, and an explanation given for the changed findings. Brain Effects Research Since 1994 there have been six publications that link fluoride exposure to direct adverse effects on the brain. Two epidemiology studies from China indicate depression of I.Q. in children (11,12). Another paper (3) shows a link between prenatal exposure of animals to fluoride and subsequent birth of off-spring which are hyperactive throughout life. A 1998 paper shows brain and kidney damage in animals given the " optimal " dosage of fluoride, viz. one part per million (13). And another (14) shows decreased levels of a key substance in the brain that may explain the results in the other paper from that journal. Another publication (5) links fluoride dosing to adverse effects on the brain's pineal gland and pre-mature onset of sexual maturity in animals. Earlier onset of menstruation of girls in fluoridated Newburg, New York has also been reported (6). Given the national concern over incidence of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and autism in our children, we believe that the authors of these studies should be called before a Select Committee, along with those who have critiqued their studies, so the American public and the Congress can understand the implications of this work. Fluoride as a Protected Pollutant The classic example of EPA's protective treatment of this substance, recognized the world over and in the U.S. before the linguistic de-toxification campaign of the 1940's and 1950's as a major environmental pollutant, is the 1983 statement by EPA's then Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water, Hanmer (15), that EPA views the use of hydrofluosilicic acid recovered from the waste stream of phosphate fertilizer manufacture as, " ideal solution to a long standing problem. By recovering by-product fluosilicic acid (sic) from fertilizer manufacturing, water and air pollution are minimized, and water authorities have a low-cost source of fluoride... " In other words, the solution to pollution is dilution, as long as the pollutant is dumped straight into drinking water systems and not into rivers or the atmosphere. I am submitting a copy of her letter. Other Federal entities are also protective of fluoride. Congressman Calvert of the House Science Committee has sent letters of inquiry to EPA and other Federal entities on the matter of fluoride, answers to which have not yet been received. We believe that EPA and other Federal officials should be called to testify on the manner in which fluoride has been protected. The union will be happy to assist the Congress in identifying targets for an inquiry. For instance, hydrofluosilicic acid does not appear on the Toxic Release Inventory list of chemicals, and there is a remarkable discrepancy among the Maximum Contaminant Levels for fluoride, arsenic and lead, given the relative toxicities of these substances. Surgeon General's Panel on Fluoride We believe that EPA staff and managers should be called to testify, along with members of the 1983 Surgeon General's panel and officials of the Department of Human Services, to explain how the original recommendations of the Surgeon General's panel (16) were altered to allow EPA to set otherwise unjustifiable drinking water standards for fluoride. Kingston and Newburg, New York Results In 1998, the results of a fifty-year fluoridation experiment involving Kingston, New York (un-fluoridated) and Newburg, New York (fluoridated) were published (17). In summary, there is no overall significant difference in rates of dental decay in children in the two cities, but children in the fluoridated city show significantly higher rates of dental fluorosis than children in the un-fluoridated city. We believe that the authors of this study and representatives of the Centers For Disease Control and EPA should be called before a Select Committee to explain the increase in dental fluorosis among American children and the implications of that increase for skeletal and other effects as the children mature, including bone cancer, stress fractures and arthritis. Findings of Fact by Judges In three landmark cases adjudicated since 1978 in Pennsylvania, Illinois and Texas (18), judges with no interest except finding fact and administering justice heard prolonged testimony from proponents and opponents of fluoridation and made dispassionate findings of fact. I cite one such instance here. In November, 1978, Judge Flaherty, now Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, issued findings in the case, /Aitkenhead v. Borough of West View, /tried before him in the Allegheny Court of Common Pleas. Testimony in the case filled 2800 transcript pages and fully elucidated the benefits and risks of water fluoridation as understood in 1978. Judge Flaherty issued an injunction against fluoridation in the case, but the injunction was overturned on jurisdictional/ /grounds. His findings of fact were not disturbed by appellate action. Judge Flaherty, in a July, 1979 letter to the Mayor of Aukland New Zealand wrote the following about the case: " In my view, the evidence is quite convincing that the addition of sodium fluoride to the public water supply at one part per million is extremely deleterious to the human body, and, a review of the evidence will disclose that there was no convincing evidence to the contrary... " Prior to hearing this case, I gave the matter of fluoridation little, if any, thought, but I received quite an education, and noted that the proponents of fluoridation do nothing more than try to impune (sic) the objectivity of those who oppose fluoridation. " In the Illinois decision, Judge Niemann concludes: " This record is barren of any credible and reputable scientific epidemiological studies and or analysis of statistical data which would support the Illinois Legislature's determination that fluoridation of the water supplies is both a safe and effective means of promoting public health. " Judge Farris in Texas found: " [That] the artificial fluoridation of public water supplies, such as contemplated by {Houston} City ordinance No. 80-2530 may cause or contribute to the cause of cancer, genetic damage, intolerant reactions, and chronic toxicity, including dental mottling, in man; that the said artificial fluoridation may aggravate malnutrition and existing illness in man; and that the value of said artificial fluoridation is in some doubt as to reduction of tooth decay in man. " The significance of Judge Flaherty's statement and his and the other two judges' findings of fact is this: proponents of fluoridation are fond of reciting endorsement statements by authorities, such as those by CDC and the American Dental Association, both of which have long-standing commitments that are hard if not impossible to recant, on the safety and efficacy of fluoridation. Now come three truly independent servants of justice, the judges in these three cases, and they find that fluoridation of water supplies is not justified. *Proponents of fluoridation are absolutely right about one thing: there is no real controversy about fluoridation when the facts are heard by an open mind.