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Bad Day

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Marcie - Unfortunately I AM a fanatic about the house. I'm sure I drive my poor

husband crazy sometimes - I can't always keep things the way I like them so I

nag at him to do the work. Poor guy!

Anyhow - sorry you are having such a bad flare. It also sounds like you have

little ones to try to keep up with as well. I can't imagine! I sure hope the

Enbrel helps.

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It's hard but you have to take it one day at a time.....try to do what you

can....if you can't do it ..it'll always be there tomm.......try not to be

to hard on yourself....I have 4 children and some days I can only get out of

bed....others I can do it all....hang in there......MTNCAT

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In a message dated 6/14/01 7:13:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

bunny55@... writes:





i know just what you mean. i went to the rheumy today and he said no typing

till plaquenil kicks in which means no work. i talked to our hr rep to file

workmans comp but he said that they might not cover me even though work

hurts. the one thing i am lucky for is my son who does the chores around the

house for the most part. and right now i will take what i can get.

so-till it kicks in i wish everyone pain free days

chicagoland sharon

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  • 9 months later...
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--- txtwin2002 <magicman99@...> wrote:

> hey guys this is kyle,

> i am having a really down

> day. i think one

> of the worst. maybe i need to change meds. the pain

> has been very

> bad. i mowed the yard yesterday but it is not big

> and i took it nice

> and slow but a cold front also came in today so

> who knows. i have

> been very anxious and can not relax and of course

> someone dropped the

> ball on the xanax refill..maybe i better go play

> some free lotto on

> the net..lol. ok i have whined enough! i hope

> everyone has a good

> day. i would like to set up a chat some time. lets

> do it one eve..i

> would like some feed back on a time i am in dallas

> texas central

> time . either during the week or on the weekend. we

> can post a time

> and date well in advance and everyone can think

> about what they

> might like to dicuss. i think we should take

> advantage of the chat

> room as i thiink it would benefit each and everyone

> of

> us..............wishing you

> well......................kyle.



> Hey ,

I'm in for the chat room. I'm in San . Evenings

are best for me. Let me know. Hope the rest of your

week is better. I think we're in for some rain here.

I'm really stiff today and haven't been in a good mood

either. Guess it goes with the territory.

Have a better tomorrow.

Terri B.


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  • 2 years later...

Vicki, sorry your day was a bad one. We all have those days, so I

know how you feel.

Sorry to hear you have strep throat, that is a bummer! We have

enough to deal with, without a little extra. I also have to be

careful, I seem to get strep throat very easily myself.

It's hard for family to realize we can't do it all like we use to. I

do the same thing, I try to do what I can, and then hurt so bad, and

then just cry. We can only do what we are capable of, and we need to

realize it, which is hard to do. I think that you should ask for

help, if someone is there to help you. You need to let them know,

it's hard for you. You need their help.

You try to take it easy, and let those antibiotics work for you.

Take some extra vitamin C, and try to rest as much as you can. You

need to be waited on for awhile, hugs Tawny

PS:were always here to help, and lend an ear.

> Well, I totally lost it today. The RA and Fibromyalgia have

really been acting up the past few days - yesterday was a two Vicodin

day - and then this morning I found out I have strep throat AGAIN!


> The last time was about three weeks ago and sent me to the ER when

the swelling in my throat made breathing difficult. I didn't realize

that I getting sick this time because I've felt so lousy lately; it

was just more of the same. Now I'm on a different antibiotic and a 5-

day course of steriods to combat the swelling.


> What made me lose it? The grandkids (ages 4 & 6 who live with us)

were being their usual demanding selves. Everyone was waiting around

for me to fix them something for dinner. NO ONE was even

acknowledging the fact that I was sick or making any effort to help

me. The final straw came when I was putting the sheets I had washed

this morning back on the bed. I didn't feel up to it, but you've

got to have sheets, you know? My hand slipped and forced my fingers

to bend toward my palm too hard and fast. I just broke down and

cried. A shoulder-heaving, 6-tissue cry. I'm tired of hurting,

I'm tired of being sick, and I'm tired of everyone forgetting that I

can't do everything I want or that they expect.


