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The most common causes of yeast infection

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The most common causes of yeast infection


adult humans have 3-4 pounds of beneficial bacteria, which has approximately 70

trillion individual organisms that live in our digestive system. Yeast is

present in every one of us. Resistance cut in the number of beneficial bacteria

keeps the yeast under control. They are in charge and make yeast produce

vitamins, like B complex, within our bodies. If this balance is altered by the

reduction of good bacteria, yeast, which is very opportunistic, will spread and

take over as a yeast infection or as a parasite fungus or yeast (fungi), causing

a variety of unhealthy side effects and disease.

The most common cause yeast infection antibiotics and their overuse …

Dr Pitt, in Penicillum in 1979 stated: " It very ironic that this humbled

fungus, hailed as a benefactor of mankind, is by its own success to become a

decisive factor in the decline of civilization today. "

Simply put, antibiotics are dangerous mycotoxins, fungal metabolites, which kill

bacteria, including the good bacteria that are present in our intestines and is

essential for good health. This upsets the delicate balance of yeast to bacteria

in their digestive system relationship, what yeast fungi the upper hand in the

creation of a yeast infection. Without the good bacteria in your control system

of the yeast spreads and becomes a parasite, a fungus known as candida, toxic.

Penicillin is a good example of a fungus by a product called mycotoxins. It was

discovered in a mold (mold is a fungus) experiment being conducted by Dr.

Fleming in a colony of bacteria. Added some bread mold to the colony and the

fungus killed all bacteria, producing the substance later named penicillin. The

main cause of yeast infection was born in 1928 and is so over-prescribed today

that the yeast infection is a growing epidemic.

Another cause of yeast infection and destruction of the flora of the stomach are

anti-inflammatory drugs as ibuprofen and naproxen …

These two drugs are common medications that many people take. Very few realize

what they are doing to your health If you take them. America has become a nation

of drug dependent persons. Not a night goes by when you do not see a television

commercial for some kind of promising drug some miracle cure for something.

These drugs contribute to the destruction of bacteria and are a cause of yeast


Another cause of infection yeast, theorized by some doctors, are the control of

birth control pills for women. In the natural menstrual cycle of women, just

after ovulation in about 18 days, both progesterone and estrogen drop to very

low levels. At the same time estradiol begins to rise in menstruation and then

these hormones return to normal. Most birth control pills contain estradiol in

large quantities and add to this problem.

The binding of the hormone as a cause of yeast infection for women is very

common. Almost all women suffering from recurrent vaginal infections Yeast will

tell you do indeed get the outbreaks in the third week of your cycle. .

Fortunately, now there are herbs and natural supplements to treat and balance

hormones to eliminate this problem. As colloidal silver as a mineral supplement.

According to the 2001 and Report Asthma Allergy, immunodeficiency syndrome was

first identified in 1952. Since then, 95 more have been identified with the new

conditions are discovered every day. The report also notes that the increased

use of antibiotics in children is contributing to an increased risk of

allergies. What is interesting to me is of antibiotics came into wide 1950

medicine use in general. Do you see a correlation here?

The most common prescription for antibiotics is that respiratory infections

higher, but according to Dr. Carol Kauffman, " most of these infections are

caused by a fungus. " So do not require an antibiotic treatment, but doctors

continue to prescribe. This, over time, alter the balance of bacteria in the

stomach that allows yeast overgrow, and the result is naive, or worse. And by

using colloidal silver mineral supplement that will solve this problem.

Doctors plead ignorance when their patients develop allergies, intestinal

disorders, etc, do not even realize that prescription medications are the cause

of much infection yeasts and fungi other diseases. Over time, good stomach

bacteria are overwhelmed by the yeast as it kills even more of your good

bacteria. Candida or disease yeast is the result. Using colloidal silver mineral

supplement for the treatment of yeast infection that will not affect natural

flora. Colloidal silver kills more than 650 security disease-causing bacteria,

viruses, fungi, parasites and fungi, has no negative side effects (the body

requires silver for regeneration tissue and promotes the replacement of

specialized cells) and is absolutely safe for human consumption.

