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Re: immunology, IgE

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I know of someone who was exposed, has immune problems, has been educated on

mold by us and wants to take steroids to get pregnant.  She also had pulmonary

fibrosis (has not told the Dr working to get her pregnant either) .  I guess

they have to learn the hard way somtimes. 



God Bless !!




From: barb b w <barb1283@...>

Sent: Wed, September 8, 2010 5:01:14 PM

Subject: [] Re: immunology, IgE


I have a girlfriend who lives in a *finished basement*, can't convince her it

may be bad for her health,

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All the reactions I gave you fit under Type I  see the chart below



God Bless !!




From: Advocate_Now <advocate_now@...>

" " < >

Sent: Wed, September 8, 2010 5:15:45 PM

Subject: Re: [] Re: immunology, IgE


I had #4 24 hours later (itchy, raised welts) that lasted several days and then

went away; they all came back a full two weeks after the test when I had a bout

of gastroenteritis. In the past I had classic #1.

On Sep 8, 2010, at 12:31 PM, dragonflymcs <dragonflymcs@...> wrote:

What kind of reaction did you have,

1. Anaphylaxis

2. Urticaria

3. Angioedema

4. Atopic Allergy How soon was the reaction ? hours, days, weeks

God Bless !!



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I have been treated like a nut too and still even though you can see it in a CT

Scan, blood etc.  Medicaid has no Dr of EI on thier list, I would rather go to

so I stop waisting my time.  No toxicologits on their list either. No


disease specialist either.  I have seen 7 idiot pulmo's and am no better off

today than I was back then.  


The Cleveland Clinic not on the list, Mayo hospital not on their list.  They

should start paying better so other would want to care for patients.  Instead


are dropping like flies out of medicaid.  I am so sick and tired of it all.


God Bless !!




From: osisposis <jeaninem660@...>

Sent: Wed, September 8, 2010 4:54:59 PM

Subject: [] Re: immunology, IgE


Janet, did they help your reactions? seems weird to me that some could even

tolerate steriods, I wonder what is going on with that, exposure to specific

molds? or different immune reactions or what?

do you remember when you first started on steriods, did they make you fell

better immediately or did they first make you fell worse than

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mayleen, to my knowledge the mayo clinic doesn't really diagnose or treat for

" toxic mold exposure " but they use to accept medicaid, but not sure if they do

now. thinking I read that they were going to stop takeing it, dont know if that

happened. is so you may be able to get some help at least in the sinus, allergy

area, weither true allergy or not, also maybe some attn. to lungs, maybe not

bring up exposure and just complain of sinus and lung problems and see what they

come up with. just a thought. sometimes leaving the cause out and just

complaining of certain illments may get you farther when dealing with

this and limited resorces. see what I'm saying?

sometimes those tests and reports can still be linked in ways to what we know,

even if doctors wont admit to it.

good luck.


> I have been treated like a nut too and still even though you can see it in a


> Scan, blood etc.  Medicaid has no Dr of EI on thier list, I would rather go


> so I stop waisting my time.  No toxicologits on their list either. No


> disease specialist either.  I have seen 7 idiot pulmo's and am no better off

> today than I was back then.  


> The Cleveland Clinic not on the list, Mayo hospital not on their list.  They

> should start paying better so other would want to care for patients.  Instead


> are dropping like flies out of medicaid.  I am so sick and tired of it all.


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Thanks Janet


 You have no energy then you have to spin your wheels for nothing.

God Bless !!




From: " Gingersnap1964@... " <Gingersnap1964@...>

Sent: Wed, September 8, 2010 6:47:30 PM

Subject: Re: [] Re: immunology, IgE



I hear you. I evetually gave up. Now see an allergist and try to read all I

can on what could help. Im sending smiles


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yes, and the docs, pts, etc don't contract with blue shield either,

medical insurance isn't there to cover your needs when you get sick, its

a big for profit scam and obama care just expanded their oligopoly! sue

>I have been treated like a nut too and still even though you can see it

>in a CT

>Scan, blood etc.  Medicaid has no Dr of EI on thier list, I would rather

>go to

>so I stop waisting my time.  No toxicologits on their list either. No


>disease specialist either.  I have seen 7 idiot pulmo's and am no better off

>today than I was back then.  

>The Cleveland Clinic not on the list, Mayo hospital not on their list.  They

>should start paying better so other would want to care for patients. 

