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Re: Help with Diet & Herbal Anti-fungals

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My gosh!  Are you being treated by a good doctor who can help you detox your

body?  I think that is a critical step!  I know that until I was seen by an

environmental specialist who understands exposure, I was not truly treating the

cause and helping my body release the toxins.  I am in California and have a

fabulous doctor in Santa Barbara.  Where are you located?  Dr. Thrasher knows


other doctors in various parts of the country.  Good thoughts, sally


From: amandajsnyder <amandajsnyder@...>

Sent: Sun, September 5, 2010 6:42:28 PM

Subject: [] Help with Diet & Herbal Anti-fungals


Hello All,

It has been a while since I have been on this group and I am seeking some


I had severe mold exposure in 2002 and I am still having difficulty. My health

was made much worse as well due to intense Mercury poisoning.

I have removed all starcheds: grains, sugars, vinegars, etc., from my diet. My

diet is currently: lettuce, flax seed oil, olive oil, avocados, cucumbers,

carrots and occasional carrot juice, and seaweeds. That's it! I was eating a lot

of organic turkey and I tolerated that well, but my body seemed to be too acid

for it--I would get more age spots when eating lots of meet. After I took Turkey

out, my physical energy and mood improved.

Can I survive on the above diet? I react to so many things! Has anybody found

anything helpful for food sensitivities? I tried eating some cauliflower, but I

had a brain allergy reaction.

I am also clear that I have probably both fungi and bacteria in my body, but I

can't tolerate antifungal or antibiotic drugs due to a sluggish liver. I can

tolerate some herbal remedies. Has anybody found anything helpful as a herbal

remedy or other for infections and colonizations?

I would love any support or other thoughts you have!



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Hi Mandy,

Are you seeing a Dr ?   To make my body less acid I use baking soda. 

Instructions are on the box so you do not exceed quantaties.  Dissolve in

water.  You can get ph strips to check your urine for acidity.  And work on it

like that. 

I do not have a lot of food problems except for the normal fermented stuff. 

Have you tried chicken or pork ??


 I use coconut oil for us.  Organic unrefined , made from the fresh pulp not

dried copra that has not been heated or solvent extracted to maintain it's

original nutritional properties. It is an antifungal. , antibacterial properties

you can read below or from the coconut foundation.



I use garlic but some have aproblem with sulfer in it.  Oilve leaf extract, 

there are other antifungals outh there.

God Bless !!




From: amandajsnyder <amandajsnyder@...>

Sent: Sun, September 5, 2010 9:42:28 PM

Subject: [] Help with Diet & Herbal Anti-fungals


Hello All,

It has been a while since I have been on this group and I am seeking some


I had severe mold exposure in 2002 and I am still having difficulty. My health

was made much worse as well due to intense Mercury poisoning.

I have removed all starcheds: grains, sugars, vinegars, etc., from my diet. My

diet is currently: lettuce, flax seed oil, olive oil, avocados, cucumbers,

carrots and occasional carrot juice, and seaweeds. That's it! I was eating a lot

of organic turkey and I tolerated that well, but my body seemed to be too acid

for it--I would get more age spots when eating lots of meet. After I took Turkey

out, my physical energy and mood improved.

Can I survive on the above diet? I react to so many things! Has anybody found

anything helpful for food sensitivities? I tried eating some cauliflower, but I

had a brain allergy reaction.

I am also clear that I have probably both fungi and bacteria in my body, but I

can't tolerate antifungal or antibiotic drugs due to a sluggish liver. I can

tolerate some herbal remedies. Has anybody found anything helpful as a herbal

remedy or other for infections and colonizations?

I would love any support or other thoughts you have!



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My diet was as limited as yours for 6 years. Then I stayed somewhere chemically

toxic for months(too sick to leave) & pretty much lost food except for this one

GF bread which I covered in olive oil & a product called Ness Formula 801. It

has cellulase & probiotics. I must have went through 20 bottles. When I left

that place (homeless) I didn't know what the heck I was going to eat. Everything

I ate was tolerated. Yay. When I start to feel like my stomach is unhappy I get

some more Ness. (from NEEDS online - discount for 3 or more NFI).

I find Maxam BSAID good for sinus, eye, & tooth infections caused by sinuses- I

spray it on. Camu Camu is also good. Healthy Life Harvest has a camu camu vit.C

but I came plain Camu Camu through my dentist. Klaire Labs liquid vit A helps

infections too...as does zinc. Grapefruit Seed extract helps with some kinds of

infections as does Olive Leaf. When I start to get stuffy ears Nature's Sunshine

Lymph Gland Cleanse takes it away in a day or 2. I don't pay a lot of attention

to alkalizing [too much other to stay on top of :-)] but bi-carbs constipate me.

I take minerals - molybdenum, zinc, chromium, Concentrace Trace Minerals. I

don't take all this stuff every day - I play it by ear. Interplexus Nutri-Sorb

liquid B 12 I take every day. The more I take the more resilient I am...but my

genetic testing (methyl cycle) calls for it.