> Now my throat is really starting to hurt. Tomorrow I have to watch

the 4-yr old (who has ADHD) all day and possibly the 6-yr old if they

cancel school. (The weather is starting to get pretty bad here

again.) I don't sleep well these days and I'm not looking forward to

how I'm going to feel tomorrow. I guess you could say I'm



> Anyway, I think I've whined long enough. I tried to explain to my

husband how I was feeling, but there was really nothing he could do.

How can he REALLY know what it's like dealing with the pain and

fatigue EVERY DAY? How can he understand the frustration of not

being able to do simple things like open a bottle or put sheets on

the bed without injuring yourself?


> Maybe I'll feel better after I get some rest. I just hope these

antibiotics do the trick and do it quickly.


> Thanks for being my shoulder to cry on. I just had to get this

out. I'll be OK as soon as I quit crying. " This too shall pass... "


> Vikki



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(((((((((((VIKKI)))))))))))))))) I totally understand ...one hint .. you might

want to tell them that heard somewhere that people who fix dinner who have strep

throat can cause food poisoning.. HEHE.. Ok I am trying to be funny... I have

been having alot of those 6 tissue cries lately too... Bitch and whine all you

want..this is the place to do it.

I hope you get better soon


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In a message dated 1/20/2005 11:54:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,


Subject: Bad Day


So sorry to hear about your day -- it sounds awful! Today can only be

better! (let's hope and pray!)

It's so hard for us to ask for what we need, especially help. I try to

remember that the better care I take of myself, the more I have to give to


Hope this helps, if only a little! Anything is an improvement! :-)

Love and Prayers,



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Vikki, I hope today will be much better and that school isn't called off.

You've got to tell your husband and son that you are not feeling well enough

to do all of the things they want you to do for them and that you need more

help. Taking care of two young children is very hard work even for the


Grown men can make dinner (or go out and get it) and put sheets on the bed.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches will keep people alive for a very long

time, LOL. Scrambled eggs and toast will also prevent starvation. Even the

six-year-old can learn how to make simple meals.

Good luck and let us know how you are doing.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Bad Day


> Well, I totally lost it today. The RA and Fibromyalgia have really been

> acting up the past few days - yesterday was a two Vicodin day - and then

> this morning I found out I have strep throat AGAIN!


> The last time was about three weeks ago and sent me to the ER when the

> swelling in my throat made breathing difficult. I didn't realize that I

> getting sick this time because I've felt so lousy lately; it was just more

> of the same. Now I'm on a different antibiotic and a 5-day course of

> steriods to combat the swelling.


> What made me lose it? The grandkids (ages 4 & 6 who live with us) were

> being their usual demanding selves. Everyone was waiting around for me to

> fix them something for dinner. NO ONE was even acknowledging the fact

> that I was sick or making any effort to help me. The final straw came

> when I was putting the sheets I had washed this morning back on the bed.

> I didn't feel up to it, but you've got to have sheets, you know? My hand

> slipped and forced my fingers to bend toward my palm too hard and fast. I

> just broke down and cried. A shoulder-heaving, 6-tissue cry. I'm tired

> of hurting, I'm tired of being sick, and I'm tired of everyone forgetting

> that I can't do everything I want or that they expect.


> Now my throat is really starting to hurt. Tomorrow I have to watch the

> 4-yr old (who has ADHD) all day and possibly the 6-yr old if they cancel

> school. (The weather is starting to get pretty bad here again.) I don't

> sleep well these days and I'm not looking forward to how I'm going to feel

> tomorrow. I guess you could say I'm depressed!!!


> Anyway, I think I've whined long enough. I tried to explain to my husband

> how I was feeling, but there was really nothing he could do. How can he

> REALLY know what it's like dealing with the pain and fatigue EVERY DAY?

> How can he understand the frustration of not being able to do simple

> things like open a bottle or put sheets on the bed without injuring

> yourself?


> Maybe I'll feel better after I get some rest. I just hope these

> antibiotics do the trick and do it quickly.