* I am submitting a copy of the excerpted letter from Judge Flaherty and another letter referenced in it that was sent to Judge Flaherty by Dr. Sammartino, then Chancellor of Fairleigh Dickenson University. I am also submitting a reprint copy of an article in the Spring 1999 issue of the Florida State University /Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law/ by Jack Graham and Dr. Pierre Morin, titled " Highlights in North American Litigation During the Twentieth Century on Artificial Fluoridation of Public Water. Mr. Graham was chief litigator in the case before Judge Flaherty and in the other two cases (in Illinois and Texas). We believe that Mr. Graham should be called before a Select Committee along with, if appropriate, the judges in these three cases who could relate their experience as trial judges in these cases. Hydrofluosilicic Acid There are no chronic toxicity data on the predominant chemical, hydrofluosilicic acid and its sodium salt, used to fluoridate American communities. Newly published studies (19) i*ndicate a link between use of these chemicals and elevated level of lead in children's blood and anti-social behavior*. Material from the authors of these studies has been submitted by them independently. We believe the authors of these papers and their critics should be called before a Select Committee to explain to you and the American people what these papers mean for continuation of the policy of fluoridation. Changing Views on Efficacy and Risk In recent years, two prominent dental researchers who were leaders of the pro-fluoridation movement announced reversals of their former positions because they concluded that water fluoridation is not an effective means of reducing dental caries and that it poses serious risks to human health. The late Dr. Colquhoun was Principal Dental Officer of Aukland, New Zealand, and he published his reasons for changing sides in 1997 (20). In 1999, Dr. Hardy Limeback, Head of Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto, announced his change of views, then published a statement (21) dated April 2000. I am submitting a copy of Dr. Limeback's publications. We believe that Dr. Limeback, along with fluoridation proponents who have not changed their minds, such as Drs. Ernest Newbrun and Herschel Horowitz, should be called before a Select Committee to testify on the reasons for their respective positions. Thank you for you consideration, and I will be happy to take questions. CITATIONS:- 1.Dental caries and dental fluorosis at varying water fluoride concentrations. Heller, K.E, Eklund, S.A. and Burt, B.A. /J. Pub. Health Dent. /_57_ 136-43 (1997). 2a. A brief report on the association of drinking water fluoridation and the incidence of osteosarcoma among young males. Cohn, P.D. /New Jersey Department of Health/ (1992). 2b. Time trends for bone and joint cancers and osteosarcomas in the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program. National Cancer Institute. In: /Review of fluoride: benefits and risks./ Department of Health and Human Services.1991: F1-F7. 3.Neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats. Mullenix, P.J., Denbesten, P.K., Schunior, A. and Kernan, W.J. /Neurotoxicol. Teratol/. _17_ 169-177 (1995) 4a. Fluoride and bone - quantity versus quality [editorial] /N. Engl. J. Med/. _322_ 845-6 (1990) 4b. Summary of workshop on drinking water fluoride influence on hip fracture and bone health. Gordon, S.L. and Corbin, S.B. /Natl. Inst. Health./ April 10, 1991. 5. Effect of fluoride on the physiology of the pineal gland. Luke, J.A. /Caries Research/ _28_ 204 (1994). 6. Newburgh-Kingston caries-fluorine study XIII. Pediatric findings after ten years. Schlesinger, E.R., Overton, D.E., Chase, H.C., and Cantwell, K.T. /JADA/ _52_ 296-306 (1956). 7. WHO oral health country/area profile programme. Department of Non-Communicable Diseases Surveillance/Oral Health. WHO Collaborating Centre, Malmö University, Sweden. 8. Letters from government authorities in response to inquiries on fluoridation status by E. Albright. Eugene Albright: contact through J. W. Hirzy, P.O. Box 76082, Washington, D.C. 20013. 9. The effects of a break in water fluoridation on the development of dental caries and fluorosis. Burt B.A., Keels ., Heller KE. /J. Dent. Res./ 2000 Feb;79(2):761-9. 10. Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of sodium fluoride in F344/N rats and B6C3F_1 mice. /NTP Report No. 393/ (1991). 11. Effect of high fluoride water supply on children's intelligence. Zhao, L.B., Liang, G.H., Zhang, D.N., and Wu, X.R./ Fluoride/ _29_ 190-192 (1996) 12. Effect of fluoride exposure on intelligence in children. Li, X.S., Zhi, J.L., and Gao, R.O. /Fluoride/ _28_ (1995). 13. Chronic administration of aluminum- fluoride or sodium-fluoride to rats in drinking water: alterations in neuronal and cerebrovascular integrity. Varner, J.A., Jensen, K.F., Horvath, W. And Isaacson, R.L. /Brain Research/ _784_ 284-298 (1998). 14. Influence of chronic fluorosis on membrane lipids in rat brain. Z.Z. Guan, Y.N. Wang, K.Q. Xiao, D.Y. Dai, Y.H. Chen, J.L. Liu, P. Sindelar and G. Dallner, Neurotoxicology and Teratology/ _20_ 537-542 (1998). 15. Letter from Hanmer, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water, to re: EPA view on use of by-product fluosilicic (sic) acid as low cost source of fluoride to water authorities. March 30, 1983. 16.Transcript of proceedings - Surgeon General's (Koop) /ad hoc/ committee on non-dental effects of fluoride. April 18-19, 1983. National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD. 17. Recommendations for fluoride use in children. Kumar, J.V. and Green, E.L. /New York State Dent. J. /(1998) 40-47. 18. Highlights in North American litigation during the twentieth century on artificial fluoridation of public water supplies. Graham, J.R. and Morin, P. /Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law /_14_ 195-248 (Spring 1999)/ /Florida State University College of Law. 19. Water treatment with silicofluorides and lead toxicity. Masters, R.D. and Coplan, M.J. /Intern. J. Environ. Studies /_56_ 435-49 (1999). 20. Why I changed my mind about water fluoridation. Colquhoun, J. /Perspectives in Biol. And Medicine/ _41_ 1-16 (1997). 21. Letter. Limeback, H. April 2000. Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto. 22.. Memorandum: /Subject/: Fluoride Conference to Review the NTP Draft Fluoride Report; /From/: Wm. L. Marcus, Senior Science Advisor ODW; /To/: Alan B. Hais, Acting Director Criteria & Standards Division Office of Drinking Water. May 1, 1990. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *FLUORIDE IS A PUBLIC HEALTH RISK - GET THE FACTS - OSTEOSARCOMA LEGAL HELP * Fluoridation of drinking water is NOT about protecting children’s teeth. It is about the fertilizer industry disposing of hazardous waste for profit. Osteosarcoma Legal Help extract *Do other nations fluoridate their drinking water? * It is interesting to note, in contrast, that Finland, Cuba, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Mexico, France, Spain, Columbia, Jamaica, Costa Rica, and several other nations do not add silicofluorides to their public drinking water. Ninety-eight percent of Europe is fluoridation-free. Many of these nations oppose the fluoridation of water in recognition of its deleterious affects on the environment and human health. *Who supports and who does not support the fluoridation of drinking water? Why?