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Re: Packing

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I was referring to the message about the brain zaps...I think...it's been a long

long day for me!! Anyway, someone said they had brain zaps. On another message

they mentioned klonopin. I just know when one lowers the dosage with klonopin

it can cause brain zaps. That was what I was referring to,

I understand TOTALLY why one needs help sleeping. I was taking ambein (SP??)

for sleep but I found out it was causing my back a lot more pain so I had to

quit. Back pain is a rare side effect of Ambein. The natural stuff just

doesn't help as much as a good old fashion sleeping pill or benzos. It was so

hard for me to get off of klonopin that I don't want to get back on it again. I

can't deal with the extra back pain that ambein causes so I just go sleepless!



> Jackie, I have never done recreational drugs and don't drink either

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my phsychologist (sp) gives me what is called seraquel to sleep at night.


In a message dated 9/13/2010 11:26:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

jackiebreeze@... writes:

I was referring to the message about the brain zaps...I think...it's been a

long long day for me!! Anyway, someone said they had brain zaps. On

another message they mentioned klonopin. I just know when one lowers the dosage

with klonopin it can cause brain zaps. That was what I was referring to,

I understand TOTALLY why one needs help sleeping. I was taking ambein

(SP??) for sleep but I found out it was causing my back a lot more pain so I

had to quit. Back pain is a rare side effect of Ambein. The natural stuff

just doesn't help as much as a good old fashion sleeping pill or benzos. It

was so hard for me to get off of klonopin that I don't want to get back on it

again. I can't deal with the extra back pain that ambein causes so I just

go sleepless! :(

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That was me that mentioned brain zaps and I went through benzo w/d for 2 years

so i know all about brain zaps that are brought on by klonopin. I dont know why

my brain was misfiring but I can guarantee it wasnt brought on by klonopin, I

learned my lesson I'll never take another benzo again. If I have a problem

sleeping I usually take a tylenol pm


> I was referring to the message about the brain zaps...I think...it's been a

long long day for me!! Anyway, someone said they had brain zaps. On another

message they mentioned klonopin. I just know when one lowers the dosage with

klonopin it can cause brain zaps. That was what I was referring to,

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Getting a place on a month to month basis would be difficult but Im sure it can

be done. My biggest problem is dealing with the depression thats only going to

be intensified when I do find an apartment. Unless I can find a place that's

partially furnished I'll be moving into an empty apartment and will stay that

way until I can save the money to start buying furniture but first Im going to

have to buy clothes. That means no tv, bed, sofa, kitchen table, nothing, I wont

even be able to have my laptop due to the fear of possible contamination. On top

of all that I'll be dealing with not being able to see my g/f and when I do get

a chance to spend time with her I'll be to worried about cross contamination to

want to get close to her.

How does this happen, not once but twice in just a matter of months.


> I got someone to lease to me month to month.


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personally I think you should try to quit worrying quite so much about

cross contamination, mold is everywhere, and even if you found a clean

room environment type apartment every time you left that bubble for

something you would be coming in contact with some level of mold, seems

to me it's a matter of degree, how much mold and what kinds, if you get

into an apartment with no water damage problems, good ventilation (can

open windows and change out the air), no dirty hvac, then you are in a

safer place, also look at reducing your chemical and emf burdens, and

try not to stress so much, try to find something fun every day, find

something good and interesting in every day, the world is a wonderous

place, it isn't all about the invisible mold horrors although that is

easy to forget being in the midst of all this mess....

By the way, we did find a month-to-month rental, they are out there.

W/no furniture you can pretend like you are camping indoors, or pretend

you are back in college, first time away from home with no money and no

stuff, it's ok, that's what we are doing, but we did bring some of our

stuff, washed and wiped down...the stuff is so so unimportant, really...

$100 or $150 got us one of those blow up mattresses from REI, they have

an ECO brand that isn't the really smelly kind of plastic, get a couple

washable blankets and you are set for a while in the bed dept.

Look on craigslist for used wooden furniture, no upholstery that can

harbor chemicals, mold, dust mites....

It can come together for you.

best of luck!

sue v.

>Getting a place on a month to month basis would be difficult but Im sure

>it can be done. My biggest problem is dealing with the depression thats

>only going to be intensified when I do find an apartment. Unless I can

>find a place that's partially furnished I'll be moving into an empty

>apartment and will stay that way until I can save the money to start

>buying furniture but first Im going to have to buy clothes. That means

>no tv, bed, sofa, kitchen table, nothing, I wont even be able to have my

>laptop due to the fear of possible contamination. On top of all that

>I'll be dealing with not being able to see my g/f and when I do get a

>chance to spend time with her I'll be to worried about cross

>contamination to want to get close to her.


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Tug, stay strong!! This is only a challenge, one of many.....