> Thanks for being my shoulder to cry on. I just had to get this out. I'll

> be OK as soon as I quit crying. " This too shall pass... "


> Vikki

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All of us have bad days, but in the end they seem to dissolve over time. Let

me tell you of my bad day. It started earlier this month when I went to the

ER because of a very high fever, 104+, and was admitted on Wed the 5th. I

stayed until that Sunday evening, having signed on for a clinical program

testing a new pneumonia drug, Tigecycline. This last Wednesday, I had to go

to the hospital for a follow-up and get x-rays for my back problem. I had

been building a platform to carry my scooter on, and a receiver hitch for my

62 Ford Galaxie.

I got to the hospital with no problems, easily unloaded the scooter, and

went inside to see doctors and do a blood lab and more x-rays. Everything

went ok except that my doc didn't look at the x-rays and pronounced me well

even though my back is pretty bad. Fortunately, I had looked at all the

x-rays and decided for myself that it's just something to be careful with.

I didn't hear what I expected, but went along with all of it. I went back

out to the car and loaded the scooter easily. My design was working well and

didn't cost $1000 or more. The car started and I drove almost to the highway

when the car suddenly stopped. I pulled it out of traffic and to the side of

the road. Keep in mind, this is a 42 year old car. The security guards came,

put out cones and started playing 20 questions. They tried to run my drivers

license, but it wouldn't work, so there were more questions and even had me

try to start the car so they were sure I was telling the truth. They finally

left me alone to wait for our friend to come with a trailer to carry the car

home. When he got there about an hour later, I looked at the trailer and

told him the car wouldn't fit, that he should have brought mine since it's

bigger. He swore it would fit and started winching it onto the trailer. When

both doors were rubbing the sides, he decided it wouldn't fit. So, it's

getting late and the sun had gone down, so I convinced him to pull the car

to the parking lot for the night. Then when he brought me home, I left the

MTX I had in the floor of his truck. We left it overnight and brought it

home yesterday. The timing chain had jumped a couple of teeth, so it'll

need some TLC. Now I have the task of finding parts for the old car. It'll

be running by the next trip to the hospital, I hope.

The moral of the story is that you can be having a bad day, but in my case,

I always find someone that has it worse. Now I'm smiling because my bad

string of luck has run it's course (I hope) *<}


Bad Day



> Vikki:


> So sorry to hear about your day -- it sounds awful! Today can only be

> better! (let's hope and pray!)


> It's so hard for us to ask for what we need, especially help. I try to

> remember that the better care I take of myself, the more I have to give to

> others.


> Hope this helps, if only a little! Anything is an improvement! :-)



> Love and Prayers,

> Beth

> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

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oh, vikki.... i am so sad to hear of your bad day... and STREPP... yuck, i get

so sick with that... sure hope you are feling better now... my thoughts are

with you....


[ ] Bad Day

Well, I totally lost it today. The RA and Fibromyalgia have really been

acting up the past few days - yesterday was a two Vicodin day - and then this

morning I found out I have strep throat AGAIN!

The last time was about three weeks ago and sent me to the ER when the

swelling in my throat made breathing difficult. I didn't realize that I getting

sick this time because I've felt so lousy lately; it was just more of the same.

Now I'm on a different antibiotic and a 5-day course of steriods to combat the


What made me lose it? The grandkids (ages 4 & 6 who live with us) were being

their usual demanding selves. Everyone was waiting around for me to fix them

something for dinner. NO ONE was even acknowledging the fact that I was sick

or making any effort to help me. The final straw came when I was putting the

sheets I had washed this morning back on the bed. I didn't feel up to it, but

you've got to have sheets, you know? My hand slipped and forced my fingers to

bend toward my palm too hard and fast. I just broke down and cried. A

shoulder-heaving, 6-tissue cry. I'm tired of hurting, I'm tired of being sick,

and I'm tired of everyone forgetting that I can't do everything I want or that

they expect.

Now my throat is really starting to hurt. Tomorrow I have to watch the 4-yr

old (who has ADHD) all day and possibly the 6-yr old if they cancel school.