> Hello All,


> It has been a while since I have been on this group and I am seeking some



> I had severe mold exposure in 2002 and I am still having difficulty. My health

was made much worse as well due to intense Mercury poisoning.


> I have removed all starcheds: grains, sugars, vinegars, etc., from my diet. My

diet is currently: lettuce, flax seed oil, olive oil, avocados, cucumbers,

carrots and occasional carrot juice, and seaweeds. That's it! I was eating a lot

of organic turkey and I tolerated that well, but my body seemed to be too acid

for it--I would get more age spots when eating lots of meet. After I took Turkey

out, my physical energy and mood improved.


> Can I survive on the above diet? I react to so many things! Has anybody found

anything helpful for food sensitivities? I tried eating some cauliflower, but I

had a brain allergy reaction.


> I am also clear that I have probably both fungi and bacteria in my body, but I

can't tolerate antifungal or antibiotic drugs due to a sluggish liver. I can

tolerate some herbal remedies. Has anybody found anything helpful as a herbal

remedy or other for infections and colonizations?


> I would love any support or other thoughts you have!


> Thanks!


> Mandy.


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I live in Maine and I cant find a good environmental doc


In a message dated 9/5/2010 9:58:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

mustangsally2254@... writes:

My gosh! Are you being treated by a good doctor who can help you detox


body? I think that is a critical step! I know that until I was seen by


environmental specialist who understands exposure, I was not truly

treating the

cause and helping my body release the toxins. I am in California and have


fabulous doctor in Santa Barbara. Where are you located? Dr. Thrasher

knows of

other doctors in various parts of the country. Good thoughts, sally


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has put together some good info:

http://momsagainstmold.org/index.php?option=com_content & view=category & layout=blo\

g & id=17 & Itemid=12


Bee has some good info on diet and treating fungal infections (feel pretty sure

this is no grain.. resaerched this in the past and may go back to some of her



The GAPS diet might be helpful to repair the gut (I did this for about 4

months).. might want to avoid the fruit that is later in the diet (no grain)


I take nutramedix herbs for lyme and co infections. Some of the antimicrobial

herbs hit many other infections.. enula helps my lungs and it hits mycoplasma

and possibly strep as well as parasites, babesia.


Most all alternatives with lyme (and this effects other bugs that create

biofilms use enzymes like serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, nattokinase, and others I

cant remember to break up biofilm. EDTA will help with this as well. I dont know

if fungal infecions use a biofilm or are part of one. My impression is that it

might be in the biofilm mix but coudl be wrong.

Raintree has a series of herbs that are antifungal and also hit other bugs.


Google for cheaper prices for nutramedix and raintree.

These are some I know of off hand. I have found nutramedix products helpful as

well as OLE. My kids are taking Oregano Oil.. some of the newer lyme and co

infections concoctions contain clove which Bee uses for fungus (they all address

fungus and or other bugs like strep, mycoplasma etc).

The newer herbal products can only be purchased through a health care


There are more. google natural antifungals.

Also google herbs and supps for inflammation. Or natural anti-inflammatories.

Tumeric is supposed to be good. Holy Basil helps me at times. Magnesium is also

supposed to help. Moducare (plant sterols) can help with immune balance shifting

from auto-immunity. Plant sterols also bind fat soluable toxins.

Some people swear by coffee enemas.. these cause bile to release so take binders

like charcoal or clay, etc before the enema so in intestines to help bind the


Natural bile sequesterants.. google this.. some I can name: welchol (not sure

this is natural), beta sisterol, pectins, cholestrapure ( a natural milder form

of csm), chitosan, chlorella (some say), psyllium and products like detoxifiber

(not sure these will attact fat soluable toxins but do mop up other toxins), I

am reading Oat bran (has... beta glucan.. a soluable component of dietary

fiberthat interrupts he enterohepatic circuit absorbing bile acid and carrying

out of body as per Wolf Storl herbalist author of Healling Lyme Disease

Naturally.. he mentions more.

The bile sequestarant CSM is most powerful. Also heard Dr Gray used benonite

clay and charcoal with CSM and some use the clay and charocal alone.. be careful

with charcoal. Separate all binders form supps and meds at leat by 2 hours.

Chlorella and fibers not so much to be concerned about in that regard.

I am referring to lyme because thats what I know but it applies to fungal

infections for the most part as well.

I hope this is helpful. Im addressing inflammation and toxin binders because I

have to because of my HLA type.



> Hello All,


> It has been a while since I have been on this group and I am seeking some




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For sinuses.. might not apply to you:

Do it yourself..

Seagate Olive leaf nasal spray (homeopathic) also contains GSE

Nutribiotic has a GSE nasal spray

There is a xylitol nasal spray (this addresses some strep infections)

Colloidal silver..

All from Iherb.


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