Guest guest Posted October 9, 2010 Report Share Posted October 9, 2010 some of you may find this interesting, a friend sent it, not sure who wrote it, presentation on emfs... Take a look at this presentation which was giving last night in the Bay Area to some chemically sensitive people...maybe you have already read it? GOOD ONE: *Electropollution and the * *Decline in Health of a Nation* The biggest health threat to the US is electropollution. The explosion of iPhones, Blackberries, WiFi, WiMax, video game consoles and even remote-control toys has fundamentally changed our electrical environment. You can't see it, you can't taste it, you can't touch it; but the air all around us is increasingly filled with electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that is penetrating our bodies and disrupting our body chemistry - perhaps forever. Every moment of every day, invisible fields of electrons are striking our bodies like tiny darts, triggering dozens of bio-chemical reactions, which undermine our health and stealthily lay the groundwork for disease. How does this happen? As Nobel-prize nominee, Dr. Becker described in " The Body Electric, " our brains; our hearts and every one of the seven trillion cells in our bodies operate on electrical impulses. These minuscule electrical fields can easily be disrupted by the electropollution around us, especially when frequency *wavelength* is in the brainwave region (0-33 hertz), or matches up with and resonates with electrically-charged particles like ions and chemicals or organs of the body. Becker also found that healing only takes place if the current at the point of injury is negatively charged. When it turns positive, the healing process shuts down. So, even our ability to heal is fundamentally dependent upon electrical fields and thus subject to interference from ambient EMR. In the 1960s NASA found that astronauts would lose up to 50% of their bone mass in just weeks without the presence of the earth's *natural *electromagnetic field. Later an artificial version of the earth's electromagnetic field was added to the spacecraft, which reduced the problem. Human life could not exist without the presence of *natural *electromagnetic fields. But what about the explosion of *artificial* magnetic fields around us, how are these burgeoning signals affecting us? Since the early 1960s, there has been an ongoing debate between scientists, government, industry and the military as to the health impacts on humans from electromagnetic radiation. In fact more than 16,000 studies have tackled the issue. Now, more than 6000 studies connect wireless and other EMR with more than 122 biological effects. Another 10,000 fail to find the connection. US regulators and policy-makers are using these numbers as a rationale to continue to approve the deployment of *unproven* technologies. They typically claim that there is no consensus in the science. Despite the science showing a better than 1 in 3 chance (38%) that wireless technologies are causing bio-effects, these regulators and policy-makers are *betting*that these 'untested' technologies won't make us sick. But how do they know? The US government is neither tracking the health effects of these newly adopted technologies nor has it funded a single non-classified study on the biological effects of wireless technologies since the late 1990's. During that time twelve new ubiquitous technologies have been rolled-out, including public WiFi, 3rd generation (3G) cell phones, 3G Cellular networks, Bluetooth, WiMax, DECT cordless phones, 4G cell phones and broad deployments of GPS in cars, phones and devices. Meanwhile the fourteen international scientists, who produced the BioInitiative Report ( document more than two thousand, mostly independent studies, which connect wireless and other EMR with the following: DNA damage, brain cancer, Alzheimer's, breast cancer, children's cancers (leukemia), immune system dysfunction, cardiac symptoms, alteration of melatonin production, inflammation and electromagnetic sensitivity. The 630 page report also links numerous modern age symptoms such as headaches, sleep disturbances, concentration issues, fuzzy thinking, joint and muscle pain and memory loss to wireless. As science is often crippled by abstract experiments with unproven simplifying assumptions, a better way to judge and validate scientific findings may be to look at the key health trends: Beginning in the 1980's at the advent of the 'wireless revolution' a profound change in our national health began to quietly unfold. It began with the emergence of a bevy of previously-unknown auto-immune diseases like chronic fatigue (CFS), lupus, environmental illness (EI) and fibromyalgia. Soon an explosion in neurological disorders began with Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's and Alzheimer's all showing a dramatic increase. Next, the incidence of certain cancers began to suddenly rise such as melanoma, testicular, lymphoma, breast and prostate cancers. Then, in the 1990s, ailments like diabetes, attention deficit disorder (ADD/ ADHD) and Autism began to explode. In the past fifteen years sleep disturbances and mood disorders have sky-rocketed. In the 1970s only about 4% suffered from sleep issues. It is now closer to 60%. Meanwhile more than 18 million Americans are clinically diagnosed as depressed. Depression in children is growing at 23%. It should be no surprise that the top selling pharmaceutical drugs are for pain, depression, and sleep. What has happened to our health? It might surprise you to know that the 1950s, when there were few health clubs; the American diet was loaded with fat; vitamin supplements were rare; executives downed three martinis at lunch and everyone smoked like a smokestack, may have been the healthiest decade ever. Expectations for getting cancer were only 1 in 6; it is now 1 in 2 for men. Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis and most modern autoimmune diseases were unheard of. Neurological disorders like Parkinson's and ALS were rare. Diabetes was only beginning to emerge and heart disease for young people was unusual. In the previous three decades, we had extended the average life expectancy from 55 to 72 years - a 31% gain. Well here's the good news: we now live to 80 - 8 more years. But more than half of that eight year gain is spent in a nursing home, suffering from either dementia, or Alzheimer's. What has happened to our health? Despite the many advances in medicine during the 20th century, the US and other industrialized nations have been experiencing explosions in disease and pervasive ill-health. While many scientists and the pharmaceutical industry are rushing to find drugs to manage the symptoms of these illnesses, almost no progress has been made to find *root causes.* Theories abound on the causes and underlying factors for the big six diseases: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, neurological disorders (Alzheimer's et al), autoimmune disorders and allergies (asthma). But none are conclusive. We've gotten really good at managing symptoms the past two decades but no one can explain the spontaneous explosion of the six major disease groups with no obvious connection that began in the 1980's. Almost everyone agrees that these diseases are closely associated with environmental, and/or lifestyle choices. We hear incessantly about the importance of diet and exercise; the impacts from smoking; and exposures to chemicals and other toxins in our environment. But are these the lead causes, or simply supporting actors in the emerging health drama? Millions are spent each year on research, attacking the possible causation of the big six diseases. Most of this research is approached from either a purely biological or chemical angle. Sometimes there is an interdisciplinary approach, involving experts in biology and chemistry. Yet the human organism is clearly much more than simply the sum of body parts, operating in a bio-chemical paradigm. The missing factor is the role of electrical energy and the tiny electromagnetic fields that are triggering our heart, our brain, our endocrine system and constantly transmitting messages to every cell in our body. As few scientists are trained across biology, chemistry and electricity, we are left in the dark as to the interrelationship of all three key factors. More importantly we are blinded by continuing to ignore the pivotal role of electrical disturbances transmitted from our environment that is setting off a chain of bio-chemical events that are leading to an epidemic of disease. Is electropollution the *unifying factor* in the exploding diseases that are making us all so sick? * * *New Evidence* * * In the past several months, there have been two potentially landmark events that shed new light on the science, linking EMR from wireless technologies to broad health impacts, dozens of biological effects and virtually all of the currently exploding diseases. In July 2010, a previously unrecognized collection of nearly 5000 studies linking low-level wireless signals to bioeffects was discovered by noted scientist, Magda Havas, PhD of Trent University in Ontario, Canada. More than 2300 of these studies, concerned with radio-frequency and microwave radiation, were compiled by Dr. Zorach Glaser, PhD, an officer in the US Navy at the request of the Naval Medical Research Institute1. Many of these studies were previously classified and others originated in Eastern Block nations such as the USSR, Poland and Czechoslovakia and have only recently been translated. Here is a sampling from Dr. Glaser's report on the *122 biological phenomena (effects) and clinical manifestations attributed to microwave and radio-frequency radiation*: 1. *Changes in physiological Function (29)* 1. Alteration of diameter of blood vessels 2. Liver enlargement 3. Decreased fertility 4. Altered sex ratio of births (more females) 5. Altered blood flow 6. Altered menstrual activity 7. Structural changes in cerebral cortex 8. Myocardial necrosis 9. Dehydration 10. Alteration in sensitivity to light, sound and olfactory stimuli 11. Altered rate of calcification 2. *Central Nervous System Effects (9)* 1. Headaches 2. Insomnia 3. Cranial nerve disorders 4. Vagomimetic action of the Heart; sympaticomimetic action 3. *Autonomic Nervous System Effects (4)* 1. Alteration of the heart rhythm 2. Fatigue 3. Structural alteration of the synapses of the vagus nerve 4. Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system (Bradycardia). 4. *Psychological Disorders (17)* 1. Depression 2. Impotence 3. Anxiety 4. Lack of concentration 5. Dizziness 6. Sleepiness 7. Insomnia 8. Increased irritability 9. Memory loss 10. Chest pain 5. *Blood Disorders (14) - * 1. Blood and bone marrow changes 2. Blood glucose concentration (increase) 3. Blood Histamine content increase (inflammatory marker) 4. Cholesterol and lipids (increase) 5. Albumin/ globulin ration (decrease) 6. *Vascular Disorders (2)* 1. Thrombosis 2. Hypertension 7. *Enzyme and other biochemical changes (13)* 1. Alteration in cell division 2. Change in concentration of Glycogen in Liver 3. Tissue cultures killed 8. *Metabolic Disorders (4)* 1. *Gastro-intestinal disorders (4)* 1. Anorexia 2. Constipation 3. Epigastric pain 4. Altered secretion of stomach (digestive juices) 2. *Endocrine Gland Changes (8)* 1. Altered pituitary function 2. Hyperthyroidism 3. Thyroid enlargement 4. Altered adrenal cortex activity 5. Decreased corticosteroids in blood 6. Hypogonadism (decreased testosterone production) 3. *Histological Changes (2)* 4. *Genetic and Chromosomal Changes (5)* 1. Chromosome aberrations 2. Mutations 3. Mongolism 4. Tumors 5. Cellular changes (somatic alterations)** 5. *Miscellaneous Effects (10)* 