(The weather is starting to get pretty bad here again.) I don't sleep well

these days and I'm not looking forward to how I'm going to feel tomorrow. I

guess you could say I'm depressed!!!

Anyway, I think I've whined long enough. I tried to explain to my husband how

I was feeling, but there was really nothing he could do. How can he REALLY know

what it's like dealing with the pain and fatigue EVERY DAY? How can he

understand the frustration of not being able to do simple things like open a

bottle or put sheets on the bed without injuring yourself?

Maybe I'll feel better after I get some rest. I just hope these antibiotics

do the trick and do it quickly.

Thanks for being my shoulder to cry on. I just had to get this out. I'll be

OK as soon as I quit crying. " This too shall pass... "


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Dear Vikki: I am so sorry you are feeling so bad. Sore throats are

terrible. I hope you call your Doctor and see if he can suggest anything else.


a different pain med or something.

Feel better soon.

Sincerely, Colletti


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  • 1 month later...

From time to time, I've had problems with my foot where it was once broken and I

found wrapping it helped. I've used both elastic bandages and wide tape and the

tape seems to do better. I also know with my pain, nothing works but Advil for

me. Have you tried different OTC pain relievers? Doctors tend to recommend one

brand for their own reasons. Tylenol has never relieved pain for me ... neither

has Aleve (and my doctor looked at me like I was crazy when I told her that!).

When my foot was broken and I didn't want to use the crutches, I put my knee on

a stool and moved around that way. Looked funny but kept my foot from being




along302003 <along3@...> wrote:

I am having a very bad day need to clean house but everytime I move

my foot is throbbing real bad Have taken pain killers and nothing

is helping. Really wish I knew what is going on with my foot

Hopefully monday they will call me and schedule the bone scan does

anyone have any secrets that can help with foot pain all the doctor

told me is stay off it as much as possible and take tylenol as

needed I appreciate all the help I get form you guys I guess I

better limb my way to the washing machine and get some work done.

Thanks again


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Thanks for your reply I have tried different pain relievers

nothing seems to help the pain I will have to go buy some wide tape

and try that I try to stay off it as much of possible but I work in

the childcare field and am on it a lot during the week Hopefully

I'll know something soon




> I am having a very bad day need to clean house but everytime I


> my foot is throbbing real bad Have taken pain killers and nothing

> is helping. Really wish I knew what is going on with my foot

> Hopefully monday they will call me and schedule the bone scan does

> anyone have any secrets that can help with foot pain all the


> told me is stay off it as much as possible and take tylenol as

> needed I appreciate all the help I get form you guys I guess I

> better limb my way to the washing machine and get some work done.

> Thanks again

> Angie







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Hi Angie,

Sorry your having a bad day. I would put the cleaning off for another

day, it isn't going anywhere. Just try to pamper yourself, and rest

your foot, until you can get to the doctor. You sure don't want to

make it worse.

If you can get in a tub, and soak for awhile that might help, use

some Epasom salt(not sure if that is how it's spelled.) If not, just

soak your foot, that might help some. The Ace bandage is also a

great idea that was mentioned.

Will keep you in prayer, and hopefully you can get into the doc on

Monday, take care Tawny


> I am having a very bad day need to clean house but everytime I


> my foot is throbbing real bad Have taken pain killers and nothing

> is helping. Really wish I knew what is going on with my foot

> Hopefully monday they will call me and schedule the bone scan does

> anyone have any secrets that can help with foot pain all the


> told me is stay off it as much as possible and take tylenol as

> needed I appreciate all the help I get form you guys I guess I

> better limb my way to the washing machine and get some work done.

> Thanks again

> Angie

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Sorry you are having so much trouble with your foot, Angie. Staying off of

it is probably the best thing. Please call the doctor ASAP and tell him that

it is throbbing and that the pain is very bad.

