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Re: ACAAI, Dr.Bardana, US Chamber, PACs, Insurance, Pharmaceutical Mfg & US Courts.

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" Psychogenic predisposition " tells me right off the bat, that the approriate

blood work is not being done.

There can be a mind-body connection with stress, and high blood pressure and

other illnesses, but not poisoning, and it defies logic.

It is shocking that the plastics industry has not used them to fight the whole

" hormone-distruptors " controversy.

When THEY fail, they pass it off as " all in YOUR head. "

The workplaces are not investigated as they are supposed to be.



> Sick Building Syndrome

> Grace Jang

> Created: 11/11/11/11/<WBR>2009 10:19

> _http://www.ktva.com/ci_13768367_ (http://www.ktva.com/ci_13768367)



> " Marilyn Coppe says work made her sick. 'I became very ill Oct. 3, 2003 as

> a result of the exposure of the workplace, " Coppe said. Turns out, Coppe

> is not alone......According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 3 in 10

> new and remodeled buildings are making workers sick world-wide....

> 'Dizziness, lack of concentration, difficulty breathing, upper chest pain,


> pain, and it only happened at work, " Coppe said.... According to EPA, some

> common causes of sick building syndrome are inadequate ventilation, chemicals

> from carpets, copy machines, cleaning products and from vehicle exhaust and

> biological contaminants from bacteria and mold, which can be found in

> stagnant water, ceiling tiles and insulation. "




> Allergists' " non-profit " awards Dr. Emil Bardana for years of selfless

> service


> On November 8, 2009, at their annual scientific meeting, Dr. Emil Bardana

> received the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology's (ACAAI)

> 2009 Gold Headed Cane award for his integrity in science.


> The award is " designed to serve as an inspiration to younger doctors and

> encourage them in their family, social, civil, religious and professional

> lives. "


> Not disclosed by ACAAI when describing Dr. Bardana's 20 year history as a

> leader among the " non-profits " that influence the practices and protocols

> among allergists, is Dr. Bardana's long and prosperous career as an expert

> witness on behalf of many insurers and employers who deny their sick

> buildings are a cause of illness.


> According to Gold Headed Cane recipient, Dr. Bardana, " Toxic mold

> syndrome represents the furtive evolution of aeroirritation from a transient


> permanent symptom complex in patients with a psychogenic predisposition. In

> this respect, the core symptoms of toxic mold syndrome and their gradual

> transition to chronic symptoms related to nonspecific environmental


> and irritants appear to mimic what has been observed with other

> pseudodiagnostic categories, such as sick building syndrome and idiopathic


> intolerance. " Inhalational mold toxicity: fact or fiction? A clinical review

> of 50 cases " Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2005 Sep;95(3):239-46.


> The 50 cases for Dr. Bardana's study that concluded sick buildings were

> not the probable cause of symptoms were patients referred to allergists

> chosen by defense attorneys in mold litigations. The results for the study


> then based on the hired defense expert allergists' independent medical

> exams (IME) that were written specifically in defense of moldy building

> stakeholders involved in the litigations.


> Concluding the symptoms to be psychological or idiopathic in origin and

> not caused by the buildings, the patients were not advised to leave the sick

> buildings to lessen or eliminate their symptoms by the IME physician. With

> continued exposure to a potential location of causation of illness,

> continued medications for control of symptoms are required.


> Sponsorship for Dr. Bardana's Gold Headed Cane award was provided by Merck

> Company, manufacturer of Singulair allergy and asthma medication.




> GP-New-MRK.jpg) Singulair is Merck's top-selling product for the ever

> increasing incidence of idiopathic asthma and allergy in the United States.


> 2008, Merck's gross sales for Singulair was $4.3 billion. Sales expected

> to be reported in 2009 are, and $4.4 billion to $4.7 billion range.


> According to Berkeley Lab, EPA studies confirm there is a large public

> health and economic impact of dampness and mold. They estimate that number of

> asthma cases attributable to exposure in home settings alone is 4.6 million,

> at $3.5 billion annual cost.



> In 2005, Masson of KATU News in Portland, Oregon, reported on an

> extensive investigation of Dr. Bardana's work as an expert witness for the

> state's workers compensation fund, SAIF. The expose' was entitled " Dealing


> SAIF and feeling like a criminal " . With permission of KATU News, the

> following video of Dr. Bardana's work on behalf of the defense in mold

> litigation may now be viewed on the Internet.


> (http://www.blip.tv/file/2830582/)

> (http://www.blip.tv/file/2830582/)



> Dr. Bardana's understanding of illness caused by sick buildings that ACAAI

> and Merck Company advised young allergists to emulate is consistent with

> the teaching of the US Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform.

> (ILR). In a policy paper of ILR titled " A Scientific View Of The Health


> Of Mold " , 2003, the ILR promotes that science holds all claims of illness

> from the toxins of molds found in sick buildings are a merely a result of

> " trial lawyers, media and junk science " .

