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Thanks for sharing your story with us. If you don't mind me asking, what

dosage of pepcid are you using? How much does Becca weigh? What time of

the day do you give it? Have you noticed any hyperactivity or

sleeplessness, or loose stools with it?

Thanks, in advance,




Hi Everyone,

I am the SAHM to 4.9 yo Autistic girl, and Alison (NT) who will

be 2 in 2 weeks. We've had a DX of Atypical Autism for Becca since

6-98, but we have known all her life that she was different.

She was a Clomid induced pregnancy, very quiet in utero, I didn't feel

her move until she was almost 27 weeks gestational age. She was

delivered at 37weeks by Csection, due to frank breech positioning. When

she was 12 hours old, she had a " blue spell " in the nursery. At that

time, she stopped breathing and appeared to be seizing, and they called

a code on her. (just a little scary, Dad saw it all) They rescusitated

(sp) her and she spent the remainder of our stay in NICU. She was small

at birth, had a hard time breathing then, but was given Apgars of 9 and

9, even though she had to be pounded so hard on her back to breathe, she

had bruises from the pediatrician. That was just the beginning of the

" fun " . She wouldn't nurse well for me. She refused the left breast, so

I'd have to work real hard to keep her awake long enought to nurse for

10 min on the right breast, feed her a bit of formula or pumped breast

milk from the left side, and then I'd have to pump the left. Needless

to say, I spent a lot of time just feeding her, or trying to for about 2

mo. She was very slow to gain weight, and she's still very small. She

only weighs 31#'s and is 37 1/2 " tall now. Developmentally, the ped.

didn't listen to me until she was 6mo old. Then we did a Neuro consult.

At that time the Neurologist was concerned and ordered Chromosome tests

and other tests. Needless to say, Becca has had more tests done on her

than any adult should ever have, and not just blood work. At this time,

she still has an undiagnosed Metabolic Disorder. We have seen all the

" experts " and they are still scratching their heads about Becca. For

now, she goes to school 5hrs, 5 days a week. She is in the TEACCH

program and recieves OT and PT 2x week, and ST 3x a week. I am not very

pleased with the school she is enrolled in, they have allowed way too

much " free play " instead of being as " highly structured " as they claimed

to be. She is not attending that school to wander around the classroom,

aimlessly. So in September, she will change schools and be in a BOCES

classroom with a lot more adult supervision and extremely structured

with discreet trials. They are also going to take the children out into

the community and teach them how to be " acceptable " members of society.

We started Pepcid AC on Becca 2 weeks ago today. Within 2 hours of the

first dose, of 10mg, I noticed better speech. At school, they are

thrilled with her progress. Her gross motor skills have improved also.

I have spoken with my Pediatrician about Secretin infusions, and because

of Becca's undiagnosed Metabolic problem, he said we'd never get any for

her. He is currently on vacation, so I've not been able to tell him

about our progress with the Pepcid AC. I have told his colleague, but

Dr. B knows her very well. I can hardly wait until he returns from his

trip to tell him myself.

Well, that's our story, long as it is. Alison is a VERY active, typical

2yr old. She makes sure that Becca doesn't miss a thing. Granted,

Becca could care less sometimes, but Ali makes the effort. I am

currently trying to potty train them both. I've gotten Becca to poop on

the potty, and Ali to go pee, but inconsistently with both of them.

Someday it'll all fall into place, I'm sure.

My husband works long hours, but does what he can with the

girls. I had a hard time when Becca was young, convincing him that

there was something wrong with her, but he has come to terms with her

disability. Probably better than I have! I still have days where I

just want MORE from her. I want her to want her fingernails painted,

want to play with a Barbie, instead of her Lamb Chop puppet, or a book.

At least we got the Teletubbies out of our system so far. It's been a

rough battle with them.

Sorry this is long, if I've forgotten anything I will try to do an

update. If you have any questions, or suggestions, please email me.

Thanks for reading. Best of luck to you all.



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  • 4 months later...

In a message dated 1/5/00 9:04:48 AM Eastern Standard Time,

lois.douglass@... writes:

<< Just a brief note to introduce myself. I'm a 40yo Admin. Secretary

here at UNC and have quit smoking (and consequently put on a few pounds ;)


However, I'm feelin' great, and learning to love life more and more! I


that tae bo will add to my enjoyment and certainly will add to my total


and well-being.

I wish each of you the very best in your goals. Know that we'll all

get there - in our own way. I'm really glad to be a part of the Tae bo

family! Take care and God bless...

