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Re: Reacting to ??

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Sometimes my skin burns from the neck down to and including my feet.  When I

was still working (retired 2 yrs ago because of MCS) and they were ripping

things apart (renovating the whole hospital bldg bit by bit) like asbestos,

putting in new drywall, painting it, etc. that is when my skin would burn. 


Also, at home, my skin burns like that sometimes and I don't remember what I

figured it was as the pollution is bad here and fireplace stink which gets into

my mobile home and gives me symptoms (I have good air cleaners), or it can be

something I did-- like the times I poured water with liquid Woolite down the

drain, washed one of my tubs with just a tiny bit of antibacterial soap & water

-- both incidents burned my eyes, mouth, & skin, made my stomach sick,

irritated my lungs for about 5 days.


So, it could be something in your house or something getting into your house

from outside.  Maybe a neighbor sprayed that termite spray or Round up, etc.

around his property, or something else going on in the neighborhood that you are

being bothered by.


My feet sometimes get real red and burn for days and weeks at a time.  Think it

is a combination of my weight and edema and being on my feet too long those



Have you ran the burning by your doctor so he/she can rule out a problem the

medical world can actually find?



From: listspub listspub@...


are there universal specific reaction symptoms to mycotoxins or antigens from

mold spores?

I am experiencing burning of my skin. ... can other things cause burnig of the

skin, nose, etc...



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whenever I get around mold my right ear burns. Dont know why but I use it

as a warning for worse to come


In a message dated 8/25/2010 8:38:43 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

corkylux1@... writes:

Sometimes my skin burns from the neck down to and including my feet. When

I was still working (retired 2 yrs ago because of MCS) and they were

ripping things apart (renovating the whole hospital bldg bit by bit) like

asbestos, putting in new drywall, painting it, etc. that is when my skin would


Also, at home, my skin burns like that sometimes and I don't remember what

I figured it was as the pollution is bad here and fireplace stink which

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Robin when i was hotel jumping after my initial exposure i didnt know why i was

still reacting especially when I had gone through such great pains to leave

everything behind and start out fresh. after my third hotel room in as many

weeks i finally started to get some relief but for the life of me i had no idea

what it was that was making me sick and to this day cant figure it.

what i plan on doing when i move is basically the same thing i did the first

time, if it means going from hotel room to hotel room with new clothes so be it.

because ive become experienced at this i know that sooner or later as long as

the room doesn't have mold or anything toxic i'll eventually recover. once i get

to the point where ive regained my health only than will i look for permanent



> Im wondering.. once you are clear of your initial contaminted environment..

then you relocate to a clean(er) one.. at least one that has not been invaded

with water damage and the " water damage stew " then.. how do you know you are

reacting to mold spore, mycos, antigens that might be cross contaminating the



> Then how do you go about sorting it all out?


> Thanks,


> Robin


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Robin,it's hard, I dont know if you can ever really sort it all out.

it really takes time and a process of starting to pay very close attn.

to what you smell and the environment your in. first you have to get out of a

constant reactive state, and really if you get in a clean place immediately, you

might not reaconize it because your body can still be suffering symptoms from

your exposure on it's own, these can be mistaken as thinking your still getting

some type of exposure.

it takes a few months for your body to clear out whats in you that keeps you

reactive ,maybe longer. only stateing a few months based on what I experienced

by re-exposure to my first home and knowing that the effects lasted two months.

this was to dried airborn toxic molds and what I believe included symptoms from

mycotoxin exposure.

I only have one bad genetic so if that plays a role on how fast you can rid the

toxins from your body, others may take longer.

this is something many dont take into account, so they thank they are still

suffering because they have cross contaminated somehow or in another problematic


for a long time after exposure I didn't sweat, I sweated like crazy during

exposures, and while on a herbal detox, but other wize I could get out in the

heat and just be on the verge off passing out but wouldn't sweat, than would at

other times wake up with my bed soaked. now I sweat like crazy if I get out in

the heat, still get to felling really bad, but I know the sweating is a good

thing. it wipes me out so bad I cant live without AC.

also I get re-accureing episodes where I sweat alot around my upper

back,neck,face and head, I relate this to sinuses and lungs damage, sometimes

still whole body, usually while I'm sleeping,resting. always fell better after a

sweat out.

