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Re: Re: Pet Help Please !

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I would ask him about using colloidal silver instead. IMO, it's safer.



SUBMIT YOUR DOCTOR: www.presenting.net/sbs/molddoctors.html


P> I was told by mold savy doctor to put a drop of GSE (grapefruit seed extract)

in the dogs' water bowl for mold. Hope that helps.

P> Peggy:)



>> Hi All,


>> I would like to know if anyone here has treated their pets for mold.  If so

can you please share.  Thank you in Advance



>> God Bless !!

>> dragonflymcs

>> Mayleen






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    Thank you !  I have been giving them GSE for about 4 years in thier

water.  But the mold exposure is winning the fight.  I think that is the


they are still here after six years of hell .  In May when we were poisoned


pesticides 2 started a decline. My Little Honey was only 10 pounds her little

body could no more.  Has you given yours Vit C ?  or anything else ?   



God Bless !!




From: Peggy <peggster@...>

Sent: Thu, July 1, 2010 2:11:52 PM

Subject: [] Re: Pet Help Please !


I was told by mold savy doctor to put a drop of GSE (grapefruit seed extract) in

the dogs' water bowl for mold. Hope that helps.



> Hi All,


> I would like to know if anyone here has treated their pets for mold.  If so


>you please share.  Thank you in Advance




> God Bless !!

> dragonflymcs

> Mayleen






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Thank you !  Anyone tried detoxification or supplements ??


God Bless !!




From: Patilla DaHun <glypella@...>

Peggy < >

Sent: Thu, July 1, 2010 8:09:17 PM

Subject: Re: [] Re: Pet Help Please !


I would ask him about using colloidal silver instead. IMO, it's safer.



SUBMIT YOUR DOCTOR: www.presenting.net/sbs/molddoctors.html


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Thank you ,

    Greatly appreciated.  Mr Simba has MCS.  Today we went to the Dr and


was fragrance.  He wanted out of the building.  I did not go in, someone else

did for me.  When he got outside he had bad neurological problems.  His legs


coming out from under him and he could not walk after.  He actually fell on his



    He has a Vit K difficiency.  I had the same difficiency.  I already

suspected he has MCS as he gets very ill from pesticides.  We were poisoned


May by Mosquito Control despite being on the list and that is when both started

going down hill quickly. 

    Both babies exibiting signs of inflamation in thier gums. Vet's thought


to be an infection (bacterial) however no fevers.  But if you have mold we all

know what those will do.  I think it is fungal infection and the pesticides

reaked havoc on thier immune systems.

    We like most here we have expense issues.  The Vet donated the Vitamin


This is what I have found out in searching tonight if it can help anyone else's

precious Babies.

Pets :  

How fatty acids function in inflammation

EPA, DHA, and DGLA decrease the harmful effects of AA.

Both AA and EPA can be incorporated into cell membranes. When a cell is damaged,

AA is released from the cell membrane and is metabolized by enzymes into

substances which increase inflammation and pruritus (itching). EPA is also

released when a cell is damaged. It competes with AA for the same metabolic

enzymes. EPA results in the production of less inflammatory substances. DHA also

results in the production of less inflammatory substances. So DHA and EPA

decrease the harmful effects of AA.

DGLA also competes with AA for enzymes. In addition, DGLA causes the release of

prostaglandin E1 (PGE), a substance which inhibits the release of AA from the

cell membrane

Allergies and Autoimmune Conditions: Allergies and autoimmune conditions occur

because the immune system over-reacts. Certain fatty acids can lessen the

harmful effects these diseases can have on the body.

 Yeast Infections: Fatty acids have been shown to slow down the growth of

Malassezia pachydermatis, a common yeast infection in dogs and cats, in the

laboratory. It is thought, these fatty acids may play a beneficial role in the

treatment of this yeast infection on the skin and ears in dogs and cats.

Cancers: Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to slow the development and

metastasis of certain cancers. Omega-6 fatty acids, on the other hand, have been

shown to stimulate tumor development.


It should be obvious that fatty acids are necessary for the normal function of

many systems of the body. It is also obvious that not all fatty acids are equal.

Because the different fatty acids have different effects, the choice of a fatty

acid supplement needs to be based on the specific condition we are trying to


The sources and uses of fatty


We are going to give them what ever we can that we can also take.  (Financl



Vit E,  C  Primrose Oil, Coconut Oil Flaxseed Oil, Samon Oil,  and lots of

prayers.  Maybe next month we can change things up some. 


Here is the Link :       

http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2 & aid=666   






God Bless !!



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After the pesticide poisoning they both started a decline.  One seems better

than the other 2 were. 

They both started having neurological problems.  Both had inflamed gums.

Simba has a severe yeast infection in his ears.  His nero problems got worse

after the Vet visit.  There was fragrance.  So bad he fell over.  Could not

walk.  He has a Vit K difficiency.  Honey passed away just 2 weeks ago on



God Bless !!




