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Re: UNmasking (again)

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It has worked that way for me , Robin. I couldn't smell a thing and now that I

am unmasking... I can smell.... just as you are referencing..



> Please reinforce for me..


> It is natural and a sign of some sort of PROGRESS (?) to unmask to smells even

natural ones.


> I put greenery on my firplave ledge doo dad.. see I cant think.. and the smell

is overwhelming me and I think it may be causing me to feel somewhat spacey..


> I didnt see any mold.


> Is this a normal part fo detoxing? Unmasking for moldies is when what?


> I can see unmasking to MOLD but to chemicald and to top that off natural

smell, which I know are chemicals?


> Ive read through Dr s info (probably not well enough.) and dont

see how it applies to leaving a moldy house. I did not leave cehmicals and then

be re introduced to them.. is this a detox over lead thing?


> Thanks.. (slightly sick of this! and the ANS imbalance that has occured)


> Robin


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most smells in a house you get used to and dont smell to some extent, than well

smell them when you return after being gone away.

here's kindof how I see it. while exposed your body is in a constant reactive

state, when you vacate, you well fell better to some extent because your not

contantly being exposed and/or/ are exposed to a lesser amount at least.

hopefully a much lesser amount.

when you vacate, because of whats happened to the body and what may still be in

the body, even though you are no longer chronicly exposed, but it takes some

time for the multiple symptoms that all meshed together during exposure to

somewhat seperate and calm down. as these symptoms seperate , and as your body

kind of starts comeing out of the " shock " of chronic exposure, it than

shows you,by a reaction, when re-exposed, either to chemicals or mold/ect.

weither it re-intering your previous WDB or exposure from some other place or


if you pay close attn. even right after getting out of your WDB exposure, other

exposures well bother your system, but it cannot show you that full blown effect

of that reaction because you are still in a reactive state from your WDB


see what I'm saying? anyone?

unmasking after you get out, it starts when you get out but it takes some time.

the more you avoid, as far as mold and it's byproducts plus other chemicals, the

more your body calms down, but more your chronic reactive state and chronic

reacting organs calm down,the worse you well react when re-exposed. just like if

you go back to liveing in that WDB you will go right back to the same state you

were in before.

so you are reactive right after you get out, but your body is still in a mess so

you might not notice alot of re-exposure symptoms because those symptoms are

still very active, going on.

the more you avoid and the more your cluster of symptoms mellow out from a

constant reactive state, the more severe reaction you well notice with


I dont believe the act of actually smelling plays much of a role in unmasking in

the way you might think. I know for a fact you can react without being able to

smell whats causeing you to react.

I've strugled with the unmasking thing myself, than realized I knew what it was,

it's basicly the calming down from a constant reactive state of chronic exposure

and the more this happens, the more severe your body reacts when re-exposed.

but you do start this process when you vacate the WDB.

your body can not over react when it's still in a highly reactive state, which

is what it's in during exposure.

if you get out of your WDB but are than exposed to high amounts of say

chemicals in air freshners, scented candles, things like that that

some peoples homes are extremly bad with, your not going to give your body what

it needs which is a break from things like this aggervateing it, so you dont do

much unmasking because these things are keeping your highly reactive state.

the more you advoid and the more your body calms down from it's contant reactive

state, the more you will see as far as a reaction and just how bad those

reactions can be. thats why some can make you fell just about as bad as being

back in your WDB and the longer you

hang out where somethings causeing a reaction, the worse you can get to felling.



> Please reinforce for me..


> It is natural and a sign of some sort of PROGRESS (?) to unmask to smells even

natural ones.


> I put greenery on my firplave ledge doo dad.. see I cant think.. and the smell

is overwhelming me and I think it may be causing me to feel somewhat spacey..


> I didnt see any mold.


> Is this a normal part fo detoxing? Unmasking for moldies is when what?


> I can see unmasking to MOLD but to chemicald and to top that off natural

smell, which I know are chemicals?


> Ive read through Dr s info (probably not well enough.) and dont

see how it applies to leaving a moldy house. I did not leave cehmicals and then

be re introduced to them.. is this a detox over lead thing?


> Thanks.. (slightly sick of this! and the ANS imbalance that has occured)


> Robin


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when you are exposed in a WDB it's not just to mold but to the mold by

products, chemicals/toxins, plus orther man made chemicals that are off gassing

from products the mold is growing on and decomposeing,

there can be a long list of both man made and natural chemicals you are now

reactive to. there are families of chemicals that athough different share enough

simularities that you may be reactive to some or all. and it may be that we are

just reactive to most chemicals and it's dose dependent.

I was shocked to realize I could no longer tolerate cut flowers in my home. why

? it could be because the damage accured in my sinuses and it they were than

just extremly irritant as part of it,but something in the chemical makeup too,

same reason I cant tolerate many scented products. I dont know if well ever get

all the why's and reasons answered on this subject, but if you reconize

something is affecting you it's best to get rid of it.


> It has worked that way for me , Robin. I couldn't smell a thing and now that I

am unmasking... I can smell.... just as you are referencing..


> Kathi



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Even natural plants have VOC's that is why you can smell them.  I cannot

tolerate peppermint, or anything like that.  They are natuarl chemicals. Even

those will make you sick.   many natural things will make you sick too.