I kind of fell my body has developed other ways to detox more to make up for

other detox routes that aren't working so great.

but I can remeber wondering why I wasn't sweating when I should be, that was

still the case for a while after getting into a clean place.

I wellcomed the sweating at night because I just senced that my body was doing

what it needed to do, I helped it by adding more blankets.

I was in a tiny apt. and I kept it pretty cold because it made me fell better

because of the heat intolerance I had now, but still had sweat outs at night.

mainly it was my sinuses and head that felt better with the cold air , still is.

I would wear sweaters to keep my arms warm but freeze eveyone out if they came

over. cant do that here, would cost to much, but I get to cold to easy and that

effects my body because my nerve damage cant take the cold and because of blood

circulation issues. so it's a never ending to cold to hot thing.

for me, because I'm a immediate reactor and a delayed reactor, I went through

my share of places before I found one that wasn't problematic. however slowly, I

was still getting a little better just because they was less problematic than

the aridgenal exposures.

when I finally got in a good place, I payed very close attn. to exactly how I

was felling outside that day, right before I went in to look at it. it was a

good day outside for me, rain had cleaned the air and I was felling relief,I

knew when I looked at it that I had no immediate reaction at all when I stepped

in the door and continued inside. but also knew I couldn't know for sure until I

stayed there about a week. at that time there was no one renting the apartment

under me either which later came into play because sometimes smells would make

there way up to me and affect me. I refuse to let the landlords bug sprayers in

and basicly let them know that could harm me greatly and I wasn't standing for

it, however that didn't stop them from spraying apartments below me and I still

got exposures from that.

my sinus can get to burning from a few different things,

my skin can sometimes fell like it's on fire, I relate that to nerve and

vasculure effects,sensory effects, what all can bring that on varies, but are

tied to re-exposures.

yes,for me,because of the sinus damage animal hair can aggervate to the point

that it sets my sinuses of fire, this isn't true for everyone and their can be

other factors involved but I do have a big problem sofar with being in anyones

homes who have pets.

I've looked at apartments where pets were allowed in them and I cant tolerate

them. carpet or not. some of that might be related to pee soaked into

carpet,floors, mold growth, and aminal hair and dander is not the always to


after my second exposure I was intolerant of milk,eggs,yeast,corn,

tested for and confermed, I also couldn't deal with any fried foods, sometimes

even now the smell of the greese if enough to cause a reaction, I've been with

people and went through drive throughs and had the bags of food in the car and

me seeing how far I could get my head out the window to breath. yuk.

took a long time before I could introduce some of these things back into my

life, corn products,corn surup,frutose,ect. have been the hardest and still

dealing with that. still dont eat eggs much,can usually tell by the smell of

them that I dont want to eat them. can tolerate milk more now but dont get to

carried away with it. yeast breads were actually the first thing I managed to

tolerate better.

exposure in my first home was different, didn't reconize any certain foods but

just food in general caused dierhea within about 15 minutes after I ate. started

have blood involved and that continued to get worse as time went on. this house

exposure was different than the second one and long term. exposure was mainly to

toxic dust as the molds died out between rains from the roof leaks. stachy was

seen and found in higher amounts here than other molds.

Dr. Croft viewed slides of tissue from my hisderectomy that this house caused

and found trichathecenes mycotoxins.

hisderectomy was prior to second exposure.

the first place the plaster got wet and fell out was in my bedroom from the

first bad leak that happened, it was supposedly fixed but really it was still

leaking, just more down inside the walls where I couldn't see it. within a few

days of that leak I woke up unable to move the left side of my body.

the nerve effects were bad from the start, some of these effects and effects to

the lungs I later thought was anixity attacks but I had never had those before

so I just wasn't sure but now understand it really was effects to nerves. my

periods became very painful and continued to get worse, my breast hurt and would

swell and be very tender,tender nipples and some leakage. I had swelling of the

vaginal walls,glands,constantly fought yeast infections or what I thought were

yeast infections but nothing helped them.

my nose was stuffy and I constantly felt the need to brush my teeth and felt

dirty even after I just took a shower.

the sweats became so bad I thought I was going through early menapause

but a doctor laughed at me when I told him this. was in my 30's.

actually I'm pretty sure that that exposure did cause early menapause.

the inflammation in my back and stiff back and back of legs progressed up the

back and out the arms over time, but from the beganning of exposure my back hurt

like hell, couldn't even bend over to put my shoes on, went through a few times

trying to work but it just got to a point that I couldn't work anymore, would

trip over my feet, had a very hard time walking.

