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Attached is a CoMeD, Inc. PRESS RELEASE for the

new review paper confirming that mercury poisoning

causes autism.

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For those who do not get SUCH, the follow-

ing is the rough-text of the CoMeD Press

Release's content:




>For Immediate CoMeD President [Rev. K.

>Release Sykes (Richmond, VA) ]

>December 12, 2008 CoMeD Sci. Advisor [Dr. King (Lake

> Hiawatha, NJ) ]


>WASHINGTON, DC - A new article, " A Comprehensive Review

>of Mercury Provoked Autism " in a special issue on Metal

>Toxicity and Human Health in the peer-reviewed Indian

>Journal of Medical Research [1], confirms a causal link

>between subacute mercury poisoning in children and

>their autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. This review [2]

>confirms, " emerging evidence supports the theory that

>some autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may result from a

>combination of genetic/biochemical susceptibility,

>specifically a reduced ability to excrete mercury (Hg),

>and exposure to Hg at critical developmental periods " .


>Based on a thorough review of a massive body of peer-

>reviewed medical studies, this new study establishes

>that low-level mercury exposure causes immune, sensory,

>neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions similar

>to traits defining and/or associated with ASDs, and that

>these dysfunction similarities extend to neuroanatomy,

>neurotransmitter alterations, and altered biochemistry.

>Furthermore, a review of molecular mechanisms indicates

>that: a) mercury exposure can induce death, disorganiza-

>tion and/or damage to selected neurons in the brain

>similar to that seen in recent ASD brain pathology

>studies, and B) these neuron alterations would produce

>the clinical symptoms by which ASDs are diagnosed.


>It was also observed that a review of treatments sug-

>gests that patients diagnosed with an ASD and found

>to be mercury poisoned who undergo protocols to reduce

>mercury and/or its effects show significant clinical

>improvements in many instances.


>Based upon these findings, the researchers concluded,

> " …the overwhelming preponderance of the evidence

>favours acceptance that Hg [mercury] exposure is

>capable of causing some ASDs. "


>The non-profit CoMeD, Inc., and, through a grant from

>the Brenen Hornstein Autism Research & Education (BHARE)

>Foundation, the non-profit Institute of Chronic

>Illnesses, Inc. funded this research study.


>Today, any parent, physician, or healthcare provider

>can easily confirm whether or not a non-chelated child

>diagnosed with an ASD is mercury poisoned by having

>urine-porphyrin-profile-analysis (UPPA) testing run at

>LabCorp (CLIA-certified, test# 120980) or Laboratoire

>Philippe Auguste (ISO-certified, 119 Philippe Auguste

>Avenue, Paris, France 75011). Please, visit CoMeD's

>web site, http://www.Mercury-freeDrugs.org for infor-

>mation on how to order UPPA tests and some of the many

>published papers validating the applicability of UPPA

>results in diagnosing mercury toxicity and/or monitor-

>ing its reduction following the use of chelation

>agents that have been proven to be effective in reduc-

>ing mercury bioburden in humans.


>Your generous tax-free donations will help us to fund

>additional research, similar to the present study, to

>examine mercury's links to autism and other illnesses,

>define the causal roles of mercury in the linked child-

>hood and adult illnesses, and find appropriate curative





>To support the ongoing efforts of CoMeD, Inc.

>with your tax-deductible contributions, please use

>the PayPal link on CoMeD's Internet website,

> http://www.Mercury-freeDrugs.org.

>CoMeD, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501©(3) corpora-

>tion that is actively engaged in legal, educational

>and scientific efforts to stop all use of mercury

>in medicine, and to ban the use of all mercury-

>containing medicines.



>[1] Geier DA, King PG, Sykes LK, Geier MR. A

> Comprehensive Review of Mercury Provoked Autism.

> Indian Journal of Medical Research 2008;128:383-411.

> [free access to the article's full-text is available

> at: http://icmr.nic.in/ijmr/ijmr.htm]

>[2] Researchers with extensive backgrounds in medicine,

> chemistry, genetics, and biochemistry, from the

> Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc., CoMeD, Inc.,

> and the Genetic Centers of America collaborated on

> the study.


Hopefully, most will find this Press Release to be



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Dr. King



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