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Re: Interior Surface “Mold Guidelines� Established

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0 to 50 normal counts!!!!  what kind????   Does that mean normal for


I don't think so!!

From: tigerpaw2c <tigerpaw2c@...>

Subject: [] Interior Surface “Mold Guidelines†Established

Date: Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 7:31 PM

Interior Surface " Mold Guidelines " Established

Dynamics of Surficial Mold in Indoor Environments was presented on Tuesday June

2, 2009 during the Advancing Concepts in Microbial Investigations program.

Toronto, CAN 6/03/2009 10:38 PM GMT (TransWorldNews)

http://www.transwor ldnews.com/ NewsStory. aspx?id=91972 & cat=1

Dynamics of Surficial Mold in Indoor Environments was presented on Tuesday June

2, 2009 during the Advancing Concepts in Microbial Investigations program.

Toronto, Canada -- Scientists, researchers, experts and industry professionals

from around the world assembled for the annual AIHce Conference in Toronto,

Canada on May 30 – June 4, 2009. At the conference, Pure Air Control

Services, Inc.s Dr. Rajiv Sahay presented the Environmental Diagnostic

Laboratories (EDLab's) findings on surface-borne fungal contaminants of the

indoor environment. The study reveals four (4) years of research findings, as

well as to learn and share knowledge about the sources, dispersal and deposition

of surficial particles.

Dr. Sahay, presented the research findings during the AIHce '09 Podium session

#113 entitled Dynamics of Surficial Mold in Indoor Environment during the

Advancing Concepts in Microbial Investigations program. Dr Rajiv. Sahay,

Sandhya. Parvataneni, Robin. , Francisco Aguirre, Alan Wozniak, Dr. A.

Singh, Dr. J. Gasana, EDLab at Pure Air Control Services, Clearwater, FL are

co-authors of the project.

In preparation for the AIHce conference, Dr. Sahay and his research team studied

over six thousand surface samples using Bio-Scan 400TM technology. Their

findings were presented during a poster session entitled " Bio-Scan 400TM:

Mapping of Indoor Fungal Population " at the Pan American Aerobiology conference

at San Diego, CA. According to Dr.Sahay, the Bio-Scan 400 TM technology is a

inexpensive do it yourself (DIY) IAQ Screen Check test to attain a quick,

at-a-glance view of surface pollutants in the indoor environment.

" Source determination for microbial contamination is one of the many challenges

in Indoor Environmental/ Air Quality Industry, " stated Dr. Sahay, Director of

Pure Air's Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab). " The Bio-ScanTM 400

technique is successfully used to collect surficial particulates in order to

identify and determine levels of contamination and now we are able to provide a

much needed interpretative numerical value " Mold Guideline " (in cts/m2) of

representative interior surface environmental constituents " The Mold Guidelines

established are delineated as a three (3) tiered value: 0-50 counts/cm2 -

Normal; 51-175 counts/cm2 – Action Needed; greater than 175 counts/cm2 Action


Today, the Bio-ScanTM 400 technology is utilized by industrial hygienist,

building scientists, inspectors, physicians, contractors and consumers

world-wide as well as packaged in the do-it-yourself program at

www.IndoorAirTest. com.

The Bio-Scan 400TM technology is useful for determination of fungal load and

baseline conditions in HVAC ductwork systems, wallboard, counters, books,

furnishings, clearance evaluations, before and after comparisons, interstitial

wall fungal determination, contents determination,

Dr. Rajiv Sahay, FAIS, CIAQP, an AIHA LQAP TAP member, Director of Environmental

Diagnostics Laboratory (EDLab) an AIHA accredited lab was recently awarded with

the Fellowship of Indian Aerobiological Society during the India XV National

Conference on Aerobiology, hosted by Manipur University, Imphal (India), where

the research on Bio-ScanTM 400 was presented. The fellowship confirmed Dr.

Sahay in a special ceremony for his contribution in the field of aerobiology,

environmental biology, and indoor air/environmental quality both at

international and national levels.

Dr. Sahay is recognized as one of the leading aero biologist in field

diagnostics and laboratory testing to support academicians, building scientists,

clinicians, industrial hygienists and consumers.

For information on the outstanding Bio-ScanTM 400 research and product developed

by the EDLab team contact Ed Ziegler at 1-800-422-7873 ext 804. Dealers and

distributors are welcome

About Pure Air Control Services:

Alan Wozniak founded Pure Air Control Services, Inc. in 1984 as a small

mechanical contracting firm. Today, the work distributed from its offices in

Tampa, Atlanta, West Palm Beach, Houston and Washington D.C. sets the industry

standard for indoor environmental quality diagnosis and remediation.

Pure Air Control Services is a national provider of the following IAQ services:

Building Sciences Evaluation; Building Health Check; Environmental Diagnostics

Laboratory (EDLab) an AIHA accredited micro laboratory; DIY IAQ Green Check test

kits, Environmental Project Management; HVAC System Cleaning and Mold

Remediation Services, among other indoor environmental services.

The company's expanding valued client roster includes the US Army Corps of

Engineers (USACE), General Services Administration (GSA); Federal Aviation

Administration (FAA), Allstate Insurance; r Air Conditioning; Naval Air

Warfare Center, Orlando; and Naval Air Station - King's Bay, Georgia, and many

other Fortune 500 companies, school boards, and city, state, and county

governments, making Pure Air Control Services the reliable industry leader in


Pure Air Control Services and its affiliate companies maintain a GSA contract #

GS-10F-0488R and are SBA 8(a) certified.

For more information on Pure Air Control Services, Inc. please contact Ed

Ziegler, VP at (800) 422-7873 x 804, or visit. www.pureaircontrols .com

# # #

For: Pure Air Control Services, Inc.


Ed Ziegler, VP Business Development

800-422-7873 ext 804

Alan Wozniak, President/CEO

800-422-7873 ext 802

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