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blood type

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Dear Vicki, Kay & All,

There is a WONDERFUL book, " Eat RIght for Your Blood Type " - can't remember

author's name off-hand, but he is an MD. I would have to assume that this is

how your doc knew your blood type. (LOL!)

It's a pretty well-known fact that, for instance, people with A blood don't

tolerate abxs well, either. Have a relative with A+ blood who never finishes

her abxs - has always driven me nutz. Since I read this info, I've been

asking those I come in contact with - friends, nurses, etc. & it seems that

those with A blood just don't " get along well " with abxs - either they

instinctively stop taking them or experience abdominal pain or digestive

upsets from the abxs.

If interested, saw this book at a Jewel Food Store (Chicago area) - in

paperback it was about $10 or so. Didn't buy it - have read what I need out

of a friend's...

Hope this helps.

Blessings & velcros,


PS - Perhaps we should do an informal survey on this... Daughter & I both

have O blood & tolerate abxs extremely well.

O's - generally are considered " hunter gatherers " - the oldest blood type on

earth & need protein more than the other types. A folks, on the other hand,

don't eat much in the way of meats - tend more towards veggie diets, need

pineapple to aid digestion, which helps greatly in weight control. (Just

what I remember off the top of my head.) It's pretty amazing to read the

foods that are optimal (give us energy when we eat them), moderate (so-so in

the energy dept) & foods to avoid (take more energy to digest than they

provide back to body). For instance, I have never been able to swallow

peanuts & have always HATED - I mean HATED peanut butter & it is listed as

one of the " to avoid " foods. Lots of them fell into the categories that

daughter, friend (A blood) & I have instinctively either been prone to eat or

avoid... Interesting, hu?

Seems lots of docs know about this book - perhaps this is one of those things

that they take for granted that we know...

In a message dated 00-03-04 00:04:11 EST, you write:

<< From: " Vicki Ferraro " <ferraroa@...>


That is an interesting thought. My doctor shocked me after my lab tests came

back positive for Strep, Epstein Barr, CMV, Lyme, and low white blood count,

anemia, and already documented Hypothyroid, he asked me if my blood type was

A+. I asked in amazement how he knew that, he said A+ people normally have

weaker immune systems. Isn't that strange??? He had know way of knowing my

blood type, unless he tested it and didn't tell me, but I don't think he

did. Anyway, don't mean to scare you, but I really think none of this has to

do with blood types, only chromosomes and genes, and I hear a lot about

certain proteins people have that or don't have, that cause adverse

reactions to immunizations, flu's, viruses, etc. There has been a lot about

that topic lately on the TLC channel I watch that airs lots of Medical

shows. Interesting stuff, but very scary.

Vicki, MD :)


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In a message dated 03/04/2000 3:41:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Dobelovr1@... writes:

<< PS - Perhaps we should do an informal survey on this... Daughter & I both

have O blood & tolerate abxs extremely well.


I am type B+.. Have Lyme, Ehrlichia, Babesia

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hi connie,

i am also O+. this is not a common blood type...

my daughter always smelled good to ticks, she is A+.

instead of smell, could it be blood type reaction to vaccines as kids?

polio, etc.?


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In a message dated 00-03-04 06:09:20 EST, you write:

<< I guess just like mosquitoes liking

to bite one person and not another, it is similar with ticks. >>

Hi All,

With dogs, ingestion of raw garlic & brewers yeast is supposed to keep these

suckers (pun intended here - LOL!) from attacking.

Also, diluted pennyroal & a couple of other " natural " products which can be

diluted & sprayed liberally on person & clothes (with no toxic chemicals) are

very effective, I've heard. If anyone's interested, let me know - I'll start

digging for info.

Blessings & velcros

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Dear Vicki, Kay & All,

There is a WONDERFUL book, " Eat RIght for Your Blood Type " - can't remember

author's name off-hand, but he is an MD. I would have to assume that this is

how your doc knew your blood type. (LOL!)

It's a pretty well-known fact that, for instance, people with A blood don't

tolerate abxs well, either. Have a relative with A+ blood who never finishes

her abxs - has always driven me nutz. Since I read this info, I've been

asking those I come in contact with - friends, nurses, etc. & it seems that

those with A blood just don't " get along well " with abxs - either they

instinctively stop taking them or experience abdominal pain or digestive

upsets from the abxs.

If interested, saw this book at a Jewel Food Store (Chicago area) - in

paperback it was about $10 or so. Didn't buy it - have read what I need out

of a friend's...

Hope this helps.

Blessings & velcros,


PS - Perhaps we should do an informal survey on this... Daughter & I both

have O blood & tolerate abxs extremely well.