* Today, the US Public Health Service, the American Dental Association, and the aluminum, steel and fertilizer industries are arguably the strongest proponents of adding fluoride to public water. The EPA set permissible levels of fluoride in drinking water, though several EPA scientists have spoken out since about the serious dangers of fluoride in water. Today, the EPA scientists refuse to drink fluoridated water, ordering unfluoridated bottled water for their offices. In 1999, the union that represents EPA staff publicly requested, “an immediate halt to the use of the nation’s drinking water reservoirs as disposal sites for the toxic waste of the phosphorus fertilizer industry. The FDA does not regulate the fluoridation of water, even though millions of Americans ingest it daily. Many scientists, other medical experts, legal experts, and consumer advocates are strongly opposed to the fluoridation of water, due to the numerous health hazards posed by fluoride. When given the chance to vote, nearly 70 percent of all communities in the United States have argued against fluoridation of water. Since 1999, nearly 100 US communities have rejected adding fluoride to water. Our team of qualified attorneys is strongly opposed to the fluoridation of drinking water because of the strong established link between fluoride and osteosarcoma and other serious adverse health conditions. We are prepared to help protect the legal rights of those who have suffered osteosarcoma and other serious injuries caused by fluoride. If you would like to learn more about your legal rights and options, please contact us today to confer with a qualified and experienced attorney. ------------------------------------------------------------------- *A chronicle of the abuse of power and of the manufacture of state-sponsored medical propaganda, The Fluoride Deception reveals how military and industry scientists and public health officials buried information about fluoride's potential for human harm, while promoting its use in dentistry. * * * The Fluoride Deception reveals that fluoride pollution was the greatest legal threat facing the wartime Manhattan Project. And the book documents how a secretive group of powerful industries, who all faced extensive litigation for fluoride pollution, collaborated with the Institute of Dental Research to launder fluoride's image. We'll meet the dissident scientists who warned us about fluoride from the beginning. We'll sit with the famous doctor who'd alerted America in the 1950's to the dangers of cigarette smoking, who reported that fluoride was a systemic poison, with tens of thousands of citizens uniquely sensitive to even tiny doses. We'll walk the cobbled streets of Donora, Pennsylvania, in the shrouded aftermath of the nation's most notorious air pollution disaster in 1948, and meet the scientist who blamed -fluoride for the deaths. Today, that scientist joins a growing number of health experts who call fluoride a venomous and hydra-headed poison. They suspect its involvement in a host of modern illnesses, including arthritis, bone cancer, and emphysema, and a spectrum of central nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and the epidemic of attention deficit disorder sweeping America's children. Bryson is an award-winning Columbia Journalism School-trained investigative reporter and television producer. After reporting on Guatemalan Army human rights abuses from Central America in the late 1980s for the BBC World Service, National Public Radio, and The Atlanta Constitution, he won a Polk Award for work at Public Television's The Kwitny Report. In 1998, he was part of a team that won a National Headliner award at ABC News Productions for a History Channel documentary on the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. End --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ------------------ * Fluoride Action Network* / see hereunder: *Fluoride a health risk, doctors' group says representing 3,500 members* By Gideon Forman Executive Director, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment Halton might pull plug on fluoridated water\ ting-water *On behalf of the 3,500 members of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, I'm writing to support the proposed ban on fluoride in Halton's drinking water. * * *The decline in caries (cavities) in communities that are fluoridated has been significant -- but so is the decline in communities that are not fluoridated. For example, B.C. drinking water is 95 per cent nonfluoridated, whereas drinking water in Alberta is 75 per cent fluoridated; yet the two provinces have similar rates of caries. *Fluoridation comes with significant risks. Animal studies have shown the chemical is a potential immunotoxin, embryotoxin and neurotoxin. Because fluoridation is unlikely to be the cause of caries decline in North America and because the potential for adverse effects is real, we believe fluoridation of drinking water is scientifically untenable.* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ -------- *FLUORIDE ACTION NETWORK * *as at this time almost 2000 Professionals signed so far calling for an end to worldwide fluoridation:-* Also:- Esteemed voices for 50 years warned dangerous long term consequences to health I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. /*Fluoride is a corrosive poison/ that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to* *use water this way is deplorable. " /Dr. Gordon Heyd, Past President of the American Medical Association.* * fluoridation ... it is the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated and it has been perpetrated on more people than any other fraud has. " Professor Albert Schatz, Ph.D. (Microbiology), Co-Discoverer of streptomycin* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ----- / Press Release 31 August 2004/* AUSTRALIAN PROFESSIONALS AGAINST WATER FLUORIDATION * An OPEN LETTER to all Queensland Councillors and to State Government Members, f*rom a professional group representing over 1500 Australian doctors, dentists and scientists against water fluoridation* and personally supported by eminent international scientists as well as others working in the interests of public health, was released 31st August, 2004. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ -- *Fluoridation: breaking the silence barrier Mark Diesendorf * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Professor of Chemistry Emeritus at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia SAYS FLUORIDATION SHOULD CEASE.* *Artificial fluoridation of drinking water by municipalities at 1ppm of fluoride ion probably does not reduce tooth decay, except for a minor effect on deciduous teeth.* Hexafluorosilicic acid and its sodium salt, which contain other toxic substances because they are not purified, certainly have no significant benefit. *Proponents of fluoridation have censored most media, ignored intelligent discussion of fluoridation, slandered most opponents of fluoridation, and overturned legal judgments against fluoridation in a manner that demonstrates their political power.