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Re: Anyone else get mold related eye-headaches & light-sensitivity?

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I have no way of knowing if it is mold related but I have battled with migraines

for years and it is light sensitive but one sided. Not sure if that is what you

are experiencing.

>Re: Anyone else get mold related eye-headaches & light-sensitivity?

> ?


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I do and cannot stand bright lights anymore.  I think my puppy has the same

pronlem. Lights come on he hides in the dark


God Bless !!




From: research1844 <research1844@...>

Sent: Sat, May 8, 2010 9:43:38 PM

Subject: [] Anyone else get mold related eye-headaches &




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Yes, this is a very normal reaction. You have to leave this place immediately.

From: dragonflymcs <dragonflymcs@...>

Subject: Re: [] Anyone else get mold related eye-headaches &


Date: Saturday, May 8, 2010, 7:28 PM


I do and cannot stand bright lights anymore.  I think my puppy has the same

pronlem. Lights come on he hides in the dark


God Bless !!



____________ _________ _________ __

From: research1844 <research1844>

Sent: Sat, May 8, 2010 9:43:38 PM

Subject: [] Anyone else get mold related eye-headaches &




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yep! PS I understand the anger, and it's sad but your right.

and it's not fair at all, none of it. whats sad is that there is no doubt more

people suffering from toxic mold exposure that dont even have a clue whats

makeing them ill. if this issue does not start getting addressed NOW and right,

there well be so many more.

your right, it's very hard to find a rental that is not mold contaminated,

landlords dont care, they just want the money.

if they actually did the upkeep like it should be, the rent would go twice as

high, where I rent the yard gets mowed constantly, needed or not, contracted

out, but you have a problem with the apt. and you'll be waiting 6 months -a year

for repairs.

but if you read the contract, when you move out they well find any

reason to keep your deposit.



landlords get away with more BS than lawyers and doctors, that means

aaaalottttt. yes, we live in a azz kizz azz world.

NO, I haven't found nothing to make my sensitivity reactions go away,

only advoidence helps, only learning that I have to try hard to

not let all of this get my nerves aggervated, makes it all worse.

hard to do when you fell the pain every day, a constant reminder, that you have

lost so much, and no one gets it, so how can they care? they dont get it, they

dont fell the pain, they cant see

that your body hurts all over.

if you try to explain it to someone old, they say hey, thats what I live with,

thats just part of getting old, but your not old.

but they are not going to get it that their defences break down with age and yes

you become more seceptable to environmental polutants with age. whats they dont

get is with this illness, age has nothing to do with it, your defences are broke

down, like if you were 100 years old++ and what you suffer is oh so much more.

you try explaining to not so old people and they say, yes, I cant stand this or

that smell either. so, I pretty much have given up on trying to get anyone to

understand and I realize that this well probalby send me to my grave and still

no one well understand.

they well say, I dont understand, she was still young. and someone well say,

well, she hasn't been " quite right " for several years now.

yes, she was doing so well, bought that house and everything, than something

just happened and she lost it.

you know, even with this illness, I still have more sence than most of them.

so, what they see is someone with what appears to be a mood disorder,

what they dont get, is that it's their goddamn underarm deoderant or colone

thats makeing my mood go haywire. or when a bad exposure takes me to my knees,

I'm just fakeing it or something cause they dont smell anything terriable and/or

it's not affecting them that way,

and my coughing and apparent

lack of air is just part of my nuttiness,I guess.YEP RIGHT!

they dont get it cause it's not splashed all over the tv.

it's not drilled into their heads.









I never ever considered what a disease can do to rip a family apart,

it never crossed my mind.

now I see.

this has got to be the cruelest joke of a disease yet.

so cruel.

to me, this is a plague of the worst kind.

a sneaky plaugue that well bring distruction in many ways, right

under the noses of the public, for the public,for which it stands,

and it stands in deep shi#. cause this anit just about mold, it's about our

toxic world.


> ?