1. Metallic taste in mouth 2. Loss of hair 3. Sensations of buzzing, vibrations, pulsations, tickling about head and ears 4. Copious perspiration, salivation 5. Changes in circadian rhythms This treasure trove of " lost " science that was compiled at the request of the US Navy opens the door for a real renaissance in research for scientists, who are examining the link between wireless technologies and impacts to our health. But will it be enough to awaken the US government to this call to action? Meanwhile in a spectacular announcement that got very little coverage in August 2010, noted epidemiologist, Milham, MD makes the link between the growth of electrification and the incidence of four of the big six diseases. In " Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization< optimalwellnessc>. " Dr. Milham connects *dirty electricity* with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, neurological disorders like ALS and suicide. Dirty electricity refers to unusable electrical energy, which is caused by the interference of electronics on the power lines within your home, office or public building. It is virtually everywhere. Dirty electricity is created by fluorescent lights, dimmer switches, cell phone chargers, plasma TVs, laptop computers and the dramatic increase of electronics all around us. Seven studies have shown that what is considered *electrical noise* on power lines is also biologically-active. (Havas, Milham, et al). These studies, many of which were performed in schools, shows that this electrical noise may be causing, or worsening health conditions such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), chronic fatigue, diabetes (glucose rise) and asthma. Eerily four of the diseases most associated with *inflammation* - cancer, heart disease, diabetes and neurological disorders are directly linked to dirty electricity. Both Dr. Zorach Glaser's bibliography and the BioInitiative Report ( separately connect electrical fields from wireless technologies with inflammation. If the inflammation connection can be confirmed, then we may have solved the most important health issue of our time. If wireless technologies cause inflammation and inflammation leads to: · cancer · heart disease · autoimmune disease · diabetes · Neurological disorders like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS and MS · Attention Deficit Disorder as TIME Magazine proposes in " The Fires Within, " then the mystery of these diseases, which have been exploding since the advent of the wireless revolution in the 1980's may be finally solved! * * Meanwhile a nationwide roll-out of the smart grid, super WiFi and 4G cellular networks is about to begin. With these three powerful and 'untested' wireless technologies poised to be deployed, the time has never been better to pause and ask the question: *Are we, the people, willing to take the bet that these wireless technologies won't make us sick? * And what will we tell our children, if we are wrong? *References: * *Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (effects) and Clinical Manifestations attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation -*Research Report; Naval Medical Research Institute, Dr. Zorach R. Glaser, Ph.D., Lt. MSC, USNR; 4 October, 1971<http://> *BioInitiative Report: * Sage, , MA; , Xu, Zhengping, PhD; Chen, Guangdi PhD; Lai, Henry, PhD; Blank, ; Kundi, , PhD; Johansson, Olle, PhD; Carpenter, ; Hardell, Lennart; Mild, Kjell Hansen, Davanipour, Zoreh; Sobel, Eugene; Gee, Blackman, Carl, PhD; August 2007 * * * " Non-thermal biological effects of microwaves: current knowledge, further perspective and urgent needs. " *Igor Belyaev; Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia " *Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization< optimalwellnessc>, " * Milham, MD, MPH; iUniverse Books; ISBN 978-1-4502-3821 *(pbk);*March 2010 * * * " Evidence for the role of modulation in effects of microwaves obtained in Soviet Union/Russia " * ?A.G. Pakhomov, M.B. , Comprehensive review of the research on biological effects of pulsed radiofrequency radiation in Russia and the former Soviet Union. In: Advances in electromagnetic Fields in Living System, V.3 (J. C. Lin, ed.), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2000, 265-290. ... Grigoriev Yu. G., *ROLE OF MODULATION IN BIOEFFECTS OFELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS * (SUMMARY OF RUSSIAN STUDIES), (Russian National Commission for Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation), 2004, (review in Russian) Havas M., Olstad, A. *Power Quality affects teacher wellbeing and student behavior in three Minnesota schools.* Science of the Total Environment, Volume 42, numbers 2,4; September 2008. Milham S, LL., submitted for publication. *A new electromagnetic exposure metric: high frequency voltage transients associated with increased cancer incidence in teachers in a California school*. Am. J. Ind. Med.** Havas M. *Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: biological effects of dirty electricity with emphasis on diabetes and multiple sclerosis.*Electromagnetic Biol Med 2006b; 25: 259 -68. Havas M, Stetzer D. *Dirty electricity and electrical hypersensitivity: Five case studies: World Health Organization Workshop on Electricity Hypersensitivity*, WHO, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-26 October, 2004; 2004. Havas M, Illiatovitch M, Proctor C*. Teacher and student response to the removal of dirty electricity by the Graham/Stetzer filter at Willow Wood School in Toronto, Canada.* Biological Effects of EMFs, 3rd International Workshop, Kos, Greece, 4-8 October, 2004; 2004. p. 311-7. *TIME Magazine, " The Fires Within " * by Gorman, Alice Park and a Dell <> Feb. 23, 2004 (,9171,993419,00.html) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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