Lois s >>

Hi Lois!

Welcome! Are you at Chapel Hill? I live in Raleigh. Are you joining in on any

of the 21 day challenges?


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Hi Elena & All:

I'm a real " newbie " . I just got my tapes on Monday. I ordered the

4-tape set (instructional, basic, advanced & 8-min. workout). So far I've

only done the instructional, and BOY do I feel it - even after such a short


Anyways, I don't feel fully motivated yet - I guess it's still so new

- plus I'm going through LOTS of other changes in my life now. Very positive

changes, but change can be stressful no matter how GOOD it is ;). I'll be

soakin' up the motivation for a while. I do hope that I can eventually be an

inspiration to someone else.

Elena, thanks girlfriend, for the warm welcome - and to everyone


Lois D.

" etcarroll " Wrote:


| Welcome, Lois. How long have you been Taeboing? What

| tapes do you do?

| You came to the right place for encouragement. Glad you

| found us.


| Elena


| ----------------------------------------------------------

| --------------


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| In a message dated 1/5/00 9:04:48 AM Eastern Standard

| Time,

Hey :

Yep! I'm here at good ol' UNC-CH! It's great to know that there are

other Tae bo'ers nearby (sort of :) ). Thanks for the welcome and tell me

about the 21 day challenges, will you?

Lois D.

| Hi Lois!

| Welcome! Are you at Chapel Hill? I live in Raleigh. Are

| you joining in on any

| of the 21 day challenges?

| :)


| ----------------------------------------------------------

| --------------


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In a message dated 1/5/00 9:04:49 AM Eastern Standard Time,

lois.douglass@... writes:

<< Hi All:

Just a brief note to introduce myself. I'm a 40yo Admin. Secretary

here at UNC and have quit smoking (and consequently put on a few pounds ;)


However, I'm feelin' great, and learning to love life more and more! I


that tae bo will add to my enjoyment and certainly will add to my total


and well-being.

I wish each of you the very best in your goals. Know that we'll all

get there - in our own way. I'm really glad to be a part of the Tae bo

family! Take care and God bless...

Lois s



Welcome Lois !!! I'm glad your joining our group !! Good luck to you !!!

There is great motivation here !! Pam :)

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In a message dated 01/05/2000 6:21:37 AM Pacific Standard Time,

lois.douglass@... writes:

<< Anyways, I don't feel fully motivated yet - I guess it's still so new

- plus I'm going through LOTS of other changes in my life now. Very positive

changes, but change can be stressful no matter how GOOD it is ;). I'll be

soakin' up the motivation for a while. I do hope that I can eventually be


inspiration to someone else.

Elena, thanks girlfriend, for the warm welcome - and to everyone


Lois D.


Lois, what I have learned from all of these caring people on this board, is

it won't take long for you to get motivated. These girls on here are so

considerate and really care. I think that I am part of very devotional

group. I am so happy that you found us. We will encourage you and support

anything that you do.


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In a message dated 1/5/00 9:25:43 AM Eastern Standard Time,

lois.douglass@... writes:

<< Hey :

Yep! I'm here at good ol' UNC-CH! It's great to know that there are

other Tae bo'ers nearby (sort of :) ). Thanks for the welcome and tell me

about the 21 day challenges, will you? >>

Hi Lois,

I want to transfer to UNC sometime in the near future. Right now I am at a

community college trying to juggle work and school and kids...

We have a few 21 day challenges going on right now. There is a theory that

it takes 21 days of doing something consistently to make it a habit. Our

current challenges are:

1) Tae-Bo, 21 days in a row (the 8 minute or instructional tapes count)

2) Healthy eating

3) Drinking 64 oz of water a day

4) No scale (no weighing yourself)

5) Holding in your abs throughout the day

We also have a few people abstaining from alcohol. Feel free to join in on

any of the challenges! If you miss a day during your challenge, you start the

21 days over again. Good Luck!!!