It becomes an endless cycle. You women are given an antibiotic for a cold or

flu, especially vaginal yeast infection. The doctor gives them an anti-fungal or

anti-fungal cream, or buy it counter at the local pharmacy. The infection is

beaten for a while, but then returned. This will continue to happen until the

cause of yeast infection is treated with therapies natural and natural colloidal

silver and diet.

In 1998, two scientists Bernstein and Ross discovered that antibiotics

" significant increase risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in humans. "

Studies in mice in 2000 and published in " The principals and practices

infectious diseases, " one shot " of streptomycin was eliminated effective

protection effect of normal flora. " Streptomycin is commonly prescribed for

people who are allergic to penicillin and definitely establishes a cause of

yeast infection to antibiotics.

Now it would be rare that a person could go through life never being prescribed

an antibiotic. Choose wisely if you really need to take them or not for whatever

you have in time, since they are the main cause of yeast infection in humans.

Have your doctor prescribe Nystatin thereby prevent overgrowth yeast infection.

Then board a probiotic product acceptable, such as Total Immune Booster, which

actually grows new bacterial colonies. For several decades, silver has been

tested in the treatment of burns and eye, ear, nose, throat, vagina, rectum and

urinary tract infections. Silver has been prescribed as an adjunct treatment for

reproductive disorders in women and the circulatory system, as well as a

treatment for infectious complications of AIDS. (For use in the following I

recommend you buy colloidal silver, because it is smaller and more efficient: It

has been used as a remedy for allergies, boils, ulcers, injuries, complaints

thyroid, childhood diseases, parasites, wounds of the eye, enlarged prostate,

warts, inflammation of the bladder, inner ear infections, sleepwalking and

anorexia nervosa.) Colloidal Silver also acts as a tissue regenerator by

stimulating the production of de-differentiation of cells, promotes the

replacement of specialized cells.

The following is a partial list of the 650 disease conditions has shown that

silver proved colloidal clinical improvement: acne, rosacea, anthrax bacilli,

arthritis, athlete's foot, Blood Poisoning, infections bladder, bubonic plague,

blood parasites (cause gray hair), cancer, candidiasis (yeast infection),

Chilbains, cholera, chronic fatigue, colitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis,

dermatitis, diabetes, diphtheria, dysentery, eczema, fibrositis, gastritis,

gonorrhea, hepatitis, herpes virus, hay fever, impetigo, flu, keratitis,

leprosy, leukemia, lupus, Lyme disease, lymphangitis, malaria, meningitis,

neurasthenia, Ophthalmia, Pheumonia, Pluerisy, pruritus, psoriasis, Pymphagitis,

rheumatism, Rhiritis, Ringworm, cea, Scarlet Fever, seborrhea, septicemia,

shingles, skin cancer, staph infection, stomach flu, strep, syphilis,

tonsillitis, toxemia, trench foot, trachoma, tuberculosis, whooping cough. It is

also used for all bacteria, fungal and viral attacks on plants. Simply spray

diluted silver on the leaves and add to soil water.

Food as a cause of infection Yeast

There are many foods that can cause yeast infections, but antibiotics are the

leading cause of yeast infection due to the fact that kill bacteria in the

intestines. This allows the yeast and fungi to take control and proliferate in

the human body. Antibiotics are also present in many common foods that most of

us eat. More recently, antibiotics are being detected in the water supply of our

overuse. The wastewater enters the sewer system, which is then treated and

pumped back into the water table. Antibiotics are not removed and becomes a

circle of never finish.

How can these antibiotics in our food?

The most common foods that can cause Yeast infections in the U.S. are beef and

dairy products. The cattle industry provides livestock antibiotics, this is

supposed to kill bacteria and make food supply safer. But also used to fatten

cattle. A fat cow sold more than a thin cow, right? These antibiotics are

entering the dairy chain of food products. They are present in milk, cheese, and

flesh. This is creating antibiotic resistance in humans and bad bacteria, not to

mention the long-term effects for our children, and ultimately destroys the

beneficial bacteria in our intestines allowing infection of yeast to grow in

your body.