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] bad day



> I am having a very bad day need to clean house but everytime I move

> my foot is throbbing real bad Have taken pain killers and nothing

> is helping. Really wish I knew what is going on with my foot

> Hopefully monday they will call me and schedule the bone scan does

> anyone have any secrets that can help with foot pain all the doctor

> told me is stay off it as much as possible and take tylenol as

> needed I appreciate all the help I get form you guys I guess I

> better limb my way to the washing machine and get some work done.

> Thanks again

> Angie


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  • 5 months later...

don't be sorry. we all have days like this. my son is 5 and going into

kindergarden and i am so scard. throughout his wonderful life we had ups and

downs. it normal but he is really growing and trying to communicate as best as

he could. I know the progress is slow but it sure taught me patience.

it does get better but I'm not going to lie to you, its a long road. the only

advice I could give ya is never give up and don't feel sorry for him. I did

that and it caused a lot of behavior in and as he got older it was hard to

brake him of these behaviors, especially the hitting. at first it was taps when

he was little but then it turned into pushes, and real hits. sooo anyway i don't

want you feel worse with this but if I have goals for him and I am working on

them, I feel better about myself. maybe working on small goals that are yours

and his only you won't feel so helpless.

the bullying happens with typical kids I think we are more sensitive with our

children(rightfully so) but we have to teach them to be strong and be able to

fight back(hopefully but not by chocking and kicking where it hurts, that's what

my son did recently).

My son also found other ways to communicate without words, he pantimines, acts

it out, some sign language, and will bring me to the situation. that helps a

lot and they feel good that they found other ways to communicate.

always remember that your a great mom and that your doing the best you can and

noone can take that away from you.

much luck and hope this helped


audrachanell <audrachanell@...> wrote:

I am having a really bad day; my days are up and down. I am having one

of my " feeling hopeless and afraid for my 2-YO child's future " days. I

am worried about how he must feel not being able to communicate, how he

has to deal with such a visible condition for a lifetime, bullying, why

him (how selfish of me, right?), etc. I could scream and pull my hair

out! He's been receiving services for a little over a month now and no

REAL progress. How can I contact or find older apraxic kids, teens or

adults? I feel hopeless today, and then I'll be fine tomorrow. I am

sorry for complaining ... :(

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I know where you are comming from, I definitely have those days. I think we all

do in the begining. But you child has only been in therapy for a month, give it

some time, work at home and do everything you can to help you child and advocate

for them. Ask lots of questions, it will make you feel better. It does me and I

was begining to think that my sons SLP was getting a little irritated with my

question, but come to fine out she said I Wish more parents were like you. I am

very involved with his therapy and using tools at home to help him. It's a long

hard road, but it's worth it. That feeling of helplessness have never gone away

for me, but I know that I am doing the best for my son and getting him

everything he needs, he just needs to find the strength in himself to overcome

this and all I can do is keep reminding him that he can do it and that I

couldn't be prouder of him. Have faith in your child, and support and love them.

When the new SLP first met my son she thought it was

going to be open close...I can get him to talk. It's been about 6 months of

therapy with her and the test show that he has shown no progress, she has been

able to get my son to open is mouth when he tried to talk which is a HUGE

improvement for my son. He has also started trying to imitate with an open mouth

(he generally talks with his mouth closed letting the sounds come out of his

nose). She has done what I thought he would never be able to do.

There are still the thought about the teasing in school, the possibilty that the

school will treat him as if he can't learn, and I always have the thought that

people judge me and think that I did something to cause it. I even question it

myself. But there is nothing you can do about all that now. Right now, the most

important thing is to be involved in the process and become and informed parent.

I spend the time not working with me son, researching on new teachniques, toys,

movies, laws, research and any other resources that can help him. I hope this

helps you get through the bad days a little better. they will always be there,

but the question to ask yourself is, what are you going to do to make it better

for you and your child?

Best wishes, keep your head up, you are doing the right thing for your child.

Never doubt yourself.