O's - generally are considered " hunter gatherers " - the oldest blood type on

earth & need protein more than the other types. A folks, on the other hand,

don't eat much in the way of meats - tend more towards veggie diets, need

pineapple to aid digestion, which helps greatly in weight control. (Just

what I remember off the top of my head.) It's pretty amazing to read the

foods that are optimal (give us energy when we eat them), moderate (so-so in

the energy dept) & foods to avoid (take more energy to digest than they

provide back to body). For instance, I have never been able to swallow

peanuts & have always HATED - I mean HATED peanut butter & it is listed as

one of the " to avoid " foods. Lots of them fell into the categories that

daughter, friend (A blood) & I have instinctively either been prone to eat or

avoid... Interesting, hu?

Seems lots of docs know about this book - perhaps this is one of those things

that they take for granted that we know...

In a message dated 00-03-04 00:04:11 EST, you write:

<< From: " Vicki Ferraro " <ferraroa@...>


That is an interesting thought. My doctor shocked me after my lab tests came

back positive for Strep, Epstein Barr, CMV, Lyme, and low white blood count,

anemia, and already documented Hypothyroid, he asked me if my blood type was

A+. I asked in amazement how he knew that, he said A+ people normally have

weaker immune systems. Isn't that strange??? He had know way of knowing my

blood type, unless he tested it and didn't tell me, but I don't think he

did. Anyway, don't mean to scare you, but I really think none of this has to

do with blood types, only chromosomes and genes, and I hear a lot about

certain proteins people have that or don't have, that cause adverse

reactions to immunizations, flu's, viruses, etc. There has been a lot about

that topic lately on the TLC channel I watch that airs lots of Medical

shows. Interesting stuff, but very scary.

Vicki, MD :)


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That is an interesting thought. My doctor shocked me after my lab tests came

back positive for Strep, Epstein Barr, CMV, Lyme, and low white blood count,

anemia, and already documented Hypothyroid, he asked me if my blood type was

A+. I asked in amazement how he knew that, he said A+ people normally have

weaker immune systems. Isn't that strange??? He had know way of knowing my

blood type, unless he tested it and didn't tell me, but I don't think he

did. Anyway, don't mean to scare you, but I really think none of this has to

do with blood types, only chromosomes and genes, and I hear a lot about

certain proteins people have that or don't have, that cause adverse

reactions to immunizations, flu's, viruses, etc. There has been a lot about

that topic lately on the TLC channel I watch that airs lots of Medical

shows. Interesting stuff, but very scary.

Vicki, MD :)

>From: " kay " <b10g7@...>


>hi connie,


>i am also O+. this is not a common blood type...


>my daughter always smelled good to ticks, she is A+.


>instead of smell, could it be blood type reaction to vaccines as kids?


>polio, etc.?





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In a message dated 03/04/2000 3:41:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Dobelovr1@... writes:

<< PS - Perhaps we should do an informal survey on this... Daughter & I both

have O blood & tolerate abxs extremely well.


I am type B+.. Have Lyme, Ehrlichia, Babesia

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Hi All,

I have short lists of foods in each group for Os & As - but not the B folks.

Daughter had Great Smokies food allergy tests done & doc gave us these


If anyone wants, let me know, I'll send them through.

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In a message dated 00-03-04 06:09:20 EST, you write:

<< I guess just like mosquitoes liking

to bite one person and not another, it is similar with ticks. >>

Hi All,

With dogs, ingestion of raw garlic & brewers yeast is supposed to keep these

suckers (pun intended here - LOL!) from attacking.

Also, diluted pennyroal & a couple of other " natural " products which can be

diluted & sprayed liberally on person & clothes (with no toxic chemicals) are

very effective, I've heard. If anyone's interested, let me know - I'll start

digging for info.

Blessings & velcros

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Hi Connie,

Yes, don't breathe, that'll help...LOL. How about an oxygen face mask

when we are taking a stroll?? I remember Jim from Alabama, on our list once

posting that he observed ticks honing in on him and the CO2 he was

releasing. They would move the tick away from them, and no matter which way

they went, the tick would find them and start toward them again. Scary

stuff. I often think of that when I walk my dog. Our friend Marleen

(lymefightr) also a list member, called me recently to report another tick

bite, this is her third I think, I asked her if she was beginning to feel

like a " Tick Magnet " She wonders too. I guess just like mosquitoes liking

to bite one person and not another, it is similar with ticks. I think my

blood type is A+, too lazy to get up to look in my wallet. I have been

lucky only the one bite so far. Would love to hear others theories on this.