God Bless !!




From: Kathleen <kpmanganaro@...>

Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 6:25:00 PM

Subject: [] Re: UNmasking (again)


It has worked that way for me , Robin. I couldn't smell a thing and now that I

am unmasking... I can smell.... just as you are referencing..



> Please reinforce for me..


> It is natural and a sign of some sort of PROGRESS (?) to unmask to smells even

>natural ones.


> I put greenery on my firplave ledge doo dad.. see I cant think.. and the smell

>is overwhelming me and I think it may be causing me to feel somewhat spacey..


> I didnt see any mold.


> Is this a normal part fo detoxing? Unmasking for moldies is when what?


> I can see unmasking to MOLD but to chemicald and to top that off natural


>which I know are chemicals?


> Ive read through Dr s info (probably not well enough.) and dont

>see how it applies to leaving a moldy house. I did not leave cehmicals and then

>be re introduced to them.. is this a detox over lead thing?


> Thanks.. (slightly sick of this! and the ANS imbalance that has occured)


> Robin


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Thank you all!

Jeanne, I think I am beginning to get it. Whats hard to get tis once the boyd

calsm down from being highly reactive then you become specifically reactive?

Would that be it?



> most but you do start this process when you vacate the WDB.

your body can not over react when it's still in a highly reactive state, which

is what it's in during exposure.

if you get out of your WDB but are than exposed to high amounts of say

chemicals in air freshners, scented candles, things like that that

some peoples homes are extremly bad with, your not going to give your body what

it needs which is a break from things like this aggervateing it, so you dont do

much unmasking because these things are keeping your highly reactive state.

the more you advoid and the more your body calms down from it's contant reactive

state, the more you will see as far as a reaction and just how bad those

reactions can be. thats why some can make you fell just about as bad as being

back in your WDB and the longer you

hang out where somethings causeing a reaction, the worse you can get to felling.


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yes, your still highly reactive but no longer " stuck " in a constant reactive

state so you start seeing your reactiveness with each exposure event, and you

start reconizing certain smells that you are reactive to. it's a double edged

sword, good that you are unmasking but bad because you have to suffer though

every re-exposure, learn the hard way what you have to avoid. different things

can cause

different effects, so it's hard to always reconize them for what they are and

that you need to avoid them regardless of weither they affect you in a mild way

that can get worse the longer your exposed to it,

and some can just knock you for a loop and you know quickly that you've got to

get away from it.

the more you practice advoidance the more you will start reaconizing

the ones that sneak up on you in a mild sort of way but can get you felling

really bad the longer your around it.

ex: my daughter left a shirt here, I didn't smell the very faint

scented smell to it but after a few days I was searching the house trying to

figure out what was getting to me because I knew something was, finally I just

happen to get a very weak scent of purfume when I

walked by it for the 20th time and realized what it was.

threw it in the wash and started felling better.

sometimes it can be really hard to figure out what's getting to you,

other times it hit you like a ton of bricks.

ofcorse I cant say that if this situation had accured a few years earlier if it

would of also been in the " hit you like a ton of bricks " catigory. some of us

are hypersentive in more ways than others, more organs involved,more severly,

some organs heal better,sooner, ect. so things change, so we each have our very

own battle with this and it's not something that anyone can tell you, it really

is learning the hard way because it's up to you and your body.

some of us find that we really just have to live like a hermit ,regardless of

how unhappy that makes the family, because they dont understand, it's easy to

think someone has lost their sences than to comprehend why they have to live

this way to fell better and hopefully heal. hard on family ties exspecially

when family needs you and you cant really be there for them in the way they need

you to be.

I went into a parts store the other day, planed a quick in and out, well the guy

was bored I guess and wanted to talk all day,

the conversation got around to my illness and his neck problems,

so he said he understood mold exposure, that means I cant be around mold at all,

I said yes, but also chemicals bother me, that part flew right over his head

even though I did use the term " toxic mold exposure " and " chemical

sensitivities " .

you can tell when someone just goes into lala land because they dont get and

and when you might as well save your breath, I just wanted to get what I needed

and get out of there. he kept getting phone calls and telling me to hold on a


he didn't get it, I'm not hanging around in a part store when I can sense the

ever fimular symptoms creeping up on me, even though they weren't hitting my

like a ton of bricks, I knew I wasn't hanging out there long enough to suffer

more than I had to.

so, I'm sure he thinks I was rude, because I left while he was on the phone. I

spent my whole life putting others wants ahead of mine, cant do that anymore,

regardless of who it is. not when it comes to a choise of weither I can fell

better or fell worse.

it is interesting that atleast he made the connection that I cant be around mold

anymore, that tells me the public views has changed somewhat in the last 10

years. but he also said " so, you were exposed to the black mold " so thats

probably a good idea of where the general public and their knowledge stands on

this subject. I couldn't hang around in a parts store to try educating him



> snipped...


> Thank you all!


> Jeanne, I think I am beginning to get it. Whats hard to get tis once the boyd

calsm down from being highly reactive then you become specifically reactive?


> Would that be it?



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this is extremely helpful.. thank you!



> yes, your still highly reactive but no longer " stuck " in a constant reactive

state so you start seeing your reactiveness with each exposure

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