Don't let the depression wipe out all the positive that is happening. You are

able to walk this road.... we are walking it with you...

Our hearts are with you......... It is tough, but you are stronger and tougher

than this challenge. Keep us posted and we will walk every step of the ay with




> Getting a place on a month to month basis would be difficult but Im sure it

can be done. My biggest problem is dealing with the depression thats only going

to be intensified when I do find an apartment. Unless I can find a place that's

partially furnished I'll be moving into an empty apartment and will stay that

way until I can save the money to start buying furniture but first Im going to

have to buy clothes. That means no tv, bed, sofa, kitchen table, nothing, I wont

even be able to have my laptop due to the fear of possible contamination. On top

of all that I'll be dealing with not being able to see my g/f and when I do get

a chance to spend time with her I'll be to worried about cross contamination to

want to get close to her.


> How does this happen, not once but twice in just a matter of months.


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Tug, when you say brain zaps, can you explain what it fells like?

for a while after exposure I would get these snaps in my brain that

felt like a twig snapping in my brain, some were so strong that they would cause

my whole body to jerk.

I later thought maybe it was do to new axon tree growth or new connections being

made in the brain. ? I wondered if this was something that happens with some

other types of brain injury.

it felt like electricial in nature, like a voltage ark from two hot wires.


>That was me that mentioned brain zaps and I went through benzo w/d for 2 years

so i know all about brain zaps that are brought on by klonopin. I dont know why

my brain was misfiring but I can guarantee it wasnt brought on by klonopin, I

learned my lesson I'll never take another benzo again. If I have a problem

sleeping I usually take a tylenol pm


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Thanks Sue, right now Im exploring my options and nothing is set in stone at

this point, once the weather changes and snow starts to fall will I have to make

a decision. My poor g/f is doing everything possible to ensure that I have a

safe living environment. The other day we went to home depot and bought the same

wipes the mold remediator used in our basement and last night she wiped down the

entire kitchen, I tried to help her but within minutes became dizzy and had to

head upstairs and lay down.

Speaking of craigslist i've been checking out rooms for rent and there's an

abundance of people out there that not only will rent you a room but more often

or not it's furnished. I dont need much, all I need is a bed to sleep on and a

computer and possibly a tv for background noise. The only problem with renting a

room is Im not living in as much of a controlled environment as I would like

meaning the owner would more than likely use chemicals around their house but

that's a bridge I'll have to cross when I come to it


> Tug,


> personally I think you should try to quit worrying quite so much about

> cross contamination, mold is everywhere, and even if you found a clean

> room environment type apartment every time you left that bubble for

> something you would be coming in contact with some level of mold,

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you might want to network on mcssafeshelterusa, another group, for

safe housing, sometimes people w/sensitivities are looking for someone

else to share space, also planet thrive is another place to look, best

of luck. sue


leep on and a computer and possibly a tv for background noise. The

>only problem with renting a room is Im not living in as much of a

>controlled environment as I would like meaning the owner would more than

>likely use chemicals around their house but that's a bridge I'll have to

>cross when I come to it


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Can someone post the MCS room mate option. For that matter are there resources

where mold injured folks like us, offer a room for rent to anotherĀ  mold victim?

Maybe wipes that don't have bleach. Do alcohol wipes bother you? Or vinegar &


Hang in there, there has to be some options & others who are as sensitive.


From: Tug <tug_slug@...>: [] Re: Packing

Ā  The other day we went to home depot and bought the same wipes the mold

remediator used in our basement, she wiped down the entire kitchen, I tried to

help her but within minutes became dizzy and had to head upstairs and lay down.


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Here's some MCS groups. Mold-free is a housing requirement with MCS.





At planetthrive.com, in the upper left there is a tab that says PT Community. In

the drop down menu there is a link to a forum & a group.

If you do a search in there's a lot of MCS groups.

Also the Chemical Injury Information Network puts out a publication " Our Toxic

Times " that runs housing ads.



> Can someone post the MCS room mate option. For that matter are there resources

where mold injured folks like us, offer a room for rent to anotherĀ  mold victim?

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Kathy, thanks for the post. I can only think of one other person who has

suffered from mold exposure that lives(d) by me. She suffered her second

exposure not long ago and basically told me she was going to move to the desert.

I've tried to get a hold of her several times but her email addy is no longer

valid and her cell phone number belongs to someone else.

I was hoping she'd come back to the group by now and post something/anything but

to my knowledge she hasnt. Hopefully she'll read this and will either send me an

email or start a thread.



> Can someone post the MCS room mate option. For that matter are there resources

where mold injured folks like us, offer a room for rent to anotherĀ  mold victim?


> Maybe wipes that don't have bleach. Do alcohol wipes bother you? Or vinegar &



> Hang in there, there has to be some options & others who are as sensitive.


> Kathy


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