> _http://www.blip.tv/file/2756814/_ (http://www.blip.tv/file/2756814/)


> However, the ILR " Scientific View " cites false authorship of being

> written by a physician. According to the billing records of the actual


> Bruce Kelman PhD, he and his business partner, Hardin PhD Retired

> Deputy Director NIOSH, they were the only parties commissioned by the


> Institute Center for Legal Policy (CLP) to write the ILR paper specially

> for judges. The physician who is listed as an author of the ILR paper has

> stated under oath that he had nothing to do with it and did not even know he

> was listed as an author.


> The US Chamber ILR and the Manhattan Institute CLP are the leading voices

> of commerce and industry who promote the need for tort reform within the

> legal system. Apparently providing the courts with a medical " education "

> that falsely claims to be the advice of physicians would not be an area in

> need of legal reform according to these voices of commerce.


> The commissioned science of US Chamber ILR makes its way into litigations

> via amicus curie briefs of political action committees such as the National

> Apartment Association on behalf of defendants in mold litigations.


> It adds an air of legitimacy to a litigation defense argument by stating “

> In a report entitled, ‘A Scientific View of the Health Effects of Mold’,

> a panel of scientists, including toxicologists and industrial hygienists

> stated that years of intense study have failed to produce any causal

> connection between exposure to indoor mold and adverse health effects. U.S.


> of Commerce, A Scientific View of the Health Effects of Mold (2003) at p.

> 64 and p. 65″.


> Contrary to what PAC's tell the courts, there was no " panel of scientists "

> that authored the scientific view of the US Chamber of Commerce ILR for the

> purpose of influencing judges in toxic torts. Only two owners of a

> litigation defense support corporation, VeriTox, Inc, with no research


> in mold authored the paper, Mr. Kelman and Mr. Hardin.


> Mr. Kelman comes to the mold issue circa 2000 from Big Tobacco. He and

> other co-owners of his company are also prolific expert witness for the

> defense in mold litigation throughout the United States, just like ACAAI


> winner, Dr. Emil Bardana.


> Past clientele of Mr. Kelman's company, VeriTox, Inc, includes the United

> States Department of Justice under former Atty General Alberto .

> VeriTox was retained by the DOJ when defending against financial liability

> for claims of illness by sick children living in moldy military housing.

> _http://www.blip.tv/file/1179698/_ (http://www.blip.tv/file/1179698/)


> In 2006, the late Senator Kennedy requested that the Federal

> Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit the scientific understanding of


> health effects of mold. The late Senator asked that the Federal GAO

> determine " What medical and scientific standards are used in determining the

> admissibility of evidence of both acute and persistent health consequences

> resulting from exposure to mold? Which individuals and organizations have

> promulgated these standards and what, if any, conflicts of interest exist

> regarding these standards? "


> However, this aspect of the Federal audit was later deleted from the

> investigation. As a result, there was no mention of the influence of


> of sick building stakeholders, such as insurers, employers and manufacturers

> of asthma medication in the final GAO report, issued September 2008.


> I would propose the biggest health threat to the American public caused by

> sick buildings stems from insurance industry, pharmaceutical industry, US

> Chamber of Commerce and other large PACs lobbying dollars that freely flow

> down both sides of the isle in Washington, DC to unduly influence the

> influential while allowing deceptions in science to flourish.

> _http://www.blip.tv/file/1179464/_ (http://www.blip.tv/file/1179464/)


> Mrs. Sharon Noonan Kramer

> 2031 Arborwood Place,

> Escondido, CA 92029

> _snk1955@..._ (mailto:snk1955@...)


> Disclosure:


> I have a degree in the science of marketing. In 2005, I was the first to

> publicly write of the relationship of the US Chamber, the Manhattan

> Institute, VeriTox, Congressman and medical associations in the


> promotion of misinformation meant to instill judicial bias in the courts when

> overseeing mold litigation. Mr. Kelman sued me for libel, claiming the

> phrase " altered his under oath statements " was a malicious accusation of

> perjury.


> Since September of 2005, I have been providing the San Diego courts with

> uncontroverted evidence that Mr. Kelman has been committing perjury as to

> why I would harbor malice for him. SEVEN San Diego judges and justices have

> now overseen the case purportedly about the word " altered " .


> To date, all have ignored my uncontroverted evidence that a plaintiff has

> been using criminal perjury on the issue of malice to prove he was

> maliciously accused of being one who would commit criminal perjury. This, in


> matter involving public health policy and environmental litigation throughout

> the United States.


> _http://www.blip.tv/file/2007248/_ (http://www.blip.tv/file/2007248/)


> Among the San Diego justices involved in the matter who has refused to

> acknowledg uncontroverted evidence of Mr. Kelman's perjury, is Justice


> McConnell. Justice McConnell chairs the Judicial Review Committee

> overseeing all judges for the state of California. She is the Presiding


> over the Fourth District Court of Appeals, Division One, San Diego.


> One could stand me up at the Gates of Hell, and I will not back down or be

> silenced about my professional view of the health effects of GOLD that

> markets it way and continues to cause a national disgrace in US public health

> policy.








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