From: carondeen <kdeanstudios@...>

Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 10:18:50 AM

Subject: [] Re: Pet Help Please !


I guess it would depend on your dogs symptoms. I had to cook for my dog for 3

years as he became wheat intolerant. Also anti-fungals for the skin and ears. I

heard of a pine bark extract that is a good ant-oxident for dogs. google it. Of

course fresh outdoor air is best.

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Thank you !  Yes my babies take coconut oil as well.  I am so fustrated, today

Mr. Simba has lost movement in the left side of his body.  It is paralyzed. 

Yesterday it was weak, front left only.  It is going so fast I cannot catch up

with them.  We tried to find out what it was and best guess is a lesion in his

brain on the right side since the left side is affected.  He can no longer get

up.  His back was ruled out.  We are so heart broken, they are all we have. 


God Bless !!




From: KathyB <calicocat477@...>

Sent: Sat, July 3, 2010 9:51:58 PM

Subject: [] Re: Pet Help Please !


Maybe they need a break from GSE. I can vouch for pine bark. I credit pygnogenol

for keeping me going in our last place.

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I applied it to the skin. She didn't like it, but it worked. Yes it's oily, but

kills candida. I used Tree of Life organic extra virgin cocounut oil.



From: barb b w <barb1283@...>

Subject: [] Re: Pet Help Please !

Date: Saturday, July 3, 2010, 9:28 PM


Did you apply coconut oil to fur, to skin? It's pretty oil, like butter,

isn't it?



> Maybe they need a break from GSE. I can vouch for pine bark. I credit

pygnogenol for keeping me going in our last place.


> It's a great antioxidant, good for the heart & lungs. Helps clear your

head,  so helps focus.



> Our cat got a rash in there. The only thing we tried that worked was coconut

oil. Took a few weeks but it healed & never came back.  She kept scratching

off an area of fur.  Witch hazel didn't due much.


> Don't know if an animal can take internally.


> Kathy



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What brand do you use  (pine bark)?  I read it has more antioxidant power than

Vit E.  

God Bless !!




From: KathyB <calicocat477@...>

Sent: Sat, July 3, 2010 9:51:58 PM

Subject: [] Re: Pet Help Please !


Maybe they need a break from GSE. I can vouch for pine bark. I credit pygnogenol

for keeping me going in our last place.

It's a great antioxidant, good for the heart & lungs. Helps clear your head, 


helps focus.

Our cat got a rash in there. The only thing we tried that worked was coconut

oil. Took a few weeks but it healed & never came back.  She kept scratching off

an area of fur.  Witch hazel didn't due much.

Don't know if an animal can take internally.


From: carondeen <kdeanstudios@...>

Subject: [] Re: Pet Help Please !


Here is one link for herbs and pine bark for dogs. I do know that pine bark sap

is a good topical for anything on the dogs skin

www.herbal-dogkeeping.com/maritime_pine_bark_extract_pycnogenol.html -

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Thank you,  I avoid those as well.  I believe I was not giving them an enough

coconut oil as well. But we are so limited it is hard to get everything all of

us need.  Then there is the constant poisoning.  Which sets you back.  We


not been safe in a long time. I am still unsure about where we currently are.

The building that is.  It does not smell of anything except one room has a

strange odor I cannot figure out. But we do not use it.


 Dragonfly ... Breaks illusions, Brings visions of power, No need to prove it,

Now is the hour! Know it, believe it, Great Spirit intercedes, Feeding you,

blessing you, Filling all your needs. By DCarson JSams

God Bless !!




From: KathyB <calicocat477@...>

Sent: Sun, July 4, 2010 1:13:35 AM

Subject: [] Re: Pet Help Please !


I buy Whole Foods brand.   I'm sure there are good ones on vitamin sites.  I

avoid additives, like potato starch, a big sugar feeder.


Date: Saturday, July 3, 2010, 10:27 PM

What brand do you use  (pine bark)?  I read it has more antioxidant power than

Vit E.  

God Bless !!



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Thank you K, 

I pray your baby gets better soon.  We survived the mold house but like with


the concequences it leaves behind even long after you are gone is still a

fight.  My baby is now paralized on left and right side is weak.  I will

certainly look into this as well.  For now we have changed his diet.  Free of

any contaminents, only protein and greens and other little things.  As best we

can manage.  He is getting cocnut oil , salmon, oil and flax seed oil.  


you so much !!


God Bless !!




From: katsdream17 <katsdream17@...>

Sent: Tue, July 6, 2010 11:18:46 PM

Subject: [] Re: Pet Help Please !


I hate to see our animals suffer!

L-cysteine helped save my dog's life!

Here is my post from two years ago:


Make sure your pets diet is gluten-free. You should also give him/her


My dog survived the mold (we moved out almost three years ago) but has a HUGE

benign liver tumor now (certainly a result of the toxins). It may end his life

but we are fighting it.


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