I had suffered with some left hip and lower back problems from prior work

mostly from drive a dump truck that the seat wouldn't adjust in and just very

laber intence work,wasn't helping that situation, than hit a pot hole while

running the loader back to the shed that hurt, was healing from that when the

roof leaks started and inflammation started in on my lower back.

it was like the exposure attacked two of my weakest body parts with a vengence,

my reproductive organs,weaker from child birth, and my lower back and hip

problems from work related injury. so yes, I can see were it would do that but

also the exposure ws messing with my hormones big time. I didn't have much

energy and would deal with leg jerking,some trimmers,muscle spasms, and a few

times would wake up with puffy eyes and little red dots on my upper eye


had a few bloody noses here and there but mostly just blood on tissue when I

blowed my nose. I was diffenitly sleep deprived in this house.

I suffered receding gums and some sinus headackes, I was misdiagoned alot though

all this exposure, everything was blamed on my back problems from work. funny

how now that old injury is just what it is, and all these furthur problems that

were blamed on that are no longer

a issue of that because I'm not in that WDB anymore.

so yes, I carry some anger over the fact that it was just to easy for doctors to

lay blame on one issue while not really hearing my complaints and not looking

any furthur than what they already knew was one thing I was dealing with. yes,

that still pisses me off.

the years of pain I suffered because of that, what should have been some of the

best years of my life, waisted, being miserable, given drugs that didn't address

what was really going on that affected me in strange ways because they weren't

mixing well with my WDB exposure toxins. I really hate doctors that so easily

prescribe antidepressants to someone instead of first trying to deturmine why

they are in so much pain that they are crying alot.

it didn't matter what I said, I was not being heard.

eventually I was diagnosed with a pinched nerve that couldn't be found because

there was nothing else to blame it all on.

surgery wasn't adviced,thank god, because they couldn't locate a pinched nerve

so it just had to be somewhere in those lower disks.

why could they find it? because it doesn't exsist.

I was sent to have steroid spinal injections over something that didn't exsist.

I never felt so much pain in my life as I did when they did the first one, this

was done after the second exposure and after moveing back into my first home

where this horable back pain came right back. inflammation in my spine,not to

the point of affecting my head like the second house did, just causeing extreme

back pain.and I use the word extreme because it was. my back was swelled and hot

to the touch. I had just suffered meningitis and this first shot put me right

back in that state. the second attemped shot caused so much pain with just the

insert of the neddle that I screamed and tears shot out of my eyes, I scared the

doctor so bad that he couldn't continue, the third shot never happened, but you

read the report and it says all shots were given and there was no problems, what

a way to cover your ass. what a lieing SOB.

one doctor I had to see for the defence on the workers comp case said I had

osteophorisis, going up my back, their intent was to blame anything but my work

injury for my problems to bad no one includeing me knew I was being exposed to

toxic molds.

and while I'm going though all these crap the roofer is saying my insurance is

responseable because of a strom after the roof was done and the insurance

company is telling me the roofers didn't do the roof right, than I get lead to a

crooked ass lawyer who just tottally screws me out of haveing a case against

either or both.

lies to me about my SOL's conserning both. and it all goes much deeper but I

cant get into that right now.

sorry, I got a litlle off tract on the subject here.


> are there universal specific reaction symptoms to mycotoxins or antigens from

mold spores?