It also encourages these cows in unnatural environments and to fatten food grain

foods may be one of the causes of fungal infections, making the meat unfit for

human consumption because of mold contamination. The meat can be loaded with

these molds mycotoxins. It eat, and passed to you.

Other foods that can cause yeast infections are grain foods. Wheat, oats,

barley, rye, sorghum, corn, red apples, and peanuts are also universally

contaminated with fungus. These foods find their way into our systems based on

cereals, pasta, bread, chips, cookies, peanut butter, cooking oils, etc.

How can this be, you ask? Grains are usually stored in silos for long periods of

time. They can be stored for years before they are sold and taken to market for

the food industry. During this time, growing these molds silos. Now I assume

when they go to process these grains for human consumption to wash them, but the

molds and mycotoxins, enter inside the grain while try to break them down in the

dirt. The grains are foundations for the transformation, and the rest is

history. The worst of these grains, so that contamination of the mold, are sold

feed processing and alcohol – especially beer.

Other foods that can cause yeast infections are peanuts, corn and red apples,

which actually grow mold on them as they grow. Peanuts are also more genetically

engineered food on the planet, also adhere organic.

These foods may kill beneficial bacteria in our digestive system, due to

contaminated with mold. They also allow yeast to grow as the yeast eats the

sugars in these foods. Often sit in the intestine and ferment before digestion,

causing a condition known as dysbiosis, or toxic colon. These toxins disrupt

supplies good bacteria and yeast gains the upper hand.

Mycotoxins of fungi and mushrooms are also known cancer-causing agents that are

released by molds and yeasts. One such mycotoxin called aflatoxin, passes to be

carcinogenic substance on earth. In common diets today, the beans are consumed

at three meals in some way, from cereals the breads and pastas. So every day the

average American consumes 0.15 mg to 0.5 mg of aflatoxin.

The Western diet today, because sugars and molds in the food we eat is a machine

that causes cancer. The addition of these sugars allows the yeast to thrive

without the knowledge of many people who have, and allows you to inject your own

mycotoxins in your body. This will suppress the immune system and lead to other

autoimmune diseases such as cancer, lupus, sclerosis multiple Crohn's,

arthritis, skin disorders, chronic fatigue, depression, fibromyalgia, etc., if

not treated.

Chlorine is added to the supply U.S. Water to kill parasites, harmful microbes

present in our drinking water supply. But when you drink water straight from the

tap, Chlorine kills the good bacteria in their intestines. For chlorine, the

bacteria are bacteria that do not know the difference between right and wrong.

The Fluoride also is a cause of yeast infection and the murderer of not only

intestinal bacteria but also enzymes that are the basic components life and work

at the level of cellular DNA and in the process of digestion and immune system


The purchase of a water distiller and use This water not only for drinking,

cooking, but also. It is the only system capable of removing fluoride from

drinking water in addition to reverse osmosis, which makes the water too acidic.

Fluoride has been found, when used for cooking, to release toxic metals from

common kitchen utensils. The so-called spring water bottled independent testing

is not always safe, either due to contaminants in the air, coming to earth in

rain, and get into the water table, can be so bad for you. You also have tons of

runoff of fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics and other chemicals in the water

supply. A large amount of water called spring is really just filtered tap water.

The industry is not regulated with great force, so it can not always be sure

what actually potable. Buy a water distiller for drinking and cooking. It will

last a lifetime and be one of the best health investment you'll ever make.

So How to avoid these molds and antibiotics in our foods which can be a cause of

yeast infection?

In almost all shops in the country you can buy hormone and antibiotic-free meat.

Buy it, eat it and just do not buy the rest.

Reduce consumption of grain foods that cause Yeast infections drastically,

removing chips, cookies, cakes, cereals and pastas. Substitute pasta rice to be

fried first with a cereal.

Eat more organic eggs for breakfast and organic milk if necessary. And do not

worry about cholesterol, which is caused by mycotoxins in the bloodstream, sugar

and trans fats, and is also an immune system response to these mycotoxins of

fungi. Take away the junk food mycotoxins and their cholesterol is fine.

