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Regional Center Tri-Lines

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In California we have regional centers. They put out a monthly publication called TRI-LINES. They are talking about Pharmacotherapy for Autism. They call these drugs innovative strategies for Autism Therapy.

Minocycline: There is evidence that an innate neuroimmune reaction causes chronic inflammation in the autistic brain. Investigators at National Institute of Mental Health(NIMH) are currently testing the effects of minoclycline, an antibiotic with strong anti-inflammatory properties, in children with autism with the hope of achieving global behavioral improvement.

Intranasal Oxytosin: Intranasal oxytocin is being administered to children with autism in a trial at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Oxytocin is a naturally occurring brain hormone that promotes social bonding in all mammillian species and a pilot study suggested that it might have the same effect in autism.

D-Cycloserine: D-cycloserine was developed for treating tuberculosis. Then it was discovered that the drug attenuates excitatory neurotransmission in the brain. Preliminary studies have shown its benefit in schizophrenia and also autism where it reduced social withdrawal. Two trials with d-cycloserine, led by world class experts in autism, Drs. Posey and McDougle, are underway at Indiana University.

N-Acetylcysteine: Posey and McDougle are also conducting a study with N-acetylcysteine(NAC), which increases glutathione, the body's primary defence against toxic free radicles (oxidative stress). The causes , effects and extent of oxidative stress in the autistic population are a matter of hot debate but there is reasonable evidence that it causes immune abnormalities, associated with deficient glutathione, in a sizable proportion.

Aricept, Razadyne and Exelon: Drugs that increase the acetylcholine neurotransmission in the brain by inhibiting the enzyme that inactivates the transmitter- Aricept, Razadyne and Exelon- are 1st- line therapy for Alzheimer's disease. Small scale studies with each of the drugs have provided an indication that they improve receptive and expressive language in children with either Down Syndrome or Autism. The manufacturer of Aricept has now launched an extensive trial series with the apparent purpose of registering the drug for the indication of cognitive dysfunction in children with DS. Controlled trials with Aricept and Razadyne for autism are also being conducted at NIMH and the University of Medicine, New Jersey, respectively.

Pardon my typing, I was a bartender for twenty years.

Yesterday I went to look up Boyd Haley's new drug and found that this guy McDougle wrote to the University of Kentucky, warning Boyd's superiors that Boyd is not a very honorable guy and not credited in testimony. Basically saying that he is adding to our distrust of the Medical Establishment. He is trying to shut down Haley's project. Now we all know why. He is competing with Boyd Haley. Sounds to me that he isn't very honorable.. It also sounds like the regional centers will be funding our consumption of these drugs.


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We are using Boyd Haley's new "supplement." No side effects and we have done five rounds. Boyd is doing a workshop in Seattle with Klinghardt and some other doc in February. I just heard about this tonight from our new (temp) homeopath. Our new doc is pressing us to test for Lyme's -- and not the standard test that is ordered from the allopath community. RoxSubject: Regional Center Tri-LinesTo: EOHarm Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 1:54 AM

In California we have regional centers. They put out a monthly publication called TRI-LINES. They are talking about Pharmacotherapy for Autism. They call these drugs innovative strategies for Autism Therapy.

Minocycline: There is evidence that an innate neuroimmune reaction causes chronic inflammation in the autistic brain. Investigators at National Institute of Mental Health(NIMH) are currently testing the effects of minoclycline, an antibiotic with strong anti-inflammatory properties, in children with autism with the hope of achieving global behavioral improvement.

Intranasal Oxytosin: Intranasal oxytocin is being administered to children with autism in a trial at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Oxytocin is a naturally occurring brain hormone that promotes social bonding in all mammillian species and a pilot study suggested that it might have the same effect in autism.

D-Cycloserine: D-cycloserine was developed for treating tuberculosis. Then it was discovered that the drug attenuates excitatory neurotransmission in the brain. Preliminary studies have shown its benefit in schizophrenia and also autism where it reduced social withdrawal. Two trials with d-cycloserine, led by world class experts in autism, Drs. Posey and McDougle, are underway at Indiana University.

N-Acetylcysteine: Posey and McDougle are also conducting a study with N-acetylcysteine( NAC), which increases glutathione, the body's primary defence against toxic free radicles (oxidative stress). The causes , effects and extent of oxidative stress in the autistic population are a matter of hot debate but there is reasonable evidence that it causes immune abnormalities, associated with deficient glutathione, in a sizable proportion.

Aricept, Razadyne and Exelon: Drugs that increase the acetylcholine neurotransmission in the brain by inhibiting the enzyme that inactivates the transmitter- Aricept, Razadyne and Exelon- are 1st- line therapy for Alzheimer's disease. Small scale studies with each of the drugs have provided an indication that they improve receptive and expressive language in children with either Down Syndrome or Autism. The manufacturer of Aricept has now launched an extensive trial series with the apparent purpose of registering the drug for the indication of cognitive dysfunction in children with DS. Controlled trials with Aricept and Razadyne for autism are also being conducted at NIMH and the University of Medicine, New Jersey, respectively.

Pardon my typing, I was a bartender for twenty years.

Yesterday I went to look up Boyd Haley's new drug and found that this guy McDougle wrote to the University of Kentucky, warning Boyd's superiors that Boyd is not a very honorable guy and not credited in testimony. Basically saying that he is adding to our distrust of the Medical Establishment. He is trying to shut down Haley's project. Now we all know why. He is competing with Boyd Haley. Sounds to me that he isn't very honorable.. It also sounds like the regional centers will be funding our consumption of these drugs.


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