Mother to Curtis, 2 1/2 yr old Dx verbal apraxia

audrachanell <audrachanell@...> wrote:

I am having a really bad day; my days are up and down. I am having one

of my " feeling hopeless and afraid for my 2-YO child's future " days. I

am worried about how he must feel not being able to communicate, how he

has to deal with such a visible condition for a lifetime, bullying, why

him (how selfish of me, right?), etc. I could scream and pull my hair

out! He's been receiving services for a little over a month now and no

REAL progress. How can I contact or find older apraxic kids, teens or

adults? I feel hopeless today, and then I'll be fine tomorrow. I am

sorry for complaining ... :(

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For one thing, don't worry about things that are too far in the

future. By 5, your son may be talking.

I have twin daughters who at 2 were both diagnosed as having apraxia:

one moderate and the other severe. At 3, one of them started talking

fairly well, and the other didn't.

At almost 9, you really can't tell that ever had a speech

problem. She is in the gifted education program at school, and she is

very advanced in reading, writing, and arithmetic.

still has a noticeable speech problem, but she is talking.

Academically, she does very well at math. I don't know who is better

at math because both and are very good at it. As far as

reading, is reading early 3rd grade material, and she is

comprehending it well. I think she struggles the most with writing

because of her speech problems (word retrieval being one of the issues).

Neither of my girls has ever been bullied about their speech.

would take being bullied much easier than . At school, they read

" Simon's Hook " . It teaches several ways to handle bullies, and

really understands how to handle the situation. The only time

was bullied was by a girl in 's class who tried to belittle

in front of . This little girl wanted to be 's friend.

and and their teachers understood what was going on, and

it really didn't bother too much.

My son who doesn't have speech problems has been teased the most, so

even normal kids get teased. I think all kids need to be taught how

to handle teasing.

Anyway, it is too early to tell what the future holds for your child.

Also, remember to look at the positives in your child. My daughter

is the hardest worker of my three kids. She never gives up, and

therefore she figures out how to do things before her brother and

sister. For example, my 11 year old son still doesn't know how to

blow bubbles with bubble gum. He tried a few times, and then gave up


Over vacation, decided she needed to learn how to blow bubbles

with bubble gum. Well, she worked at it for days. She started with

small bubbles, and by the end of vacation she was blowing huge

bubbles. She never gave up. That's a great attitude that will take

her far in life.


> I am having a really bad day; my days are up and down. I am having one

> of my " feeling hopeless and afraid for my 2-YO child's future " days. I

> am worried about how he must feel not being able to communicate, how he

> has to deal with such a visible condition for a lifetime, bullying, why

> him (how selfish of me, right?), etc. I could scream and pull my hair

> out! He's been receiving services for a little over a month now and no

> REAL progress. How can I contact or find older apraxic kids, teens or

> adults? I feel hopeless today, and then I'll be fine tomorrow. I am

> sorry for complaining ... :(

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There's a great page my brother told me about called the talking page

at www.debtstart.com/talk/

It's called the talking page. You can listen to other older and

younger apraxic children speak. It may give you a piece of hope, or

at least not feel so alone.

- Debbie

On 8/22/05, audrachanell <audrachanell@...> wrote:

> I am having a really bad day; my days are up and down. I am having one

> of my " feeling hopeless and afraid for my 2-YO child's future " days. I

> am worried about how he must feel not being able to communicate, how he

> has to deal with such a visible condition for a lifetime, bullying, why

> him (how selfish of me, right?), etc. I could scream and pull my hair

> out! He's been receiving services for a little over a month now and no

> REAL progress. How can I contact or find older apraxic kids, teens or

> adults? I feel hopeless today, and then I'll be fine tomorrow. I am

> sorry for complaining ... :(










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I also forgot to ask, have you thought about teaching your child sign? I know