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Yes, my eyes are very light-sensitive; I also have sinus headaches and a droopy

eyelid. I have been out of the toxic environment since 1999 but still have

problems. I must wear dark glasses whenever I drive because the sunlight

bothers my eyes. I live in Florida -- the Sunshine State. I also have very dry

eyes. Testing for Sjogren's Syndrome came back negative but the medication used

to treat Sjogren's works for dry eyes nevertheless and the doctor prescribed it

for me. It is called Sargen -- generic name pilocarpine. My left eye (the

droopy one) is affected more than my right, and the sinus headaches are

generally on the left side as well. I think this is because I had sat with my

right side close to a wall filled with stachybotrys and aspergillus and my brain

reversed damage to the left side -- just an assumption. Hope this information

is helpful to you in some way.


> ?


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My problems all started with my eyes. They started burning and feeling like they

had pieces of dirt in them whenever I was around mold. It's still my #1 surefire

sign that something is wrong.

I also became super light sensitive-I wore sunglasses at night too because

street lights and car lights just killed me.

The light sensitivity has eased a bit now that I'm away from toxins most of the

time (I don't work anymore). But florescent lights will never work for me-never.

They kill my eyes and then...migraine. If regular bulbs ever become illegal I

will be doomed. Honestly, I have to carry around incandescent bulbs with me when

I go to people's houses just so I can sit in the room.

It's a huge problem for me to get a new pair of prescription glasses. I feel

every imperfection and if the glasses are off but even a millimeter I feel

something and my eyes go crazy-then nausea, then migraine. Thank god my

optometrist believes me. He's a gem and if I say something is wrong he will look

until he finds it. Of course something is always wrong when you are as sensitive

as me and right now I have been trying to get a pair of glasses to be good for

over a month now. Wearing a back up pair of sunglasses while I wait for lab to

get the lenses right.


> Yes, my eyes are very light-sensitive;

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My daughter's symptoms started with her eyes burning and itching as if she had

left her contacts in too long. They became red and irritated. After that point

she suffered major, life threatening complications with another illness that

continued from there.

As for her eyes, they are the first thing to show any indication that there is

danger. Due to s Syndrome which she had in October, she was left

with blepheritis, dry eye syndrome and light sensitivity.

She wears prescription lenses with a 40% brown tint. Over those she wears

sunglasses to even go outside and this is all the time. If she is in a room with

flourescent lighting, she must wear dark sunglasses and we have found the

polarized glasses to work the best. We actually bought them at a thruway rest

area and they work wonders.

The biggest thing is she needs to keep her eyes moist and this helps. She uses a

preservative free over the counter eye drop for dry eyes as well as a

preservative free ointment every night and then covers her eyes with a soft

night mask.

You may need to see someone other than an optomitrist as there may be other

issues with your eyes. If you have a good relationship, ask his/her opinion.

My daughter's eyes are the first thing that indicates that the air in the area

we are isn't good. She doesn't notice it right away but they become very red and

irritated looking and she starts to have trouble seeing. At that point all we

can do is wash her eyes with baby shampoo (I know it sounds horrible but it gets

all the dirt and particles off her face, eye lids and lashes), irrigate her eyes

with the eye drops, cool compresses and complete darkness.

Sue Bell

> >

> > Yes, my eyes are very light-sensitive;


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Thanks, Sue. Are you and your daughter worried about incandescents becoming

illegal in this country? I keep hearing this and can't confirm it. It worries me

alot. I keep thinking maybe I should stock up on regular bulbs.


> My daughter's symptoms started with her eyes burning and itching as if she had

left her contacts in too long. They became red and irritated. After that point

she suffered major, life threatening complications with another illness that

continued from there.

> As for her eyes, they are the first thing to show any indication that there is

danger. Due to s Syndrome which she had in October, she was left

with blepheritis, dry eye syndrome and light sensitivity.

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Unfortunately it doesn't matter what the lighting is, this is always going to be

an issue and a new lighting fixture that works better than the last.

My daughter is 18 and has a lot of years hopefully to live and enjoy life so we

have been pro-active in regards to finding things that work in all situations.

If it means wearing sunglasses indoors, so be it. Unfortunately since most

people with sensitivities to molds are not the " norm " it is difficult to force

the world to change things to accomodate everyone so we must do what is best for

us and if it means being a little different, it is what it is.