* Many published studies that had conclusions favoring fluoridation were later found unsupported by their raw data. *There is evidence that fluoridation increases the incidence of cancer, hip fractures, joint problems, and that by causing fluorosis it damages both teeth and bones. Other medical problems may also occur, including neurologic damage. * *Fluoridation of municipal water should cease*. Defluoridation of naturally fluoridated water down to 0.4 ppm of fluoride should be mandated. Individuals should remove fluoride from their tap water if fluoridation cannot be stopped. * M. Kauffman, Ph.D. * *Professor of Chemistry Emeritus at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia*, 600 S. 43rd St., Philadelphia, PA, 19104-4495. E-mail: kauffman@.... Frances Eleanor Heckert Pane, M.S.L.S., and Alayne Yates, M.D., edited the manuscript and provided key references, as did A. Pane, Jr., J.D., LL.M, and Ann Bowman, A.M.L.S. Certain reviewers made important contributions. The author has no financial interest in fluoridation or alternate treatments for public water supplies, or in any form of defluoridation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ------ *INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE IN SOCIETY * *No to Fluoridation * *The " mass medication " of UK’s drinking water with a listed poison will cost London’s health authorities/ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION New science about how it alters body chemistry as well as a growing number of studies that show dental health in communities with fluoride fares no better than those without it, have canceled earlier support. Such was the justification offered by Zurich, Switzerland officials when fluoride was discontinued several years ago. Similar data has caused fluoride to be banned in Japan, China, India, and most of Europe. Fluoride's strongholds are the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. *While fluoride proponents still have affiliates in national health organizations, many have withdrawn support. Among the health advocates opposing fluoride are: the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology, the American Academy of Diabetes, the American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, the American Nurses Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the National Kidney Foundation, and the Society of Toxicology. * *Some of the most effective anti-fluoride campaigners are former supporters.* Consider Hardy Limeback, BSc, PhD, DDS, head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry for the University of Toronto and president of the Canadian Association for Dental Research. In an April 1999 interview, Limeback, once a vocal advocate of the drug, stated, " Children under three should never use fluoridated toothpaste or drink fluoridated water. And baby formula must never be made up using Toronto tap water. Never. " Seven years later, in 2006, the ADA, followed by the CDC, issued advisories calling on mothers to stop using tap water to mix baby formula. The ADA has also recently acknowledged that fluoride has no value when used systemically, that its only effectiveness comes from topical applications. Nevertheless, the federal health bureaucracy calls fluoride a major advancement, apparently in denial about the schizophrenic nature of its policies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ---- AND ENVIRONMENTAL WORKING GROUP full article Extract below:- September 15, 2006 Extract: (WASHINGTON, Sept. 15) — A Harvard Medical School professor recently cleared by a Harvard ethics panel of charges that he suppressed critical research findings made a million dollar contribution to the University's Dental School. *The contribution—one of just six million dollar gifts that helped create the Dental School's new research building*—is not in and of itself improper, but it raises questions about the willingness of the University to censure the donor, Dr. Chester s, chairman of the Dental School's Oral Health Policy & Epidemiology Department. The donation revelation comes in the wake of the University's refusal to release the report of its own ethics committee that exonerated s of the charges, brought by the *Environmental Working Group, that he suppressed research findings on the link between fluoride and bone cancer in boys* in his reporting to the National Research Council and National Institutes of Health. *The secret investigation that cleared s also found that he had not violated conflict of interest rules in his dual roles as* *fluoride cancer researcher and employee of the Colgate toothpaste company - **Colgate is a leading advocate of fluoride. * *s edits the company's journal, " The Oral Care Report.* * " We're not sure which is wackier, the politics of fluoride, or ethics standards at Harvard, " said Wiles, Sr. Vice President of Environmental Working Group. " There is nothing wrong with donating a million dollars to your employer, but it does create a potentially serious conflict of interest when the recipient of the million dollars is investigating the ethics of the donor, " Wiles added* ------------------------------------------------------------------ & compID=14 Excerpt: *Environmental and Occupational Health The Precautionary Principle * While it is difficult to know the exact role toxins play in determining our health, the depth of their impact on our ecological system and our individual health becomes clearer every day. Many environmental health activists, believing that environmental and public health regulations do not adequately protect either the environment or human health, are undertaking a global campaign to create new public policies based on an approach called the Precautionary Principle. For decades, health and safety regulations on new chemicals and technologies have been based on risk assessment, which assumes there are certain levels of toxic exposure and contamination our bodies can tolerate and assimilate. Advocates of the Precautionary Principle believe this a flawed strategy, and are fighting to replace the risk paradigm with standards that protect people and the environment from potential harm. " When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically. In this context the proponent of an activity, rather than the public, should bear the burden of proof. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This from Duke University Health about fluoridated toothpaste! There are literally hundreds of incidents nationally each year where *children have been poisoned after eating fluoridated toothpaste,* " Stopford says. " The results range from an upset stomach to a situation that's hazardous to the child's life. It's not appropriate to let young children use fluoridated toothpaste by themselves. " Like other medications, the toothpaste should be stored in a place that's inaccessible to kids, he says. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The above revelations open a Pandora’s box regarding the mental effects of fluorinated drugs and chemicals. Freons have psychoactive effects, and is the tip of the iceberg regarding fluorinated drugs and chemicals. The Germans were leaders in such research. During World War II the Germans invented the first nerve gas, Soman. It is a fluorinated chemical. In 1939, the scientists at Farben invented Sarin, the most deadly nerve gas next to VX. Sarin is an acronym of the initials of the Farben scientists who developed it. Sarin was going to replace Zyklon B in the gas chambers, but the war ended before mass production could begin. *Sarin is also a* f*luorinated chemical,* a close cousin of Soman, and the EPA recently published a chemical profile on Sarin, after Gulf War Syndrome veterans (who think that Sarin may be responsible for their disease) pressured the government, showing that the fluorine atom was its active ingredient.[50] *Rohypnol, the notorious drug used in date rapes, is fluorinated Valium, making it more than twenty times as potent as normal Valium. Prozac is another fluorinated drug. In all, there are hundreds of fluorinated drugs, and many have profound mental effects, including memory loss. * The primary effect of psychoactive drugs is inhibiting enzyme production, which the fluorine ion is well known to do. In light of other facts surrounding fluoridation, this begins treading frightening territory. Fluoridation promoters and others often laugh off such situations as the workings of hopelessly paranoid minds. In light of declassified memos regarding U.S. CNS experiments of fifty years ago (at nearly the same time the Nazis and Soviets were doing similar kinds of experiments), /and/* In other unsettling revelations, documents have surfaced which revealed that when the Newburgh New York fluoridation trials were run, testing fluoride’s mental effects on the subject children was planned, and tissue samples were secretly tested at the University of Rochester. The results of those tests have yet to be made public. In Mullins’ book he chalks up the fluoridation push as a mind-control ploy by the “Rockefeller Syndicate.” Mullins says that the Rockefellers paid Ewing’s astronomical salary at ALCOA in order to set up his tenure at the Federal Security Agency. The Rockefeller name has come up repeatedly in the area of social control in my studies. Gatto is a two-time New York City Teacher of the Year. Gatto taught for twenty-six years in inner city New York. Gatto is an anomaly in teaching. He is widely recognized as one of the best teachers America has to offer, but he is highly critical of our educational system In 1992, he wrote /Dumbing us Down/, a monograph he published after retiring from the New York City school system. /Dumbing us Down/ is a devastating critique of America’s compulsory school system, and how it beats the humanity out of children and “dumbs us down.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --------------------------- *Former Whitlam Government Health Minister says No to Water Fluoridation *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ------- Click link for full article:-\ luoride-can-raise-the-risks-of-disorders-affecting-teeth-bones-the-brain-and-the\ -thyroid-gland/#comments Sin of omission’ endorsements and spin dished out over the years has created an ‘illusion,’ that fluoride chemicals added to our water supply are beneficial and safe. *Here is reality of fluoridation, Tasmania (Australia) has been fluoridated for about 50 years and has one of the most intensive fluoridation schemes.* Currently it has 41 fluoridation plants for nearly half a million people, is 83% fluoridated at 1.1ppm with Fluosilicic Acid and Sodium Fluoride, *And yet: The president of the Australian Dental Association quoted in the Tasmanian Advocate -* *2001:“Tasmania is in a Dental crisis*.” A recent report released 17th Dec 2007 from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare stated: “The highest levels of permanent decay experience were found in Tasmania,”(Water Fluoridation & children’s dental health Survey Australia 2002 Armfield JM, Slade GD & Spencer AJ. The following Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Medicare by ANGLICARE TASMANIA in July 2003, stated: “*Tasmanian adults have the worst dental health in the nation with the highest percentage of edentulous (complete loss of natural teeth) adults per capita with 15.3% of the adult population, compared to the national average of 9.7%.The State also has the highest percentage of persons wearing a denture in the nation, with 11.2% in the 25 – 44 year category, which is almost double the national average.” Stated also in this report “Tasmania has had some of the worst health indicators in the nation,” It appears we have been suckers and lab rats for along time, time for it to stop. Be active against fluoridation.** STATELINE TASMANIA: RE: DISGRACEFUL STATE OF TASMANIANS TEETH *Anglicare recently held a photographic exhibition of dental photographs to reveal the extent of Tasmania's oral decay. * & task=doc_view & gid=27\ & Itemid=84< & task=doc_\ view & gid=27 & Itemid=84> Access to Dental Care for Low Income Tasmanians A Discussion Paper Prue Cameron Social Action and Research Centre February 2002 *REPORT STATES:- Adult Tasmanians also have the worst dental health status in the nation. I'll say it again people, Tasmania has been fluoridated for 50+ years!! and also:- HEALTH COMPLAINTS - I wonder how many never bothered to complain!!!\ Complaints_Commissioner_Annual_Report_2005_6.pdf --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ -\ g.pdf excerpt:- /Unfortunately, *sodium fluoride interferes with one of our most important neurotransmitters, acetylcholine.* (See " Fluoride: Governmentally Approved Poison, http:// <>. Ed.) *Governmentally Approved Poison* here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Video - Dr. Phyllis Mullinex on Fluoride - In 1995 Groundbreaking study linking fluoride with damage to the central nervous system* and Statement from Dr. Phyllis Mullenix on the *Neurotoxicity of Fluoride* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ----- 264 Fluoride 2004;37(4):264–277 Research Report Fluoride 2004;37(4) *Dr Blaylock is a Board-certified neurosurgeon,* a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association (JANA), and the author of three books on excitotoxicity: Excitoxicity: the taste that kills, Health and nutrition secrets, and Natural strategies for cancer patients. *EXCITOTOXICITY: A POSSIBLE CENTRAL MECHANISM IN FLUORIDE NEUROTOXICITY* L Blaylock Ridgeland, MS, USA SUMMARY: *Recent evidence indicates that fluoride produces neuronal destruction and synaptic injury* by a mechanism that involves free radical production and lipid peroxidation. For a number of pathological disorders of the central nervous system (CNS), excitotoxicity plays a critical role. Various studies have shown that many of the neurotoxic metals, such as mercury, lead, aluminum, and iron also injure neural elements in the CNS by an excitotoxic mechanism. Free radical generation and lipid peroxidation, especially in the face of hypomagnesemia and low neuronal energy production, also magnify excitotoxic sensitivity of neurons and their elements. This paper reviews briefly some of the studies that point to a common mechanism for the CNS neurotoxic effects of fluoride and calls for research directed toward further elucidation of this mechanism. INTRODUCTION Compelling evidence indicates t*hat fluoride produces injury to the central nervous system (CNS) by several mechanisms.