some therapists don't think it is a good idea. Our first SLP suggested it when

my son was 18 months, he's 2 1/2 now and knows more than 150 signs. his new

therapist thought it was a bad idea and I began to question myself. But then I

thought about what exactly I wanted for my child. I want him to grow up happy

and have every opportunity for him to succeed in life. So I decided that first

and for most was his quality of life and second was his ability to speak. Lets

say he never learns to talk, or is uncomfortable doing it. His new LP now fully

agrees and supports me using sign at home. He will always have ASL, a tool that

has already changed his life. he is so much more happier. I just thought I would

ask if you had considered it. I think that because of the reduced frustration by

using sign, my son is better able to focus on his speech and not what he wants

to tell me. He knows he can sign it and I will

know, then I ask him to try to say the word and sometimes he tries to vocalize

it sometime he can't. But in therapy they pretend they don't know sign and he is

pushed harder. which I like, but at home I feel it is more important for my

child to feel comfortable and safe and loved at home and not have to work all

the time on speech, potty training (not going well), eating when it's time,

picking up toys, going to bed when it's time, stuff like that. But I do practice

with him and make games to where he doesn't even know that we are practicing

speech. Hang in there....you're doing just fine!!


audrachanell <audrachanell@...> wrote:

I am having a really bad day; my days are up and down. I am having one

of my " feeling hopeless and afraid for my 2-YO child's future " days. I

am worried about how he must feel not being able to communicate, how he

has to deal with such a visible condition for a lifetime, bullying, why

him (how selfish of me, right?), etc. I could scream and pull my hair

out! He's been receiving services for a little over a month now and no

REAL progress. How can I contact or find older apraxic kids, teens or

adults? I feel hopeless today, and then I'll be fine tomorrow. I am

sorry for complaining ... :(

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I wish you mush luck with Kindergarten. I'm sure your angel with do

well. I am all too familiar w/the hitting. There was yet another

report of hitting in his communication book last week, " Kellen hit

two children in the face 4 times. " I was floored. Here I am

worrying about others mistreating him and he likes to hit. What can

I do to curb this behavior? Neither explaining to him this isn't the

way we treat others or time out seem to do the trick. What can I do

about this behavior?

When I get like this I find myself calling any and everywhere for

suggestion, answers and resources. I just feel so helpless at times

and I despise this defeated feeling. We are still working on getting

Kellen to sign though it is an uphill battle 99.9% of the. We just

keep plugging at it. He has taken pretty well to his picture book

and now shows some interest in trying to express himself verbally. I

will definitely stay on top of things and thank you for you the

encouraging words.

> I am having a really bad day; my days are up and down. I am having


> of my " feeling hopeless and afraid for my 2-YO child's future "

days. I

> am worried about how he must feel not being able to communicate,

how he

> has to deal with such a visible condition for a lifetime, bullying,


> him (how selfish of me, right?), etc. I could scream and pull my


> out! He's been receiving services for a little over a month now

and no

> REAL progress. How can I contact or find older apraxic kids, teens


> adults? I feel hopeless today, and then I'll be fine tomorrow. I


> sorry for complaining ... :(



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You are absolutely right. I am getting a little better each time at

channeling this nervous energy in a more positive direction. What

tools are you using at home? Thanks for the support …

> I am having a really bad day; my days are up and down. I am having


> of my " feeling hopeless and afraid for my 2-YO child's future "

days. I

> am worried about how he must feel not being able to communicate,

how he

> has to deal with such a visible condition for a lifetime, bullying,


> him (how selfish of me, right?), etc. I could scream and pull my


> out! He's been receiving services for a little over a month now

and no

> REAL progress. How can I contact or find older apraxic kids, teens


> adults? I feel hopeless today, and then I'll be fine tomorrow. I


> sorry for complaining ... :(



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Hi Debbie,

I came across the Talking Page (thank GOD for it!) a few months ago

and I visit it often. You are right, it does give me hope :)

> > I am having a really bad day; my days are up and down. I am

having one

> > of my " feeling hopeless and afraid for my 2-YO child's future "

days. I

> > am worried about how he must feel not being able to communicate,

how he

> > has to deal with such a visible condition for a lifetime,

bullying, why

> > him (how selfish of me, right?), etc. I could scream and pull my


> > out! He's been receiving services for a little over a month now

and no

> > REAL progress. How can I contact or find older apraxic kids,

teens or

> > adults? I feel hopeless today, and then I'll be fine tomorrow.

I am

> > sorry for complaining ... :(

> >

> >

> >

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