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In a message dated 01/05/2000 9:04:45 AM Eastern Standard Time,

lois.douglass@... writes:

<< Just a brief note to introduce myself >>

Welcome Lois and I added your intro to the intro folder in our vault along

with 's earlier this morning


who loves the power of Tae-Bo to improve ourselves and to unite us with

others to make it even more powerful

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In a message dated 01/05/2000 9:21:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,

lois.douglass@... writes:

<< I'm a real " newbie " . I just got my tapes on Monday. I ordered the

4-tape set (instructional, basic, advanced & 8-min. workout). So far I've

only done the instructional, and BOY do I feel it - even after such a short


Anyways, I don't feel fully motivated yet - I guess it's still so new

- plus I'm going through LOTS of other changes in my life now. Very positive

changes, but change can be stressful no matter how GOOD it is ;). I'll be

soakin' up the motivation for a while. I do hope that I can eventually be


inspiration to someone else. >>


Tae-Bo didn't hook me till I did the Basic Work-out

The Instructional didn't do it for me and just made me feel awkward

Do you have the original Studio set or the new Live ones?

BTW TB will help you thru those changes and relieve the stress so do not

hesitate to try walking thru the Basic

Just do the stuff slower or not at all if the form feels wrong


whose hubby who just started is doing the 8 minute and BL3 cuz no roundhouse


AKA:POMBarb, Mad-Dame Yenta, Tae-Bo Barb

" Cats and Teens will do what they want and

Dogs and Parents just better get used to it "

<A HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/horsemom2/myhomepage/index.html " >Barb's

Places on the web</A>

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In a message dated 1/5/00 9:04:46 AM Eastern Standard Time,

lois.douglass@... writes:

<< I wish each of you the very best in your goals. Know that we'll all

get there - in our own way. I'm really glad to be a part of the Tae bo

family! Take care and God bless... >>

Welcome Lois- I'm sure you will find motivation in this group- I know it is

motivating me.


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  • 3 years later...

Welcome to the group Elayne. I have 5 kids, 2 of which are twins. Nice to

hear from another mom of multiples and singletons.

Sounds like you are on the right track. Now that Caitlin is in kindergarten

you might be able to get a better diagnosis as to where she is on the



SAHM to some special kids!!!

Excuse Me While I Go

Raise Tomorrow's Future.


> I'm a 28yo SAHM to triplets plus 1. I'm on the high end of the spectrum,

> and I'm pretty sure my daughter Caitlin is on the spectrum, although more

> affected than me. She is visually impaired and has mild cerebral palsy,


> her therapists have agreed with me since she was nearly 2 that she is on


> spectrum, but was too young to be diagnosed. Some of her behaviors when

> younger were most noticeable in comparison to her trip-sibs, i.e., delayed

> social skills, precocious speech, stim behavior, isolation, lack of

> eye-contact, aversion to cuddling and touch, etc. As she gets older, the

> symptoms are becoming more pronounced. I'm considering seeking a formal

> diagnosis for her now, because we've started kindergarten (homeschooling)

> this year and I'm hoping to find help with modifying my instruction

> techniques for her, as well as general parenting advice.


> Elayne

> mommy to Brenden, Tamara, & Caitlin (10/12/1999 @ 26w2d) and Liam

> (10/15/2002 @ 40w4d)






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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Helen,

I am sherry and am from essex in the uk! Has you local education

authority been in contact with you yet! If not then get the school to

give you there address and write to them requesting a statement of

special educational needs. This will help you school to get extra

funding to help you son. My son Toby gets fulltime support from a

support worker in school. It takes quite a long time for all the

assesments etc but it is worth it. If you need anyfurther advice

please email me privately.


Take care


> Hi,

> I've just joined the group because my 6 yr old son, , has

just been diagnosed with autistic specturm disorder, specifically

with emotional/social problems. I have 4 boys, 15, 12, 6 and 3, and

have been married to my DH for almost 18 years now. Any information,

good web sites and support would be welcomed. We have always

suspected that did have some form of autism, but just not

quite sure what to do about it. Although he has always been 'hard-

work', it wasn't until he went to school, and his teacher also felt

that something wasn't quite right, that we decided to get him



> We have an open-ended arrangement with the Hospital because the

consultant didn't feel that he needs regular reviews, but if we feel

the need for more

> support we can get back in touch, we're happy with this. I'm

looking for ways in which the school can support him better, although

I have to say they

> are genuinely trying to work this out with us.


> Helen

> Liverpool, UK



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  • 8 months later...

Thank you for the advice I certainly will look into that...

We have been homeschooling since this began ..he has been out for weeks on

end now,, the school wants to implement a plan to get him back in,, I am so

leary of this, he is so happy to be at home, althought he also has

depression,, its worse at school..we were thinking about a puppy for him

sometime after christmas..maybe that can help out a little too.

Thank you and nice to be here!