* Of particular interest is the ability of fluoride to induce free radical generation and lipid peroxidation in the brain, especially in the hippocampus. In addition,* fluoride enhances aluminum absorption* *from the gastrointestinal mucosa and across the blood-brain barrier.* *Of particular concern is the recent demonstration that fluoride readily forms a chemical complex with aluminum, similar to the phosphate ion, which is toxic to neurons at low concentrations and can act as an activator of G-proteins, a membrane link to second messenger activation.* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ----- On July 30, 2002, the BBC reported that the Belgian Ministry of Health was about to issue a ban on fluoride supplements due to concerns about osteoporosis and nervous system damage. See link below:-\ r-on-Belgium%27s-Fluoride-Ban ------------------------------------------------------------- Sodium Fluoride/Copper Naphthenate Toxicosis in Cattle -- DeBey et al. 19 (3): 305 -- Journal of Veterinary Diagnosis --------------------------------------------------------- Stop fluoridation now: new research on fluoride's brain and thyroid toxicity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *YOU ARE BEING POISONED - FLUORIDE* ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluoride: The Deadly Legacy by Null, Ph.D. ------------------------------------------------------ EFFECTS OF FLUORIDE INGESTION ON WHITE-TAILED DEER ----------------------------------------------------- Dogs, Cats, Osteosarcoma, Dysplasia and Pet Food Fluoride by Glasser, NPWA Bulletin ----------------------------------------------------- *More fluoride poisoned horses*\ oning_of_horses.htm -------------------------------------------------------- A 1996 article Fluoride's Neurological Effects: studies show there may be grave implications for* Alzheimers, Dementia, Attention Deficit Disorder, reduced IQ in children* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Fluoride Connection / Fluoride and the Placental Barrier,by G. Foulkes, MD* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Fluoride Toxicity Research Centre* /Second Look’s/ increasing focus on the toxicity of fluorides and fluorine compounds and related health effects is largely the result of fluoride's ongoing “invisibility”. We have been striving to convey the scientific information that /is/ known about fluoride/fluorine compound toxicity to those who ought to know but do not. We are also trying to stimulate scientific, public, and government interest in fluoride-related issues that have been virtually ignored. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluoride Chronology Zero Waste America How we got fluoridated ----------------------------------------------------------- Ireland City official speaks out - finds excessive fluoride in urine sample -------------------------------------------------------- *Another Doctor speaks out about fluoride* ----------------------------------------------------------- * Dentist for more than 25 years speaks out on water fluoridation - * ------------------------------------------------------------ Should Natick, Massachusetts Artificially Fluoridate their Water Supply? This was a question the City of Natick Massachusetts asked in 1997.* With so much apparently conflicting data, often from the same medical organizations, they* *commissioned a respected team of top scientists to analyze the data and make a recommendation.* The following are their conclusions and specific recommendations. Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations of the Natick Fluoridation Study Committee 27 September, 1997 A Report to the Town and the Board of Selectmen Prepared by the Natick Fluoridation Study Committee 13 E. Central Street Natick, Massachusetts by Dr. B. J. Gallo, Research Microbiologist, U.S. Army Research J. Kupperschmidt, Environmental Chemist Dr. Norman R. Mancuso, former Apollo Program Project Scientist A. Murray, former U.S. Army Natick Research Labs Dr. Strauss, Molecular Biologist */Findings/* The Natick Fluoridation Study Committee conducted a thorough review of the scientific literature and made the following findings regarding the benefits and risks of water fluoridation. o Recent studies of the incidence of cavities in children show little to no difference between fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities. o Ten to thirty percent (10-30%) of Natick's children will have very mild to mild dental fluorosis if Natick fluoridates its water (up from probably 6% now). Approximately 1% of Natick's children will have moderate or severe dental fluorosis. o Dental fluorosis can cause great concern for the affected family and may result in additional dental bills. It should not be dismissed as a " cosmetic " effect. o Fluoride adversely effects the central nervous system, causing behavioral changes and cognitive deficits. These effects are observed at fluoride doses that some people in the US actually receive. o There is good evidence that fluoride is a developmental neurotoxicant, meaning that fluoride effects the nervous system of the developing fetus at doses that are not toxic to the mother. The evelopmental neurotoxicity would be manifest as lower IQ and behavioral changes. o Water fluoridation shows a positive correlation with increased hip fracture rates in persons 65 years of age and older, based on two recent epidemiology studies. o Some adults are hypersensitive to even small quantities of fluoride, including that contained in fluoridated water. At least one such person is a Natick resident. o The impact of fluoride on human reproduction at the levels received from environmental exposures is a serious concern. A recent epidemiology study shows a correlation between decreasing annual fertility rate in humans and increasing levels of fluoride in drinking water. o Animal bioassays suggest that fluoride is a carcinogen, especially for tissues such as bone (osteosarcoma) and liver. The potential for carcinogenicity is supported by fluoride's genotoxicity and pharmacokinetic properties. Human epidemiology studies to date are inconclusive, but no appropriate major study has been conducted. o Fluoride inhibits or otherwise alters the actions of a long list of enzymes important to metabolism, growth, and cell regulation. o Sodium fluorosilicate and fluorosilicic acid, the two chemicals Natick intends to use to fluoridate the water supply, have been associated with increased concentrations of lead in tap water and increased blood lead levels in children, based on case reports and a new, as-yet-unpublished study. o If Natick fluoridates its water supply at the proposed level, most children under the age of three will daily receive more fluoride than is recommended for them. The scientific literature supporting these findings is summarized in the full report which also discusses a variety of non-health related concerns that have been raised about water fluoridation */Conclusion /* *The Committee reached the firm conclusion that the risks of overexposure to fluoride far outweigh any current benefit of water fluoridation.