>Instead Dr

>are dropping like flies out of medicaid.  I am so sick and tired of it all.

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I do not see much benefit to medicaid or medicare....................nor paying

homeowner's ins.  A waste of my money. 

God Bless !!




From: sue <svican@...>

Sent: Thu, September 9, 2010 12:05:04 AM

Subject: Re: [] Re: immunology, IgE


yes, and the docs, pts, etc don't contract with blue shield either,

medical insurance isn't there to cover your needs when you get sick, its

a big for profit scam and obama care just expanded their oligopoly! sue

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I dont have medicare or medicaid. I have Federal Blue Cross and they hardly

ever cover anything but a regular MD. I used to go to a kineseologist who

made me feel better but I had to stop because I couldn't afford her

In a message dated 9/10/2010 2:36:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

jeaninem660@... writes:

I agree about home owners insurance, you might as well take those payments

and bury them in the can in the yard.

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Mayleen, what insurance coverage do you have? I'd much rather have medicare and

medicaid than private insurance. medicare and medicaid from what I've seen

covers much more than private insurers and then they do not deny people coverage

for age or disability or preexisting conditions. I can't imagine wishing they

were gone! I helped take care of my mom and my aunt at the end of their life.

Both of them forgot to pay their health insurance premiums when they got very

sick which cause insurance companies to cancell their policies right when they

needed it the most. Thankfully, they were secondary insurance to Medicare. So

only insurer still there was Medicare. My mom and leukemia and was diagnosed 2

weeks before she died and spent that whole time in the hospital. Then we got

billed by hospital because her private insurer wouldn't pay because they didn't

get her last premium payment. Wow two weeks in the hospital would have been

cost probably everything she had had she not had Medicare. As it was she had

Medicare which picked up most of the charges. If she had lived through it, she

would have been broke. Another example, my greataunt lived to be 100 years old,

never went to the doctor but paid her insurance premium every month. Then she

had a stroke. I came to visit her, she had unpaid bills all over the

place,including a cancelation from Blue Cross and Blue Shield for non payment of

premium. She was 90 so after paying for it all her life and not using it, she

would have lost it right when she became ill for first time. I rushed in to

them and paid premium and they reestablished her *because they didn't know about

her stroke as she never went to the doctor for anything so not on record. Later

tests showed the stroke was at fault for her cognitive problems (and limp).

When I went to Dallas to see Dr Rae and was paying my bill, assitant said it was

too bad I didn't have medicaid or medicare as they pay for all of these things

(apparently my tests and visit would have been all covered), but it was very

costly for me. I could only see him once due to cost. Medicare and Medicaid is

only insurer that I have ever heard of that will cover some 'alternative' cancer

treatments out of the country. I've had alot of experience taking care of

others and I think we are very lucky to have medicare and medicaid, and I pay

for best insurance program I can find, allows me to go where I want to but I pay

more to see them than there recommended list. t.


> I do not see much benefit to medicaid or medicare....................nor


> homeowner's ins.  A waste of my money. 


> God Bless !!

> dragonflymcs

> Mayleen



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HI Barb & Mayleen,

I agree with you Barb, EXCEPT that more and more docs are opting out of

Medicare because they come in and dictate how they can practice medicine

which doesn't work if you do a lot of alternative stuff, and they don't

pay as well, so my mom goes to a doctor who opted out of medicare and

can't even get the meager reimbursement I get from my blue shield

plan.... I've heard that some Mayo clinics have now opted out of

Medicare, they looked at what they were getting in reimbursement from

medicare and looked at their costs of providing service to medicare

patients, and they weren't covering their costs, i hear more and more of

these stories...

seu v

>Mayleen, what insurance coverage do you have? I'd much rather have

>medicare and medicaid than private insurance. medicare and medicaid

>from what I've seen covers much more than private insurers and then they

>do not deny people coverage for age or disability or preexisting

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I agree about home owners insurance, you might as well take those payments and

bury them in the can in the yard. medicare covers more than medicaid, but when

it comes to getting glasses or anything to do with teeth , nothings covered. and

around here to get any antifungal your going to have to pay out of pocket.

some stupied things like I wasn't covered to get a portable neubelizer but

covered for one you plug in at home.

I guess I'm not allowed to have breathing problems away from home.


> I do not see much benefit to medicaid or medicare....................nor


> homeowner's ins.  A waste of my money. 


> God Bless !!