Cause of yeast infection and the immune system

Another cause of yeast infection is a weakened or poor general immune system.

How does the immune system is spending enough to be a cause of yeast infection

in the average person?

Many times a person has had an illness or injury and your health is never the

same again. The body has been too severely damaged by the immune system repair

the cells properly, but never stop trying. Over time, the immune system is

weakened system to the point it can no longer defend the body. Instead, it

focuses on other processes important to life continued.

Every day we are exposing the air pollution of smog from our cars and power

plants, which, if coal, delivering the mercury-containing acid rain to the land

that enters the food chain. mercury, aluminum, lead and iron overload are linked

to chronic yeast infections. If your levels are high and does nothing to solve

the problem, not get rid of Candida yeast infection.

There are currently over 300 tracks of toxins in our bodies that were not

present before 1940. These toxins have been shown that bind to receptors,

blocking important enzymatic reactions in the body weakening the immune system.

Chemicals in the home of the soaps, detergents, toothpastes, perfumes, solvents,

etc. are causes. I could go on and on in this area. Even carpet is made from oil

and plastics which are toxic. The effect is cumulative, it takes time, but the

yeast and other diseases are always the result.

Our foods are more and more genetically and become modified food value

increasingly questionable. Modern agriculture has stripped the soil of all

minerals and vitamins, so foods are worth very little any more. According to a

report released at the Earth Summit of 1992, the U.S. has the worst soil in the

world – 85% depleted. The rest of the world's soils are not much better, with

South America and Asia soils are depleted 78%, Africa 75%, Europe 70% Australia

58%. This means that the power of our food supply is not able to maintain

optimal health. No wonder they are overweight and the chronically ill? We are

literally dying hunger due to lack of nutrition!

Pesticides are used to kill beneficial soil organisms based on that used to be

part of our diet farms family of yesteryear. We add chemicals to the dairy foods

to give you a longer life.

The American average American consumes more than 7 pounds of sugar a year, which

is creating an epidemic of type 2 diabetes in this country. Obesity is at an all

high in sugar and processed grains which in turn are converted into sugar when

digested. The pancreas produces insulin into action which includes sugar and

deposits it in the body as fat. Fat is the fuel of the body was originally

designed to run on no sucrose.

Sugar contributes to the cause of yeast infections, feeding the fungi in the

body that allow you to grow and spread. Sugar is by far the number one thing you

can wear your immune system. It's worse than smoking.

All our food is cooked, processed, and the enzymatically dead, this causes the

pancreas to an additional charge, and must create more enzymes digest these

foods. Metabolic enzymes are required to aid in digestion when they should be

helping cells repair and waste disposal.

We vaccinate our children with poison basically in the name of good health that

it actually weakens your immune system.

Another cause very common yeast infection is mold growing in ventilation

systems. I personally have seen this condition in air conditioners. These blow

mold spores in the home, and once they breathing, which can travel through the

body, causing asthma and bronchitis.

Predisposing causes Yeast Infection


•Altered physiological states

•Drug Abuse

•Endocrine problems

•Permanent catheters

•Blood and neutropenia

•Corticosteroid therapy

•Reduction of phagocytosis or dysfunctional






•Collagen disease

All these things contribute as a cause of fungal infections and weaken today our

immune system. Bacteria are our first line of defense in our immune system, and

all these things can and should contribute to help kill them.

It is increasingly necessary to take supplements every day to maintain a healthy

body and a healthy immune system. Even the AMA has been suggested recently that

everyone in the country should be in a multivitamin / mineral, such as colloidal


The trick is to take supplements quality and especially eating good fresh food.

Drink plenty of clean fresh water to remove poisons and waste from the body and

minimize environmental toxins in the home.

The benefits? You will go through life healthier, more energetic, happier, and

live to a ripe old age, if desired.

About the Author

If you are looking for an FAST, Safe, Effective and All-Natural Cure for Yeast

InfectionClick Here

There are VERY FEW All-Natural treatments for yeast infection that are safe and

effectiveNatural Cure For Yeast Infection

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