* ---------------------------------------------------------------- MISPLACED TRUST IN OFFICIAL REPORTS - FLUORIDE ------------------------------------------------------- *QUEENSLANDERS FOR SAFE WATER * *RECYCLED SEWERAGE & FLUORIDE* *SODIUM FLUORIDE A DEADLY POISON - NOT IN MY WATE*R\ id=VIDURVNWS05 and ---------------------------------------------------------- and *Sewerage & dangerous chemicals in your water * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ------- More fluoride data --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ------ Some more data on true *dangers of Fluoridation.**Fluoride*PositionPaper.doc<http://www.drpaulrubin\*Fluoride*PositionPaper.doc> ------------------------------------------------------------------ The fluoride added to drinking water is man-made. It is called fluorosilicic acid which is a compound of fluorine that is a chemical by-product of aluminium, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons manufacturing. It is one of the most caustics of industrial chemicals. Fluoride is the active toxin in rat poisons and cockroach powder. Fluorosilicic acid is used to refine high octane gasoline, to make fluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons for freezers and air conditioners, and to manufacture computer screens, fluorescent light bulbs, semiconductors, plastics, herbicides and ... toothpaste.......................... click above link to read full article. ----------------------------------------------------------- *New Jersey Citizens opposing forced fluoridation. (this is one of thousands of groups globally) *--------------------------------------------- *Fluoridation: Toxic and Ineffective* It’s in much of our state’s drinking water. Health and environmental groups are increasingly opposing it. ---------------------------------------------------- *Fluoride's impact on brain* - focus on 2 conferences ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Action Pennsylvania ------------------------------------------------------------ * LA LEGAL - speaks out about danger of fluoridation* & topic_id=2892<\ & topic_id=2892> Monroe attorney Milton Dale Peacock writes in the News Star " I am not a scientist, but my father, Dr. Milton O. Peacock, was. Daddy was a brilliant scientist and educator who fought tirelessly and successfully against the folly of fluoridation. He saw clearly its dangers. My father entered into glory on Jan. 19. It is my duty to defend the truth he knew. " " Serious scientific research has revealed numerous dangers and potential dangers from the ingestion of fluoride. Those include bone cancer, increased bone fractures, lead poisoning, brain damage and dental fluorosis...If this bill is passed, encourage our fine governor to veto it, " writes Peacock. “The Louisiana Dental Association misinformed legislators about fluoride's safety,” says attorney Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. For example, their online letter to legislators says, " more than six decades of research, literally thousands of studies and the experience of more than 170 million Americans tell us that fluoridation is safe, effective and economical in preventing tooth decay. " However, the most recent review of fluoride toxicology is from the prestigious National Research Council (NRC). In 2006, the NRC revealed that fluoride, even at low levels added for fluoridation, is detrimental to the thyroid, diabetics, kidney patients, high water drinkers and others. read full article above, here is extract:- Serious scientific research has revealed numerous dangers and potential dangers from the ingestion of fluoride. Those include bone cancer, increased bone fractures, lead poisoning, brain damage and dental fluorosis...If this bill is passed, encourage our fine governor to veto it, " writes Peacock. and\ espite-Evidence-of-Harm-20853-1/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- *Consumer Health Organisation of Canada FLUORIDE THE SILENT KILLER * ----------------------------------------------------------,%20fluoride.htm * Sexing-up the case for fluoride:* *The dentists’ dodgy dossier* How MPs and the public have been misled in order to win support for an attack on human rights and medical ethics --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Article dated l989 from re: fluoridation * -------------------------------------------------- from Japan ------------------------------------------------------------\ e.pdf ---------------------------------------------------------------\ hoax.htm Australian Fluoridation News - Brisbane Teeth --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ---------- The Effects Of Fluoride In Drinking Water On Fishes and Aquatic Life ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluoride Dangers' on Today Tonight by Seven Adelaide* -------------------------------------------------------------- * Information on fluorinated pharmaceuticals, anaesthetics et al -------------------------------------------------------- & sid=9d758e4a85bd8a71d7\ c00f005d5853f3 Greenpeace speak out about dangers of fluoride ------------------------------------------------------------------- *Irish Dentists Opposing Fluoridation* - To avert another undeniable systems failure in the health service, Health Minister Harney must STOP FLUORIDATION NOW. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Presentation materials on No to fluoridation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Citizens for Safe Drinking Water - Mtn. View California E.P.A. should act immediately to protect the public, not just on the cancer data, but *on the **evidence of bone fractures, arthritis,/ /**mutagenicity and other effects.* " -* Dr. Marcus, /Senior Toxicologist/ at E.P.A*. and / " /Water contains a number of substances that are undesirable, and fluorides are just one of them " stated *Dr. F. A. Bull,* */State Dental Director/ of Wisconsin*, speaking at the Fourth Annual Conference of State Dental Directors. and " I would advise against fluoridation.. *Side-effects cannot be excluded** .. *In Sweden, the emphasis nowadays is to keep the environment as clean as possible with regard to pharmacologically active and, thus, potentially toxic substances. " - /Dr. Arvid Carlsson <>/, co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine (2000) and I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable. " - Dr. Gordon Heyd, /Past President of the American Medical Association /and The American Medical Association is *NOT prepared to state that no harm will be done to any person by water fluoridation * The AMA has not carried out any research work, either long-term or short-term, regarding the possibility of any side effects. " - Dr. Flanagan, Assistant Director of Environmental Health, American Medical Association. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /A Bibliography of Scientific Literature on Fluoride/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Vancouver Parents of Fluoride Poisoned children ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluorinated drugs * I am including this as there is reference to fluorinated drugs* :- Dr. Breggin - R. Breggin, M.D., Director, International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology link below and & task=view & id=200 Dr. Breggin's Testimony and & task=view & id=199 & task=view & id=181 & task=view & id=187 & task=view & id=163 & task=view & id=197 *also including as reference to fluorinated drugs* * Dr Yolande Lucire PhD MBBS DPM FRANZCP is a forensic psychiatrist and medical anthropologist in private practice. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- More on fluorinated drugs * " Poison Control: Fluorides, the deadly toxin within* *By Professor Dzulkifli Abdul Razak **National Poison Centre at Universiti Sains Malaysia* September 2, 2001 Extract: Of the many fluorinated drugs that remain in the market (see LINK <>) some carry warnings of serious cardiac toxicity, for instance halofantrine, a schizonticidal drug. More specifically, other fluorinated drugs, though they have not been withdrawn, are known to cause muscle wasting or rhabdomyolysis, like cerivastatin. and further:- Moreover, adds Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children, the metabolites produced by organic fluoride compounds in the liver can be tranferred to the foetus through various pathways, including circulatory via placental passage, gastrointestinal via foetal swallowing, and respiratory secondary to foetal lung absorption. This may lead to congenital abnormalities as in the case of fluconsazole (Diflucan). In short, going by the above evidence, fluorinated drugs seem to pose a number of risks associated with the fluorine or fluoride contained in them. It raises even more concern when fluoride itself is present in many industries and products, including food and drinks, without any rigourous evaluation or monitoring. Of late, we have managed to label all toothpastes containing fluoride in this country. But this is clearly a minuscule effort in the attempt to regulate the use of fluoride as an inherent poison (see LINK <>). We need to do more. Now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *More on conflicts of Interests More on Fluorinated Drugs *\ _push_on_drug_firm_funds/ Newly disclosed court documents portray Dr. ph Biederman, a leading Harvard child psychiatrist, as courting drug company money by promising that his work at Massachusetts General Hospital would help promote the use of antipsychotic drugs for youngsters diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He is now also emerging as a key witness in a huge, multistate lawsuit brought on behalf of more than 2,000 patients, including children, who claim to have been injured by psychiatric drugs known as atypical antipsychotics, including the & drug Risperdal, also known as risperidone. More on fluorinated drugs & sid=e9a506eb6d53a2c04dd0341\ 5bd8020f2 ------------------------------------------------------------ Extract from: JADA - Now they are saying:- see below!!!! JADA Continuing Education Fluoride supplements, dental caries and fluorosis * A systematic review *Results.* Eleven of the reports evaluated dosage schedules similar^ to that recommended by the American Dental Association. One^ potentially highly biased study of primary teeth of children^ during the first three years of life reported a 47.2 percent^ reduction in dental caries experience. Investigators in one^ trial involving 3- to 6-year-old children found a 43.0 percent^ difference, and another trial of children in this age group^ did not find a significant benefit. Researchers in several studies^ involving older children detected a significant reduction in^ caries increments in permanent teeth with the use of fluoride supplements. Fifteen of the studies had withdrawal rates of 30 percent or higher. All of the five included studies that evaluated the association between use of fluoride supplements and dental fluorosis found that use of the supplements increased the risk of mild-to-moderate fluorosis. Conclusions. There is weak and inconsistent evidence that the use of fluoride supplements prevents dental caries in primary teeth. There is evidence that such supplements prevent caries in permanent teeth. Mild-to-moderate dental fluorosis is a significant side effect. *********************************************** 2nd last paragraph Meanwhile, the American Dental Association reported to the press on June 16, 2000 that they have a new cavity fighting tool - calcium. January 2006, researchers tout Cavistat, a calcium containing nutrient substance *that reduces cavities better than fluoride and without fluoride.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Anaesthetics Cross-sensitization^ between fluorinated inhaled anesthetics has also been documented^ among halothane, isoflurane, desflurane and enflurane. That^ is, patients may be sensitized to a volatile anesthetic on one^ occasion and suffer hepatic injury upon subsequent re-exposure^ to a different agent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My final comment: What we all need is Affordable Dentistry - how many of us are shocked at the charges for services by Dentists - it is completely out of reach of a great many of the population - we need and deserve Affordable Dentistry; this is where the problem lies. I know people that have had to let their teeth rot out of their heads because they simply cannot afford the high cost of any dental services and the increase in those of us struggling to cope with the cost of any dental care has increased dramatically. This is what our Governments should have done instead of building more toxic chemical plants to continue poisoning the population with toxic chemical waste fluoride in our water supply - demand an end to water fluoridation now as the evidence I have presented here is Evidence of Harm. I can see massive worldwide litigation emerging as a result of the horrendous adverse effects to human health and environmental health from water fluoridation particularly, in view of the extensive credible evidence from many Professionals around the world which has been ignored by global Governments for decades - this is deadly serious and the time is up. I say that this is a not only a human health & environmental health matter, it also affects every living species and I also say to you God help you if you continue with this toxic fluoridation scheme, because nothing will save you from the horrendous consequences of such a negligent/arrogant action and a population that is now becoming informed and educated in this regard even thought It's been particularly difficult in Australia to get the message out due to a lack of support from the media for anyone opposing fluoridation. BAN FLUORIDATION IN AUSTRALIA AND GLOBALLY. Yours faithfully, Buckland Awareness, Education, Information & Recognition of Chemical Injury, Chemical Hypersensitivity, Chemical Sensitivity/MCS & other chemically induced illnesses & diseases affecting civilians & military personnel Global Chemical Pollution & the disastrous effects on human health & environmental health Cancer and the chemical connection 4 Mia Street, Kallangur, 4503 Queensland, Australia phone 61+7+32853573 Email: dbucklan@... Bcc's Included in this email. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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