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How can one be sick and not be fatigued?(Was: Re: Tug's S...

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seems to me thats pretty much describeing SBS, had I gotton to a doctor on this

shortly after exposure I may have been diagnosed with CSF, several years later

was diagnosed as borderline CSF, even though I was practicing advoidance, but

the infectious disease doc's waiting room was severely affecting me in a bad

way. had his waiting room not affected me that way, I probably wouldn't have

been diagnosed with it at all, even though a questionaire was involved.

he didn't put me on a treadmill to test my stamina. had he done that I probably

would have been diagnosed with severe CSF and a few other things. my CF is worse

along with when I fell worse, and exserting myself in pretty small ways

physically can drain away my energy pretty quick.

I think chronic fatigue is chronic fatique, differences in the body depending on

infectious vs non-infectious causes, but basicly level of organ damage,and other

bodily functions, with somewhat differing other effects dependant on cause but

still in alot of ways the same and each person makeup would factor in.

to me haveing your mucosal barriors and tissue damaged and not getting your

nutrients would be one factor I can relate to,

even with exposure in both houses I can see how it went from bad to worse, much


metabolism would also play a role, so far I haven't seen any part of this

illness that can be pinned on one thing going on.

so while CF may end up getting many names just like everything else based on

cause,or based on who tested what and claims to have made a big discovery, what

happens in the body well have alot of simularities with other causes of CF.


what Dr. Thrasher posted talks about a few different causes, so I could probably

now fell like the term CSF covers all causes and levels of CF, a sndrome is a

ongoing thing,regardless of severity.

but I have little doubt that there well doc's wanting to put their names on

things or their discoveries and well propose new names seperateing each cause

and or each different finding and than it well get about as confuseing as

everything else.


> I believe their is being chronically fatigued from being ill, then there is

> CFS.  Many

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