> dragonflymcs

> Mayleen


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I have MEDICAID (caps  just to make it visible) at the moment .  Medicaid has


lot of variance.  Depending your location, state, HMO, PSN, and more. 


 It all changes by location and who signs up to serve it.  For example if you

have a refferal from your PCP to a specialist but the specialist is not a

medicaid provider you cannot see him.  It does not matter if that is the only


in the state who treats what you have you cannot see him.  The hospitals are

dropping medicaid like flies, as are the Dr's.  They say they do not get paid

enough and then there is all the hastle.

A Dr gave me a script, them medicaid said they were not paying for it. I had to

try one of their generics first, we I cannot since they cause me problems, not

made the same.  My Dr had to fill out forms, papers, calls, etc, to override

their generic and he does not get paid for all the hours of work on that.  It


like HMO, they decide what you take, who you see, and if not in Network than too


I just spend a day on phone with local area supervisor going back and forth. 

Still I canot get anyone I need because none of the services I asked for are on

their list of providers.  The ones I previously posted.  So if you are not

seriously ill, then I guess some of thise works, or aybe if you have something

not unusual maybe it works, but I have not heard much good news from others

either.  The provider's  list changes weekly if not daily. 

Maybe I live in the wrong place cause it is not like that here.  So it varies


region, state. 

God Bless !!




From: barb b w <barb1283@...>

Sent: Fri, September 10, 2010 12:21:16 PM

Subject: [] Re: immunology, IgE


Mayleen, what insurance coverage do you have? I'd much rather have medicare and

medicaid than private insurance.

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It's true I spent a day on the phone with Medicaid and no major hospitals near

me want it.  The Cleveland Clinic and Mayo have both dropped out.  Cleveland

will only serve in their immediate area.  I am not in that area, county.  So


is all going down the drain.   In addition people are recieving letters from


saying to expect 25 % less than they would have collected before.  No monies


the funds.  There will be further cuts. 


I would not say anything if it weren't happening to me right now.  If I had not

heard it from the horses mouth.

God Bless !!




From: sue <svican@...>

Sent: Fri, September 10, 2010 12:52:39 PM

Subject: Re: [] Re: immunology, IgE


HI Barb & Mayleen,

I agree with you Barb, EXCEPT that more and more docs are opting out of

Medicare because they come in and dictate how they can practice medicine

which doesn't work if you do a lot of alternative stuff, and they don't

pay as well, so my mom goes to a doctor who opted out of medicare and

can't even get the meager reimbursement I get from my blue shield

plan.... I've heard that some Mayo clinics have now opted out of

Medicare, they looked at what they were getting in reimbursement from

medicare and looked at their costs of providing service to medicare

patients, and they weren't covering their costs, i hear more and more of

these stories...

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Okay, so what would you like to replace Medicaid with?


> I have MEDICAID (caps  just to make it visible) at the moment .  Medicaid

has a

> lot of variance.  Depending your location, state, HMO, PSN, and more. 



>  It all changes by location and who signs up to serve it.

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I hear you loud and clear !   Now I have to look at a hospital that is 6 hour

drive away from me.  I need a van to live in, this is rediculous.

God Bless !!




From: osisposis <jeaninem660@...>

Sent: Fri, September 10, 2010 1:24:40 PM

Subject: [] Re: immunology, IgE


I agree about home owners insurance, you might as well take those payments and

bury them in the can in the yard. medicare covers more than medicaid, but when

it comes to getting glasses or anything to do with teeth , nothings covered. and

around here to get any antifungal your going to have to pay out of pocket.

some stupied things like I wasn't covered to get a portable neubelizer but

covered for one you plug in at home.

I guess I'm not allowed to have breathing problems away from home.

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Not replace it but fix it, fix medicare too.  Make sure they have Dr's in all

specialies, if they don't then they need to pay for the others that are not. 

That would help.  If they paid Dr's better than they would not be dropping like

flies out of the programs.  When you get disability the wait for medicare is 2

years.  Depending how far back SS went.  In 2 years people can die from lack


care.  If they do not have the specialty , hospital on their list and there is

no where else to go then they should pay for it.   Speak to the Dr's that have

medicaid.  The only one I have complains about it all the time.  Understands


ups and downs very well.  he does his best to provide care within their



From: barb b w <barb1283@...>

Sent: Fri, September 10, 2010 2:31:09 PM

Subject: [] Re: immunology, IgE


Okay, so what would you like to replace Medicaid with?



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