Re: Intro


> Hi Angie, welcome to the list! It sounds like your son was lucky to have


> quick diagnosis and treatment quickly begun. I hope the clomipramine


> well for him and he's ready and able to return to school after the



> If you haven't, I urge you to look into finding an expert Cognitive


> Therapist to treat your son with Exposure and Response Prevention therapy

> for OCD. This type of therapy is the only type that reduces and


> OCD symptoms. For my child, this therapy reduced her symptoms much


> than meds alone were able to do, and she learned techniques to recognize


> fend off new compulsions before they can gain a toehold.


> Again, welcome, take care,

> Kathy R. in Indiana


> ----- Original Message -----


> > Hello all, I am new here and so glad I found you!

> > We had to pull my son out of school aprox 3-4 weeks ago now, He is 7


> old and couldnt cope in school, the teacher had to call me alot to come


> get him if disorder broke out in class he would have an anxiety attack,

> > He would only color with one crayon and the numerous trips to the


> were telling us something was " off "

> > Long story short he has just been diagnosed with OCD and depression,, we

> are still digesting the whole thing and he is on 25 mg of Clomipramine


> a day, we plan to integrate him back into school on Jan 5th.

> > Glad we found some support!

> > I am in Saskatchewan Canada,,nice to meet you!

> > Angie





> Our list archives, bookmarks, files, and chat feature may be accessed at:

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group// .

> Our list advisors are Gail B. , Ed.D., Tamar Chansky, Ph.D.(

http://www.worrywisekids.org ), Dan Geller, M.D.,Aureen Pinto Wagner, Ph.D.,

( http://www.lighthouse-press.com ). Our list moderators are

Birkhan, Castle, Fowler, Kathy Hammes, Joye, Kathy

Mac, Gail Pesses, and Kathy . Subscription issues or

suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at

louisharkins@... , louisharkins@... , louisharkins@...





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  • 2 months later...

> Hi T.G., welcome. What is HFA, should I know?

High Functioning Autism. The actual word used in my case was Kanner's some

years ago.

>What does it mean that you demand effervescence?

I'm still trying to figure that out myself

>Why is there " um " before Texas?

There are an awful lot of s around the world. I origially left it open,

then decided to mention the region later. More bad humour.

Thanks to you all for the welcome.

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> If it doesnt' feel too distressing to talk about, I'd be very interested in

hearing more about this.

I did manage to avoid institution and ABA treatments, but I was a passive kid.

It's not soemthing I spend a lot of time thinking about or remembering these

days, so it's difficult to just " lay it out " , as it were.

> Interesting. I'm a rather non-passionate person myself. But I'm learning to

understand emotions from contact with more emotionally inclined Aspies.

There are distinctions within the character of AS folks. Some I've encountered

online are highly sentimental, and others less so. Even I went through a phase

when I was coming to terms with the fact that I would never be normal a few

years ago. I do think that People on the spectrum mature later in life than NTs.

I think not having role models has a lot to do with it.

> I looked up that in the web now. I think the eyebrows look nice. Why cover


My mother looked like a model. I think she was just a bit concerned about looks

moreso than normal. I'm not exactly " scary " looking -like, for instance, Rowan

Atkinson as Mr Bean (A character I strongly relate to). But I was told that I

looked somewhat monsterous as a kid.

I've no proof that I meet all the criteria of the syndrome other than mild

clinical features, personalty traits I've read about in others, etc. But I do

think that I'm a close call to it. I've a nephew with a sister syndrome who is

far more disabled than I am, which feeds the theory.

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  • 7 years later...
Guest guest

Welcome, ruth-glad you joined us. You will find a lot of good info here.


> Hi, my name is maryruth. I live in N. Idaho out in the country. Recently, I

have been re-introduced to sprouting from some friends who are helping me change

to a more raw diet.


> A couple of weeks ago a friend was telling me various things she sprouted. I

had no idea you could sprout stuff like that. So I started looking around for a

group to learn more about sprouting.


> I am a total newbie when it comes to sprouting. I do know that sprouting

increases the nutritional value of food.


> thanks,

> maryruth


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Welcome Ruth. Lots of info here, on the web, and at Sproutpeople!!! Nice to

hear your trying to go raw. Happy sprouting!!! , NYC


Hi, my name is maryruth. I live in N. Idaho out in the country. Recently, I

have been re-introduced to sprouting from some friends who are helping me change

to a more raw diet.

A couple of weeks ago a friend was telling me various things she sprouted. I

had no idea you could sprout stuff like that. So I started looking around for a

group to learn more about sprouting.