>From: ConnieK <conniek@...>


>This is a really bizarre question. I know that ticks have sensors. They

>know there is a host nearby, by sensing Carbon Dioxide. Since we all give

>off CO2, how come some of us can walk through the woods and be covered,

>while the person you are with has nothing on them. Perhaps some of us give

>off more CO2?? Or maybe its our Blood type.....I know thats kind of a

>bizarre theory.

>I'm O+.....are we more susceptible?? I have an idea for prevention.....

>...when you go outside don't breathe.........Connie

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A+ antibotics tend to work a few days and then infection returns. Ok with

lyme tx, tho. Chrisite

At 06:37 AM 3/4/00 EST, you wrote:

>From: cheers4u@...


>In a message dated 03/04/2000 3:41:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>Dobelovr1@... writes:


><< PS - Perhaps we should do an informal survey on this... Daughter & I both

> have O blood & tolerate abxs extremely well.

> >>


>I am type B+.. Have Lyme, Ehrlichia, Babesia



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Hi Christie,

I have A+ blood type and never had problem digesting any of the abx, and

I have been on them all...except Flagyl. Even doxycycline which is a drug I

hear many complaints about. I guess I have an iron stomach.




>From: Dobelovr1@...


>Dear Vicki, Kay & All,


>There is a WONDERFUL book, " Eat RIght for Your Blood Type " - can't remember

>author's name off-hand, but he is an MD. I would have to assume that this


>how your doc knew your blood type. (LOL!)


>It's a pretty well-known fact that, for instance, people with A blood don't

>tolerate abxs well, either

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On the contrary Kay... " O " is the first blood type and has a slight edge

over " A " blood types the least common types are " B " and " AB " ....The " O "

type date back to early times, the meat eaters. (Can you tell I read the

book " Eat right for Your Type) by Dr. D'Adamo...I actually feel better when

I eat the foods that are compatible to my blood tupe. I went to hear Dr.

D'Adamo speak at a Health Conference a few years ago....Along with his

father, they have done years and years of study on this. They would put

different types of food into the different blood types to see the reaction

of the blood. In his book He has specific foods you should eat and ones

you should stay away from according to your blood type. I found it very

interesting. He has a web site you can check out....I actually lose weight

and feel better when I follow his recommendations for the foods I should be


If you are an " O " stay away from gluten!! If you are an " A " you seem to do

well with vegetables and certain carbos.....it is all more detailed then

what I have mentioned here....but it certainly makes you wonder and worth

checking into. Connie nwnj

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A+ antibotics tend to work a few days and then infection returns. Ok with

lyme tx, tho. Chrisite

At 06:37 AM 3/4/00 EST, you wrote:

>From: cheers4u@...


>In a message dated 03/04/2000 3:41:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>Dobelovr1@... writes:


><< PS - Perhaps we should do an informal survey on this... Daughter & I both

> have O blood & tolerate abxs extremely well.

> >>


>I am type B+.. Have Lyme, Ehrlichia, Babesia



>GET A NEXTCARD VISA, in 30 seconds! Get rates as low as 0.0%

>Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees. Apply NOW!




>Send to -Offtopiconelist messages unrelated to Lyme, please.

>Archives can be found at:


>They are filed by month, pick a month and search those archives for

subjects you are interested.

>Lyme chat, go to this URL:


>Should you have trouble opening the page, go back to

/ and make sure you are registered with a password.

You can ask ONELIST to remember you, and will only have to do this one time.

>To unsubscribe, send email to -unsubscribeonelist

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>the word " unsubscribe " ( " normal " is the opposite of " digest " ). Leave blank

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I'd be interested in this. I think my son is AB and he has many allergies,

but hasn't been tested for food yet. I'm type A, and have allergies too, but

mostly to molds and spores. But still I'd be interested.


Vicki, Md

>From: Dobelovr1@...


>Hi All,


>I have short lists of foods in each group for Os & As - but not the B



>Daughter had Great Smokies food allergy tests done & doc gave us these



>If anyone wants, let me know, I'll send them through.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

o neg.

[ ] Blood type

> Hello all! I was just wondering if there was any common blood type among


> (since we have so many other common things). Mine is O pos.


> Sinead

> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com






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I am O Pos blood type.

[ ] Blood type

> Hello all! I was just wondering if there was any common blood type among


> (since we have so many other common things). Mine is O pos.


> Sinead

> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com






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I'm also O+

-- Ron

> Hello all! I was just wondering if there was any common blood type

> among us (since we have so many other common things).

> Mine is O pos.


> Sinead

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my blood type is A+


Sinead Waters wrote:

> Hello all! I was just wondering if there was any common blood type among us

> (since we have so many other common things). Mine is O pos.


> Sinead

> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com




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