> I am experiencing burning of my skin. Ive been told this can be a lyme

symptoms, possibly a low mag or b12 symptom.. can other things cause burnig of

the skin, nose, etc... animal dander for example? Breathing in pollen? Could

eating bread with yeast in it, for example, as Diane pointed out to stear clear

of yeast in food.. food allergies or sensitivities.. could any of these cause

symptoms that could also be implicated in mycotoxin/mold spore cross

contamination exposure?


> Im wondering.. once you are clear of your initial contaminted environment..

then you relocate to a clean(er) one.. at least one that has not been invaded

with water damage and the " water damage stew " then.. how do you know you are

reacting to mold spore, mycos, antigens that might be cross contaminating the



> Then how do you go about sorting it all out?


> Thanks,


> Robin


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Thanks, Corky..

It could be any of the above.. I still live in the house that had the growing

mold, now mold spores, etc. but I am also more chemically sensitive and

supposedly have lyme and had pesticide poisning as a child. Some say bartonella

can cause the burning as well. ?? Good to hear (I guess its good to hear.. )

its not only mold can cause teh burning...



> Sometimes my skin burns from the neck down to and including my feet.  When I

was still working (retired 2 yrs ago because of MCS) and they were ripping

things apart (renovating the whole hospital bldg bit by bit) like asbestos,

putting in new drywall, painting it, etc. that is when my skin would burn. 


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This is very helpful, Jeanine. Thank you.

I think I understand what you are saying about reacting.. delayed etc, needing

time to detox, put two and two together..

I have felt so disconnected from the cause of my symptoms not being able to

idenntify what was causing up.. which end is up or down..

Only recently able toidentify some things that help though not the cause..

except the laundry room causing the sinus then brain inflammation..

I also hear you about being angry and losing life. I am in my 40s and was doing

pretty well intil 5 years ago. Then it all took a nose dive. I feel bad for

myself and for my children and what they lose out on because I am sick. I can

compare out lived before and after.. their lives.. and how it has effected them.

I hae met a lot of young people who are very very sick with lyme, cfs possibly

mold illness adn they dont realize it.. in their teens and twenties feeling

there wil most likely be no life ahead of them any better than what they ahve.

it is humbling to know these amazing peopel. They are not by any means saints..

they are living out their bravery and fear, anger just like you and I and the

rest of us are.. they are just doing it so young and living with the diea that

their youth has been taken from them, they may never marry or have children.

The most amazing people I know are sick people. And I dont mean they are polly

anaishly amazing of sickenly positively thinking amazing at all. They are angry,

depressed, fighting, giving up, empathizing, caring, letting it out on everyone

around them.. all of it. In the end there is a sense of community that we all

can come back to like brothers and sisters.

When my sister was so sick.. she was alone.. mid twenties (really started

getting sick in her early teens) into early thirties.. she did llive in that

basement for a few years and was her worst there.. then moved had a NDE and got

better. I dont know what happened.. what caused what.. do know she tranformed

how she saw herself as a sick person.. she had lost being a mother to her

girls.. my parents took care of them for years and years. I think how alone she

was.. on support, family wnting to help nbut half the time blaming her..MDs

treating her like she was crazy despite her obvious physical symptoms. I asked

her about this a year or so ago and she laughed. I was still angry at how one MD

in particular treated her and she was laughing. I dont know how relevant this

is. Arms are tiring out fast and so is my mind.



> Robin,it's hard, I dont know if you can ever really sort it all out.

> it really takes time and a process of starting to pay very close att

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I hope this process is not hard on you, Tug, and the first time is a charm.. I

cant even go there.. I have my kids and husband so hopefully the first most

imperfect situraion will be enough.

pardon the typing..



>Robin when i was hotel jumping after my initial exposure i didnt know why i was

still reacting especially when I had gone through such great pains to leave

everything behind and start out fresh. after my third hotel room in as many

weeks i finally started to get some relief but for the life of me i had no idea

what it was that was making me sick and to this day cant figure it.


> what i plan on doing when i move is basically the same thing i did the first

time, if it means going from hotel room to hotel room with new clothes so be it.

because ive become experienced at this i know that sooner or later as long as

the room doesn't have mold or anything toxic i'll eventually recover. once i get

to the point where ive regained my health only than will i look for permanent




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