I am a total newbie when it comes to sprouting. I do know that sprouting

increases the nutritional value of food.



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Welcome to the group.

Check out www.sproutpeople.org for info on lots of things to sprout.

Ask questions. We will have the answers or find the answers.



Hi, my name is maryruth. I live in N. Idaho out in the country. Recently, I

have been re-introduced to sprouting from some friends who are helping me change

to a more raw diet.

A couple of weeks ago a friend was telling me various things she sprouted. I

had no idea you could sprout stuff like that. So I started looking around for a

group to learn more about sprouting.

I am a total newbie when it comes to sprouting. I do know that sprouting

increases the nutritional value of food.



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Hi Ruth (what a pretty name).

Welcome to our group. I have LOTS of videos on sprouting. Here's a link to my

youtube channel. Been doing sprouting videos for years.




> Welcome Ruth. Lots of info here, on the web, and at Sproutpeople!!! Nice

to hear your trying to go raw. Happy sprouting!!! , NYC

> intro




> Hi, my name is maryruth. I live in N. Idaho out in the country. Recently, I

have been re-introduced to sprouting from some friends who are helping me change

to a more raw diet.


> A couple of weeks ago a friend was telling me various things she sprouted. I

had no idea you could sprout stuff like that. So I started looking around for a

group to learn more about sprouting.


> I am a total newbie when it comes to sprouting. I do know that sprouting

increases the nutritional value of food.


> thanks,

> maryruth







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Who said that you had to cook lentils?

I eat them just like they are. I harvested a batch yesterday. Ate several

during the process of packing them for the refrigerator.

Last night, i tossed them in my garden salad. I eat everything: Bean, root,

sprout and hulls.

Eat and enjoy!






> Hi, my name is maryruth. I live in N. Idaho out in the country. Recently, I

have been re-introduced to sprouting from some friends who are helping me change

to a more raw diet.


> A couple of weeks ago a friend was telling me various things she sprouted. I

had no idea you could sprout stuff like that. So I started looking around for a

group to learn more about sprouting.


> I am a total newbie when it comes to sprouting. I do know that sprouting

increases the nutritional value of food.


> thanks,

> maryruth







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I was on some site and the person said " Remember never to eat them raw, you must

cook them to remove the toxins "

What toxins??



> >

> > Welcome Ruth. Lots of info here, on the web, and at Sproutpeople!!!

Nice to hear your trying to go raw. Happy sprouting!!! , NYC

> > intro

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi, my name is maryruth. I live in N. Idaho out in the country. Recently, I

have been re-introduced to sprouting from some friends who are helping me change

to a more raw diet.

> >

> > A couple of weeks ago a friend was telling me various things she sprouted.

I had no idea you could sprout stuff like that. So I started looking around for

a group to learn more about sprouting.

> >

> > I am a total newbie when it comes to sprouting. I do know that sprouting

increases the nutritional value of food.

> >

> > thanks,

> > maryruth

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Find that site and we can all ridicule them.



> >

> >

> >

> > Hi, my name is maryruth. I live in N. Idaho out in the country. Recently, I

have been re-introduced to sprouting from some friends who are helping me change

to a more raw diet.

> >

> > A couple of weeks ago a friend was telling me various things she sprouted.

I had no idea you could sprout stuff like that. So I started looking around for

a group to learn more about sprouting.

> >

> > I am a total newbie when it comes to sprouting. I do know that sprouting

increases the nutritional value of food.

> >

> > thanks,

> > maryruth

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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good morning, maryruth.....you picked a good place to learn

!.....welcome.....peace, mary


> Hi, my name is maryruth. I live in N. Idaho out in the country. Recently, I

have been re-introduced to sprouting from some friends who are helping me change

to a more raw diet.


> A couple of weeks ago a friend was telling me various things she sprouted. I

had no idea you could sprout stuff like that. So I started looking around for a

group to learn more about sprouting.


> I am a total newbie when it comes to sprouting. I do know that sprouting

increases the nutritional value of food.


> thanks,

> maryruth


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Guest guest


Here's the website that mentioned the toxins on lentils:


And here's the quote about lentil sprouts:

To Grow Sprouts From Lentils

Put 2/3 of a cup of lentils into the jar and allow them to soak for six to

twelve hours. Allow them to sprout for two to four days or until they are one

quarter inch to one inch long. Steam them lightly to remove toxins before


It's not a bad site. It think it for doomsday prepper people.


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