If she is sensitive to a place or an area, we learn to do something different

and avoid it at all costs.

If going out and buying lightbulbs makes you feel better about it, then by all

means, stock up but don't allow this to live your life as a hermit and miss out

of enjoying what time we have here on earth. Be creative and think about what

works best for you.

Sue Bell

> >

> > My daughter's symptoms started with her eyes burning and itching as if she

had left her contacts in too long. They became red and irritated. After that

point she suffered major, life threatening complications with another illness

that continued from there.

> > As for her eyes, they are the first thing to show any indication that there

is danger. Due to s Syndrome which she had in October, she was

left with blepheritis, dry eye syndrome and light sensitivity.


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As an MCSer flourescent bulbs do not work for me. They need to come up with

better options for lighting.  Ellliminating the mercury, lead, cadium and such

that is in them.  Ten year phase out :?

Updating the lightbulb : 




God Bless !!




From: surellabaer <surellabaer@...>

Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 12:16:09 PM

Subject: [] Re: Anyone else get mold related eye-headaches &



Thanks, Sue. Are you and your daughter worried about incandescents becoming

illegal in this country? I keep hearing this and can't confirm it. It worries me

alot. I keep thinking maybe I should stock up on regular bulbs.


> My daughter's symptoms started with her eyes burning and itching as if she had

left her contacts in too long. They became red and irritated. After that point

she suffered major, life threatening complications with another illness that

continued from there.

> As for her eyes, they are the first thing to show any indication that there is

danger. Due to s Syndrome which she had in October, she was left

with blepheritis, dry eye syndrome and light sensitivity.

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Wow, this conversation is fateful for me.

coincidentally, I've started a serious discussion about the current state of

" requirements " for cfl's. I am of the professional opinion that cfl's are NOT

sustainable. I predict that they will create a legacy of environmental pollution

equivelant to lead paint, asbestos, pcb's, and more.

Even more coincidentally, one week after I made this personal pronouncement (to

myself and others) It became news that here in Cleveland, the city council and

mayar are having a debate on a $30million dollar LED purchase.

THEN, two days later, I was introduced to a distributor for LED's from the west

coast.The distributor ahs told me that they have dimmable LED's, and are the

only ones who do.

Then, today, I read these posts. As if it couldn't get any weirder.

If any one has info and research on cfl's, led's, please contact me offline.

Thank You so very much!

Armour, M.S.

> >

> > My daughter's symptoms started with her eyes burning and itching as if she

had left her contacts in too long. They became red and irritated. After that

point she suffered major, life threatening complications with another illness

that continued from there.

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I have read that the CFL's contain mercury so if you break one, you get

a big mercury hit, and theoretically your space then requires expensive

hazmat cleanup. I will not buy CFLs for this reason. I know a young

woman who has health problems, was doing much better, then broke one of

these lite bulbs and went into a tailspin, eventually she connected the

dots, started chelating, and is now doing better.

don't know about the led's. sue

>Wow, this conversation is fateful for me.

>coincidentally, I've started a serious discussion about the current

>state of " requirements " for cfl's. I am of the professional opinion that

>cfl's are NOT sustainable. I predict that they will create a legacy of

>environmental pollution equivelant to lead paint, asbestos, pcb's, and more.

>Even more coincidentally, one week after I made this personal

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Not a bad idea!

Check this article out about the coming $50 LED " energy efficient " 60 watt

light bulbs:




May Indoor Air Investigations

> >

> > My daughter's symptoms started with her eyes burning and itching as if she

had left her contacts in too long. They became red and irritated. After that

point she suffered major, life threatening complications with another illness

that continued from there.

> > As for her eyes, they are the first thing to show any indication that there

is danger. Due to s Syndrome which she had in October, she was

left with blepheritis, dry eye syndrome and light sensitivity.


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Thanks for the article-it gives me a little hope. But I'm still going to start

to stock up on incandescents. Hopefully it will be for nothing but I've learned

to not hope for the best anymore.

> >

> > Thanks, Sue. Are you and your daughter worried about incandescents becoming

illegal in this country? I keep hearing this and can't confirm it. It worries me

alot. I keep thinking maybe I should stock up on regular bulbs.

> >

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